Post time 20-10-2015 12:25 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
deebiz14 replied at 20-10-2015 12:03 PM
Memang sumpahan yg merasukkan jiwa betul.
Undi...jgn tak undi.
Sumpahan yg sgt menyenangkan hehehe
Satu2nya sumpahan yg membuat meols selalu tersenyum
Tk kn ade lg sumpahan mcm ni deeb hehehe
The 1st and the last
Jom2 tau lagu sufi...
Post time 20-10-2015 12:43 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
deebiz14 replied at 20-10-2015 12:36 PM
Wahh... Sufi ade update yg heolz tak akan active IG @sufierashid dah.
Harap2 jgn la heolz delete ac ...
Ya..hopefully dia tak delete accnt ni
Bnyk gems dlm ig ni
Iols td terksima skjp tgk gambar dia beruniform polis sngt...syg gambar separuh je