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Author: runaway_dida

(tvN)- GOBLIN - Gong Yoo, Lee Dong Wook, Kim Go Eun (PREMIERS ON 02.12.16)

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Post time 16-1-2017 02:34 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 replied at 16-1-2017 02:27 PM
special ep. yg mcm kita agak kan kakayu..tunjuk bts cket je dh last2..
apa slhnya tunjuk lebih ck ...

kak ayu excited le nk tgk ep special tu
sbb statement kuar katanya...related dgn ep2 14-16
last2 tkder apa pun...hanya scene2 yg menarik dri ep 1-13
dan bg tau psl watak2 dlm cite ni....

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Post time 16-1-2017 02:41 PM | Show all posts
The Creators Of “Goblin” Reveal The True Reason For The Show’s Airing Cancellation

There are only three episodes left before tvN’s most beloved drama series Goblin comes to an end.

But while anticipation has been growing for episode 14 following a potentially heart-breaking cliffhanger, a the airing of the episode was canceled and a  special episode titled “All Days Were Good” was aired on January 14 instead.

This has led to speculations that some of the cast may be dealing with health problems, as evident from later episodes of the series having been filmed while earlier episodes had already started airing. A popular theory that has been spreading online is that leading actors Gong Yoo and Lee Dong Wook have collapsed due to the continuous filming schedule.

Another rumor that has picked up is that the staff ran out of time to film the last few episodes of the series, and therefore had no choice but to postpone the airing. But in response to these accusations, one staff member form the show explained the reasoning behind their decision to cancel the last episode’s airing:

“While is it true we had a hectic filming schedule; when we reached the middle episodes, we didn’t have any problems filming the rest.”

They also debunked the rumors of Gong Yoo and Lee Dong Wook having fainted from exhaustion by explaining that those rumors were completely made up by fans who did not even see the actors at the filming set.

Furthermore, the production staff have revealed the true reason behind the delayed airs, in which they stated:

“The delay is partly due to our PD’s ambitious goals. The last 3 episodes are going to be full of bright colors, as they will be focusing on a lot of the magical and fantastical aspects of the storyline. Thus, we are planning on using a lot of computer graphics, which requires a little more time.”

They further added:

“We don’t want the computer graphics to look tacky, so we’re focusing entirely on improving the visuals so that it can live up to the name of being a fantasy drama.”

Episode 14 will be aired on January 20, while the last two episodes, 15 and 16, will be aired consecutively on January 21.

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Post time 16-1-2017 02:45 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 16-1-2017 02:30 PM
fans klu nak marah mmg tk logik le kan
ni bukan saja2...mmg dlm drama..
mmg tau pun kan...kissin ...

mmg tak logik tapi K-netz kan giler obsessed kat aktor.
nak2 Gongyoo.. tau si goeun dah ada bf mau derang bash giler2. dahlah kutuk fizikal
tgk je si kim yoo jung sampai masuk spital sebab stress dek penangan fans

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Post time 16-1-2017 02:48 PM | Show all posts
apikwaeh replied at 16-1-2017 11:58 AM
makdik dah angau nih..

tak tahu ler kalau ahjussi betul2 ada duduk sebelah sure..pengsan ...

taw xpe uolss..dok ulang je part tu..
iols rasa part tu la palingg best dlm ep.13 nie..
apsal la sweet sgt 2 org tu...yg euntak amek
kesempatan kiss goblin tu mcm natural kan..
x nampak pon mcm berlakon..huaa apalah
perasaan pacit SHK tgok part tu...

dgr GY gelak tu mcm real la x mcm dia tgh berlakon..
kalolah KGE tu xde pakwe..iols redha je kalo diaorg
berdua nak cinlok


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Post time 16-1-2017 02:52 PM | Show all posts
inaniloquent replied at 16-1-2017 12:19 PM
terok dh ko ni

ko imagine jd ET ker ....

haah weh aku rasa aku lah eun tak tu..
ko tgok lah ni renungan mata GY..
cmna aku x cair wehhh..


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Post time 16-1-2017 02:53 PM | Show all posts
apikwaeh replied at 16-1-2017 02:02 PM
iols sokong jer GY caras goeun daripada ha kyun.. (muka heols versi kwang soo tua..) matilah mak!  ...

uols..pranka pa GY wat KGE...dia balas balik cane..nk tgk...GY ni mmg suke memain camtu ke kat set..sbb tu ke dia kna panggil dinosor

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Post time 16-1-2017 02:54 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 16-1-2017 12:29 PM
makdik...masa yg goblin baring kat peha ET tu
kak ayu tggu juga ler..kot2 ada kissing

kakayu xde kiss pon xpe..dh cukup
la dgn renungan mata goblin tu..
bagus ajushi x amek kesempatan kan..
dah la dok berdua je dgn euntak...

euntak lebih2 nak kiss..padahal org nak bg
nota yg dia tulis tu je..


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Post time 16-1-2017 02:57 PM | Show all posts
mamarifdy replied at 16-1-2017 02:02 PM
tgk presentation final project students multimedia i depa pakai special effects standet drama2 mel ...

haha teruknya jauh ketinggalan mesia kan..
cgi kru pon x hebat mcm dlm drama nie..
baru drama je kot bukan muvi..pelislah
tolonglah la htr wakil dr mesia p belajar teknik
cgi dgn diaorg..


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Post time 16-1-2017 03:05 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 replied at 16-1-2017 02:52 PM
haah weh aku rasa aku lah eun tak tu..
ko tgok lah ni renungan mata GY..
cmna aku x cair wehhh.. ...

aku tgk scene tu kn cm ET amik kesempatan kt GY

GY cm malu2 nk mengelak pong ade  

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Post time 16-1-2017 03:09 PM | Show all posts
apikwaeh replied at 16-1-2017 02:45 PM
mmg tak logik tapi K-netz kan giler obsessed kat aktor.
nak2 Gongyoo.. tau si goeun dah ada bf ma ...

tu ler masalahnya klu dh terlalu obses kan...
sampai nk naya org lain..bukan ko dpt pun actor tu
adoiiiiiiii......kes sama dgn member kak ayu...
sbb minatkan lofa dan fatah..hingga tk leh nk move
on wpun drama dh habis....sampai tk tgk drama lain..
adoiiiiiiiii....mcm ni pun ada juga kan...

kak ayu pun byk gak tgk drama yg mcm addicted
dan leh tgk ulang2  masih leh follow drama lain


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Post time 16-1-2017 03:09 PM | Show all posts
inaniloquent replied at 15-1-2017 11:32 AM
Seyes ??...ngan pacit gobong ker
Nk wat acene ahjussi yg merembes

ooo. baru tau. sy tak tengok drama tu.


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Post time 16-1-2017 03:12 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 replied at 16-1-2017 02:48 PM
taw xpe uolss..dok ulang je part tu..
iols rasa part tu la palingg best dlm ep.13 nie..
apsal la ...

iols x nmpk gmbo


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Post time 16-1-2017 03:14 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 replied at 16-1-2017 02:52 PM
haah weh aku rasa aku lah eun tak tu..
ko tgok lah ni renungan mata GY..
cmna aku x cair wehhh.. ...

hr tu hb iols ckp kt iolss

awak dh bersuami jgn asik puji lelaki lain walaupun pelakon

berdosa tau

ok iols insafff

tp iols counter blk.. sy puji ciptaan tuhan saje..xde bermakna apa2 pun

aci x? risau plak asik duk ckp pasal goblin/GY ni dh tercalar hati suami


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Post time 16-1-2017 03:16 PM | Show all posts
apikwaeh replied at 16-1-2017 02:15 PM
tak payah tunggu.. sebab ramai dah suka theyols berdua
dah ada youtubers buat filem Gongyoo dgn  ...

cuba share sket movie "mendesah" GY and KGE tu..hahahaha..aku nak nengok

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Post time 16-1-2017 03:17 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 replied at 16-1-2017 02:54 PM
kakayu xde kiss pon xpe..dh cukup
la dgn renungan mata goblin tu..
bagus ajushi x amek kesempata ...

mana ler tau kot2 goblin nk bagi kiss
sbb dia mcm dh tau dia dh tk lama lg dgn ET tu
tp mmg nampak kemesraan dorang berdua
lain je kan....ET tu baru nk meningkat dewasa
jd perasaan dia tu lain ler makdik....bru ada bf
le katakan....sure nk lebih2...
tp goblin lak...bukan dia tk dia tau
susah nk buat keputusan...watak dia pun mmg mcm tu...
watak dia makin lama...dh mula pandai mesra

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Post time 16-1-2017 03:17 PM | Show all posts
Claudia_Lestat replied at 16-1-2017 02:13 PM
betul betul.walopon dlm CITT dia nampak serabai tp senornya nampak dia cantik.
suka tgk goeun pak ...

kan sheols lawa semula jadi

mulut dia tu la yg spesel tu... kalau senyum lg la lawa

coin locker girl best tak cite tu..nnt bila2 iols free iols nk layan movie far blm smpat nk tgk lg

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Post time 16-1-2017 04:34 PM | Show all posts
moxes replied at 16-1-2017 03:16 PM
cuba share sket movie "mendesah" GY and KGE tu..hahahaha..aku nak nengok

amboii laju je..

dapat approval tak kat sini.. kena tanya tuan tanah..
ala clip2 movie theyols yg berlainan tapi ada org cantumkan.. macam real.
suara mendesah gongyoo je yang bunyi kuat..


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Post time 16-1-2017 04:42 PM | Show all posts
kartieka replied at 16-1-2017 02:53 PM
uols..pranka pa GY wat KGE...dia balas balik cane..nk tgk...GY ni mmg suke memain camtu ke kat set ...

ada BTS time scene gelar GR dan sunny 'telur goreng dan taugeh' tu..

kena cari kat YT.
GY mmg jenis tak duduk diam suka kacau co-star kat set.
sebab tu jeondoyeon kata takde perempuan yg tahan. mesti makan hati. sampai la ni tak kahwin2

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Post time 16-1-2017 04:52 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 16-1-2017 02:27 PM
ep 14 hari jumaat kan..
ep 15 dan 16 hari sabtu...
kak ayu hanya follow tv jer ler..

fuhh nasib baik lah airing before cuti
raya cina..kan nak balik beraya kat
kg mana sempat nak layan segala drama ni

wahh abam GY kita dh sihat walfiat tu..


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Post time 16-1-2017 04:54 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 16-1-2017 02:34 PM
kak ayu excited le nk tgk ep special tu
sbb statement kuar katanya...related dgn ep2 14-16
last2 ...

kita mmg dh taw pon psl watak2 tu kan..
tapi layankan jer la..gediks betol
pdnim nie tgh2 jln cite boleh plak
buat special ep..


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