++ Thread Borak Warga Bod Mawi 12 ++ : Today Topik : Dino yg lembab
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Reply #2429 niy's post
terus terang la ye...kak yang x leh terima la if hb nak kawen lain.....
mmg poligami itu dibenarkan...tp kak yang x leh terima... |
Balas #2434 kak_yang\ catat
k yang jgnlah nangis tak berhenti henti
bukan semua org boleh terima
kak yang ni kira satu kategori ngan anak rasulullah lah
fatimah pun tak leh terima ali bermadu kan |
Reply #2421 kekekek's post
ekin lagi lawa |
[quote]Originally posted by niy at 10-6-2008 12:29 PM
KUALATERENGGANU: 揝aya tak amalkan apa-apa ilmu...cuma berpegang kepadapetua iaitu jika mahu berkahwin lebih daripada satu, perlu adakemampuan serta mampu berlaku adil dan jujur kepada semua isteri dananak, |
Reply #2425 kekekek's post
astafirullah hal azim... awat jadi cam tu..... |
Reply #2441 redsentra's post
Fikir positif jer.
Pakcik tu mesti dah tak mampu nak chokeng lagi sejak duk bersama.
Just nak teman borak, kongsi susah senang jer. |
recession time we tend to be thrifty & stingy, thus do not pump full tank of petrol ...Many of us are not aware that the petrol kiosk pump has a return pipe-line When the petrol tank (in the car) reaches full level, there is a mechanism to trigger off the pump latch and at the same time a return-valve is opened (at the top of the pump station) to allow excess petrol to flow back into the sump. But the return petrol has already pass through the meter, meaning you are donating the petrol back to SHELL/ PETRONAS/ CALTEX/MOBIL....long live poklah |
Originally posted by kekekek at 10-6-2008 12:33 PM
Takder ler muda sgt dini..dah 40+ jugak masa tu.
Berjiwa muda kot
Reply #2444 kekekek's post
Reply #2447 tikusmondok's post
dah lebih tempoh sah guna... |
Reply #2444 kekekek's post
patut lah ..... dulu masa memula kuar cite konon anak2 x peduli...
la ni aku tau pasal apa anak2 derang x peduli
mungkin anak2 dah nasihat tapi mak pak x mo ambil kesah... so anak2 pun buat x kesah |
Reply #2449 redsentra's post
jijik plak nengok kan... |
Reply #2445 tikusmondok's post
maksudnya sekarang nak isi minyak x yah isi full tank ke???
ke aku yg silap paham.... |
Reply #2449 redsentra's post
malu anak2 dia mak pak wat maksiat.. |
Reply #2451 redsentra's post
Tak abis lagi pasal minyak.
Aku nak start tanam pokok bendi n terung dlm pasu sbg langkah mengurangkan belanja.
Nak try tengok. |
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