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Author: benzo33

[Tempatan] pemain hoki negara, Chua Boon Huat maut kemalangan

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Post time 1-8-2013 06:09 PM | Show all posts
SulurBidar posted on 1-8-2013 04:40 PM
Apa yg ko boleh harapkan...

Star bola tahap kampung.. Menang AFF 2010 dah berlagak macam ...

setuju sangat2!!!..

pemain bola kebanyakan cepat lupa diri bila dah popular...skandal sana sini...prestasi kelaut..sebabnya dorang ni low iq x macam pemain hoki..


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Post time 1-8-2013 06:15 PM | Show all posts

tp mcm mn dia boleh berlanggar ngan lori tu...
sebab penat ker????sebab mabuk ker????
lagi satu dia ker yg memandu keta tu atau org lain...
klu tgk gmbr dia mcm kat tmp duk penumpang....


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Post time 1-8-2013 06:17 PM | Show all posts
mrsrezza posted on 1-8-2013 06:09 PM
setuju sangat2!!!..

pemain bola kebanyakan cepat lupa diri bila dah popular...skandal sana sini ...

Nahas kemalangan jalan raya yang menimpa Chua Boon Huat awal pagi tadi ternyata kejutan besar buat peminat sukan tanah air terhadap atlet yang banyak menyumbang dalam sejarah hoki negara.
             Seperti baru semalam menonton aksinya di Liga Hoki Dunia 2013 di Johor Bahru Julai lalu, pemain yang dilahirkan pada tanggal 3 Mei 1980 ini pergi meninggalkan kita buat selamanya ketika prestasi hoki Malaysia menunjukkan prestasi semakin memberansang.

Kemampuannya untuk bersaing dengan pemain muda mendapat pujian ramai selepas disenaraikan semula jurulatih negara Paul Revington yang masih percaya dengan sentuhannya.

Walaupun semasa bergelar pemain, beliau sudah dianggap sebagai legenda dikalangan peminat sukan ini kerana nama beliau bukan asing lagi buat peminat tempatan dan antarabangsa.

Semangat tinggi yang ditunjukkan di atas padang sudah cukup menggambarkan betapa besarnya jiwa pemain kelahiran Bukit Cina, Melaka ini dengan kemampuan beraksi di beberapa posisi tengah dan penyerang khususnya.

Apek, begitulah gelaran yang diberikan oleh keluarga hoki. Beliau seorang yang mudah didekati dan mula berjinak-jinak dengan bidang kejurulatih apabila pernah membawa skuad Sukma Pahang pada 2012.

Beliau diberi kepercayaan oleh jurulatih negara pada ketika itu, Paul Lissek seawal usia 17 tahun untuk temasya Sukan Komanwel 1998 dengan memenangi pingat perak.

Dan sejak itu beliau tidak menolak kebelakangan lagi sehingga mencapai 337 caps buat negara apabila pernah muncul dalam kejohanan besar yang lain seperti Piala Dunia, Sukan Olimpik, Trofi Juara-Juara, Sukan Asia termasuk memakai lilitan kapten di Piala Dunia Remaja Hobart 2001.

Dalam Piala Asia 2002 dan 2007, beliau sebagai tonggak yang memenangi gangsa manakala memenangi gangsa dalam Sukan Komanwel 2006 di Melbourne.

Tidak hairan mengapa beliau ditawarkan peluang untuk beraksi di liga Jerman. Penampilannya di sana dengan Red And White di Munich tidak mengecewakan dengan menyumbat tujuh gol padang dalam sembilan perlawanan.

Selain itu, beliau sempat berkelana ke luar negara termasuk England iaitu mewakili Kelab Hoki Teddington (2005) dan kali terakhir bersama Kelab Auckland di New Zealand (2008).

Dalam pada masa yang sama beliau juga seorang pemain yang setia kerana sejak 10 tahun lalu, Chua menyarung jersi Kelab Hoki Kuala Lumpur sehingga membantu kelab itu memenangi gelaran berganda secara berturut-turut.

Kehilangannya sudah pasti berita sedih buat kem Malaysia yang memburu tiket ke Piala Dunia 2014 di Belanda.


Bola sibuk dok kecoh main kat Portugal lah, main kat Liga Indon laaa...

Walhal ramai pemain hoki negara pernah bermain di Liga Hoki Eropah dan Oceania..

Tapi takdelah kecoh dan propa cam skuad bola

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Post time 1-8-2013 06:22 PM | Show all posts
SulurBidar posted on 1-8-2013 06:17 PM
Nahas kemalangan jalan raya yang menimpa Chua Boon Huat awal pagi tadi ternyata kejutan besar buat ...

bro komen ko pasal hoki aku memang tunggu2.....sayang la CBH ni boleh diibaratkan mcm Roy kane versi hoki malaysia...

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Post time 1-8-2013 06:22 PM | Show all posts
Semoga rohnya ditempatkan bersama sama roh orang yang pengasih dan penyayang...

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Post time 1-8-2013 06:27 PM | Show all posts
Maideen. posted on 1-8-2013 06:22 PM
Semoga rohnya ditempatkan bersama sama roh orang yang pengasih dan penyayang...


tapi lobai kata haram ucap mcm tu maideen...

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Post time 1-8-2013 06:29 PM | Show all posts
SulurBidar posted on 1-8-2013 06:17 PM
Nahas kemalangan jalan raya yang menimpa Chua Boon Huat awal pagi tadi ternyata kejutan besar buat ...

dalam sejarah sukan hoki..x de lagi pemain yg beraksi dengan liga luar negara menangis2 nak balik malaysia sbb gaduh ngn awek...x ada lagi pemain hoki yg batalkan kontrak separuh jalan sebab tekanan..beza mentaliti pemain hoki n bola sepak...pemain2 hoki kebanyakannnya lulusan ipta berbanding pemain bola ada yg x amik spm pon...zaman kegemilangan hoki (zaman boss,kuhan,keevan,jiwa,chairil,azlan,drmike,nasihin,dll) lg femes n terbaik dr zaman kegemilangan pemain bola habuan yg dorang dpt mmg x setimpal ngn usaha dorang memartabatkan sukan hoki negara..

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Post time 1-8-2013 06:33 PM | Show all posts
lkick2113 posted on 1-8-2013 06:22 PM
bro komen ko pasal hoki aku memang tunggu2.....sayang la CBH ni boleh diibaratkan mcm Roy kane ver ...

Apa boleh buat...
Ajal telah menjemputnya..
Mendiang akan kekal dlm ingatan rakyat Malaysia sebagai salah seorg lagenda hoki negara bertaraf dunia..
Pemergiannya akan dikenang sepanjang zaman sebagai pemain hoki negara yg terhebat..

P/s: matlamat aku utk mempopularkan sukan hoki di kalangan forumer CI sudah terlaksana.. disebabkan kesedihan ini maka dgn rasminya aku serahkan sahaja tugas utk mengulas sukan hoki tanahair kepada sesiapa sahaja kerana sesudah ini aku tidak aktif lagi utk mengulas sukan hoki negara sbg tanda kesedihan aku terhadap pemergian Chua Boon Huat..


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Post time 1-8-2013 06:36 PM | Show all posts
mrsrezza posted on 1-8-2013 06:29 PM
dalam sejarah sukan hoki..x de lagi pemain yg beraksi dengan liga luar negara menangis2 nak balik  ...


Aku harap kenyataan ko ni dapat disebarkan agar Kem. Belia dan Sukan dapat membantu para pegawai dan pemain hoki negara dlm mendapatkan pembiayaan sukan hoki negara..

Mentaliti pemain bola - low class
Mentaliti pemain hoki - world class

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Post time 1-8-2013 06:52 PM | Show all posts
SulurBidar posted on 1-8-2013 06:36 PM

Aku harap kenyataan ko ni dapat disebarkan agar Kem. Belia dan Sukan dapat memb ...

rasanya KJ dah mula buka mata pasal isu ni n harap KJ ada inisiatif tuk merubah masa depan sukan negara esp sukan hoki....hoki patot dapat dana n kemudahan yg lebih besar dr sukan bola sepak...


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Post time 1-8-2013 06:52 PM | Show all posts
Dari blog Satwant.. rated highly by Revington


Just received an email from Paul Revington and amongst others it reads as follows-

" I am mailing now to say sorry that you have lost one of your young stars, I am mailing to say thank you for creating Chua and for giving me the opportunity as a coach to spend time with a great athlete and warrior during my time in Malaysia. Not a day went by when I was not extremely thankful that Chua was in our locker room and on our side. I have admired Chua since I first watched him in the 2000 Olympics, then in Hobart 2001 and always secretly hoped I would get an opportunity to coach him. "

No wonder dia recall Apek to the national squad.. mmg betul2 minat dengan apek..n the 2000 Olympics, then in Hobart 2001 and always secretly hoped I would get an opportunity to coach him. "

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Post time 1-8-2013 06:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrsrezza posted on 1-8-2013 06:29 PM
dalam sejarah sukan hoki..x de lagi pemain yg beraksi dengan liga luar negara menangis2 nak balik  ...

Ayat makan dalam hihi

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Post time 1-8-2013 06:55 PM | Show all posts
Dzeko posted on 1-8-2013 06:52 PM
Dari blog Satwant.. rated highly by Revington


Maknanya Paul Revington dah kenal Chua sejak Olimpik Di Sydney 2000...

Inilah dinamakan pemain lagenda bertaraf dunia..

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Post time 1-8-2013 06:58 PM | Show all posts
stryder_cats posted on 1-8-2013 06:52 PM
Ayat makan dalam hihi

nak lg makan dlm x...jurulatih hoki pon x pernah kuarkan statement kami x mengharapkan kemenangan or kalah atau menang x penting..

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Post time 1-8-2013 07:00 PM | Show all posts
The International Hockey Federation (FIH) is saddened to learn of the passing of Malaysia international Chua Boon Huat. The 33 year old - who was one of Malaysian Hockey’s longest serving players, making 337 appearances for Malaysia between 1998 and 2013 – died in the early hours of Thursday 1st August following a road traffic accident.  
The FIH offers its sincere condolences to Chua’s family, friends and everyone at the Malaysian Hockey Confederation (MHC) at this very difficult time.
Reacting to the news of Chua’s passing, Malaysia head coach Paul Revington described him as a truly great man and an unbelievable asset to the team.
“It was a pleasure to have him standing in the same dressing room as me and coaching him”, said Revington. He really loved his teammates.”
Under legendary German coach Paul Lissek, Chua made his Malaysia debut as a 17-year-old at the 1998 Commonwealth Games in Kuala Lumpur, where the team won a silver medal in front of their home crowd.  He also won a bronze medal at the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne, Australia. Chua also played in all of the major international hockey competitions, including World Cup, Olympic Games, Champions Trophy, Asian Games and the Asia Cup. Most recently, Chua was a central figure in the Malaysia team that finished fifth in the Hockey World League Semi Final competition in Johor Bahru.
Tributes have been pouring from members of the hockey family all around the world, with players, coaches and fans taking to social media to offer their condolences. Here is a brief selection of some of the comments being posted to Twitter.
“Can't believe what I just read. R.I.P Chua. My thoughts are with his family.”
Philipp Zeller - Germany international.‏
“Sad to hear about Chua Boon Huat. Big loss for both Malaysian and world hockey. Best wishes to his family, friends and teammates.”
Scott Tupper - Canadian international.
“Hockey Australia sends its condolences to the Malaysian hockey family following the tragic death of national player Chua Boon Huat.”
Hockey Australia.
“Terribly sad news is the passing away of Malaysian hockey star, Chua Boon Huat.”
Dave Staniforth - Hockey India’s strategic analyst / goalkeeping coach.
“Condolences to Chua Boon Huat's family & Hockey Malaysia on their loss. Thoughts are with you.”
Lloyd Norris-Jones - South African international.
“CANNOT BELIEVE THIS. He was the reason why I played hockey in Standard Five. RIP Chua Boon Huat. Waking up to such bitter news.”
Scott Lee Yuen Mann – Fan.
“We will miss you Chua Boon Huat.”
Team Malaysia.


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Post time 1-8-2013 07:02 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 1-8-2013 07:02 PM | Show all posts
SulurBidar posted on 1-8-2013 06:55 PM
Maknanya Paul Revington dah kenal Chua sejak Olimpik Di Sydney 2000...

Inilah dinamakan pemain  ...

yeap.. nampak gaya macam well known among international players too.. esp dia pernah main dekat international leagues before..

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Post time 1-8-2013 07:03 PM | Show all posts
cruz2 posted on 1-8-2013 09:28 AM
Rasa mcm baru jer tengok kat TV interview dia lepas satu game..fasih betul ckp melayu..oh org melaka ...

Gf dia semua melayu

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Post time 1-8-2013 07:04 PM | Show all posts
Chua Boon Huat: Champion, inspiration


Chua (yellow jersey) fights for the ball during the TNB MHL 2013 Final in Bukit Jalil in May. Starpix by SHAHRUL FAZRY ISMAIL

PETALING JAYA: Hockey fans, sportsmen and even non-followers of the sport paid tribute to national player Chua Boon Huat who died in a car crash early Thursday.

Chua, 33, inspired youngsters to take up hockey as @ScottLeeYM tweeted: “CANNOT BELIEVE THIS. He was the reason why I played hockey in Standard Five. RIP Chua Boon Huat. Waking up to such a bitter news.”

@adreenazman tweeted: “You influenced me a lot when i was in school hockey team. RIP Chua Boon Huat.”

Chua, 33, was killed in an accident on the Damansara-Puchong Highway (LDP) early Thursday. He was driving towards Damansara at about 2.30am when his Proton Perdana V6 collided with a water tanker that was watering the plants along the road.

Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin @Khairykj tweeted his condolences: “Sad to hear about the passing of Chua Boon Huat, national hockey star, in a traffic accident. Condolences to his family”.

In a posting on his Facebook page, Khairy added: “He was a hockey star who brought glory to the nation’s name at an international level, and was an excellent athlete who was disciplined, always positive, and an inspiration to young players. Thank you, Boon Huat. Your service will always be remembered by the nation.”

National cyclist and three-time Olympian Josiah Ng @JosiahCyclist: “Condolences to Chua's friends and family. Such tragedy to pass at the prime of his life. May you rest in peace.”

For national squash player Mohd Azlan Iskandar @azziskandar, it was a bitter morning: “Woke up to the saddest news ... RIP Chua Boon Huat ... A friend and a national hero ... Longest-serving hockey player in my generation”.

National bowler Zandra Aziela @ZandraAziela said her goodbyes: “If only I could tell you one last time of how much respect I have in you and the team. Sigh. A major loss to the country. RIP Chua Boon Huat.”

Singer Nita Hamzah (@nitahamzah) called it shocking news and included a happy picture of the two: “Rest In Peace My Friend Marcus Chua Boon Huat ... You gone too soon friend …”.

Many others honoured Chua’s contributions to the nation.

@daveencypini tweeted: Today one of Malaysian hockey biggest names with over 300 appearances for Malaysia passed away. You will be remembered Chua Boon Huat.

@firdausapandi tweeted: “Chua Boon Huat brought much glory and honour to Malaysia. Heroes never die, they turn into legends #RIPChuaBoonHuat”.

Chua’s track record made him a household name even for those who were not fans of the sport.

@HarizGhazalli tweeted: “I didn't follow much on hockey, but then I knew him as a key figure in our national hockey team. Goodbye Chua Boon Huat.”

@faridFared tweeted: “Chua Boon Huat was a great hockey player . Not a major fan of hockey but I watched him many times on TV and also on the field.”


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Post time 1-8-2013 07:05 PM | Show all posts
anaktoyol posted on 1-8-2013 07:03 PM
Gf dia semua melayu

yup gf dia semua org melayu...dia pernah cakap dia memang minat gadis melayu..

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