Reply #280 ayamserati's post
Saya dah 4 kali pi London satu family n kadang kadang dua family.
Elok duduk kat apartment senang boleh masak.Makanan kat London mahal .Kalau utk sorang 2 tak pelah makan kat luar.Satay house ke...Malaysian Hall ke..Holliday Villa ke..or Restoran Mawar (rasanya dah tutup).Tapi kalau family elok masak. Saya biasa duduk kat Indurrah apartment (owner org Malaysia).Dia ada 2 tempat satu kat Porchester Place n satu kat Hertford street Mayfair.Tapi elok kat Porchester coz banyak kedai runcit utk masak n ada jual daging halal kat situ.
Apa apahal pun selamat bercuti... |
kat paris mmg takde sapa penah duduk kat umah sewa msian eh?..tgh cari cheap places for 8 in june nih |
orly takde flight murah ke dublin ke ye? tgh pening nak sort out balik from paris to dublin..aerlingus dah naik harga ...dok postponed booking sbb date grad tak confirm lagik..
ada tak sesapa tau any cheap flight to dublin from paris...cdg kite dah check...beauvais ada ryan air..cam nak try amik yg nih..tp die jauh dr center paris
from orly tak jumpe plak cheap flight
sesapa ada idea? |
Reply #290 abm_moktar's post
Calais tu about 3 hours drive from Paris..I am not sure if ada castle kat sana..saya pergi Calais pun sbb nak naik ferry to dover, uk..
Anyway, the famous castle tu kat versailles (yg selalu org pi), castle ala2 barouque style and satu lagi tourist attraction is Notre Dame |
Reply #291 cupcakes's post
oh, thanks cupcakes.. versailles ni jauh ke dr paris? ade tren ke? or kene naik bas.
btw, dkt Paris ni ade tak day pass mcm kat london? tiket bole ke mana2x within 1 day.. n tiket ni bole pakai ke klu nak pegi disneyland, versailles n val d europe n also tempat2x lain yg menarik? |
Reply #292 abm_moktar's post
Sebenarnye Cup pun tak sampai lagi ke Versailles nih..dulu mmg bercite2 nak pi Versailles ni sbb Cup mmg suka tgk castle aal2 barouque tapi ssb dulu dah byk sgt tgk castle yg serupa cam nih kat germany tak jadilah pergi Versailles.. cuba try google sbb rasanyer ada tour bus cam London or Hop-on Hop Off cam KL nih..psal bus I am not very sure sbb dulu byk berjalan kaki jer
Rasanyer dalam 40 minutes drive..
Kalau rajin nak cari pergilah tempat terowong yg Princess Diana accident tu..I pun lupa dah kat mana..kebetulan masa kitaorg pergi tu dia baru sebulan mati..ramai juga org yg pi melawat and letak bunga dekat situ..
[ Last edited by cupcakes at 26-4-2008 10:05 PM ] |
Reply #290 abm_moktar's post
perhaps boleh duduk je kat Paris the whole trip and masa nak pergi Disneyland, just take the tube there....senang je. Since your kids pun kecik2 lagi and Disneyland tu takde lah besar sgt, one whole day is enough. Hope this helps |
Reply #290 abm_moktar's post
Oh btw, the factory outlet tu is just one stop away from Disneyland. But then again, kalau nak shopping at the outlet as well as Disneyland maybe you can spend a night there. Tak payah tinggal inside the park pun takpe. They've got nice hotels near the park like Explorer's Hotel, Dream Castle Hotel and Holiday Inn which normally offer free shuttle. |
Reply #284 reginagrace's post
so far awak booking thru this site ada problem tak masa check in eg like the hotel tak dapat reservation kita n etc.. |
Reply #293 cupcakes's post
Aku Xsmpai lg Paris ni .....
setakat UK n Wales aje |
Reply #297 Achik-Yaya's post
nasi kandar tu nampak cam best... |
Reply #298 badar5's post
Aku pi Paris pun byk gak tempat yg aku tak cover kat sana..  |
Reply #300 cupcakes's post
Nk pi jg nanti tp bila think of d long jrney ...  |
Reply #301 badar5's post
heh..hehh..tu yang tak best tu..boring giler.. tapi bila nak sampai tu excited giler..
[ Last edited by cupcakes at 15-5-2008 08:07 AM ] |
Reply #302 Achik-Yaya's post
mcm hasben aku , kalau dia tgh lapar dia selalu kata dgn tokey2 nasi kandar tu kalau boleh dia nak makan.. |
Reply #302 Achik-Yaya's post
nasi kandar 2 mmg nmpak bselera mkn sbb beras nmpak pjg2 ...
melampau kau nk mkn dgn meja2 sekali nanti klu aku nk pi kena dok lantai lak  |
Reply #297 Achik-Yaya's post
Tolong pm address Restaurant tu...
Terima kasih. |
Reply #290 abm_moktar's post
Pernah pergi Paris tahun lepas ..bawa anak 3 orang ,anak saudara dan adik.
Pergi London,Paris dan Dublin (anak belajar kat sini)
Duduk kat Paris 2 malam dan Disneyland 2 malam.
Kat Disneyland duduk kat Explorer Hotel.
Kat Paris duduk kat Hotel Astra Opera...dekat dgn Galerie La Fayate
Ambil 2 bilik yang satu bilik ada 4 katill single.
Dari hotel ada Free shuttle bas dan ada Van nak pi Val D europe.
Anak anak 2 hari pi Disneyland kita emak Bapa sehari pi Disneyland..sehari pi Val D europe.
Selamat Bercuti ... |
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