Reply aishahahmad
... suggestion : cancel your TL gatwick asap then samada akak terus travel ke central or book yourself in a hotel in heathrow ..
LelaRentaka7 Post at 19-4-2012 23:57 
naper suggest cenggini ek ??
blurr pulak memalam buta nih ..
pegi terus ke central and cari hotel yang ada 24 hours check in
hotel central ala2 kenot main terjah walk in jer ker
sempat tak agaknyer kalau weolls tinggal luggage kat heathrow then berjimba2 kat central, pastu patah balik heathrow, gi TL gatwick ..
kekdahnyer esok pagi tu flight amsterdam 8am .. |
Reply 321# aishahahmad
owh bukan akak lepak sini dulu eh..padan lah nak pi gatwick..
so akak landing kat heathrow dr malaysia..betul..
then the next morning you want to catch a flight to amsterdam ker gitew..
napa akak tak tido lagi..?? |
Reply 321# aishahahmad
kak..bak mai journey planner akak leh... |
Reply 320# LelaRentaka7
ekeke tak boleh tido. berry baru bangun uols! balik td penat sgt terus zzzzz awal |
Reply 323# whiteberry
owhhhh...baru habis rome..
so again lela tanya.. wish list semua dah cover lah yer.. |
Reply aishahahmad
owh bukan akak lepak sini dulu eh..padan lah nak pi gatwick..
so akak landin ...
LelaRentaka7 Post at 20-4-2012 02:25 
ni kekdahnyer sama cam si berry ..
baru pisat2 bangun tido, nak pack barang bagai, tenggek jap kat sini, mak datokkk, nengok2 si berry dok bentang thesis phd dia 
betul dah tu, dek non ..
nak kejor tulips punyer pasal ..
last few days baru lepak london |
Reply 321# aishahahmad
sempat tak agaknyer kalau weolls tinggal luggage kat heathrow then berjimba2 kat central, pastu patah balik heathrow, gi TL gatwick ..
kekdahnyer esok pagi tu flight amsterdam 8am ..
sempat..kalau flight sampai siang..landing kat heathrow/tinggal barang kat LHR/masok london/balik LHR ambil barang/shoot to gatwick tido/fly to amsterdam?.....tak practical kak..
I'm still confuse kenapa akak nak tido di gatwickkkkk...
pencerahannnnn plis... |
Reply 327# aishahahmad
hahahahha..thesis korang berdua ni meninggal kot kalau supervisor baca..
ok nnt lela tgk cemaner.. yg lela risau akak punya rendevous antara LHR dgn gatwick tu...
I might have a solution for you..
akak pegi tido kat earls court easyhotel satu malam lagi murah dr akak amek coach LHR-Gatwick tu... |
Reply 330# whiteberry
tukar keja la kat hargaayaqrumah..kat sini dia no,7 kan... cantik wooo area tu cikki... |
Reply 331# LelaRentaka7
muahahahahaha.. my boss nasib la takde kat sini.. my kolig cuma bdk2 je.. tu pun dia 2x5. Kekdahnyaaa kalau my boss bace, esok gak dia suruh resign.. pandai buat kerja malasss  |
Reply aishahahmad
kak..bak mai journey planner akak leh...
LelaRentaka7 Post at 20-4-2012 02:27 
24 april eta 4.15pm LHR, overnite TL gatwick
25 april eta 11am amsterdam
26 april 8pm train to zurich
27 april 8am zurich, overnite lucerne
28 april 5pm flight to london
28, 29 april and 1 may, kat london, malam 10pm balik mesia
30 april day trip to paris, 7.45am - 9pm balik london
ni trip ala2 rushing, kalau coti lelama cam berry, kekdahnyer harus balik opis kene sack giteww !!! |
Reply 333# LelaRentaka7
tukaq keja kaaa tak boleh sebab nya dah bonded.. tahun dpn baru hbs . exam tak pass2 pon. hampeh...
Berry igt nak try mobility programme pergi duduk sanunn kerja kat opiss sanunnn.. tp tu la masalahnya, berry homesick takleh jauh ngn family.. huhu |
Reply 332# whiteberry
TL ngan HRC sangat dekat..so boleh isi lagi apa2.. nak tak pegi cafe where JK Rowling wrote Harry Potter...nama cafe tu elephant cafe.. |
Reply 335# aishahahmad
kak my boss kata, ok ill approve your leave bla bla bla.. better pergi now sebab nanti kalau makin lama kerja makin susah dpt cuti lelama sebab makin byk pulak responsibilities kita.. huwahuwa.. thats what he said ler! pk pk balik, betul gak... all my superiors paling lama cuti pon seminggu jah... sbb they have to sign the letters semuaa.. hehehe.. takde depa, sapa mau sign.. berry kahh?  |
Reply 335# aishahahmad
28, 29 april and 1 may, kat london, malam 10pm balik mesia
30 april day trip to paris, 7.45am - 9pm balik london
apa ni kakkkkk...balik malaysia pastyu pi day trip Paris kah....
dah2 sambung malam nnt jahhhh... |
Reply 337# LelaRentaka7
Elephant cafe ni tutup kui berapa.. berry nyampah kat sana semua nak tutup awal. huhu.. nak pergiiii!!!!! harry potter... btw lela, kalau lela tahu, all the big 4's kat sana.. depa keja balik kui berapa? sbbnya kan my boss dulu kerja UK gak, dia mcm pelik tgk malaysians kerja sampai hening pagi sebegitu.. diorang macam office hour je la bertenggek kat opis! |
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