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Author: wkk5159

Can a founder of a religion lie and yet still be revered ?

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Post time 15-12-2012 12:40 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 15-12-2012 10:52 AM
Common sense telling me not to lie and kill but one religion teach their follower to lie and kill ju ...

Muslims will lie to keep their faith. one example is how muslims llies about Niel convert to Islam after hearing azan in moon. this lies was created since 70's...

Somewhere 2005 or 06, I create topic  related to this that muslims lies on this issue. By God power, Niel  was in KL at KLCC . He deny such .

Muslims good story teller. one cannot trust  them 100% if they were  to talk about Bible....

in order to keep islam faith going, they will lie, brain wash  ... please watch this video ... and you decide whether we can trust muslims....mostly the arabs muslims  that  i concern about...they good in fabricate stories... please watch and while watching please get nice popcorn , peanuts because you going  laugh all the way because of the stupidity of muslim...

Last edited by Truth.8 on 15-12-2012 01:00 PM


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Post time 15-12-2012 12:42 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 15-12-2012 12:40 PM
Muslims will lie to keep their faith. one example is how muslims llies about Niel convert to Isl ...

Neil Armstrong never converted to Islam!August 25, 2012
13:34  The Arab Digest  No comments

Neil Armstrong, 82, the first man to ever step on the moon, died today. While many [url=]Arabic[/url] websites and media outlets covered his long and fruitful life, some still circulated the long-living rumor: Armstrong converted to Islam after hearing the Moslem call for prayer (Azan) on the moon. The rumor lived for years and was even employed in convincing [url=]Westerners[/url] to convert; a young Moslem [url=]student[/url] approached Professor Armstrong at Purdue [url=]University[/url] and asked him about the conversion story. The renowned astronaut denied. "I told him that the story was false. But obviously he did not believe it. Someone had told him that I would be lying". There a was a funny side to the story: Armstrong moved to Lebanon following his conversion.
The American Astronaut had in fact spent many years in a farm in Lebanon, Ohio (not the Middle East). He died a Christian.

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Post time 15-12-2012 12:59 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 15-12-2012 10:52 AM
Common sense telling me not to lie and kill but one religion teach their follower to lie and kill ju ...
I'm not a narcissist, so keep the genius title to yourself, by the way anybody who debates you will surely look smarter and wiser.....
Common sense telling me not to lie and kill but one religion teach their follower to lie and kill just by listening to their common sense.....

See folks , our teeth gnashing christian in 'wkk5159' has run out of facts. No more factual argument but just one liners of no brainers. Hopefully he is not infected with rabies.

Ha ha , you have been exposed of having shallow knowledge and poor comprehension. When challenged with second level details , you flounder. This is evidence that you have no knowledge but just a master in copy paste without understanding.

If you claim lying , than you have no standard of consistency in your argument as your biblical God also lie when it wants to destroy someone.

See folks how our 'teeth gnasher wkk5159' again try to change the issue by stating '..teach their follower to lie and kill just by listening to their common sense..'. The argument is that a lie was used to lure Kab Ashraf out as he was condemn to death following the injunction of deut17:12. To lure Kab out by lying is common sense as nobody will shout out their intention. Didn't you ever read Sun Tzu Art of War? Oops , my bad , you never read anything. Why are you so scared to address that it was the law of the OT / Torah that was used as Kab was a Jew and bound to the OT / Torah?

Once again I've caught you trying to lie


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Post time 15-12-2012 01:14 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 15-12-2012 12:40 PM
Muslims will lie to keep their faith. one example is how muslims llies about Niel convert to Islam ...
Muslims will lie to keep their faith. one example is how muslims llies about Niel convert to Islam after hearing azan in moon. this lies was created since 70's...

Somewhere 2005 or 06, I create topic  related to this that muslims lies on this issue. By God power, Niel  was in KL at KLCC . He deny such .

Muslims good story teller. one cannot trust  them 100% if they were  to talk about Bible....

in order to keep islam faith going, they will lie, brain wash  ... please watch this video ... and you decide whether we can trust muslims....mostly the arabs muslims  that  i concern about...they good in fabricate stories...

Ha ha , see folks , christians like 'truth.8' is so desperate that now its the issue of Neil Armstrong. Whether Neil Armstrong became muslim or not , it contributes to nothing. Personally I am more interested in the likes of Abdel Hakim Murad , born Timothy Winters , a Professor in Cambridge or Assoc Prof Johanathan AC Brown a hadith specialist in Georgetown University and of what they have got to say. These are people who shapes the mind.

What lah , you have such a small mind ... ha ha Neil Armstrong. I quoted Prof Tabor that in his research he proved that Christianity was actually transformed by Paul. Therefore the theology that you embrace is Pauline which opposes what biblical Jesus taught. This is a bigger issue for you as it impacts your faith. On the other hand , Prof Bart Ehrman who conclusively proven that the bible is not inerrant which again have impact on your faith. However here we have another 'genius' in 'truth.8' who seem to revel in talking about inconsequential issues like Neil Armstrong.

Which cave have you and 'wkk5159' been in all these years?

Last edited by sam1528 on 15-12-2012 01:16 PM


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Post time 15-12-2012 01:19 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 15-12-2012 01:14 PM
Ha ha , see folks , christians like 'truth.8' is so desperate that now its the issue of Neil Arm ...

I know muslims...i am not sure about the local malays but the indians muslims from india and arabs muslims...they lies to protect islam...
how peoples like deedat and naik misquote the Bible to his own interpreation to misleads the mind of muslims.

even I myself cannot understand certain Bible verses and need to refer to Bible scholar but ur self taught deedat and naik lies about Bible...

if you really sincere in heart to study Bible  get someone from  Bible scholar to honest and attacked Bible being parrots ...

it wont leads anyway  rather it makes muslims  look more stupid, foolish and moron...


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Post time 15-12-2012 01:35 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 15-12-2012 01:19 PM
I know muslims...i am not sure about the local malays but the indians muslims from india and a ...
I know muslims...i am not sure about the local malays but the indians muslims from india and arabs muslims...they lies to protect islam...
how peoples like deedat and naik misquote the Bible to his own interpreation to misleads the mind of muslims.

even I myself cannot understand certain Bible verses and need to refer to Bible scholar but ur self taught deedat and naik lies about Bible...

if you really sincere in heart to study Bible  get someone from  Bible scholar to honest and attacked Bible being parrots ...

it wont leads anyway  rather it makes muslims  look more stupid, foolish and moron...

If you claim I misquoted your bible , then point out the specific biblical verses which I so called misquoted. I quoted a lot of biblical verses but you are whining just like 'wkk5159'. Until now both of you cannot poinpoint what verses did I misquote. In that effect you are just arguing from your rear end.

A quick example is mark13:30 that biblical Jesus claim that the end of times will be in the same generation. This is obviously a sham as >35 generations and 2000 yrs passed , still nothing. Either he lied or he did not know when would be the hour. Ok then , explain specifically just how did I misquote this verse of mark13:30?

Ha ha , in the end you blabber about Neil Armstrong not being a muslim. This is evidence of your small mind. You need to address what Profs James Tabor / Bart Ehrman had to say about the Pauline Doctrine / bible not being inerrant as it has direct impact on your theology hence faith. They are echoing what we muslims have been saying for the past 1400 yrs. Ha ha , Neil Armstrong being / not being a muslim ... lu otak tak betul ka?

Last edited by sam1528 on 15-12-2012 01:52 PM


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Post time 15-12-2012 01:55 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 15-12-2012 01:35 PM
If you claim I misquoted your bible , then point out the specific biblical verses which I so cal ...

when i says u mis quote u giving ur interpreation...tell me honestly, have you took Bible scholar to study and research or taking from anti christians site??


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 Author| Post time 15-12-2012 02:14 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 15-12-2012 12:40 PM
Muslims will lie to keep their faith. one example is how muslims llies about Niel convert to Islam ...

Not surprising at all Truth, that's the very purpose i started this thread. Lying and deception are norms for muslims all around the world just perfecting their deceptive skill in accordance with their prophet.....

The biggest LIES of them all are denial of crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ in koran.


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 Author| Post time 15-12-2012 02:44 PM | Show all posts
Sun "Tzu" art of war ? It's Sun Tze art of war to be exact or in Chinese character 孙子兵法, you deceptive pretender ! You've been caught again and again red handed with your hand in cookies jar and yet still shamelessly claiming yourself to be authority of is both insult and absurdity to the extreme...

See, this deceptive serpent not only a great pretender when it comes to Bible, now he also want to be a reknown charlatan in ancient Chinese philosophy !

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 Author| Post time 15-12-2012 02:51 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 15-12-2012 12:42 PM
Neil Armstrong never converted to Islam!August 25, 2012
13:34  The Arab Digest  No comments

It's almost s norm for muslims to lie and deceive, you see even their prophet encourage his follower to lie and kill, do we still have any doubt ?

The biggest lie of them all is the denial of crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ..


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Post time 15-12-2012 03:06 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 15-12-2012 01:55 PM
when i says u mis quote u giving ur interpreation...tell me honestly, have you took Bible schola ...
when i says u mis quote u giving ur interpreation...tell me honestly, have you took Bible scholar to study and research or taking from anti christians site??

If you had been awake when you read my response , did I not at times accompany the said verses with commentaries utilizing John Gill , Adam Clarke etc commentaries? These are the more popular biblical commentaries. What BS are you asking whether did I consult any biblical scholar unless you don't even know the existence of such commentaries.

Come on , I am still waiting for your response of where did I misquote say mark13:30? You and 'wkk5159' are of very small minds. You cannot even respond when I quote Profs Tabor / Ehrman in the inconsistency of your faith. Are both of you scared to confront difficult issues? Yet you want a public debate on Islamic / Christian theology? You guys will be decimated.


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Post time 15-12-2012 03:14 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 15-12-2012 02:44 PM
Sun "Tzu" art of war ? It's Sun Tze art of war to be exact or in Chinese character 孙子兵法, you dec ...
Sun "Tzu" art of war ? It's Sun Tze art of war to be exact or in Chinese character 孙子兵法, you deceptive pretender ! You've been caught again and again red handed with your hand in cookies jar and yet still shamelessly claiming yourself to be authority of is both insult and absurdity to the extreme...

See, this deceptive serpent not only a great pretender when it comes to Bible, now he also want to be a reknown charlatan in ancient Chinese philosophy !

Just take a step back and see just how silly you are. I stated of the book Sun Tzu Art of War and you blabber blindly about the exactness of chinese characters being '孙子兵法'. The question now , did you read the book? It is obvious you did not and that is why the diversion of '孙子兵法'. What have you caught me with my hand in the cookie jar?

My challenge still stand. Point out where did I misquoted the bible? I quoted a lot of biblical verses. My latest challenge , point out where I misquote mark13:30? You guys are so scared to face the challenge but side skirt to insignificant issues like Neil Armstrong not muslim , Sun "Tzu" being '孙子兵法'. This are the insignificant side arguments of 'geniuses'.

Have you read Sun Tzu Art of War? I am beginning to think that I am arguing with a adult 'wkk5159' who never manage to grow up.

Last edited by sam1528 on 15-12-2012 03:16 PM


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Post time 15-12-2012 04:27 PM | Show all posts
Islam is so clever that you somehow cannot digest some deceiving tactic....

let me tell you one thing, if a footballer like cristiano ronaldo try to deceive  his opponents by some fancy skills, is it going to be categorized as a LIE?????

in war, strategies and tactics is done to deceive enemy.....and is allowed in islam....

no religion tell us to tell the truth where you are going to stab to the enemy body.....exccept you will some how deceive to give the enemy the unpredictable stab, so he cannot defend himself...

i know you hate islam, but dont expose too much naive-ness here....please...

dont let hatred lead you to stupidity

Last edited by ussopp on 15-12-2012 04:29 PM


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 Author| Post time 15-12-2012 06:11 PM | Show all posts
I hate anything which is vile, violent and against very value of humanity.

I rather being labeled "stupid" if i serve the real God than being labeled "clever" if i serve the Satan.

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 Author| Post time 15-12-2012 06:23 PM | Show all posts
Fellow Christian, didn't we answer all the doubt and accusation of Bible verses that the particular guy had quoted ? We had tried our very best to explain to him using the simplest language but he seems to either incapable of comprehending it or he intentional chosed to turn his blind eyes to it and drastically twisting the facts.

Either way, we don't see the point to waste our kilojoules just to entertain his nonsenses.

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Post time 15-12-2012 06:30 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 15-12-2012 02:51 PM
It's almost s norm for muslims to lie and deceive, you see even their prophet encourage his follow ...
It's almost s norm for muslims to lie and deceive, you see even their prophet encourage his follower to lie and kill, do we still have any doubt ?

The biggest lie of them all is the denial of crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ..

You have just put your shoe in your mouth again. Now I am challenging you , can you show me the biblical evidence that biblical Jesus died on the cross (crucified) and was resurrected.

Show the biblical verses that confirmed he died and his resurrection.

Your first problem will be to convince us that the gospel account is a first hand account. The whole world apart from you and 'truth.8' know that the books of the gospels were written by unknown authors. How do you know that the unknown authors were eye witness accounts?

My argument
(1) bible NRSV (thought to be the closest translation to the greek texts) , mat27:21-23
21 The governor again said to them, ‘Which of the two do you want me to release for you?’ And they said, ‘Barabbas.’
22 Pilate said to them, ‘Then what should I do with Jesus who is called the Messiah?’ All of them said, ‘Let him be crucified!’
23 Then he asked, ‘Why, what evil has he done?’ But they shouted all the more, ‘Let him be crucified!’
'Barabbas' or 'Bar Abbas' is a patronymic , ie. a statement that one is a son of so and so. In aramaic , 'bar abbas' means 'son of father'. Therefore the 'son of father' was released and the one claiming messiah was sent to be crucified. Following up with the narrative :
17And they clothed him in a purple cloak; and after twisting some thorns into a crown, they put it on him.
This is how a cloak looks like :

Therefore on his way to Golgotha , besides a bloodied face , the person will not be recognized due to him covered by a cloak. None of the disciples were eye witnesses as all of them ran away , mark14:50-52
50 All of them deserted him and fled.
51 A certain young man was following him, wearing nothing but a linen cloth. They caught hold of him, 52 but he left the linen cloth and ran off naked.

What we have so far
- 'Bar abbas' was released and in aramaic it means 'son of father'. The then jews certainly did not regard biblical Jesus being the messiah.
- The man who was condemned by Pilate had his face bloodied and put on a cloak. No one would recognized who he was as he was walking towards Golgotha. To top it off , all of biblical Jesus disciples meaning the ones who recognized him ran away.
- Interestingly Pontius Pilate was canonized a saint by the Coptic Christian Church. Gee Whizz , a man who supposedly condemn biblical Jesus being made a saint?

(2) With regards to resurrection , we must first understand what is the physical aspect of resurrection , eze37:3-6
3 He said to me, ‘Mortal, can these bones live?’ I answered, ‘O Lord God, you know.’
4 Then he said to me, ‘Prophesy to these bones, and say to them: O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.
5 Thus says the Lord God to these bones: I will cause breath* to enter you, and you shall live.
6 I will lay sinews on you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath* in you, and you shall live; and you shall know that I am the Lord.’
John Gill commentary of verse 6
and cover you with skin; both bones, sinews, and flesh; for this is uppermost of all, and which makes the whole smooth and beautiful. Job expresses his formation in much such language, "thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh, and hast fenced me with bones and sinews",
John Gill , eze37:6

Therefore the biblical definition and explanation of resurrection is that we will be resurrected perfect meaning there will be no blemish on our bodies.

However biblical Jesus had holes on his hands  , joh20:27
Then he said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.’

This shows that biblical Jesus did not die and was not resurrected. Biblically if he had undergone resurrection , his skin would have been smooth. Logically if a man was beheaded , on judgement day he would be resurrected perfectly with a head and not headless.

My 2 arguments - Biblical Jesus could have escaped crucifixion altogether with Pontius Pilate releasing him or if he was put on the cross then he did not die as he had holes in his hands meaning he did not undergo resurrection. Meaning he was not crucified.

Ha ha .... challenge me and provide your biblical verses .... you will be hard pressed


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Post time 15-12-2012 06:32 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 15-12-2012 06:23 PM
Fellow Christian, didn't we answer all the doubt and accusation of Bible verses that the particular  ...
Fellow Christian, didn't we answer all the doubt and accusation of Bible verses that the particular guy had quoted ? We had tried our very best to explain to him using the simplest language but he seems to either incapable of comprehending it or he intentional chosed to turn his blind eyes to it and drastically twisting the facts.

Either way, we don't see the point to waste our kilojoules just to entertain his nonsenses.

Ha ha , the issue here is that when your response have been challenged on second level details you flounder. This shows that you do not have a firm understanding of your bible. If you know you bible well , you should be able to address my so called 'twisting'


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 Author| Post time 15-12-2012 06:36 PM | Show all posts
Sun Zi(Tze) or 孙子 in Chinese character is a far cry from Sun Tzu or 孙猪   in Chinese chatacter. 猪 in Chinese means swine or pig.
I pretty sure if Sun Tze is still alive today he sure will sue that Sam1xxx for defamation until he eventually has to admit that pig is more useful to earthlings than koran.


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 Author| Post time 15-12-2012 08:02 PM | Show all posts
Evidences of Jesus crucifixion and resurrection are mounting in both New Testament and are even prophesized in Old Testament. Of course if someone believe that both NT and OT are corrupted it iis pointless to carry on reading this post.(Amazing someone came almost 600 yrs later claimed that he knew more about Jesus than those Jesus's own apostle, who lived, walked, preached together and even witnessed his death and resurrection.)

The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus is a core belief in Christianity and this is in direct conflict with Islam whereby in koran, it was stated Jesus wasn't crucified but Allah made somebody else to resemble Jesus and was crucified....). Which is true  and which is wrong ?  

The crucifixion of Jesus Christ did not take place in obscurity. The writers of the four gospels were actual figures in history that wrote, from various perspectives, about the life, ministry, and death of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Their writings depicted eyewitness accounts of documented happenings in history. The variety of theories as to the events following the crucifixion and to what happened to the body of Jesus, only serves to further establish the fact of this heinous death. Such well-known legends as the swoon theory, that Jesus only passed out on the cross and was later resuscitated by the cool air of the tomb, and the case of the stolen body are strewn throughout literature chronicling the events of that time. The fact is, the death of Jesus Christ was never disputed. The Jews, both those who hated him and those who would become His future followers, witnessed His death. It was a public event that took place in front of the whole world. John 12:32-33 says, "'But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.' He said this to show the kind of death He was going to die." Joseph of Arimethea, himself a notable figure of the Jews of that day, requested the body of Jesus in order to give Him an honorable burial.

As to the validity of the mode of execution, it was established that by the first century, crucifixion was the Roman method for certain non-Roman criminals. It was initially employed as a form of punishment causing extreme pain and humiliation, so much so that the word "excruciating" was created for the express purpose of describing the unfathomable horror of the individual's suffering on a cross. Excruciating literally means, "out of the cross." How wonderfully this fit into the plan and will of God: "If a man guilty of a capital offense is put to death and his body is hung on a tree, you must not leave his body on the tree overnight. Be sure to bury him that same day, because anyone who is hung on a tree is under God's curse. . ." (Deuteronomy 21:22-23).

The massacre and shame that the Savior endured as one accursed was suffered for our benefit. He who never sinned suffered on our behalf, for our sins worthy of death; we were the accursed. The severity of the punishment was a stark reflection of God's holiness and His hatred of sin. While we as humans justify ourselves and compare ourselves to others who may not be as "good" as we are, God has indicated that the slightest infraction is an affront to His holiness.

1 John 5:17 says, "All wrongdoing is sin. . ." What a terrible weight Jesus carried, the load of our sins that so disfigured Him, that even the Father turned away? Matthew 27:46 "About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, 'Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?' - which means, 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?'"

Perhaps the greatest evidence of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is the eternal results in the lives of those who have accepted Him. Those who have believed in what happened on Golgotha have been given the right to be called sons of God, and may now cry "Abba, Father." We can now have fellowship with the living God.

Jesus Christ was not the first or last person to be crucified. He was the only one, however, to be resurrected, and that from such a horrible death. He bore in His resurrection body, forever, the scars of His crucifixion in His hands and feet and side. We are told in God's Word that this will ever be a witness, for as the prophet foretold, "And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son" (Zechariah 12:10).

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Post time 15-12-2012 08:11 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 15-12-2012 06:36 PM
Sun Zi(Tze) or 孙子 in Chinese character is a far cry from Sun Tzu or 孙猪   in Chinese chatacter. 猪 ...
Sun Zi(Tze) or 孙子 in Chinese character is a far cry from Sun Tzu or 孙猪   in Chinese chatacter. 猪 in Chinese means swine or pig.
I pretty sure if Sun Tze is still alive today he sure will sue that Sam1xxx for defamation until he eventually has to admit that pig is more useful to earthlings than koran.

See folks , this is what happen when a person of small mind tries to argue on issues that is beyond their intellectual capability. 'wkk5159' just cannot respond to the issues brought up but he 'die die' needs to say something. This is when people like 'wkk5159' , 'truth.8' argues on insignificant things like Sun Tzu to be Sun Zi(Tze) or Sun Shit or Sun Monkey or Sun (insert whatever) , Neil Armstrong not a muslim etc.

The following is the book :

It states Sun Tzu not Sun Zi nor Sun Tze and certainly not 孙子. If you have a problem , take it up with the publishers. The question is that have you read the book. The obvious answer is NO. Therefore you will not understand that deception is a military tactic , covert or otherwise.

I am still waiting for your biblical verses that states explicitly that biblical Jesus died and was resurrected.


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