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Author: Acong

US/israel hijack MAS MH370 KL - Beijing [8 Mac 2014] ke Diego Garcia

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Post time 9-3-2014 07:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Knpa takde mayday call atau sebarang msg alert sent by the pilots?

Dlm pesawat moden skrg ni, alert boleh dihantar melalui 2 cara. By manual oleh pilots atau automatically by the systems.

Anggapkan sahaja pilots busy sedang bertarung nyawa nak horizontalkan pesawat, kenapa system tak broadcast msgs alert to nearest ATC dan datacentre Mas?
Jawapannya, pesawat tu jelas tak menghadapi sebarang masalah mekanikal dan menghadapi weather buruk seperti thunderstorm dsbnya..

Angapkan saja pilot tersalah input command, autopilot akan buat correction balik. Itupun kalau autopilot still engage laa..
So, kalau ikut sidang media tadi pesawat didapati patah balik dan tiada sebarang info from pilots dan autopilot didnt correct the path and not sending the notification to the nearest beacon? how come it gonna be like that?

Posible answer: the autopilot had been shut off for unknown reason..

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Post time 9-3-2014 07:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Thank you system failure

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Post time 9-3-2014 07:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
system_failure posted on 9-3-2014 07:30 PM
Knpa takde mayday call atau sebarang msg alert sent by the pilots?

Dlm pesawat moden skrg ni, al ...

I pun tringat macm tu maybe ada kesilapan..pilot sakit ka..or ada org hijack suruh shut down the signal or apapa yg dalam tu.
End dia terrorist tu glabah dia tak tau nak buat apa so kapal terbang terpaksa  mendarat somewhere els...or kapal terbang terbabas ...I still them will survive and save amin

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Post time 9-3-2014 09:57 PM | Show all posts
ananyaperfume posted on 9-3-2014 07:53 PM
I pun tringat macm tu maybe ada kesilapan..pilot sakit ka..or ada org hijack suruh shut down the s ...

I'm not a pilot neither flight engineer as well..
but at least i've 5 hours of piloting experience thru a320 simulator....
dan flight instructor aku pernah cakap nowadays pilot just goyang punggung je sebab segala2nya diterbangkan oleh En.George (other nickname for autopilot) even nak takeoff dan landing sekalipun...

Autopilot hanya akan automatically disconnected kalau terlalu banyak input yg berlawanan dlm satu2 masa dan waktu inilah baru En.George yg pintar itu menyerah kalah dan menyerahkan baton kpd flight crew...
Contoh flight 447 yg menghadapi banyak false reading pada setiap sensor dia yg mana setiap satu pun berlawan antara satu sama lain.
Masa tu la En.George menyerah kalah kerana beyond dari keupayaan beliau... dan crew yg take over pun sama gak kacau bilau dan masing2 buat decision yg berlawanan...

contoh autopilot yg dimatikan secara manual atas reason yg kukuh dan dibenarkan dlm perundangan ialah pada flight 124 juga malaysia airline..
Kes berkenaan adalah kerana accelerometer baca false reading dan mengatakan flight berada pada altitude rendah padahal sebenarnya tidak..
so, En.George yg pintar tuli ni telah mendaki sehingga ke 38000 kaki dan terus mendaki tanpa henti..
Flight crew aware tentang kejadian yg aneh ni telah bertindak pantas membunuh En.George yg jahat ini dan manually put input to the flight..

satu lagi,
sejak kejadian 911, passenger dah tak boleh sukahati masuk cockpit tanpa kebenaran kapten.
malah cabin crew pun hanya ketua dia je yg boleh access..
so, possibility of hijacking this bird is 0% becoz pilots akan mengunci diri mereka dlm cockpit tak kira apa yg terjadi sekalipun dan akan segera hantar msg squawk 7000 atau 7300 something mcmtu la code dia... aku dah lupa manual dia... hihi..

Jom ambik persamaan ini:
Anggapkan flight 124 dan flight 370 berada pada senario yg sama..
Apa yg akan berlaku kalau pilots tak bertindakbalas?

Pabila semakin mendaki dan berada pd high altitude yg mana lapisan udaranya sgt tipis, dan keadaan pesawat adalah berkedudukan nose up dan bukannya horizontal, maka secara logiknya pesawat akan menjunam kembali walau dlm bentuk position mendaki dan engine berada pada full throttle...
Ini kerana angle of attack yg ditempuhi oleh sayap pada altitude yg tinggi ini adalah salah...

Bagaimana keadaannya ketika sedang menjunam?
Pesawat still berkeadaan nose up... tetapi keep decending..
And the worst is.. At this time, apabila pilots take charge dan mematikan autopilot, dia kena nose downkan dulu pesawat untuk gain air speed pada sayap yg telah kehilangan lifted itu....
Guess what... Posibility utk pesawat sharpen banking kesebelah kiri dan kanan juga adalah mungkin..

Dlm kes pesawat Air France 447 pula, kedua2 pilot pada masa kejadian adalah co-pilot manakala kaptennya sedang take rest...
So kedua2 FO ini saling argue yg mana pilot kanan keep decent and nose down manakala pilot kiri pula bertindak accending dan nose up.. Last edited by system_failure on 9-3-2014 10:06 PM


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Post time 9-3-2014 10:12 PM | Show all posts
the curious ghost that boarded this plane is very annoying me...
if they want to commit suicide why they have further journey after reach beijing...

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Post time 9-3-2014 11:08 PM | Show all posts
system_failure posted on 9-3-2014 10:12 PM
the curious ghost that boarded this plane is very annoying me...
if they want to commit suicide why ...

agree... suppose beijing lah the last destination kan... so we can reject hypothesis that two ghosts associate with the plane mystery...

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 Author| Post time 10-3-2014 02:53 AM | Show all posts
system_failure posted on 9-3-2014 10:12 PM
the curious ghost that boarded this plane is very annoying me...
if they want to commit suicide why ...

2 ghost nie ada kaitan tak dgn staff Freescale?  

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 Author| Post time 10-3-2014 03:01 AM | Show all posts
News World news Missing Malaysian Airlines flight
Video: Watch eerie moment family of missing Malaysia Airlines passenger successfully ring his phone - but nobody answers

The sister of Chinese man among the 239 people feared dead on flight MH370 rang his phone live on TV

The family of a passenger on the missing Malaysia Airlines flight successfully rang his mobile phone - but nobody answered.

This video shows the moment relatives of a Chinese man among the 239 people feared dead after the passenger jet mysteriously disappeared rang his phone live on state television.

The call connected, but then rang out.

Chinese media reports that a number of families have been able to ring mobile phones of their missing loved ones but no one answers.

The development raises even more questions about what has happened to flight MH370.

The flight is presumed to have crashed off the Vietnamese coast on Saturday, after losing contact with air traffic controllers off the eastern Malaysia coast.

Fears terrorists are to blame are growing as it emerged two passengers were using stolen passports.

An Italian and an Austrian were feared to be among the 239 victims presumed dead after the Boeing 777 crashed into the South China Sea.

But Luigi Maraldi contacted his family to say he was safe and well and Christian Kozel was found at home by Austrian police.

The revelations raise the fear that terrorism may have played a part in the sudden disappearance of the air liner that was flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.


A 12-mile oil slick was spotted during an aerial search which was called off before nightfall, leaving naval ships and fishing vessels to look for survivors.

The plane was last detected on radar at 5.30pm UK time on Friday around 100 miles north of the Malaysian coast.

An airline tracking website suggested it plunged 650ft and changed direction before it vanished.

Even before news of stolen passports emerged, experts had raised the spectre of a terrorist bomb.

Pilot David Learmount, who is operations and safety editor of Flight Global magazine, said: “Something happened and the pilots did not tell anyone. Why? It’s a good question.                 

“It’s extraordinary the pilots failed to call because they had plenty of time to. Unless there was a bomb on board but there has been no evidence of that.”           
Aviation expert Chris Yates told Sky News: “We simply don’t know the circumstances behind what caused that crash at the moment.            

“There will be two areas for the investigation: the maintenance of the aircraft and also possible terrorism.”            

Flight MH370 was carrying 227 passengers, including two children, and 12 crew members.            

Among them were 152 Chinese nationals, 38 Malaysians, 12 people from Indonesia and six from Australia.            

There were no reports of bad weather and no sign why the Rolls-Royce Trent engine-powered plane would have vanished from radar screens about an hour after it took off.

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said: “The search and rescue operations will continue as long as necessary.”

Fifteen Malaysian air force aircraft, six navy ships and three coast guard vessels were involved in the rescue effort. China and the Philippines have sent ships to a region near the South China Sea to help.

The United States, the Philippines and Singapore also dispatched military planes to help in the search. China also put other ships and aircraft on standby.

Flight path tracker

“We are doing everything in our power to locate the plane,” Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said.

“Our hope is that the people understand we are being as transparent as we can, we are giving information as quickly as we can, but we want to make sure information has been verified.”

Meanwhile, distraught relatives were trying to come to terms with the tragedy.

The wife of Paul Weeks told how the 39-year-old was on his way to do his first shift as part of a fly in-fly out job in Mongolia.

It was meant to be the start of a dream job for the mechanical engineer.

Last night his wife Danica said she was trying to come to grips with the tragic news.

The couple have a three-year-old son named Lincoln and a 10-month-old called Jack.

Mr Weeks is originally from New Zealand and moved to Australia in 2011 to work in the mining industry after six years in the army.

A woman, believed to be the relative of a passenger onboard Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, covers her face as she cries at the Beijing Capital International Airport

In Kuala Lumpur, Hamid Ramlan, a 56-year-old police officer, said his daughter and son-in-law had been on the flight for an intended holiday in Beijing.

“My wife is crying,” he said. “Everyone is sad. My house has become a place of mourning. This is Allah’s will. We have to accept it.”

Chinese relatives waiting in Beijing Airport are furious at the lack of information and told reporters they have been treated “worse than dogs” by Malaysia Airline.

Family members were taken to a hotel, put in a room and told to wait for information from the airline, but none came.

About 20 people stormed out of the room at one point, enraged they had been given no information.

“There’s no one from the company here, we can’t find a single person. They’ve just shut us in this room and told us to wait,” said one middle-aged man, who declined to give his name.

“We want someone to show their face. They haven’t even given us the passenger list,” he said.

Another relative, trying to evade a throng of reporters, muttered: “They’re treating us worse than dogs.”

Amid chaotic scenes, an unidentified Malaysia Airlines official spoke to reporters for just a few minutes without taking questions before leaving.

“We are working with authorities who have activated the search and rescue teams,” the official said. “Our thoughts and prayers are deeply with the affected passengers and their family members.” ... 22919#ixzz2vUf7ahSO
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 Author| Post time 10-3-2014 03:35 AM | Show all posts
tiket penerbangan oleh 2 org yg menggunakan passport yg dicuri......

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 Author| Post time 10-3-2014 03:37 AM | Show all posts ... eering/100452862262

Fans I have summed up the story of Flight MH370 so far. Please read and share...its interesting and informative.

1. The Boeing 777-2H6ER, registration 9M-MRO MSN 28420, first flew on 14 May 2002, and was delivered new to Malaysia Airlines on 31 May 2002.
2. The aircraft was powered by two Rolls-Royce Trent 892 engines.
3. It had accumulated 20,243 hours and 3,023 cycles in service.
4. The aircraft was involved in a prior accident at Shanghai Pudong airport in August 2012, where its wingtip collided with another aircraft and broke off.
5. The plane B777-300 ER Registration # 9M-MRO was last inspected 10 days ago and was “in proper condition,” Ignatius Ong, CEO of Malaysia Airlines subsidiary Firefly airlines, said at a news conference.
6. However there is a news that just a day before the crash the aircraft had been on A-Check on KLIA hangar
7. B777-200ER Registration # 9M-MRO of Malaysian airlines flew as flight MH370 at 12:41 am on Saturday 8th March 2014.
8. Aircraft took off at 12:41 am from Kuala Lumpur and was due to land at Beijing at 6:30 am
9. 239 people on board
10. The 53-year-old pilot of Flight MH370, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, has more than 18,000 flying hours and has been flying for the airline since 1981. The first officer, 27-year-old Fariq Hamid, has about 2,800 hours of experience and has flown for the airline since 2007
11. B777 flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing went missing in South China Sea
12. Last known location was off the country's Ca Mau peninsula 6°55′15″N 103°34′43″E (approximately 130 km/80 mi NNE of Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia). 120 nautical miles (220 km) east of Kota Bharu at the South China Sea
13. The plane had been flying at an altitude of 35,000ft (10,700m)
14. The pilots had not reported any problems with the aircraft
15. Aircraft lost contact at 02:40 am
16. The plane “lost all contact and radar signal one minute before it entered Vietnam’s air traffic control (Ho Chi Minh Area Control Center),” Lt. Gen. Vo Van Tuan, deputy chief of staff of the Vietnamese army, said in a statement.
17. No ELT signal to locate the wreckage.
18. No Mayday signal either.
(Aircraft’s black box is equipped with “pinger” that emit ultrasonic signals that can be detected underwater. Under good conditions, the signals can be detected from several hundred miles away If the box is trapped inside the wreckage, the sound may not travel as far. If the box is at the bottom of an underwater trench, that also hinders how far the sound can travel. The signals also weaken over time.)
19. Search and rescue operation started
20. The oil slicks sighted off the southern tip of Vietnam by Vietnamese Navy were each between 10 kilometers and 15 kilometers long
21. the oil was spotted, the air search was suspended for the night and was to resume Sunday morning.
22. No floating debris except Oil slick found at the suspected area of crash.
23. No distress call from the pilot before it lost contact
24. No ELT signal.
25. Two passengers were onboard with stolen passports. The passports belonged to an Austrian National and an Italian national. Both the passports were stolen in Thailand. One was stolen 18 months ago and another one 2 years ago.
26. Questions are being raised for possible act of terrorism in this regard. But there is also a possibility that the passports have been used multiple times after theft by drug smugglers on the same route.
Points to think from a professional aircraft engineer’s point of view:
1. A sudden loss of contact is possible only in case of a sudden catastrophe. Possibilities are aircraft hit by a missile, onboard bombing, fuel tank explosion (check out CDCCL which had been an all time issue on Boeing aircraft) or just anything else technical in nature that eventually put the aircraft in pieces.
2. But the chances of an aircraft blown up in the air are bleak because no floating debris has been found yet.
3. But if the aircraft managed to land on the water in one single piece that means the pilot had time to make a distress call or a manual ELT signal. Why didn’t he do that?
4. If the aircraft had an impact over the sea…there should have been an ELT signal…but there was nothing.
5. This big pressurized piece of cylinder just cannot go down from air into the depths of an ocean in one signal piece unless and until it had landed on water after the pilot had performed landing on water drill…(ample time for pilot to give a distress call)…and then rescued the passengers in emergency rafts that too have a system of an emergency beacon signal.
6. What seems perfect is the aircraft had blown up in the air… a sudden blast…and the suspected location of crash is the wrong one…the debris is floating somewhere else and will be discovered in a day or two as it floats apart.


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Post time 10-3-2014 10:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Minami2013 posted on 9-3-2014 11:08 PM
agree... suppose beijing lah the last destination kan... so we can reject hypothesis that two ghos ...

the best part is, why nak circle globe mcm org giler?

pastu kena tgu 10 hours pulak tu kat beijing..

Ada byk direct flight from kl to amsterdamn maa..

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Post time 10-3-2014 12:22 PM | Show all posts
OT jap, do u guys have any idea yg ade flight hilang 30 over years suddenly appear landing dekat airport mana ntah...its a hoax or betul2 terjadi? Last edited by cik_pink on 10-3-2014 12:27 PM


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Post time 10-3-2014 12:33 PM | Show all posts
cik_pink posted on 10-3-2014 12:22 PM
OT jap, do u guys have any idea yg ade flight hilang 30 over years suddenly appear landing dekat air ...

yup..i pon nk tau terjadi betol2 or rekaan???
yg i tau psl kejadian tanjung kupang..

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Post time 10-3-2014 12:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Boleh ke penganas matikan radar dan terbang rendah supaya xboleh dikesan oleh ATC?

just one word from me.. bullshit

ye, posibility is logic.. jika ianya adalah cessna atau chopper..
tapi bagi raksasa 777 adalah tak mungkin.. jika mungkin sekalipun, sampai bila dia nak maintain altitude rendah?
takkan dia nak redah je segala bukit gunung kat semenanjung atau borneo atau kat mana2 mukabumi ni.

Jika radar pesawat dimatikan sekalipun.. satelit jenama cap ayam pun mampu mengesan unknown object yg bergerak pada kelajuan 900kmj++

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Post time 10-3-2014 12:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cik_pink posted on 10-3-2014 12:22 PM
OT jap, do u guys have any idea yg ade flight hilang 30 over years suddenly appear landing dekat air ...

Ahhh... ni bukan bod lawak jenake..

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Post time 10-3-2014 12:49 PM | Show all posts
system_failure posted on 10-3-2014 12:47 PM
Ahhh... ni bukan bod lawak jenake..

thats y i'm asking its a hoax atau betul2 terjadi...ade bunyi lawak jenaka ke pertanyaan aku tu????? aku nak tau soheh @ tak, thats all. Takde nye nak buat lawak jenaka dalam masa2 cam ni

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Post time 10-3-2014 12:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cik_pink posted on 10-3-2014 12:49 PM
thats y i'm asking its a hoax atau betul2 terjadi...ade bunyi lawak jenaka ke pertanyaan aku tu??? ...

kisah kancil yg berjalan diatas buaya lebih logik lagi dari ini.. hehehe

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Post time 10-3-2014 01:00 PM | Show all posts
system_failure posted on 10-3-2014 12:54 PM
kisah kancil yg berjalan diatas buaya lebih logik lagi dari ini.. hehehe

kau pernah dengar kan KUN FAYAKUN...xtau la kalau kau bukan org islam. aku rasa kau yg buat lawak kat sini.

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Post time 10-3-2014 01:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cik_pink posted on 10-3-2014 01:00 PM
kau pernah dengar kan KUN FAYAKUN...xtau la kalau kau bukan org islam. aku rasa kau yg buat lawak  ...

bukan tak caye..

better kau join thread yg sama kat bod misteri.
diaorg sume sama spesis dgn ko..

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Post time 10-3-2014 01:26 PM | Show all posts
system_failure posted on 10-3-2014 01:11 PM
bukan tak caye..

better kau join thread yg sama kat bod misteri.

so kau nak ckp kau spesis apa??? konon yg expert pasal aviation je yg boleh komen kat sini lah..jgn nak blagak sangat la. aku tanya soalah direct, xputar sana putar sini, buat lawak bodoh mcm kau. kalau hoax, ckp jela hoax. xpayah la bagi jawapan mcm kau tu hebat sangat nak bagi komen pasal aviation. xkuasa aku nak bertelagah dgn org belagak pandai mcm kau.
Last edited by cik_pink on 10-3-2014 01:29 PM


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