Ten signs of not growing up
Relying on parents to do household chores
Living at home longer
-dependant to parents
Playing computer games
-wats wrong with this? My 63y dad play solitaire hahahah
Watching kids movies
-wats wrong with this?
Watching cartoons
-i lavvvvv larva hahaha
Not having any responsibilities
Not wanting a real or a nine to five job
Desire to travel and see the world
-if u have ur own money, yes go see the world
Idolising juvenile adults on TV like Smithy in Gavin and Stacey
A lack of real life education like learning to drive or setting up a bank account
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I am 32 y.o
Car - yes
House - belum
Career - yes
Married - belum ada jodoh
Peter pan? |
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I hv equal number from both traits. Does that make me a peterpan generation? Or am I a hybrid  |
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28yrs, ada anak, dah kawen, looks happy but unemployed.. adakah sy slh seorang generasi peter pan? Life is hard.. even ada master in science xmenjamin pon dpt keje, nak smbg phd.. noo i am tired.. phd pon xmenjamin iols akan dpt keje...
My kawan yg phd pon tgh merayau with phd searching for job.. bestnya kalu xmembesar.. kanak2 xde masalah and xpikul masalahh..
I wanna follow peter pannn |
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Indeed we r living in a Peter Pan's generation.
We have small income
But thousands of problems to overcome
We have big dream
But could only afford ice-cream
We have tertiary education
But nothing much to contribute to the nation |
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Category: Belia & Informasi