21. It will pass
Whatever is causing you worry or pain right now won't cause you worry and pain forever. Time heals. Things change. It will pass.
22. You define meaning
A meaningful life is what you define it to be. If you neglect to define meaning, you won't experience it. Decide what makes life worth living for you, and then design your life around that. |
23. Risk expands you
To make positive change in your life, you often must take risk. You must tolerate some level of uncertainty. Taking thoughtful, calculated risk strengthens your change muscle and helps you grow. |
24. Change is good
Life is change. We shouldn't resist it. Remaining stagnant is in opposition to the natural order of life. Flow with change. Embrace it and regard it as an adventure.
25. Thoughts aren't real
Every moment of the day, we have random thoughts floating through our brains. Many of the thoughts are negative and limiting. You don't have to believe them. They aren't the truth or the whole truth. Thoughts can become our reality, but only if we let them. |
26. You can't control others
We want people to think and behave as we do. We want them to accommodate us and live the way we think they should live. We want to change them. But with awareness, we realize we can't and shouldn't try to control others. Instead, embrace differences and honor the uniqueness of the people in your life. |
27. Your body is a temple
We all have something, or many somethings, we hate about our bodies. But your body houses your very essence. Treat your body with respect and care for the efficient and wondrous way it takes care of you. |
28. Touch heals
Physical touch is healing and intimate. It bonds us to other people and relieves stress and anxiety. It has a myriad of health benefits such as lowering heart rate and improving the immune system. Mindful, loving touch with those you love is a gift that should be shared.
29. You can handle it
Whatever you think you can't handle, you actually can. You have more strength, more resilience, and more inner wisdom than you give yourself credit for. You'll get through it and survive. |
30. Gratitude multiplies happiness
Consciously focusing on all you have rather than thinking about what you don't have is a far better use of brain power. Gratitude fosters positivity and well-being. |
31. Intuition counts
Your judgement is important, but your intuition super charges your judgement. Intuition is data from your subconscious mind, based on your past experiences and patterns in life. It can arise spontaneously when you are called on to make a decision or need information.
32. Please yourself first
Pleasing others for approval and acceptance might feel good in the short term, but eventually you will lose yourself and feel resentful. Please yourself first and give to others based on conscious choice, not the desire for approval.
33. Self-honesty is freedom
When you are in denial about something, you are blinding yourself to the truth. And even if the truth is temporarily painful, it will ultimately set you free. Be radically honest with yourself so you can live authentically. |
34. Perfection is boring
Perfection is unattainable, and the pursuit of it makes us boring. It is our differences, our foibles, and our imperfections that connect us to humanity and make us real.
35. Serving creates meaning
If you want meaning in your life, start with serving others. Find a way to make a difference, even a small difference, and your life will feel purposeful.
36. Little things matter
It's not the big wins, the great accomplishments, or the status in life that really count. It's the accumulation of little things — the quiet moments in nature, special time with our kids, seeing the smile on our spouse's face when we walk in the door. Pay attention to these things. |
37. Learn forever
There is so much to learn and explore in our very short lifetimes. Take advantage of learning every single day. Challenge yourself to acquire a new skill, read something different, take a class. Learning keeps our minds engaged and sharp, even into old age. |
38. Aging happens
Our bodies age. It is a truth we can't avoid. You can manage aging by doing the best with what you've got. But beyond that, do your best to let it go. Enjoying life is the best antidote to getting older.
39. Marriages change
The person you married will change over time. You will change over time. Hopefully you will change in the same direction or come to love the changes in the other person. Don't let these changes take you by surprise.
40. Worry is worthless
Worry is useful only if it leads directly to a solution. But the very nature of worry implies that it doesn't. You worry about “what if's” that aren't real, and the worry itself creates stress and physical symptoms that cause real reason for angst. Learn how to manage your worry thoughts.
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Category: Belia & Informasi