About Jungiery Star [5566. 183 Club, K-One, 7 Flowers & many more]
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Originally posted by eyka at 10-9-2006 08:39 PM
kekeke aku record show ni...
sampai hati kau eyka , dah ler tak nak tolong burnkan .. :geram: |
Contributed and translated by: Litsky5566 of 5566Funland. tk
Subject: Just finish making God of Cookery OST !
Source: Chris Ko 2006.09.12 11:53PM
If you got the chance to be on the 5566 DVD concert autograph session promotion event in Taipei recently, you will hear the demo song for God of Cookery as I played it for you, but seeing everyone quite questionable mark on their face¡­ that¡¯s only DEMO type, it¡¯s not the finish album yet, a song with RAP from beginning to end, at first it will really made people don¡¯t understand what it meant!!!
But it is totally different this time! Totally different tune, and lyric, plus we have added 5566 voice on it¡­ all I can say.. ¡癵ood work!!!¡ |
Contributed by : CAT of 5566 Funlanders 9-7-2006
Translated by: Litsky5566 of 5566Funland. tk 9-10-2006
Ella has been caring for younger male brothers, she even state to have good feelings, shouted on the show: ¡癐 love you!¡ |
Contributed by : CAT of 5566 Funlanders 9-7-2006
Translated by: Litsky5566 of 5566Funland. tk 9-10-2006
Before the ending of SETTV WQYL show the other night, as JR and Jason explain to the viewers why the show didn¡¯t help Zax celebrate his birthday, the producer of the show yelled over: ¡癮sk them not to make such noises anymore!¡ |
Contributed by: CAT of 5566 Funlanders 9-7-2006
Translated by: Litsky5566 of 5566Funland 9-8-06
É |
Originally posted by eyka at 3-9-2006 09:36 AM
mmg dia akan bukak page lain... page youtube... tgk video tu kat situ
memang dia buka page youtube, tapi sepatutnya gamba tu dah boleh gerak sendiri kan? Ke kena tekan apa2 lagi or kena tunggu lama2 sikit? Aku tunggu 30 minit pun tak de apa2 berlaku lepas page youtube tu terbuka .. :hmm: |
Originally posted by miss_mulan77 at 11-9-2006 09:21 AM
mulan pun dapat tgk. comei betul ren fu nih. dia nih giler keta rhopanye.... minggu depan ader sambungan lagi. sib baik 8tv nih ader sub. kalau tak mau kena maki nih.
tak de sambungan pun,,, waaaaa :cry: :cry: |
Subject: Sun Te Jung ¡ |
Tony news: version 1
http://udn.com/ NEWS/ENTERTAINME NT/ENT2/3540172. shtml
ŒO協Ö¾ ¿ÉÄÜ |
Subject: Tony Sun as medicine man!?
http://www.appledai ly.com.tw/ AppleNews/ index.cfm? Fuseaction= Article&NewsType=twapple&Loc=TP&showdate=20060812&Sec_ID=9&Art_ID=2813022
ŒO協Ö¾® |
Subject: 106 artist shows love and concern |
Subject: Aaron Kwok Taiwan talent Company, Rio have chance to work on his album!
http://www.ettoday. com/2006/ 08/15/37- 1978111.htm
??????????? ????????????
Contributed by: CAT of 5566Funlanders 8-15-2006
Translated by: litsky5566 of 5566 Funland.tk 10-13-06
Hong Kong star Aaron Kwok have join new talent company Hong Kong Tha Guo Wen Hua, they have plan to release a new album for him in the near future, but Taiwan talent company that will handle Aaron抯 Mandarin language album is kept a secret, but on Aaron and new talent company press conference, Rio抯 Wingman talent company was reported to help on this matter. This made the outside world doubt that Wingman is Aaron抯 Taiwan talent company.
In the plan of Aaron抯 Mandarin album, Tha Guo Wen Hua promise an unlimited financial support, but they have only expose Aaron抯 Taiwan talent company, talents there in are all young artists, full of energy, it will be release to the public on the signing contract press conference on month end.
But according to source, Aaron抯 previous contract signing with Tha Guo Wen Hua press conference, inviting Taiwan media with the help of Rio抯 Wingman talent company, thus outside world doubt that Wingman talent company will add on a super star level talent on its list. Tha Guo Wen Hua have made plans for next year October for Aaron Kwok to do a series of concerts, this also indicate the chance for this Asia抯 leading man acting ability, and hope to realize his music theater dream before 45 years old. |
Subject: Youth star concert 朼nti-suicide campaign, 183 Club joins!
http://tw.epochtime s.com/bt/ 6/10/5/n1477630. htm
????? ??????????
Contributed by: Cat of 5566Funlanders 10/6/2006
Translated by: litsky5566 of 5566Funland. tk 10-12-06
In order to promote 損recious your life |
Subject: Zax wanting go solo, Manager: 揹on抰 dream! |
Subject: Tony Sun injured, 5566..
http://www.libertyt imes.com. tw/2006/new/ oct/15/today- show4.htm
??????? 5566????
Contributed by: Cat of 5566Funlanders 10/15/2006
Translated by: litsky5566 of 5566Funland. tk 10/16/2006
Tony Sun have a series of bad luck lately, first is his leading group 5566 have rumor lately that Zax want to go solo, now days before his shooting ends, unfortunate thing happened he was injured in Wu Shi shooting, his left leg was scratch and bleeds.
In the series, Tony Sun portrayed a warrior with very good kung fu fighting skills. In this forest fighting scene, it was planned that his opponent use to stub him with a sword, he was set up to do a kind of backward waist stunt and slide down beneath the sword position, because Tony have a definite level of dance skill, so this action was done with out any stunt man help. As he lift the sword, he lent backward and slide underneath, as he slides his left leg scratch on the surface of the floor, and felt a small amount of pain. After filming he notice that his left leg injury blood stream down unstop. The workers immediately do some first aid action to stop the blood. Tony adds on: 揑 felt like I am Lee Tieh Kuai of Eight saint over the ocean story, up to now I need to be help with a acne when walking |
Sorry yer, aku ni malas nak edit atau translatekan dlm BM, so aku paste jer la utk tatapan u all. Sapa yg rajin tu baca ler, tak pun boleh menguatkan tahap BI u all ... heheh ![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif) |
Lama tak masuk dah thread nih! Mana semua org nih? Phoenix di mana kau? :hmm: |
OK, ni semua rumors ttg Zax Wang yg dikatakan bakal menjadi ayah ! :malu:
Subject: Zax Wang having kid??? K-one will give red envelope |
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