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Post time 17-2-2012 05:48 PM | Show all posts
Pemasangan kipas persidiaan musim panas.
Credit : blog Hj Arshad
transporter Post at 17-2-2012 15:12

    waahhh..kipas,utk keselesaan para jemaah utk menunaikan ibadah...!

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Post time 17-2-2012 05:54 PM | Show all posts
Reply 503# lipsofanangel

    ye betul tu lips...bkn kita sorg nk di layannye...tpi yg penting kita kna slalu follow up...!

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Post time 17-2-2012 06:38 PM | Show all posts
Pemasangan kipas persidiaan musim panas.
Credit : blog Hj Arshad
transporter Post at 17-2-2012 15:12

    Sejak bila pula ada kipas ni... tak perasan pula..

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 Author| Post time 17-2-2012 06:50 PM | Show all posts
   tu lah kan, parents pun ckp mcm tu jugak...tghr boleh mencecah 50cc. ...
yanieyusuf Post at 17-2-2012 17:45

Apabila suhu cecah lebih dari 35C waktu subuh, jangan cari pasal nak buka shower & mandi, apatah lagi kalau nak cebuk.
Nanti kulit jadi macam udang bakar. Ini saya punya experience dulu duduk hotel lama yang tangki air atas bumbung hotel.
Hotel baru sekarang mungkin sistem piping dah moden kut.

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Post time 17-2-2012 06:50 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by gedebek79 at 17-2-2012 18:57

Salam Semua bakal2 tetamu Allah,

Esok turun sya pulak yg akan pegi 18 feb pkul 3ptg KLIA - JED package Andalusia. First time menjejakkan kaki ke tanah haram mmg menerbeskan, tuhan je la yang tau.... pohon doa abang2 kakak2 adik2 semua smoga dipermudahkan perjalanan pegi dan balik, dan dipermudahkan proses membuat umrah.....amin.. kalo kenal bleh kita bertegor2 kat sane ok.. . InsyaAllah balik nnt 3hb sy akan update kawan2 skalian ok.. Sekian dlu jumpa 2 minggu lagi lepas ini....

" "Labbayk, Allahumma Labbayk. Labbayk. La shareeka laka. Labbayk. Innal-hamda wan-ni'mata laka wal-mulk. La shareeka lak."
Kami memenuhi dan akan melaksanakan perintah-Mu ya Allah.Kami memenuhi dan akan melaksanakan perintah-Mu ya Allah.Sesungguhnya segala pujian, nikmat dan begitu juga kerajaan adalah milik-Mu dan tidak ada sekutu bagi-Mu.

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Post time 17-2-2012 08:53 PM | Show all posts
selalunya visa umrah approved berapa hari sebelum berangkat ye? bila flight da konfem means visa umrah dah approved?

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Post time 18-2-2012 12:34 AM | Show all posts
Apabila suhu cecah lebih dari 35C waktu subuh, jangan cari pasal nak buka shower & mandi, apatah ...
transporter Post at 17-2-2012 18:50

    ye ker....tq for advise..kena hati2 laa mcm ni...beringat sblm kena...

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Post time 18-2-2012 12:36 AM | Show all posts
Reply 525# gedebek79

    syukur alhmdulillah....moga selamat menuanaikan ibadah....moga dipermudahkan segala urusan...!

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Post time 18-2-2012 10:00 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by aily at 18-2-2012 22:02

Assalam Semua

Gambaran untuk teman teman pertama kali menjejakkan kaki di Masjidil Nabawi

Rak quran serta tempat letak kasut. Seeloknya letaklah kasut dalam sarung. Anda boleh solat disekitar kawasan tu. Bawah tiang tiang besar tu adalah tempat aircond keluar


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Post time 18-2-2012 10:06 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by aily at 18-2-2012 22:11

Toilet adalah di luar Masjid (tapi masih dalam kawasan Masjid) untuk jemaah wanita seelok2nya pergi lah berteman sebab dia underground kena turun tangga atau escalator berhampiran pintu number 12, 13, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26 & 29  

Underground Toilet


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Post time 18-2-2012 10:30 PM | Show all posts
Sedikit Info: Ruang Solat di Masjidil Haram

Levels For Salaat in the Grand Mosque

The Makkah Haram consists of four floors but “5” levels for Salaat.  These are as follows:

1. Basement Level - This level is not apparent to many.  This level has entrances from both the outside and inside of the Haram and admits both males and females and is only opened during peak periods.  Normally this level is used for Salaat only.  This level can be quite cold and you will need warm-wear and a Mussallah.

   2. Mataaf Level - This is usually where the bulk of the people perform Tawaaf.  Salaat is also performed here.  This level is open to both males and females.

    3. Ground Level - This is part of the covered portion of the Masjid immediately adjacent to the Mataaf level and is of Turkish design.  This level is used mainly for Salaat, although people do perform Tawaaf here, and is accessible to both males and females.

    4. First Floor Level - This is also part of the covered portion of the Masjid and is of Saudi origin.  This level is accessible to both males and females via lifts, stairs and escalators and is used mainly for Salaat although people do perform Tawaaf here.

Close to Babul Umrah, this level can be accessed directly from the street using pedestrian bridges/fly-overs as the street here is at the same level as this floor.

Aluminium stairs found near the Sa’ee area are used for crossing the Masaa, (Sa’ee area), using the pedestrian flyovers, either into or out of the Haram.  These stairs do not lead to the first floor.

    5. Roof Level - This floor is only for males all the time except during Hajj when females and children are allowed too.  This floor is mainly for Salaat but people do perform Tawaaf and Sa'ee too.  This level is accessible only via the escalators although some staircases do reach the roof level but are usually not open.

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Post time 18-2-2012 10:41 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by aily at 18-2-2012 22:44

Baggage into the Haram

You are not allowed to carry boxes, shopping bags, strollers, etc. into the Haram Shareef.  Sometimes even Mussallahs and drinking water bottles are not allowed.  These will have to be left outside the Masjid entrances from where they have a tendency to “disappear” as their safety is not guaranteed.

Untuk yang bawak anak2 kecil semasa tawaf pastikan mereka di kendong atau letak dalam wheelchair sebab stroller tak dibenarkan bawa masuk dalam masjid memang kena tinggal kat luar. Sekiranya anda nak tinggalkan stroller diluar pastikan berkunci.

Untuk botol minuman pula hanya boleh bawak masuk botol2 kecil sahaja. Botol 1.5ltr tak boleh bawak masuk nanti dilempar keluar oleh petugas masjid. Selalu terjadi di Masjidil Nabawi mak mak guard dia garang garang he he

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Post time 18-2-2012 11:26 PM | Show all posts
Reply 532# aily

    really good info ....seronok membacanye....! updates lgi info2 tkini..utk panduan kami2 yg akn pergi ke sana nnt...

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Post time 19-2-2012 09:09 AM | Show all posts
Assalam Semua

Gambaran untuk teman teman pertama kali menjejakkan kaki di Masjidil Nabawi

Rak  ...
aily Post at 18-2-2012 22:00

tempat tepi tiang memang peberet saya. sebab:
- sebelah aircond. nyamannn
- dekat rak qur'an
- dekat rak kasut
- in between waktu solat boleh bersandar sambil baca qur'an

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Post time 19-2-2012 09:27 AM | Show all posts
off topic jap ye..

kak aily...saya dah balas PM akak...maaf lambat...selalu baca thread nih tapi jarang login...

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Post time 19-2-2012 10:38 AM | Show all posts
off topic jap ye..

kak aily...saya dah balas PM akak...maaf lambat...selalu baca thread nih tapi  ...
melukut Post at 19-2-2012 09:27

Esok akak email ya. Masih sempat kan

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Post time 19-2-2012 10:42 AM | Show all posts
tempat tepi tiang memang peberet saya. sebab:
- sebelah aircond. nyamannn
- dekat rak qur'an ...
dranne Post at 19-2-2012 09:09

Sama cam akak jugak he he lagi lagi dapat sandar kat tepi aircond memang port yang dinanti2kan

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Post time 19-2-2012 11:00 AM | Show all posts
Esok akak email ya. Masih sempat kan

buleh kak..saya tak kisah....ikut kelapangan akak....thanks ya...

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Post time 19-2-2012 11:15 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by aily at 19-2-2012 11:16

Teman teman yang pertama kali lakukan Umrah, jika berkesempatan cubalah solat sunat 2 rakaat di dalam Hijir Ismail. Untuk jemaah wanita seelok2nya cari ruang kat belakang2 sebab di depan bertempuh dengan jemaah lelaki, ruang ni sempit jadi lepas solat & berdoa keluarlah cepat cepat bagi peluang jemaah lain pula.

Lepas habis tawaf dan solat sunat tawaf pergi lah ke paip air zam zam berdoa serta minum mengadap kaabah


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Post time 19-2-2012 12:08 PM | Show all posts
Teman teman yang pertama kali lakukan Umrah, jika berkesempatan cubalah solat sunat 2 rakaat di dala ...
aily Post at 19-2-2012 11:15

memang teringin sangat nak bersolat di hijir Ismail ni kak. belum berpeluang. semoga Allah permudahkan kali ni. traffic nak masuk ruang ni agak 'heavy' sikit, kan? ada sesiapa ada tips tertentu? yang saya terfikir adalah untuk ikut flow orang tawaf then slowly masuk ke tengah. ada askar jaga kan?

saya ada jumpa good article berkenaan air zam-zam:

semoga bermanfaat. wallahu'alam

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