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Author: Acong

US/israel hijack MAS MH370 KL - Beijing [8 Mac 2014] ke Diego Garcia

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Post time 10-3-2014 02:26 PM | Show all posts
kahkahkah..... macam2 ada...

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Post time 10-3-2014 03:14 PM | Show all posts
Ok ok...gini la, kalau betul pesawat tu kembali lepas 35 tahun hilang...mesti cerita besar punya tahun 1980...sampai sekarang. Lepas tu cerita tu kata pesawat berlepas dari Jerman pada 4/9/1945. Masalahnya Jerman masa tu dah hancur, takde penerbangan komersil dah.

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Post time 10-3-2014 03:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cik_pink posted on 10-3-2014 01:26 PM
so kau nak ckp kau spesis apa??? konon yg expert pasal aviation je yg boleh komen kat sini lah..jg ...

hehe.. rilek arr brader..
period ker..
baru cuit cikit je..

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Post time 10-3-2014 03:50 PM | Show all posts
system_failure posted on 10-3-2014 03:31 PM
hehe.. rilek arr brader..
period ker..
baru cuit cikit je..

xyah nak brader2 ngan aku, aku sis hokeh


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Post time 10-3-2014 03:56 PM | Show all posts
dah jangan gaduh2....meh aku tolong jawabkan
hoax jer tu, kt bod misteri cakap, video tu amik dr citer twilight

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Post time 10-3-2014 04:04 PM | Show all posts
alphawolf posted on 10-3-2014 03:14 PM
Ok ok...gini la, kalau betul pesawat tu kembali lepas 35 tahun hilang...mesti cerita besar punya tah ...

ok terima kasih utk pencerahan...aku nak jawapan camni la

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 Author| Post time 10-3-2014 04:53 PM | Show all posts
cik_pink posted on 10-3-2014 12:22 PM
OT jap, do u guys have any idea yg ade flight hilang 30 over years suddenly appear landing dekat air ...


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 Author| Post time 10-3-2014 04:54 PM | Show all posts
alphawolf posted on 10-3-2014 03:14 PM
Ok ok...gini la, kalau betul pesawat tu kembali lepas 35 tahun hilang...mesti cerita besar punya tah ...

penerbangan komersil belum bermula pada 1945....... hoax nie dari indon & china

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Post time 10-3-2014 04:58 PM | Show all posts
Acong posted on 10-3-2014 04:54 PM
penerbangan komersil belum bermula pada 1945....... hoax nie dari indon & china

terima kasih utk pencerahan [aku pon nak guna icon ni gak]

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Post time 10-3-2014 05:17 PM | Show all posts
salah satu tragedi crashed and missing flight yg famous : kes amelia earhart

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Post time 10-3-2014 08:40 PM | Show all posts
Segala unsur2 bida'ah, tahyul, khurafat, serta syiah imam 12 akan dipancung habis2an...


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Post time 10-3-2014 09:22 PM | Show all posts
Jika aku adalah penganas... Apa yg akan aku buat.....
Aku nak cuba try menjadi hantu... Mana la tau kot2 aku lebih hantu dari hantu2 nie....

Firstly aku akan pastikan identiti diri tak diketahui...
Jika flight didapati hilang, perkara pertama yg pihak berkuasa akan cari ialah nama2 mangsa.... Dan akan menghubungi ahli keluarga mangsa...
so, kat sini je dah failed...

Second, aku akan belajar selok belok fly pesawat atau at least bawak sorang yg tau terbangkannya..
Sebab pilots memang dilatih utk tidak melayan terrorist dan jgn harap la dia akan follow kehendak penganas walau sorang demi sorang passenger di buang kuar dari tingkap....
Tetapi masalah besarnya sekarang nie ialah, sejak peristiwa 911 tak pernah ada lagi kes penganas berjaya menawan cockpit..
Once pilots lock pintu dia, emergency system akan activated dan automatically inform nearest beacon..
Jika hijackers tu pun pilot jugak, still cannot fly that machine sebab once emergency system take over, hanya pilots berkenaan je yg ada password utk manually override that plane...
En.George akan menjadi kapten dan akan auto landingkan to nearest airport guided by ILS...
so, kat sini pun hijackers dah failed lagi.......

Thirdly, aku takkan buat rampasan kat atas laut lebih2 lagi kat perairan antarabangsa... Why?
becoz sebagai perampas, motifnya hanyalah duit semata2... Dan tentulah nak deal dgn pihak airline yg dia rampas...
dlm kes ni, mestilah nak nego dgn malaysia....
Jika berada atas laut, lebih2 lagi bukan dlm malaysia, siapa yg akan layan?
pastu negara mana yg nak bagi enter ruang udara mereka? Mereka akan anggap hijackers akan fisabilliah keatas bandaraya mereka...
Kat sini pun failed lagi........

adalah hantu2 ni hentam kromo je?
no.... the best possibility ialah.... Mereka juga mangsa..... Last edited by system_failure on 10-3-2014 09:24 PM


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Post time 10-3-2014 10:47 PM | Show all posts
lebih suka speku secara fakta
tapi klw ikutkan fakta yang dikeluarkan oleh en.system_failure mcm ckp mah370 dah terhempas di mana-mana lautan

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Post time 10-3-2014 11:13 PM | Show all posts
kita kene akui ada alam lain selain alam kita.... ... read&tid=781311

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Post time 10-3-2014 11:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
system_failure posted on 10-3-2014 09:22 PM
Jika aku adalah penganas... Apa yg akan aku buat.....
Aku nak cuba try menjadi hantu... Mana la tau ...

Jadik pendapat bang system pasal Mh370 ni cemane..
Hijack, terroris, system failure, or what

Aku suker bace bang system punye komen

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 Author| Post time 11-3-2014 06:48 AM | Show all posts
Chinese group claims responsibility for missing jet
By Bob Fredericks and Post WiresMarch 10, 2014 | 8:42am

Risman Siregar (left) comforts his wife, Erlina Panjaitan (center). They are the parents of Firman Chandra Siregar, a 24-year-old passenger on Malaysia Airlines

A shadowy group called the Chinese Martyrs’ Brigade has claimed responsibility for the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 — but officials were skeptical and said the claim could be a hoax.

The group — unheard of before now — on Sunday sent an email to journalists across China that read: “You kill one of our clan, we will kill 100 of you as pay back,” but the message provided no details of what brought the flight down.

And Malaysia’s acting transport minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, told reporters at Kuala Lumpur International Airport on Monday he doubted the claim’s legitimacy.

“There is no sound or credible grounds to justify their claims,” he said, according to Malaysian news reports.

Other officials said the claim could be a hoax aimed at increasing ethnic tensions between Uighurs and Han Chinese in the wake of the recent knife attack in the southwestern city of Kunming on March 1 that left 29 people dead and injured about 140 others.

The message was delivered through an anonymous, encrypted Hushmail service that is virtually impossible to trace, they said.

Investigators also said Monday that debris spotted from the air that was originally believed to be from the plane turned out to be a large cable spool unconnected to the aircraft.

Indonesian Navy pilots check their map during a search operation for the missing Malaysian Airlines flight.

Officials also said testing showed that an oil slick thought to possibly be from the plane had no connection to the aircraft.

Meanwhile, investigators suspect the vanished Malaysian airliner may have been blown out of the sky — just like the jumbo jet that rained deadly wreckage onto Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988.

A senior official involved in the probe of its disappearance said the evidence so far “appears to indicate that the aircraft is likely to have disintegrated at around 35,000 feet,” Reuters reported.

Relatives of a passenger onboard the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 cry as they await news of the missing jet.

Asked if that suggested a bomb blew up the Boeing 777, the source said there was no evidence yet of foul play, but noted the closest parallels to the plane’s disappearance early Saturday over the South China Sea were the 1980s bombings of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie and Air India Flight 182 off the coast of Ireland.

Although the source added that the flight, en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, could have broken apart due to mechanical failure, Malaysian officials have not ruled out a hijacking.

Meanwhile, Hussein said authorities have surveillance video of the two passengers who boarded the plane using stolen passports.

Malaysia’s Civil Aviation Chief Azaharuddin Abdul Rahman said officials had reviewed surveillance tape of the plane’s boarding and are now saying the pair were not Asian, as they had originally indicated.

“We confirmed now they are not Asian-looking males,” Rahman said, adding that one of the men was black.

One had been identified, officials said, though they refused to release a name or nationality.

Italian Luigi Maraldi, whose stolen passport was used by a passenger boarding a missing Malaysian airliner, shows his passport as he reports himself to Thai police in Phuket province, southern Thailand, on March 9.

Five booked passengers failed to show up for the flight, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Other troubling details emerged when a telephone operator on a China-based hot line for KLM airlines confirmed Sunday that the passengers traveling with the stolen passports had booked one-way tickets on the same KLM flight from Beijing to Amsterdam on Saturday.

The operator told the Associated Press that they had booked the tickets through China Southern Airlines, but she had no information on where they bought them.

Interpol — which called the use of the stolen passports a “great concern” — said a check of all documents presented by passengers on the ill-fated flight also revealed additional “suspect passports.”

An Interpol spokeswoman couldn’t say how many other passports were being investigated, or what country or countries issued them.

Malaysia’s air force chief, Rodzali Daud, said radar showed the plane — which carried 239 people — may have turned back toward Kuala Lumpur.

No distress signals from the crew were reported. ... llels-to-lockerbie/

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 Author| Post time 11-3-2014 06:58 AM | Show all posts
Pair with stolen passports got tickets from ‘Mr. Ali’
By Bob Fredericks and Post WiresMarch 10, 2014 | 1:28pm

Search crews continue looking for any sign of the missing Malaysia Airlines jet.
Photo: Zumapress

The two men who used stolen passports to board the Malaysia Airlines flight that vanished without a trace Saturday had tickets arranged for by a shadowy Iranian known only as “Mr. Ali,” according to a new report Monday.

Malaysian authorities have passed along details about the unidentified pair to US investigators, hoping that could speed up identification of the duo and help solve the deepening mystery of the doomed flight’s fate.

A travel agent in Thailand told the Financial Times that a man she knew only as “Mr. Ali” reserved the tickets for the pair, who were among 239 passengers and crew who went missing when the plane dropped off the radar screen over the South China Sea.

The men were flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on stolen Italian and Austrian passports, and were then booked to fly to Amsterdam before catching separate flights to Copenhagen and Frankfurt.

Malaysian Defense Minister Hishamuddin Hussein said video of the pair was also handed over to US officials in Kuala Lumpur investigating possible terrorist involvement.

Authorities want to know more about the men and the stolen passports, but also point out that forged or stolen passports and other identification papers are often used in the region for drug smuggling and illegal immigration.

The Financial Times reported that Benjaporn Krutnait, owner of the Grand Horizon travel agency in Thailand, said “Mr. Ali” first asked her to book cheap tickets to Europe for the two men on March 1.

The tickets expired before she heard back from Mr. Ali. But he then called her again on Thursday and she rebooked them on the Malaysia Airlines flight.

She said a friend of Mr. Ali’s paid cash for the tickets, that she had known the Iranian for about three years, and that he had booked tickets through her agency before.

Authorities initially described the pair as Asian men.

But on Monday, Hussein said, “it is confirmed that they are not Asian-looking men.”

He declined to give further details, but asked: “Do you know a footballer by the name of Balotelli?” in an apparent reference to Mario Balotelli, an Italian of Ghanaian descent who is black.

Both individuals had “gone through the full protocol of [airport] security,” said Malaysia’s Civil Aviation Chief Azaharuddin Abdul Rahman.

Meanwhile, a shadowy group called the Chinese Martyrs’ Brigade claimed responsibility for the disappearance of Flight MH370 — but officials were skeptical and said the claim could be a hoax.

The group — unheard of before now — on Sunday sent an email to journalists across China that read: “You kill one of our clan, we will kill 100 of you as pay back,” but the message provided no details of what brought the flight down.

Hussein told reporters he doubted the claim’s legitimacy.

“There is no sound or credible grounds to justify their claims,” he said, according to Malaysian news reports.

Other officials said the claim could be a hoax aimed at increasing ethnic tensions between Uighurs and Han Chinese in the wake of the March 1 knife attacks in the southwestern city of Kunming that left 29 people dead and about 140 others injured.

The message was delivered through an encrypted, anonymous Hushmail service that is virtually impossible to trace, they said.

Investigators also said Monday that debris spotted from the air that was originally believed to be from the plane turned out to be a large cable spool unconnected to the aircraft.

They also said an oil click discovered in the region was not connected to the flight.

Investigators suspect the vanished Malaysian airliner may have been blown out of the sky — just like the jumbo jet that rained deadly wreckage onto Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988.

A senior official involved in the probe of its disappearance said the evidence so far “appears to indicate that the aircraft is likely to have disintegrated at around 35,000 feet,” Reuters reported.

Asked if that suggested a bomb blew up the Boeing 777, the source said there was no evidence yet of foul play, but noted the closest parallels to the plane’s disappearance early Saturday over the South China Sea were the 1980s bombings of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie and Air India Flight 182 off the coast of Ireland.

Although the source added that the flight, en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, could have broken apart due to mechanical failure, Malaysian officials have not ruled out a hijacking.

Meanwhile, Hussein said authorities have surveillance video of the two passengers who boarded the plane using stolen passports.

Rahman, the civil aviation chief, said officials had reviewed surveillance tape of the plane’s boarding and are now saying the pair were not Asian, as they had originally indicated.

“We confirmed now they are not Asian-looking males,” Rahman said, adding that one of the men was black.

One had been identified, officials said, though they refused to release a name or nationality.

Malaysian Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the other passenger also appeared to be Asian, and blasted the border officials who let them through while carrying passports from Austria and Italy.

“Can’t these immigration officials think? Italian and Austrian [passport holders] but with Asian faces,” Hamidi fumed.

Five booked passengers failed to show up for the flight, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Other troubling details emerged when a telephone operator on a China-based hot line for KLM airlines confirmed Sunday that the passengers traveling with the stolen passports had booked one-way tickets on the same KLM flight from Beijing to Amsterdam on Saturday.

The operator told the Associated Press that they had booked the tickets through China Southern Airlines, but she had no information on where they bought them.

Interpol — which called the use of the stolen passports a “great concern” — said a check of all documents presented by passengers on the ill-fated flight also revealed additional “suspect passports.”

An Interpol spokeswoman couldn’t say how many other passports were being investigated, or what country or countries issued them.

Malaysia’s air force chief, Rodzali Daud, said radar showed the plane — which carried 239 people — may have turned back toward Kuala Lumpur.
No distress signals from the crew were reported. ... ickets-from-mr-ali/

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Post time 11-3-2014 09:56 AM | Show all posts
MAS akan nafikan ketidakbolehan pilotnya apatah lg pilot tu dh bawak flight berpuloh tahun n die tak sempat nk bg apa2 distress signal sblm hilang......boeing akan nafikan kegagalan berfungsinya enjin, mechanical parts atau electronic mungkin 'isolated' case of system and mechanical failure........ntah2 ade askar negara mana tah yg ade kt situ takleh identify pesawat MAS n pegi tembak secara tiba2 (setau aku askar china n amerika mmg ade di perairan laut china selatan atau lautan pasifik).........walau apapun, bg aku, selagi tak jumpa serpihan atau mangsa, bermakna harapan masih ada.......mungkin diorang ade buat emergency landing kt mana2 yg tempatnye takde signal phone n sedang terhanyut ke tengah lautan pasifik.........

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Post time 11-3-2014 01:38 PM | Show all posts
ada kemungkinan segala signal dah kene jammed.

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Post time 11-3-2014 01:40 PM | Show all posts
edoraixora posted on 10-3-2014 11:29 PM
Jadik pendapat bang system pasal Mh370 ni cemane..
Hijack, terroris, system failure, or what

sound like catastrophic failure.. (sudden and total computer failure, which recovery is impossible)

decend rate from 35 thousand feet to zero was less than 10 minutes..

the best possible pilots could do, landing this big machine slowly at the water surface..

i'm referring to simmilarity of Flight 38 British Airways Boeing 777 that crashes in 2008.

the fuselage might survive.. all parts might still intact..


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