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Author: CaptainAmerica

[Dunia] diberitakan isis sudah menyerang israel :update quran dijumpai #25

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Post time 3-1-2016 07:13 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
11% org mesia sokong isis jilake puih

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Post time 3-1-2016 07:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ade ke yg usung Qur'an kesanasini? Nak msk toilet pun x bleh tau. Haha try harder next time

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Post time 3-1-2016 07:24 AM | Show all posts

Tel Aviv shooting: suspect 'wanted to avenge cousin's death'
The man suspected of being behind a gun attack at a Tel Aviv bar that killed two people and left seven wounded has been described as an unstable individual whose cousin was allegedly killed by Israeli border police in 2006.
The 29-year-old Arab Israeli allegedly attacked the busy city centre location on Friday, at a time of heightened tensions between Israelis and Palestinians following a wave of knife attacks in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
The suspect, whose name has been withheld by police, is believed to be from Arara in the Wadi Ara area of northern Israel, and has reportedly served time for trying to snatch a soldier’s weapon.
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[size=1.25][url=]Two people dead in Tel Aviv shooting[/url]

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He is alleged to have stolen a gun on Friday from his father, a volunteer with the Israeli police. His father contacted police after seeing security footage images, alleged to be of his son, which were screened across Israeli media.
The attacker targeted the Simta pub on Dizengoff Street, a major arterial route in Tel Aviv, killing Alon Bakal, 26, and Shimon Ruimi, 30. Another seven people were injured, two of them seriously.
The suspect’s father urged Israeli security forces to detain his son as soon as possible, fearing he would strike again, according to Israeli media.
“What is important to me now is that they reach my son and arrest him, because he is still armed,” the Ynet news website quoted him as saying. “I am worried and I want to hear that he is in police hands.”
A relative of the suspect told the Haaretz newspaper that he had a history of involvement in violent incidents, and said that in recent years his family had occasionally called the police because of his aggression.
“We know he was being treated for mental [health issues],” the relative claimed. “We haven’t heard much about him recently. He wasn’t married and we always suspected he was unstable.”
In 2006, the suspect’s cousin was allegedly killed by border police during a home search. He subsequently struggled with depression, according to his family, who also said he attacked a soldier with a screwdriver in 2007, lightly wounding him. During his interrogation, he allegedly said he wanted to avenge his cousin’s death.
Israeli forces are conducting a widespread search for the suspect, including in his home region. The father was questioned on Friday evening, and computers and items from the family home were reportedly seized as part of the investigation into the attack.
There is growing evidence to suggest the attack was linked to domestic issues, but Israel has been preparing for an attack by Isis, which has a small but growing following among Arab Israelis.


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Post time 3-1-2016 07:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tt kantoi bigot

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Post time 3-1-2016 07:42 AM | Show all posts
Ingatkan dah satu batalion teroris ISIS masuk Israel. Rupanya 2 ekor je. itupun menyerang orang awam. macam tak kena tajuk TT

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Post time 3-1-2016 07:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Inilah dikatakan nabi iaitu fitnah akhir zaman..namun Allah itu maha besar sis..semakin puak2 kapir conteng arang ke agama ini makin berkembang islam..ajaib bukan?

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Post time 3-1-2016 07:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jgn wat alasan nk serang palestin udah

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Post time 3-1-2016 08:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
krustykrab replied at 2-1-2016 07:01 PM
Hp huawei ni ok dok? Dulu rasa cam nk beli tp  tgk review ramai kt tak best

Aku bkn tau natang ni sme, aku p kedai tanya dia , aku nk sambo phone 6 or samsung s tu yg rege 1k lebih kurang tp mamat tu kata klo ikut VALUE FOR MONEY dia rekemen huawei , esp bab kamera dia , the best dia kata, ni phone hi tech smart phone pertama aku, tu pasal aku tulis bnyak typo hahaha, kawan bisinggg susah nk kontek asik masuk mesin phone lama berry aku tuuu so aku beli niii, 669 aud ,klo.iphone cecah 1k, huawei p8 ni dia kata baru sampai  3 bulan , masa beli tu bulan 9, so far puas ati, nipis dan ringan, aku bli iphone 5 seken hand 500 aud haa kasik abang aku pakai, samsung ramai sangat pakai , budak cina china melbourne ramai pakai huawei, budak aussie sekolah rendah pun sme iphone, ipad haa, aku jenis as long serve the purpose peh tu murah ok jer, VALUE FOR MONEY ko kne tgk camtu, dari 1 sampai 10 rating huawei p8 ni aku kasik 8, klo kamera dia aku kasik 9 out of 10, ease of use 9 gak, tp aku tk reti guna bnyak kemudahan dia hahaha orang tuaa la katakan

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Post time 3-1-2016 08:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
CaptainAmerica posted on 2-1-2016 07:37 PM
Security footage from an adjacent grocery store shows the gunman taking out a gun from a backpack, e ...

Nak suruh Yahudi baca ke?

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Post time 3-1-2016 08:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ohnoLia replied at 2-1-2016 08:29 PM
Klu dajal di sebelah pihak alliance iran.syria.russia.china.yaman

Then bang haji syorkan kita ...

Aku tk syor apa apa, aku cite je dr pandangan aku

Aku syor korang tajamkan analisa, bnyak baca dr pelbagai sumber jgn stop gitu, baca dan fikirkan

Ni zaman dusta, zaman ramai pengikut dajal, yg batil di katakan benar, yg benar di katakan palsu

So sapa nk tolong kita? Kt mana nk minra tolong ? Kenal tk sapa tu ad dajal? Tau tak apa tu the prophets of doom n gloom? The false prophet tu apa?
Klo kita baca berita hari ni penuh Dusta, budak pun dah pandai tipu, apa Allah dan Rasul kata smenya benar, nabi dah kata zaman ni akan datang, zaman dusta so camna korang Satu Keluarga esp yg baru berfamili dan ade anak kecik nk idup di jalan lurus DALAM.ZAMAN PENUH DUSTA?

Baca , berilmu, berfikir,selidik tanpa jemu, bertanya kendian serah kat Allah swt, buat apa mampu dan redha

Jgn ikut selain quran dan sunna, walo ayah ibu

Ko tetap gitu walo putus nyawa yg cuma pinjaman dan tubuh yg hanya debu debu tanah

Takat senang dunia, sepuluh duapuluh malah 100 taun pun ko akan bosan dan nak ilang bosan ko akan lampaui batas pasal itu cara napsu bertambah, kepuasan yg tidak ada titik henti

Blajo sabar, bersyukur, dekatkan diri pada tuhan, bersihkan hati, kikis sifat keji ganti sifat terpuji , redha segalanya , bnyakkan sedekah walo secebis ilmu berguna nak nak ilmu menuju ke Allah swt, kenal sapa cipta kamu, kenal sapa penghulu kamu, kenal apa agama kamu, jgn lari dari peperangan, jangan jadi jantan dayus mcm najib, j jadi lelaki sejati mcm nabi, buat baik pd semua kejadian tuhan terutama ibu bapa kamu, kaum lemah, kanak kanak , oku , damping orang berilmu, para ulama, selalu jemaah klo buleh, biasakan solat dhuha dan tahajud, 2 rakaat jekkk, amal selalu baca surah kahfi di zaman dusta zaman dajal ni! Inshaalah klo dpt usaha sme tu , ikhlas KERANA ALLAH swt sahaja dan bukan selain itu adelah balasan NYA , apa pun kita redho, kita tawakal pasrah, yakin kasih sayang ALLAH swt yg tiada batas dan berharap pertolonganNya , Allah tidak memungkiri janjiNya, bukan mcm manusia  mcm BN tuh!

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Post time 3-1-2016 08:32 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pajeri_Nenas replied at 3-1-2016 07:30 AM
Tt kantoi bigot

Tt ni islamophobic

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Post time 3-1-2016 08:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cherub replied at 3-1-2016 12:49 AM
Mmg dah zaman perang dunia pun. Org kita je xsadar diri berjimba2 holiday merata2 europe.
Betul  ...

Nmpak beno ko rajin godam ehwal dunia semasa hahaha , bio yg tk faham tu lama lama depa tau, tu lom cite kejahatan International money system, sheikh imran hossien depa kenal ntah idak hiskkk zaman information ni kne laju otak grab info dah ler tu kne laju nk hadam cerna tapis sme peh tu nk sempoikan pengajaran pergh

Klo aju cite lai bnyak pasal evil.of money as sebt sini, mayb besok masjid sure penuh hihihi

Kita tk sedar kita ikut barat esp usa masuk jahanam haa kita tk sedar pasal tipu daya iblis esp syaitan manusia yg jadi Ruling Class, bila dah tak guna mcm sultanate saudi ,akan di buang mcm osama, qadafi, sadam etc

Btui Allah dan rasulNya pesan bahwa kita orang islam akan ikut yahudi dan nosoro dan depa tak kan dok diam dan puas selagi kita tak ikut depa

Tak caya lagi? Hihihi dah jadi punnn btui dak?

Armageddon akan jadi tak tau bila, PERANG NUKLEAR haaaa, perang kuasa besar mayb usa russia dan lepas tu cuma israel jadi kuasa besar kendian ad dajal dengan sokongan yahudi bermaharajalela ntah berapa lama, lepas tu turun nabi isa a.s bunuh dajal bersama imam mahdi dan kendian dunua jd islam semuanya, kendian mai angin dn mati semuaaaa orang beriman dan tinggal yg kufur jek untuk sekian waktu peh tu KIAMATTTTT, bulan jatuh, bintang jatuh planet berlanggar, bergulung gulung awannn meletoppppp sme.gunung api lava panasss mai sapu sme apa di darat air laut naik mengelegak pasal gunung brapi dalam laut meletop haaaa TSUNAMI tinngi burj tu mai sapu sme cam sapu sampah je, manusiaaa????

Mak tak kenal anal, anak tk carik mak, ayah tinggal sme bini pompuan dia masing masing berlarian mcm anak ayam hilang ibu, terpinga terkejut ter ter segalanya dengan tiupan sangkakala israfil tanda kiamat berlaku dan puuuuuuuuunah ranap semuaaaaa ciptaan Allah twrmasuk yg tiup tu dan tinggal yg sedia ada wujud tiada mula tiada akhir kekal selamanya, di hidupkan israfil dan setelah tiupan sangkakala kedus di bangkitkan semuaaaaaa manusia bermula adam a.s sampai.manusia penghabisan , tuju Padang Masyhar, hari yg dijanjikannnnnn, hari PERHITUNGAN amalan manusia selama depa hidup dlm duniaaaa, hari sedih pada yg rugiii masa hidupnya, hari gembira pada yg tetap di jalanNya, semua iniiii cerita dongeng ke atau hanya untuk ORANG YANG BERFIKIR

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Post time 3-1-2016 02:10 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 3-1-2016 02:26 PM | Show all posts
Two people were killed and at least seven wounded when a gunman opened fire on a pub and nearby cafe in central Tel Aviv, but the motive was not immediately clear.

The shooting came amid a recent wave of Palestinian attacks on Israelis and days after the leader of the Islamic State (IS) group threatened the Jewish state with violence.

However, police stressed they were investigating in "all directions".

Media reports identified the shooter as an Arab in his late twenties from northern Israel who had recently been jailed for trying to snatch a soldier's weapon, but police refused to confirm.

Ayman Odeh, who heads the Joint List that groups the main Arab parties in parliament, said that "while not all the details of the incident are clear yet", he "sharply and clearly" condemned any attack on innocent people.

CCTV footage from a nearby grocery store showed a bespectacled young man with a backpack calmly pretending to shop before going to the exit, placing the backpack on a trolley, removing what looks like a submachine gun and opening fire in the street.

A police spokeswoman refused to confirm or deny reports that a copy of the Koran was found in the assailant's backpack.

Medics said they took nine people to hospitals in Tel Aviv, with police saying two of them had died.

One of those killed was identified by his father as Alon Bakal, a law and business student who was a manager at Simta, the pub targeted, with police naming the second as Shimon Ruimi from southern Israel.

An AFP reporter said patrons at the pub and a nearby cafe had been shot at, and that the sidewalk was strewn with chairs and broken glass as forensic officers examined the scene.

Witnesses said people had braved the chilly weather to sit outside on terraces at both venues, located on Dizengoff Street, a central thoroughfare of bars, cafes and shops.

"Police units searching Tel Aviv area for suspect who carried out shooting. All injured taken to Tel Aviv hospitals," spokesman Micky Rosenfeld wrote on Twitter.

Hundreds of police were scouring the area, entering buildings in the vicinity as police helicopters buzzed overhead.

- 'I would have been dead' -

Haim Pinto was closing his jewellery store near the pub when the shooting began.

"People started running in my direction, yelling 'terrorist, terrorist'. I saw the commotion and went right back into my store, another girl came in and we hid in the bathroom till the shooting ended," he told AFP.

Pinto said the pub had opened "just a few months ago".

Osnat David, who owns a hair salon near the pub, said she was outside smoking a cigarette just two minutes before the attack began.

"If I were there when it happened I would have been dead," she told AFP, recounting how she hid in her salon's storage room with a few customers, clutching a pair of scissors and waiting for the shooting to end.

French tourist Alexandre Lambez was at a cafe across the street from the one targeted.

"I heard gunshots and turned around; I saw people rushing to the back of the cafe. I heard screaming and saw a man shooting. He was brown haired, wearing a grey sweater and fled the scene," he told AFP.

"I immediately thought of the attacks in Paris," he said, referring to jihadist attacks in November that killed 130 people at bars, a concert hall and the Stade de France stadium.

In a recording released Saturday, IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is apparently heard pledging to attack Israel, saying his group has "not forgotten Palestine for a single moment".

Rockets fired by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, meanwhile, hit southern Israel Friday without causing any casualties or damage, the army said.

Sunni militants claiming links to IS have said they were behind similar rocket fire in recent months, but Israel holds the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas responsible for all such incidents.

Twenty Israelis, an American and an Eritrean have been killed in a wave of Palestinian attacks since October 1 including stabbings, car-rammings and gunfire targeting security forces and civilians.

According to an AFP count, 138 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces since the start of the latest violence, most while carrying out attacks on Israelis.


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Post time 3-1-2016 02:43 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 3-1-2016 02:58 PM | Show all posts
AbukRokok replied at 2-1-2016 10:42 PM
motif bawak koran dlm beg utk dipijak idf?
motif bawak passport utk dikenali identiti selepas mat ...

isis mmg penyerang paling tertib.
bawak segala i.c surat beranak, kad cidb bagai ketika mengebom.

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Post time 3-1-2016 03:07 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 3-1-2016 07:27 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 3-1-2016 07:33 PM | Show all posts
Ada 8 poin2 penting dlm ucapan dia yg terbaharu. Aku paste 2 je. Selebihnya cari sendiri.


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Post time 3-1-2016 07:38 PM | Show all posts
TT ni sbnrnya fangirl IS dlm diam.

-tt, Siapa the Assyrian yg disebut dlm Isaiah? He's the one who will brought God's wrath to Jerusalem (jews)

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