Reply #700 shidaaziz's post
Engko pakai minyak Shell Helix yg mineral botol kuning tue erk..? Minyak pelincir Shell mineral yg murah sikit nie aku tak confident laa...Hampas sikit.. |
Balas #719 shidaaziz\ catat
20000km atau 100000 km..?????  |
Originally posted by JAY-Z at 14-4-2009 10:14 
ko explain skit je,.aku x perasan..xtau la keistimewaan camana ko ckp..tp kalo naik bukit kena drop gear jugak..kalo x..mmg semput jgk
Alaaa....Engkau rajin2 Google sendiri leee...Maleh nak explain laaa..
 |  | Mitsubishi's clever INVECS transmission (it stands for Intelligent & Innovative Vehicle Electronic Control System) was first made available in the Galant over a decade ago. It has now been developed into INVECS-II, and is seen in the Mitsubishi Shogun, Grandis and the Lancer.
In simple terms INVECS-II is a computer-controlled automatic transmission which has the ability to "learn" your driving style, using its Adaptive Shift Control software. As soon as you start driving the computer begins to monitor your driving style, and after a short while sets the up and down-change points to suit, thus smoothing out progress on the road. It's almost like having a person sitting next to you who, having seen how you drive, adjusts the automatic gearbox accordingly.
For the fully automatic mode to be in operation, the gear selector is simply left in 'D'. But on the Shogun, Grandis and Lancer models, if you want to use the manual mode - which gives the driver more control over the transmission, and allows higher engine revs in each gear - then the lever is slid over to the left into another gate, which is Sports Mode.
Now, tapping the lever forward prompts an electronic up-change, while moving it back downshifts. Effectively you have a clutchless gearshift, but you don't need to worry about suddenly being caught out at low speed in a high gear, because when stationary the transmission automatically reverts to first.
Reply #719 shidaaziz's post
Kalau engkau bole tahan dan takut risiko aku galakkan terus aje hantar kat SC pasal warranty untuk enjin misalnya adalah 5 tahun atau 175,000km yg mana dahulu tapi bukan semua ada yg cuma 2 tahun atau 50000km sahaja utk part2 tertentu aksesori cuma setahun kot...Tapi engkau kena tahan dgn harga servis charge nya yg mahal. Pada pendapat aku elok tunggu 2 tahun kot baru fikir2 nak hantar luar. Aku bukan hape cuma tak de masa nak layan SC lagipun nak modi skit2...Lagipun rasenya kurang masalah keta nie kalau ada pun sparepart bagi akulah tak de mahal sangat.
Tak semestinya SC charge rm110 yg paling murah pernah dengar rm 90
[ Last edited by masterixs at 14-4-2009 11:01 ] |
Balas #727 masterixs\ catat
ada lg......tempat aku labour jek rm75......... |
Originally posted by cikguranggi at 14-4-2009 10:41 
aku ingat pun lps 3rd service nih nak pakai fully sintetik......berapa rega mast...???
aku tanya syntium 1000 rm 190++........tak tahu la brand lain.....kot2 ada yg lebih bagus dan murah sket. ...
Minyak enjin yg aku pakai cuma berharga rm90.00 aje full sync jenama Bardahl 5w-40w ekekeke...minyak ini distributornya adalah Bintang&Carriage yg biasa servis utk BMW dan Merc.
Aku rasa lebih baik engkau tunggu lepas 2 tahun baru awak fikir nak hantar luar tapi engkau kena ready lee..Jgn terkezut bila engkau tengok harga pada servis 20k KM dan 40k KM kat SC. |
Originally posted by masterixs at 14-4-2009 10:58 
Kalau engkau bole tahan dan takut risiko aku galakkan terus aje hantar kat SC pasal warranty untuk enjin misalnya adalah 5 tahun atau 175,000km yg mana dahulu tapi bukan semua ada yg cuma 2 tahun ...
ok kalau cam tu aku tunggu 2 tahun le. tapi 4th service aku nak beli barang sendiri especially engine oil & oil filter  |
Reply #728 cikguranggi's post
Haaa...Okay lee tue kalau kau dapat harga mcm tue...Tapi ingat SC punya sparepart pun boleh tahan mahal kalau ada tukar barang mungkin kena labour charge lain pulak. Engkau pun pakai auto erk...Saranan aku adalah lebih baik engkau pelajari selok belok pakai keta auto nie terutama sistem Invenc 2 nie mcmana berfungsi. Dan ambil tahu hal2 penyelenggaraan utk auto tramission nie terutama mengetahui minyak auto apa yg benar2 sesuai dgn gearbox jenama ini. Aku cadangkan minyak SPIII Mitsubishi Red Diamond dalam tin kalau tak salah... Bukan haper gear auto nie sensitif kalau tersalah merana badan. Bukan gear auto yg tak bagus atau cepat rosak tetapi setengah2 pemilik main ikut aje ape kata pomen, itu pasal cepat kaput... |
banyaknya aku dapat info ari ni. tq master  |
master aku nak carik la minyak Bardhal Fully Syn nih....kat mana leh dapat ek..??? ko pergi cari kat SC Merc ke..???  |
aku dgr areal paling sng kene curi...
aper korg wat tuk elakan di curi??gam kan ker??
tapi areal camtu berlambak kan kat accessori nyer kedai??
satu baper eh?? |
Balas #736 JAY-Z\ catat
kipas dia on lg kalau ko tak cabut kunci tuh....aku pun ada kena mcm tuh........ |
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