Reply aishahahmad
yea true! hahaha.. berry pun choose satu jah iaitu soping hehehe.. nasib la ...
whiteberry Post at 22-5-2012 09:59 
berry.. Stori mori la pasal sight seeing kat scotland dkt thread dia nunnn... Choice mcm blurrr la kat scotland ni nantiii.... |
Berry... kenapa hang ni lawak sangat, tak larat akak nak ketawa hari ni macam2 ado..
An ...
inamess Post at 22-5-2012 21:55 
laling, weolls semer beli online, termasuklah kaka ros ngan twins, kan, kan .. [p/s : kaka ros, add ai kat fb tau, tingin nak nengok gambau trip KC tuh ..]
betul dah pasal paddington tuh ..
kekdahnyer murah nek train dari nek bas .. betul tak berry ??? yuhooo berrry, where r u .. ???
one way, seingat ai, 5 pound, return dalam 13 pound .. make sure kalu beli online guna cc, u have the same cc with you, time nak collect tiket ..
kalau dak, mau jadik kes haru macam haku ..
baper hari bebenor nye uolls kat london nih .. ?? |
Reply 743# aishahahmad
"one way, seingat ai, 5 pound, return dalam 13 pound .." yg ni ada sikit confusion..
Aishah.... yang u book from which website eh? Chiltren tu eh? Atau ada tren len macam national express? Tu tren tiket je kan? Nanti from Oxford nak gi BV kene amik shuttle bus which cost GBP5/return kan? Tapi u book awal mungkin dapat murah atau is that fixed price? Sorryy banyak pulak soklan malam malam nih...
Btw... jangan pulak terkejut but we have less than 24 hours in london 
Thanks a mil btw! |
Yo Berry!
Keep calm and put the kettle on..  |
Reply 710# inamess
Lel... tolong akak lagi skali..
Kalau dari stansted nak ker inner london... terravision bus is one of the options kan? tapi kenapa dia cam tak leh nak beli online eh? dah cuba 2-3 credit card pon macam unsuccessful... how eh? ke dia tak accept mastercard ke ku yang tak faham method of payment?
Hi Kak..
sorry Lela sedikit sibuk buat masa ni..
ya kalau dr stansted terravision is one of the options selain dr easybus and a few others..
dia accept mastercard, visa, maestro, american express..
Lela rasa this terravision ni boleh bayar guna paypal juga..
but debit card, solo dan sewaktu dengannya tak boleh rasanya... |
Reply 742# inamess Reply 743# aishahahmad
Ok sorry berry tertidur awal. Ni kul 3pagi terbgn pulak dah. hehe... Cost berry naik bus dlm 8GBP je return. Tapi hrus diingat kalau time itu emas makanya kena naik train. Sebab train one hour kan. Bus perjalanan dia dlm 1jam50minit. So buang masa, berry ritu gerak kul 8pg from Victoria Coach Station, jadinya sampai Oxford, lepak breakfast dulu, minum kopi... Makan burger. hehehehe.. Lama giler tak makan burger ayam ye, skali jumpa yg halal nye.. ape lagi, pagi tu around 10am kitorang melantak burger! Sedappppp besarr! hahaha. Berry rasa BV tu bukak kul 10am.. tapi kitorang sampai around 11am kot sbb dah breakfast bagai..
Bus yg berry naik tu beli online from megabus.. tapi da sampai sana mmg takde pun bus megabus tu.. nama bus dia adalah Oxford something. Kaler merah.. hahaha... tak igt lak...
Kalau beli tiket on the spot harge 6GBP one way. beli ngn bus driver.. boleh je mana2. Nak murah papehal pun kena beli online.. |
Post Last Edit by whiteberry at 23-5-2012 04:02
Reply 745# LelaRentaka7
yeayy masuk jugak Lelaaa kat sini kejap... I just..really misss youu Berry kat London memanggg teringat lela.. Ada nampak signboard to your house mase naik bus! hehehe... Berry kat London byk naik bus. Cheaper. And best sbb berry nampak semua benda dpn mata. Naik bus, duduk kat atas, tgk jln... langit biru, tgk kedai.. Sukaaa sgt tau. Sbb masa kat paris berry mmg guna metro dia saje sampaikan tak tau laaa sbnrnya dekat je from one place to another. After join tour tu baru berry perasan yg memang dkt je.. Hahaha..
Siap duk terpikir, agak2 lela ada tak kat Oxford Street time tu sbb most of my tme kat london, adalah kat Oxford Street! hehehe.
Ni berry tempek gambar yg kawan berry amek drpd umah dia after murder case tu. Berry rasa so safe tau kat London. Sgt selamat. and rasa selesa... I love London lela. Lucky you. Berry nak pergi tp with my family pulak. Tgk la 2014 kot. Sbb next year dah nak p korea and perth. Pengsan my parents nnt. Tppp, mmg nak pergi London lagi. Tak puas.
Sooo memangg la sgt dktttt umah kwn berry tu dgn tempat kejadian! kwsn umah dia ni bestttt rumah2 english style bykkkk kat kawasan perumahan niii... berry suka.. tak sangka jadik kes camnii... |
Reply 741# choice
choice pe kata choice upkan thread scotland tu.. berry segann nak story mory kat sana sbb cam takde org tanya pon hehehe.. kalau choice up kan,satgi berry jawab..  |
Post Last Edit by inamess at 23-5-2012 09:07
Reply 743# aishahahmad
Aishahhhh.... tolongggg naper cam credit ku macam tak laku jer nih... i nak book terravision - rejected.... ni i nak book train ke oxford pon rejected.. sebab dia nak address billing kat london ke? Lelll... berryyyyyy tolong sebab stil ada offer utk train yg ahkak dah tengok nih? Wajib pakai address londong ker? kalau pakai my frens nyer previous address kat london dulu okay ker? |
Reply 747# whiteberry
Berrryyy tolong akakk... kenapa akak tak leh nak book online neh.. Berry dulu pakai credit card malaysia jugak ke? |
Reply 751# inamess
berry rasa ada certain benda credit card mesia tak laku..contoh, mase berry nak beli disneyland haritu.. huhu.. tapi so far my transaction kat london ok je guna cc.. berry guna maybank visa. kalau tiket train, ade yg tak bole.. my fren haritu pun tak bole gak pakai... tapi kak aishah pakai ok je.. so tatau dia pakai cc apa... |
Reply aishahahmad
Aishahhhh.... tolongggg naper cam credit ku macam tak laku jer nih... ...
inamess Post at 23-5-2012 09:06 
manyak soli lah my dear .. terbizi sket pagi nih ..
ish, ish, banyak no coincident kite dua nih ..
ai pun booking ikut trainline.com 24 hrs before sampai london, and masa tu, baru ku pasan cc ku takde ..
cer u try trainline ..
snippets email derang due to my cc problem ..
'Journey Information Getting your tickets: Self-Service Ticket Machine Collection
ref: G76WCGGL
Tickets will be available to collect from a self-service ticket machine at
one of 900 UK stations 2 hours after booking.
When you go to collect your tickets you will need:
1. Your collection reference: *G76WCGGL*
2. The payment card you used to purchase the ticket: Card number ending ****
Travel on Sunday 29 April 2012
Departs Arrives By Reservations 08:03 - London Paddington 09:13 -
Oxford Train
(FIRST GREAT WESTERN) No seat reserved with this ticket* *
The passenger is free to sit in any unreserved seat for the class of travel specified on the ticket.
Ticket details
Passengers: 3 Adult(s)
Route: This ticket is only valid for travel on Great Western services.
Journey 2: OXFORD to LONDON PADDINGTON Travel on Sunday 29 April 2012
Departs Arrives By Reservations 15:50 - Oxford 17:09 - London
Paddington Train
Coach: B Seat: 14
Coach: B Seat: 13
Ticket details
Passengers: 3 Adult(s)
Route: This ticket is only valid for travel on Great Western services.
Payment Information Transaction Id: 1409695189 Transaction Date:
23/04/2012 Card Type: MASTERCARD Card Number: **** **** **** ***
Fare details Journey 1: Adult Fare £ 15.00 (3@£ 5.00)
Journey 2: Adult Fare £ 31.50 (3@£ 10.50)
Cost breakdown * Booking fee(s): £ 1.00 * Payment card fee(s):
£ 3.50
Total amount: £ 51.00 *Costs inclusive of VAT at 0% - VAT number 791
7261 08
membantu dak nih ???
Reply 746# LelaRentaka7
Lel.. sorry for this post, know u r busy, but just in case, lel ada masa luang... im just wondering whether they accept only UK issued cards sebab i guna my mastercard tak dapt... in fact dalam mytraintic.co.tuh dia cakap UK card only... does this mean i cant use my mesia issued credit cards? Tapi hari tu aishah tu bole aje kan..... aishahhh sis where are uuuu  |
Reply whiteberry
Berrryyy tolong akakk... kenapa akak tak leh nak book online neh.. Ber ...
inamess Post at 23-5-2012 10:27 
sis, ai guna cc mesia jer .. tak pernah pun ada problem tang booking2 nih ..
u dah check ngan bank belom ???? |
Reply LelaRentaka7
... aishah sis, where r u ???
inamess Post at 23-5-2012 10:58 
yuhoooooo inamesss, am here lah ..
awat ler u dah offline ..
sabar, sabar, bawak bertenang ..
cer guna cc lain pulak ..
ari tu pun ai panik cenggini lah ..
lagi2 masa tu dah nak fly lagi 4 jam .. |
Opppss berry and aishah dah reply rupanya .. tak terperasan.....ooo guna trainline nyer website eh.. nanti i guna website tuh tadi guna web mytrainticket.co.uk
Thanks yer folks... tengah gabra sebab ada nampak tiket murah tadi... tu yg pasal abis orang i seru 
Kalau ada soklan nanti ai tanya lagi yer  |
Reply 757# inamess
sila inform kalau dah dpt beli tket ye! bertabah... benda2 ni mmg buat kalot. hahaha.. rasa tak sng duduk.. hehehe berry rindu plak moment kalot ni..  |
Reply inamess
sila inform kalau dah dpt beli tket ye! bertabah... benda2 ni mmg buat kalot. h ...
whiteberry Post at 23-5-2012 11:12 
hahaha berry ..
memang kalot, i tell you ..
tak senang duduk dibuatnyer, lagi2 bila kite ni ala2 chief de mission, gitu ..
mau kene hempuk ngan kenkawan kalu tak dapek gi BV tu haaaa .. |
| |