TIBET - Info, cari geng, planning & itineraries
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cik gaia u rase ok x route nie chengdu-xining-lhasa- kathmandu-fly by indigo to delhi-KL
so cheap by indigo about rm 150...from delhi buleh catch AA flight to KL
direct flight dr kathmandu-KL kos tinggi sikit...lg pon transit jgak kt delhi@mumbai.... |
cik gaia u rase ok x route nie chengdu-xining-lhasa- kathmandu-fly by indigo to delhi-KL
so cheap b ...
musaffir Post at 8-1-2012 01:50 PM 
OK lah tu kalau tak mahal sgt flight Indigo tu, jimat wang jimat masa....nak keluar dari Kathmandu by overland trip mau ambik masa ntah berapa lama lagi.
Jadi akan overnight kat Chengdu ke Xining nanti? Train trip sepanjang Qinghai-Tibet railways ambik masa 26 jam tak silap aku, dulu2 pernah terbaca artikel yg dia start malam so melepas nak tengok Qinghai lake yg marbeles tu pasal masa lalu tepi tasik masih gelap.
Himalayanglacier tu mcm OK je, pilihan no2 undian di TripAdvisor, kira boleh dipercayai lah jugak...tapi mmg kena expect mahal lah, kalau boleh murahkan dgn kurangkan org ok la...so akan ikut diorang nya tour dlm masa 8 hari tu termasuk 2 days in Lhasa kah? Nak tak nak stay kat Lhasa selama 2 atau 3 hari wajib, kalau tak jatuh sakit nanti tak enjoy la trip tu. Dah ada itinerary? |
macam best je trip tu.. my hubby interested. bole estimate cost of travelling? org pencen bole join tak? |
Reply 7# musaffir
kalau tak jadi yg ni nak join turki - iran trip. |
Wah musaffir, baru balik Thailand.. plan pulak ke china, tibet, nepal, india?
Menarik tu tapi banyak sgt cover negara dalam 15hari hmmmm.
Geng2 awk yg gi Thailand haritu gi sekali ke? {:4_243:} |
terjumpa website ni:-
http://www.tibettravel.info/expl ... -tibet-railway.html
dalm jadual tu ada tunjuk harga tiket train dari Chengdu, maybe boleh direct travel from Chengdu-Xining-Lhasa tanpa perlu turun di Xining kot, tapi masa nya pasti lebih lama...ticket price as below:-
Hard Seat: 331 Yuan (RM166)
Hard Sleeper: 712 Yuan (RM276)
Soft Sleeper: 1104 Yuan (RM552)
harga tiket dia boleh tahan ya. Kalau travel time lebih dari 24 hours maybe nak consider soft sleeper, tapi sangat mahal harganya.... |
Reply 19# cmf_GAIA
cik gaia kite org cume ade 15 hari so kene gunakan sebaik yg mungkin...no stop point from chengdu...terpaksa lah lepaskan peluang tgok tasik yg marbeles tu...kalu smpi sane mlm...kite org trus direct sampi lhasa....sampi lhasa kene lah acclimatise...at least 2@3 hari kt lhasa...sebelom abeskan 8hari dgn guide...kene ade balance 4days for kathmandu n delhi...
www.islamichina.com punyer itinerary kos agak tinggi dr himalayan glacier...
cik gaia boleh cadangkan x ape boleh buat kt lhasa tanpa guide?kalu dpt menjejak kedatangan islam kt sane pon best kn?makanan sane pon best...bnyk daging2... |
aduh trip dr chengdu-xining-lhasa pon dh mkn 2 hari....xdpt la nk shop kt chandni chowk n pusing2 delhi.....kene rush msuk kathmandu n fly to delhi....huhuhuhhu..... |
i am innocent...i am not a troublemaker....jgn jadi zalim!!!!
Post Last Edit by musaffir at 10-1-2012 22:26
hiii gepren...thailand dh mcm rumah ke-2 sy laa..hehehe....cover bnyk negara tp hanya transit semata2....janji dpt membelah n merentas himalaya roof of the world...trip kali nie kite fokus kt tibet...8days bersame guide...hope dieorg memberikan servis yg terbaik sbb i baca paper pg td...kerajaan china megumumkan thun 2012 thun melawat lhasa...so i expect dieorg akan buat mcm2 utk attract traveller....especially msa winter....jom la kite melawat lhasa? |
cik salsabila umor hubby u berape?better u wt research sikit psal tibet/nepal....keadaan muka bumi kt sane mmg rugged,kering,tandus bergunung ganang....ketinggian melebihi 5000m dr aras laut so senang2 jtuh sakit...nk ner biasakan dgn iklim kt sane dulu....trip nie more to adventure n sesuai utk siapa yg lasak,sukakan cabaran....kalu husband salsabila fit...amatlah dialau2kan utk join our group...kite perlukan 7org in a group....nty boleh kite share utk servis TA+guide selama 8hari kt tibet....kos anggran about rm6k |
Post Last Edit by cmf_GAIA at 10-1-2012 00:24
aduh trip dr chengdu-xining-lhasa pon dh mkn 2 hari....xdpt la nk shop kt chandni chowk n pusing2 de ...
musaffir Post at 9-1-2012 11:07 PM 
walla....2 Hari? mau terpaksa pakai soft sleeper ni, kalau 2 hari nak dok atas kerusi alamat keras lah....btw, 8 days trip ngan TA tu memang tak termasuk Lhasa trip ke? ke dah incudes sight seeing sekitar Lhasa dlm masa dua hari?
kalau tak dpt pakai islaminchina pun takpa la, rasa diorang tak experienced sgt dgn route Lhasa-Kathmandu tu.....just email diorang korek2 pasal informasi muslim di Tibet je, then boleh cari sendiri...tapi aku pnah baca yg kat Lhasa kena careful sikit dgn anjing garang, penduduk sana ramai bela anjing garang utk guard rumah, biasa terikat tapi ada gak stray yg garang2.....n kalau diorang buat hal buat2 baling batu...pakai kalau boleh seluar tebal....takat ni I can't advice more pasal Lhasa sbb tak kaji mendalam lagi utk kawasan setempat, setahu aku main tourist attaction kat Lhasa is Istana Potala dan Jokhang monastery tu...then biara2 lain mcm Ganden tu sligthly kat luar Lhasa, dlm 47km adalah kebiasaan dlm itinerary traveler ke Tibet. kalau yg ambik masa lebih sikit sekitar Lhasa akan pergi ke tasik Nam Tso tu, agak jauh adalah 200km kot? tapi bg mereka yg buat itinerary Lhasa Katmandu tak nyempat gi ke Nam Tso kot...
ni ada info menarik dari islaminchina:-
Mosques (Masjid) in Lhasa
When people think of Tibet, generally speaking, they all agree that Tibet is a Buddhist area and all Tibetans believe in Buddhism. As a matter of matter, mosques and Muslims can also be found in Lhasa, Tibet and Islam arrived almost 1000 years ago in Tibet. There are a total of four mosques (masjid) in Lhasa and six mosques in Tibet Autonomous Region. According to historical records, Muslim traders from Arab countries came to Tibet around 8th century. With the development and spreading of Islam in Western Tibet’s Kashmir area in the 11th century, more and more Muslim traders arrived in Lhasa, capital city of Tibet. Sometime in the 12th century, it is believed, a group of Muslim traders from Kashmir and Ladakh came to Tibet as merchants. Many of these traders settled in Tibet and married Tibetan women, who later converted to the religion of their husbands. Gradually, marriages and social interactions led to an increase in the Tibetan Muslim population until a sizable community came up around Lhasa, Tibet’s capital. Tibetans began to call them Kha-che meaning Muslim in Tibetan language. During the rein of 5th Dalai Lama (1617-1682), the spreading of Gelug sect of Tibetan Buddhism became so influential that Islam could only be practiced among Muslim traders and butchers in Tibet. However, Tibetans need Muslims to provide daily utensils for their life because Muslims were business men and Muslim butchers would provide them with meat due to the fact that being pious Buddhist, Tibetans were not allowed to kill animals. Record showed that a delegation of Muslims approached the fifth Dalai Lama for space for a mosque and a burial ground for their community to be built, the Dalai Lama shot an arrow, with the promise that the place where the arrow fell would belong to the Muslim community. The place later came to be known as Gyangda Linka or the park of the distant arrow. The first mosque in Lhasa, Tibet was constructed during Qing Emperor Kangxi’s rein in 1716. It is located at Hebalin, Chengguan District of Lhasa and it is named Lhasa Great Mosque. When it was first built, it only covered an area of 200 square meters. It was enlarged in 1793 when many Muslim soldiers were stationed in Lhasa of Tibet. Two more mosques can be found at Gyangda Linka of Lhasa. Another mosque in Lhasa is named Small Mosque and it is located 200 meters southeast of Bakhor Street. Lhasa Small Mosque was built in 1920’s by Muslim businessmen from Kashmir and Nepal. The prayer room of Lhasa Small Mosque is only 130 square meters. Lhasa Small Mosque is typical of Tibetan Architecture. Two more mosques can be found at Gyangda Linka of Lhasa. Beside above mentioned four mosques in Lhasa, capital city of Tibet Autonomous Region, There are two other mosque in Tibet: one in Shigatze, west Tibet and one in Changdu, East Tibet. Population census showed that there were 1195 Muslims in Tibet in 1964; 1788 Muslims in Tibet in 1982; 2097 Muslims in Tibet in 1992. Currently there are 2000 Muslims living in Lhasa and 4000 Muslims in Tibet Autonomous Region. Lhasa Mosque (Masjid) Guide
So, kalau malas nak g biara2 (selain istana Potala), boleh lah menjejak empat masjid di Lhasa ni....haruslah ada kedai2 muslim yg jual daging kan? makan dengan mi tarik ala masakan khusus komunity muslim di belah Xinjiang/Qinghai tu, tapi aku saspek hanya ada daging Yak je kat altitude ni....ayam lembu itik kambing tak mampu nak idup.....so apa yg kau boleh buat is study location masjid2 ni, bila sampai sana gunalah apa saja transport yg ada utk cari tempat tu.....jalan2 kat Lhasa tak wajib pakai guide except nak masuk Istana Potala baru wajib ada guide. Kalau jumpa family muslim kat sekitar masjid boleh borak2 n g jalan rumah diorang tgk cemana life . Tibet tak banyak variety makanan rasanya, kebiasaan nya mi sup kosong, mi sup dgn sayur or mi sup daging (yak biasanya). Selain tu ada pau vegetarian...n makanan ruji diorang dipanggil Tsampa, yg dibuat dari tepung barli yg dibakar. Cara makan Tsampa ni ialah dgn diorang punya butter tea (aku actually sgt curious dgn mende alah butter tea ni)...katanya teh, tapi rasanya masin n penyediaan dia simmering dengan yak butter. Rasanya masin sbb dataran tinggi Tibet hanya ada garam, gula kena import dari tanah rendah n kos tinggi....so, teh dia pun bancuh ngan garam (boleh gitu?) ...yak butter tea ni memang common n boleh didapati seluruh dataran tinggi tibet, pergilah kemana pun belah timur barat utara selatan pasti akan ada tea house yg sajikan Yak Butter tea ni....berbalik pada Tsampa, Tsampa tu kering n keras kot? nak makan kena lembutkan dia....minum butter tea sampai separuh cawan, then masukkan Tsampa then leyek2 ngan jari sampai jadi cam nestum......pastu makan....interesting weh! nak je ke Tibet now utk try mende alah ni....kalau kaorang bawak milo paket ke, susu tepung dlm paket ke boleh je bancuh air n makan ngan Tsampa ni, pasal dia dibuat dari Barley dia boleh jadi sumber protein utk tenaga. |
Lhasa to Kathmandu Overland Tour with Everest Base Camp-8 days
- Price from : US$ 1450
- Activities: Overland Tours
- Trip Duration:8 days
- Trip Grade:
- Altitude:Max:5,250m/17,220ft
- Accommodation: standard hotel in Lhasa, Gyantse, Shigatse & best available en route
- Meals:Bed and breakfast
- Transportation: Land Cruiser(4WD TOYOTA)
- Group Size: min 2 to max 8 people
ni itenarary 8days trp + add info2 related..
Day to Day ItineraryDAY 01: Arrive in Lhasa (3650 m/11972ft):
Your tour starts with your arrival in Lhasa today. There are two ways to arrive Lhasa - one is via Nepal and another via mainland China. If you choose to fly from Kathmandu to Lhasa you will have 1 hour 10 minutes Trans-Himalayan flight which is considered one of the most beautiful air route in the world that takes you over the Everest (8848m), Kanchenjunga (8536m) and other Himalayan peaks. If you are coming via mainland China, you might fly from any major cities or take the world's highest train route to reach Lhasa. You will be received by our Tibetan guide at the airport/train station. Approximately 1.5 hours drive along 93 km road, from the airport/train station, you will reach Lhasa. It's advisable to rest and take it easy for the remainder of the day due to Lhasa's altitude. Overnight in Lhasa. | DAY 02: Sightseeing in Lhasa (3650 m/11972ft): Sera, Norbulinka, Jokhang, Barkhor
Our tour begins with a visit to Sera Monastery with an experienced tour guide also working as an interpreter. This is a preserved monastery of white-washed walls and golden roofs. Equally adventurous and exciting rhythm builds up while touring Norbulingka, the summer palace of the Dalai Lama. Jokhang Temple is another important sacred site which unravels more deep seated mysteries of Tibetan Buddhism. Visit to Barkhor Markets can be quite a different experience from other visits as you roam around the city testing every details. Overnight in Lhasa. | DAY 03: Sightseeing in Lhasa (3650 m/11972ft): Potala, Drepung
Today your visit to Potala palace and Drepung monastery will bestow invaluable insights. From the Mar Po Ri Hill where the Potala Palace, the 17th century great monumental structure stands, you can get an awesome view of entire city. Potala Palace, an immense structure, its interior space being in excess of 130,000 square meters has private quarters of the Dalai Lama, numerous grand state rooms and chapels. Your next visit will be to Drepung Monastery, a residence of Dalai Lama before Potala Palace which was built in 14th century and used to shelter around 10,000 monks some time ago. Tibetans' immensely believe and respect this monastery. Overnight in Lhasa. | DAY 04: Lhasa to Yamutso Lake to Gyangtse (3950m/12956ft) -265 km
Following Friendship Highway, while driving past Khamba La (4794 m), you will have a break to appreciate majestic views of Yamutso Lake, a lake deep blue in color and Nazin Kang Sang glacier standing proud at 7252m. Ahead to westwards, you come across another Karo La pass at 5045m. Glance through the road, you can see huge glaciers tumbling down into the road. After hours of driving for 261 km, you enter town of Gyantse where you will see beautifully landscaped Tibetan villages. Overnight in Gyantse. | DAY 05: Morning visit Pekhor Moanstery in Gyantse afternoon drive Shigatse - visit Tashilunbu Monastery
Gyantse prides on Gyantse Dzong and Pelkhor Monastery. Gyantse Dzong is a historical fort built in the 14th century and overlooks a mesmerizing view of entire Gyantse and surrounding Nyang Chu Valley. At the center of Pelkor Chode Monastery lies the Kumbum which has large gold domed 35m high chorten(stupa ) and houses with several chapels and Tibetan Buddhist murals. Kubum means 100,000 images in Tibetan. After enjoying and exploring Gyantse, we head for Shigatse. Tashilhunpo Monastery is the major attraction of Shigatse being one of the largest functioning monasteries in Tibet. Overnight in Shigatse. | DAY 06: Drive to EBC (5,250m/17,220ft): enroute visit Sakye Monastery
Today we head for Everest Base Camp. Traversing along Friendship Highway amidst picturesque landscape, drive past small town of Lhatse and Gyamtso La pass at 5220m. We also visit the Sakya Monastery, where you can see the largest book in the world in Sakya's great library written in gold. Away from Shegar, we drive to the south crossing Pang La pass at 5150m/16890 eventually reaching Rongbuk. Drive to EBC is allowed only for expeditions, so you need to walk 8 km (one way) or take a horse or local bus to reach the Everest Base Camp. Everest Base Camp is really an awe inspiring place with the absolute north face of the highest mountain in the world soaring above you. Also visit world's highest Monastery at Rongbuk. Overnight at Rongbuk.
| DAY 07: Drive to Zhangmu (2300m/7, 544ft)-245 km
You return back to the Friendship Highway to continue drive to Zhangmu. Driving past Tingri crossing Lalung La pass at (5124 m/ 16068 ft) and Shung La pass at (5200 m/ 17056 ft), Nalyam Pass (3800m/12464 ft) which offer enchanting views of the surrounding peaks of Shishapangma, Cho Oyu, Menlungtse and Gauri Shanker, you tumble down from gradually from the dry Tibetan Plateau. Now, you find yourself amidst the verdant and fertile vegetation of Zhangmu at 2300 meter in the Nepalese border.Overnight in Zhangmu. | DAY 08: Drive to Kathmandu (1350m/4428ft)-123km
Few kilometers drive away from Zhangmu to Friendship Bridge across Bhote Koshi River brings you closer to Immigration Control in Kodari where you depart with your Tibetan guide and driver, and walk across the river to meet Nepalese guide to drive to Kathmandu. After 4 hours of driving through deep valleys, you finally arrive in Kathmandu. Overnight in Kathmandu (hotel not included in Kathmandu). |

Trip Cost1450 per person
Trip Cost Includes- Hotel, arrival/departure transfer
- All necessary Tibet travel permits
- Everest National Park admission fee and Grass dame charge
- Getting Chinese visa and Tibet Travel permit
- Tibet boarder (Zhang-Mu) to Kathmandu transportation by comfortable vehicle
- Lhasa to Everest Base Camp - Zhang-Mu transfer by non AC Land Cruiser (4WD Toyota)
- 7 nights accommodation in Tibet on twin sharing basis with breakfast
- English speaking Tibetan guide
- All fees for sightseeing and Monasteries as outlined in the itinerary
- All applicable taxes and service charges
Trip Cost Does Not Include- Accommodation in Kathmandu
- Chinese visa fee {US$ 175 for the US client and US$ 85 for other nationals (visa fees are subject to change without prior notice)}
- International flights from Kathmandu to Lhasa (USD 400) and China to Lhasa
- Travel insurance
- Meals other than breakfast in Tibet
- Tips for guides and driver
- Nepal visa
- Train ticket from China to Lhasa
Health & Experience RequiredThis Tour involves five to six hours driving per day, but comparatively little walking (indeed, walking is not mandatory). However, it is all at very high altitude, which will take a physical toll. There are no special physical requirements, but high altitude experience is a plus.
AccommodationsAll accommodation has been chosen for their standard of hygiene, standard of service, location and food quality. All accommodation is based on twin share basis. During your tour we will use Kyichu Hotel or similar hotel in Lhasa, Gyantse Hotel or similar hotel in Gyangtse, Mansarover Hotel or Shengkang Hotel in Shigatse, Qomolangama Hotel or similar hotel in Shegar, Rongbuk Guest House or similar hotel in Rongbuk and Zhangmu hotel or Caiyuan Hotel in Zhangmu. Single supplement will be provided on request it cost US$200 single supplement fee. Bear in mind this is a standard overland package; for private or upgraded tour, please contact us. |
- A.asia KL-Chengdu RM450 (all in)
Travel Agent RM1160 (8 days)
tour guide RM220
tren cengdhu lhasa rm150 (sleeper)
flight katmandhu delhi RM130
A.Asia Delhi KL rm700 (estimate all in)
travel insurance rm480 (for 1 month period)
meal + accomodation budhet dlm rm 100/pax/day
- ‎8days trip = rm800
- so total estimated cost = rm 3290 + rm800 = rm4090/pax (in grup of 4).. harap dpt tmbh lgi travel partner so dat dis cost will be reduced..
ni itenarary 8days trp + add info2 related..
Day to Day Itinerary[/td][/tr]
Trip Cost145 ...
C0Y0TiT0 Post at 10-1-2012 12:17 AM 
ijau semacam je itinerary tu, takleh baca |
Post Last Edit by cmf_GAIA at 10-1-2012 00:35
A.asia KL-Chengdu RM450 (all in)
Travel Agent RM1160 (8 days)
tour guide RM220
tren cengdhu lh ...
C0Y0TiT0 Post at 10-1-2012 12:25 AM 
tour guide RM220 per day kan? kalau 8 days maksudnya RM220 x 8 kah?
btw, ada tak flight dari Kathmandu to Kolkata? kalau ada n murah boleh cuba check tambang AA dari Kolkata ke KL, mana tau lagi murah  |
ok...dah dapat baca dah itinerary tuh, so mmg diorang includes 3 hari di Lhasa sahaja melawat biara itu dan ini.....dari segi jadual ok lah tu, tapi kalau nak buat trip sendiri cari masjid2 kena curi2 masa lah kot? |
salam guys...ade sape2 tringin ke china?tibet?nepal?india selama 15 hari?sy sedang mencari teman sep ...
musaffir Post at 6-1-2012 01:28 
aduhaii...selama ni saya duk cari partner nak gi 4 tmpat ni...teringin sgt nk g himalaya...masuk ikut china n kluar ikut india...saya mmg nk sgt join tapi date x sesuaiiiiii...saya bleh g masa cuti skolah je....tak bleh plan date lain ker?kalau bleh time cuti..insyaAllah confirm saya ikut...ini mmg impian saya.....{:4_189:} {:4_189:} {:4_189:} |
ok dh merged kan all thread about tibet. Hope this can help us.
thanks to Gaia~  |
aduhaii...selama ni saya duk cari partner nak gi 4 tmpat ni...teringin sgt nk g himalaya.. ...
lisza Post at 11-1-2012 12:04 AM 
cuti skolah biasanya bulan 5 ngan bulan 12 ke cik lisza? |
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