gigih minta manager masuk pagi nak dpt balik pukul 5 tgk yongguk oppa...masuk kerja je pagi tuh manager tunjuk sikit vid dorg tgh rehersel....perghhh..menyirap jer...........
kiranya yg akak tgk vid si BANG dok nyanyi tuk valentine tu diaorg kat cni la yer?? alahaiiii.... sabo je la aku bdk ni..ada kat cni upenyer,... wajin dtg nampaknye
yongguk,himchan,youngjae,jongup & zelo dah pernah datang malaysia . kecuali si daehyun.
yongguk dah dua kali mai . 1st time masa mtv world stage last year,dia mai dgn himchan,jongup ngn youngjae..
2nd time yongguk datang dgn zelo,promosi lagu Nver Give Up kat SG Wang...
hope laa dorang mai lagi nanti..angkut semua member B.A.P datang... ^^
B.A.P holds "Secret Love" goodbye stage featuring Ailee on Music Bank
After making their debut on January 26th, B.A.P have begunconcluding their promotions for their first single album. The group first promoted their high-energy single, "Warrior", and then their follow-up track "Secret Love", which features Secret's Song Jieun. They also held a debut showcase earlier in 2012 in front of 3,000 fans, and recorded impressive sales for a rookie artist's single album.
On tonight's Music Bank, B.A.P performed "Secret Love" alongside fellow rookie Ailee, who sang Jieun's lines. The group wore magenta suits with leopard print lining, while Ailee wore a simple black dress.
B.A.P. releases comeback image teaser featuring Jongup and Zelo
Following the teaser release of Himchan and Bang Yong Guk yesterday, B.A.P. has returned today with another image of maknaes Jongup and Zelo!
The two are the maknae line of the group having been born in ’95 and ’96 respectively, and just like the previous teaser, the boys are looking fierce against a bright red backdrop with tribal neon paintings. Most noted is Jongup’s hair color change from blonde to black, with his cap being pushed down by what fans have labeled to be Zelo’s “bad manner hands”.
There are nine days left now until their comeback, as B.A.P. will be releasing their digital album and music video on April 27th.