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Author: Remy_3D

Tourism Brunei

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Post time 5-6-2007 09:08 PM | Show all posts
Lumut Lunting Dan Pulau Pilong-Pilongan

Lumut Lunting terletak di antara Pulau Sibungur dengan PulauBerambangdi kawasan Sungai Brunei.Lumut Lunting adalah merupakan legenda yangdikaitkan mengenai dengan kisahpersabungan ayam di antara BruneidenganMajapahit seperti yang terdapat dalam Syair Awang Semaun.Ceritapersabungan ayam ini telah menjadi cerita lisan yang terkenal dikalanganmasyarakat Bruneidan dipertuturkan daripada satu generasi kesatu generasi.
         Menurut SyairAwang Semaun, ketika Brunei diperintah oleh AwangAlak Betatar, BataraMajapahit yang bernama Raden Angsuka Dewa telahdatang ke Brunei untukmengadakan perlawanan bersabung ayam. RadenAngsuka Dewa mempunyai seekor ayamsabung yang perkasa diberi namaAsmaradan telah banyak mengalahkan ayam sabung dari negeri-negeri yanglain. Mamandangkandi Brunei juga terdapat ayam sabung yang perkasa,dipunyai oleh Awang Senuaiiaitu anak saudara Awang Alak Betatar. Ayamtersebut diberi nama Mutiara, makaRatu Majapahit telah menyatakankepada Raja Brunei untuk mengadakan perlawananbersabung ayam.
          Dalamperlawanan itu Betara Majapahit telah membuat pertaruhaniaitu jika ayamnyakalah, baginda akan menyerahkan 40 buah kapal sertaisi harta di dalamnyakepada Raja Brunei dan sebaliknya jika ayam RajaBrunei kalah, Raja Bruneihendaklah menyerahkan sebahagian daripadawilayah kekuasaan baginda kepada Majapahit.
         Dalampersabungan itu ayam Ratu Majapahit telah kalah danterbang melarikan diri, lalujatuh ke laut berdekatan dengan PantaiMuara dan seterusnya menjadi batu, dikenalidengan nama Pilong-Pilongan.Kekalahan ini menyebabkan Ratu Majahapit merasamalu dan murka lalumenyumpah Mutiara menjadi batu. Akibat sumpahan itu, Mutiarayang sedangterbang telah jatuh ke Sungai Brunei dan menjadi batu yangseakan-akanmenjadi sebuah pulau kecil dan dikenali dengan nama LumutLunting. Kedua-duatempat ini, Pulau Pilong-Pilongan dan Lumut Luntingmasih kekal dan dapatdilihat sehingga sekarang.
Menurut cerita orang tua-tua, Lumut Lunting ini dipercayaiboleh menjadisatu tanda alamat kepada Negeri Brunei, iaitu sekiranya akanberlakusesuatu peristiwa yang mendukacitakan menimpa Negeri Brunei,menurutkepercayaan, pulau ini tiba-tiba akan ghaib atau hilang. Menurutcerita lainpula jika Lumut Lunting dilanda banjir, adalah jugadipercayai sebagai petunjukbahawa sesuatu peristiwa yang mendukacitakanakan berlaku ke atas Negeri Brunei.
Bagaimanapun itu adalah sebagai kepercayaan sahaja semata-mata.Sesungguhnya Allah sahaja Yang Maha Mengetahui

dari pusat sejarah



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Post time 5-6-2007 09:09 PM | Show all posts
Pulau lumut lunting

UTM : KL73
Geographical coordinates in decimal degrees (WGS84)
Latitude : 4.867
Longitude : 114.950
KML Export for Google Earth
Google maps view of Pulau lumut lunting

Geographical coordinates in degrees minutes seconds (WGS84)
Latitude : 4 52' 00''
Longitude : 114 57' 00''

Places near Pulau lumut lunting
Ajong batu - Bandar seri begawan - Brunei and muara district - Bukit buang sakar - Bukit lumadan - Bukit melintang - Bukit saeh - Bukit salibaya - Bukit sebuara - Bukit selila - Gadong estate - Istana darul hana - Kampong batu empat - Kampong bawong - Kampong berangan -   

Satellite view of Pulau lumut lunting



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Post time 5-6-2007 09:30 PM | Show all posts
Pemandangan di Kampung Ayer. Saya ambil gambar ini di tempat kediaman saya. Saya ini orang kampung Ayer. Sorry kalau gambar kurang memuaskan, ambil pakai kamera hp aje.

[ Last edited by  holmes at 6-6-2007 10:33 PM ]



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Post time 6-6-2007 09:16 PM | Show all posts
Makam Sultan Sharif Ali

Makam Sultan Sharif Ali bertarikh TH 836 bersamaan TM 1432 terletak diPerkuburan Islam Kota Batu, Bandar Seri Begawan. Sultan Brunei ke-IIImemerintah dari TM 1425 - TM 1432. Pemandangannya sungguh indah menunduki Sungai Brunei.
Makam Sultan Sharif Ali bertarikh TH 836 bersamaan TM 1432 terletak di Perkuburan Islam Kota Batu, Bandar Seri  Begawan. Sultan Brunei ke-III memerintah dari TM 1425 - TM 1432.
Menurut Salasilah Raja-Raja Brunei, Sultan Sharif Ali yang menjadi menantu kepada Sultan Ahmad           dan termasyhur dengan nama Sultan Berkat adalah berasal dari Taif, keturunan daripada Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam menerusi Sayidina Hasan. Baginda  datang ke Brunei sebagai mubaligh Islam yang bersungguh-sungguh  menjalankan dakwah Islamiah. Perkahwinan baginda dengan puteri Sultan Ahmad, Puteri Ratna Kesuma adalah menjadi  suatu ikatan yang mengukuhkan kedudukan baginda sebagai  mubaligh Islam di Brunei.
Tatkala Sultan Ahmad (Sultan Brunei II) lindung, berkebetulan baginda tidak mempunyai putera, maka dengan permintaan  orang Brunei baginda telah dijunjung untuk menjadi Sultan Brunei Ke-III yang memerintah dalam TM 1425 - TM 1432.

[ Last edited by  DkNatasah at 6-6-2007 09:23 PM ]



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Post time 6-6-2007 09:33 PM | Show all posts
Bandar Brunei diatas air
Negara Brunei Darussalam telah lamawujud sejak berkurun-kurun lamanya bersaing dengan negara-negara tuadirantau Nusantara ini. Kedudukan geografinya yang elok ditambah lagilokasi pelabuhannya yang strategik dan terlindung menjadikannyaterkenal sebagai tempat persinggahan berulang-alik ahli-ahli pelayaranArab, India, China dan negeri-negeri dirantau ini sejak Kurun Masehi ke6. Keadaan ini telah menjadikan Pelabuhan Brunei di Kota Batu sentiasasibuk.

Lokasi Bandar Brunei di Kampong Ayer ini tercatat dalam laporan AntonioPigafetta(seorang bangsa Italy yang datang ke Brunei dalam tahunM1521). Beliau menulis; bandar Brunei keseluruhannya didirikandiatas air masin kecuali istana Raja dan kediaman beberapa orangpembesar. Penduduknya seramai 25,000 kelamin. Rumah-rumahnya diperbuatdaripada kayu dan bertiang kukuh. Apabila air pasang, ramai kaumwanita(yang digelar padian) berkayuh menjual barang-barang keperluanharian.

Daripada catatan beliau kita dapat menggambarkan bahawa pada kurunMasehi ke 16 bandar Brunei sudah terkenal diseluruh benua denganaktiviti daggangnya. Manakala dalam catatan seorang pemberita darikapal Amerika yang datang ke Brunei pada tahun 1837 mengatakan pendudukbandar Brunei seramai 15,000 - 25,000 orang. Sementara Kapten HenryKeppel pula mencatatkan seramai 10,000 orang

Bertepatan dengan catatan sejarah yang mengatakan kurun Masehi ke 16adalah zaman keemasan Empayar Brunei yang kekuasaannya bukan sahajameliputi keseluruhan Pulau Borneo, bahkan juga Pulau-Pulau Suluk,Balayan, Mindoro, Bonbon hingga Saludang di Kepulauan Filipina

Kota Batu adalah ibu negeri Brunei yang pertama,terletak di tebing Sungai Brunei. Yang mana lebih kurang 5Km arah keTimur dari Bandar Seri Begawan(pada masa ini).

makam Sultan Bolkiah(1485 - 1524) diatas tebing bukit Kota Batu

Makam  Sultan Bolkiah terletak di Kota Batu, Bandar Seri Begawan. Dalam Salasilah Raja-Raja Brunei,Sultan Bolkiah adalah Sultan Brunei yang ke-V. Baginda mula memerintah dianggarkan dalam TM 1485 iaitu setelah  ayahanda baginda, Sultan Sulaiman (lindung TM 1511)  menurunkan diri dari Takhta Kerajaan.

Sultan Bolkiah adalah Sultan yang gah namanya, dihormati dan dikasihi oleh sekalian rakyat dan pembesar baginda.                          
Baginda suka belayar ke luar negeri dan kemudian membawa oleh-oleh untuk dijadikan bahan kemajuan negara dan                             
rakyat Brunei. Setiap kali apabila baginda berangkat, baginda gemar membawa nobat (gendang) kebesaran Diraja,                             
kerana itu baginda terkenal dengan nama 'Anakkuda Ragam' atau 'Nakhoda Ragam'.

Dalam Brunei in the Boxer Codex,baginda disebut Sultan Salan iaitu sebutan bagi Sultan Abdul Salam Bolkiah, manakala dalam Hikayat Hang Tuah, baginda terkenal dengan gelaran Adipati Sulok.

Dalam zaman pemerintahan baginda, kekuasaan Brunei bukan sahaja meliputi keseluruhan Pulau Borneo bahkan Pulau-Pulau Suluk, Palawan, Balayan,Mindoro, Bonbon hingga Saludang. Sultan Bolkiah yang banyak berjasa kepada negara dan rakyat Brunei lindung                            pada TM 1524 ketika dalam pelayaran membawa permaisuri  baginda Puteri Laila Menchanai ke Brunei.

[ Last edited by  DkNatasah at 6-6-2007 09:36 PM ]



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Post time 6-6-2007 09:51 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by DkNatasah at 6-6-2007 09:16 PM
Makam Sultan Sharif Ali

rawan ati ku meliat makam ani..
i can see kubur my nini jua

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Post time 6-6-2007 10:17 PM | Show all posts

Reply #866 chichi's post

  alfatihah. mun inda ku silap makam ani di tanah nya di punyai uleh orang kg atu jua then masa menclearkan terjumpa tomb atu lurus kah inda nada ku tau. so kaji punya kaji rupanya makam sultan tapi baik jua deh as ani tempat bersejarah tani kan

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Post time 6-6-2007 10:40 PM | Show all posts
that was my nini.
ia tanam all the durians, tampoi...

n that was his amanat untuk d kuburkan siring makam atu.

[ Last edited by  chichi at 6-6-2007 10:42 PM ]

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Post time 6-6-2007 10:48 PM | Show all posts

Reply #868 chichi's post

woo... baru hom tau jua sejarah ani...

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Post time 6-6-2007 10:50 PM | Show all posts

Reply #865 DkNatasah's post

good infos tasha... bravo...

teruskan utk mendptkan more info...

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Post time 6-6-2007 10:51 PM | Show all posts
err..takut ku jua..
kajap lagi ku delete tu ah my response above atu
kedapatan tia krg..

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Post time 6-6-2007 10:58 PM | Show all posts

Reply #871 chichi's post

  edit sja chi...

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Post time 7-6-2007 06:32 AM | Show all posts

part 1


Barunah!' exclaimed early settlers who    reached the Brunei River. The classical Malay expression meant excellence of the site for    settlement, security, access and richness of the surrounding. In short, "Oh,    Yeah!". It is said the exclamation became the name of the new city-state. Barunah    later changed to Barunai.
    Barunai, of Sanskrit origin, comes from the    word Varuna. In its Malay context, it referred to a nation of seafarers and traders.    Brunei and Borneo were among early European references to the state and the island.
    The second sultan, Sultan Ahmad, was the    first to name 'Brunei' from the word 'Barunah'.
    Darussalam, Arabic terms for Abode of    Peace, was added in the 15th century by the third sultan, Sharif Ali, to    emphasise Islam as state religion, and to enhance its spread.
    Old Brunei was a nation of Malay    Hindu-Buddhists, according to a Chinese account of Puli, believed to be an early Chinese    reference to Brute Old Brunei was said to have Similar Malay-Hindu Buddhist traditions and    customs as Funan or Kumlun, Chinese names for the first Malay state in Indochina during    the early Christian era. Indians knew it as Sailendra, and Arab traders called it Kamrun.
    The early king of Brunei was called Sang    Aji, or Reverend Monarch, a title of Sanskrit origin. The Brunei ruling dynasty changed    during the early 1360s when Awang Alak Betatar, a prince from a powerful kingdom in    western Borneo, ascended the Brunei throne. He became the first Brunei ruler and the    present ruler is his descendant.
    Awang Alak Betatar was the first Brunei    Raja to accept Islam, changing his title and name to Sultan Muhammad Shah (1363-1402) in    honour of the Prophet.
    With Islam, Brunei asserted and expanded    its role as an independent and dominant trading power in the region. Its trade and    territories grew with the spread of Islam to encompass existing Malay kingdoms in Borneo    and the Philippines.
    During the early spread of Islam in Brunei,    many Arab Muslim missionaries married into Brunei royal family. The most notable was    Sharif Ah from Taif, Arabia, who married a daughter of the second sultan, and later    ascended the throne as the third Sultan in 1425.
    Before Brunei became a Muslim Sultanate in    the 14th century, Chinese accounts told of the dominance of Muslim traders in the 9th and    10th centuries.
    In 977, for example, the Brunei Raja (then    a Hindu-Buddhist) sent three Muslim traders as Brunei's envoys to the Sung court of China,    mainly to represent Brunei in Brunei-China trade. It is believed that there was a    community of influential Muslims in Brunei during this period.
    The royal genealogy of Brunei's sultans    dates back nearly 600 years when in 1365, Awang Alak Betatar embraced Islam,    married a Johore princess, and assumed the title Sultan Muhammad, according to early    chronicles.

[ Last edited by  DkNatasah at 7-6-2007 06:33 AM ]

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Post time 7-6-2007 06:35 AM | Show all posts

part 2

A Persian missionary and direct descendant    of the Prophet Muhammad, Sharif Ali, as Brunei's third sultan, further spread Islam, built    mosques, and the first defence barriers at Kota Batu and across the Brunei river.
    The sultanate's golden age dawned with the    reign of the fifth sultan, Nakhoda Ragam or the singing captain, Sultan Bolkiah, who was    famous for many conquests.
    His voyages took him to Java, Malacca and    the Philippines, where he seized Seludong (Manila). His rule extended over the Sultanates    of Sambas, Pontianak, Banjarmasin, Pasi ****i, Balongan, the Sulu Archipelago, and Islands    of Balabac, Banggi, Balambangan and Palawan.
    Antonio Pigafetta, the Italian chronicler    during Ferdinand Magellan's world voyage, visited Brunei during Sultan Bolkiah's reign,    and he wrote about the splendour of the sultan's court and a view of the state capital.
    Legends have Brunei founded some 29 reigns    ago by 14 brothers of heroic stature and semi-divine descent, according to a Monograph of    the Brunei Museum Journal.
    The exploits of the 14 founding heroes of    Brunei are recounted in a very lengthy poem called the "Sha'er Awang Semaun."
    Awang Alak Betatar was not the eldest, but    was chosen to be their leader because of his intelligence and good looks. He married the    daughter of the Sultan of Johor, and he was installed Sultan of Brunei.
    Sultan Ahmad (1408-1425) ascended the    throne in 1402. While not mentioned in any of the Salasilah Raja Raja Brunei (Laws and    Regulations of Bruneian Kings), he was recorded in Chinese history. In 1406, he sent an    envoy to China where he was known as Ma-na-je-ka-na.
    Before Sultan Ahmad (1408-1425) was    installed as sultan, he was Pateh Berbai (Pengiran Bendahara Seri Maharaja, and the eldest    of the 14 brothers). In the Brunei chronicles version of where Sultan Ahmad was Pateh    Berbai, he married the younger sister of Ong Sum Ping and was the father-in-law of Sultan    Sharif Ali. He was once head of a mission from Brunei to China. He died in 1425.
    There were close Brunei-China trade and    royal relations during the reign of the first and second sultans until about 1425. During    the period, a Ming prince, Ong Sum Ping (later known as Pengiran Maharaja Lela) married a    princess of Sultan Muhammad.
    A Ming princess (known in Brunei as Puteri    Kinabatangan) married Sultan Ahmad, the second sultan. Sultan Berkat (Blessed) (1425-1432)    or Sultan Sharif Ali was an Arab and a descendant of Prophet Muhammad. Married to the    daughter of the second Sultan of Brunei, he was the first to build a mosque and reinforce    the Islamic faith in Brunei. He also built the Kota Batu (Stone Fort), a mile and a half    east of Brunei's present capital, Brunei Town, now Bandar Seri Begawan, and introduced the    sword of Bongkok and flags of Brunei.
    His son Sultan Sulaiman, (1432-1485) who    continued the work of building Kota Bata and propagated the Islamic teaching, succeeded    Sultan Berkat. He was well known as Adipati or Sang Aji Brunei. He descended from the    throne in 1485 and died in 1511.
    Sultan Bolkiah, whose conquests covered the    whole of Borneo and as far north as Luzon in the Philippine Islands, where he initiated    the spread of Islam, succeeded Sultan Sulaiman. He was known as Nakhoda Ragam. His queen    was known as Puteri Laila Menchana

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Post time 7-6-2007 06:36 AM | Show all posts

part 3

The reign of Sultan Bolkiah (1485-1584) was    the height of the Brunei Sultanate in territory, influence and power. Brunei'5 sovereignty    then extended to encompass other kingdoms in Borneo and the Philippines (then dominated by    the Kingdom of Manila and the Sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao). There were    inter-marriages between the royal family members of Brunei and the royalties of other    Malay and Japanese kingdoms to strengthen relationships.
    Sultan Bolkiah was succeeded by his son    Sultan Abdul Kahar (1524-1530), a pious person endowed with supernatural powers    (berkeramat). In 1521, Ferdinand Magellan and Antonio Pigafetta visited him while he was a    deputy (Pemangku Sultan).
    During his time, many Islamic theologians    came to Brunei to spread the Islamic teachings. He created the currency unit 'pitis'. He    descended from the throne in 1530 and was known as Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan Abdul Kahar.
    Sultan Saiful Rijal, who propagated Islamic    teachings throughout Borneo as well as the Philippines, succeeded Sultan Abdul Kahar,    whose death was recorded by the Spaniards in 1578. Brunei became well known as the Islamic    Development Centre. He was mentioned by name in Spanish accounts and is the first Sultan    of Brunei to be identified by any non-indigenous account.
    Sultan Saiful Rijal was succeeded by Sultan    Shah Brunei (1581-1582), who had no heir, so he handed over his throne to his younger    brother, Sultan Mohammad Hasan.
    Famous for his strength, Sultan Muhammad    Hasan (1582-1598) had the same power as Sultan Iskandar Muda Nahkota Alam, Acheh. His    reign was known as Pengiran Di Gadong and Pengiran Pemancha. He was very active in    propagating Islamic teachings.
    Sultan Muhammad Hasan was succeeded by    Sultan Abdul Jalilul Akbar (1598-1659),who developed a relationship with the    Spaniards.
    Sultan Abdul Jalilul Jabbar made himself a    great name for his fairness and peace and harmony was maintained during his rule from    1659-1660.
    Sultan Haji Muhammad Ah succeeded him in    1660, who was killed at Asar on Nov. 6, 1661. He was well known as "Marhum Tumbaang    Di Rumput."
    Sultan Muhyiddin (1673-1690) was well known    for his wisdom, strength and capabilities of uniting the people after the civil war.
    In the latter half of the 17th century    between the reign of Sultan Abdul Hakkul Mubin (the 13th Sultan) and Sultan Muhyiddin (the    14th Sultan) there was civil war in Brunei which, among other factors, caused the break up    of Brunei territories in many parts of Borneo and the Philippines. In the 18th and 19th    centuries, Brunei borders were the Sambas River in the west and Sibuku River in the east.
    Sultan Nasruddin (1690-1710) introduced    gold coins during his reign in 1690-1710.
    Sultan Husin Kamaluddin ascended the throne    twice, in 1710-1730 and 1737-1740. Endowed with supernatural powers, he was able to    transform 'buah ngirih', a fruit, to 'pitabu', another fruit. He ascended the throne twice    and finally lived in Luba.
    Sultan Muhammad Alauddin (1730-1737)    documented the Laws of Regulations of Bruneian Kings, (Sala-silah Raja Raja Brunei) and    produced the currency "pitis". He was well known as "Marhum di    Brunei".
    Sultan Omar Ah Saifuddien I (1740-1795) in    1769 ordered the attack to Manila, which was captured. He had abdicated in favour of his    son, Sultan Muhammad Tajuddin, in 1780.
    Sultan Muhammad Tajuddin (1795-1804 and    1804-1807) ordered the building of houses for the Brunei pilgrims in Mecca.
    Sultan Muhammad Kanzul Alam (1826-1828)    acted for Sultan Muhammad Tajuddin and looked after theBruneian government for the    latter's son, Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien II. Sultan Muhammad Kanzul Alam (1826-1828) was    well known for his strength and power and was also called Raja Api (King of Fire).
    The reign of Sultan Omar Ali Saiffuddien    11(1828-1852) marked the beginning of direct European involvement in Brunei. Between 1842    and the end of the century saw the Brookes' involvement in Sarawak and the British    Chartered North Borneo company in Sabah, which further eroded Brunei territory to its    present split-halves.
    Sultan Omar Ali Saifudien II ruled until    his death in 1852. He surrendered Labuan Island to the English in 1846. He signed a treaty    with the English on trade and good relationship.
    Sultan Abdul Momin (1852-1885) had no heir.    He was well known for his fairness, wisdom, and was endowed with supernatural powers. In    1877 he signed a treaty concerning the leasing of Brunei's territory in Sabah. In 1884, he    ordered Pengiran Temenggong Pengiran Anak Hashim to attack Limbang to restore peace.
    Sultan Hashim Jalilul Alam Aqamaddin    (1885-1906) made a written proposal in 1887 to have a British residency in Limbang but was    rejected by the Queen's government as too expensive.
    Sultan Hashim signed a British Protectorate    treaty in 1888 to entrust Brunei's foreign affairs under British administration.
    The signing of the 1905/1906 Treaty brought    in the British Residential System. A British Resident was placed in Brunei to advise the    Sultan on state matters, excluding Malay tradition and religion. The treaty brought    changes to the sultanate's traditional Malay ruling systems.
    The Custom Department and Land Department    were set up with the introduction of the British department system beginning in 1906. The    Land Department handled land issues and Kuripan territorial rights and instituted the    British system of land grants under the administration of the land office.
    Sultan Muhammad Jamalul Alam II (1906-1924)    ascended the throne at 17. In 1906, he formed the Brunei Police Force. In 1911, he    introduced Malay schools. Oil drilling exploration commenced. The palace was transferred    from Kampong Ayer to Istana Majlis.
    Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin (1924-1950) in    1927 officially opened the Brunei-Tutong highway. Two years later, oil was discovered in    Seria. In 1932, he visited England. In 1941, the Japanese landed in Brunei.
    In 1945, the federated army landed in    Brunei. In 1946, the Brunei National Song was composed.
    In 1946, the Sultan took over the    government from British Military Administration. In 1949, he celebrated his Silver    Jubilee.
    The most revered 20th century ruler of    Brunei was Al-Marhum Sultan Sir Muda Omar Ali Saifuddien III, the Bandar Seri Begawan    (1950-I967), the younger brother of Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin, the 27th ruler.
    Sultan Haji Omar Ah Saifuddien III ascended    the throne in 1950. He used Brunei's oil revenues to finance for the first time a    five-year development plan (1953-1958) which gave Brunei an intensive infrastructure and    transformed it from a dull and quiet back- water into a thriving state.
    In 1953, the national song, Allah    Peliharakan Sultan was official declared. Government English schools were set up and the    mosque in Bandar Seri Begawan was built. In 1957, the first Brunei Radio programme was    broadcast.
    The year 1959 saw the promulgation of a    written constitution, which gave Brunei internal self-government and changed the post of    British resident, started in 1906, to High Commissioner, who continued to advise the    Sultan on matters other than those affecting the Islamic religion and Malay Custom.
    In 1959, the Brunei Shell Petroleum Company    started its first offshore drilling. In 1962, a rebellion was defeated. In 1967, Brunei    had its own currency. During his 17-year reign, he did so much to develop the country and    was regarded as "the architect of modern Brunei."
    In 1967, after 17 years of benevolent    reign, Sultan Haji Sir Muda Omar Ah Saifuddien voluntarily abdicated it favour of his    eldest son, His Majesty Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, who pledged to carry on his father's    policies.
    He descended from the throne with the title    Seri Begawan Sultan Haji Omar Saifuddien Sa'adul Khairi Waddien. In 1984, he became the    Defence Minister of Negara Brunei Darussalam. He died in 1986.
    His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di Pertuan    Brunei Darussalam ascended the throne on October 5, 1967 as the 29th Sultan. He further    pushed Brunei Darussalam on the road to greater economic and social development.
    Brunei gained full independence in 1984.

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Post time 7-6-2007 10:05 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by chichi at 6-6-2007 10:51 PM
err..takut ku jua..
kajap lagi ku delete tu ah my response above atu
kedapatan tia krg..


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Post time 7-6-2007 10:11 AM | Show all posts
hehehe cub.. inda ku jadi delete, edited saja as suggested by our moderator

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Post time 1-8-2007 01:55 PM | Show all posts

Souvenir shops...

yg ni gambar2 kat Brunei Souvenir shop @ Gadong...utk pelancong2 yg dtg ke Brunei bleh beli souvenir kat sini utk dibawa balik ke tmpt sendiri...prices are reasonable and some even cheap..


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Post time 1-8-2007 01:56 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 1-8-2007 01:56 PM | Show all posts

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