Originally posted by Cretin.Penguin at 28-4-2008 12:27 PM
NI bukan mintak lagi ni, babe.... Ni dah kira benda lama outstanding ni.... Dah masuk category "highest priority"....
BTW, Aik Cheong je? Come here & I'll serve my famed hazelnut- ...
walauwehh.....outstanding?..highest priority.....alamatnya...kok keong leh jadi onyang kok keong by the time my turn comes... ...
here?....here tu kat maner khunguin?....kalau gua lalu jalan hiway....gua go straight atau turn left...bila dah turn left....there is a T-junction kan?....right or left?....if go right gua sampai kat round about...if left....gua jumpa simpang empat....if i take the right to the round about...i should be taking which outlet?...3, 6, 9 or 12 o'clock....if at simpang empat...left...right...straight?.....
aha.. blum la dik.. i've read the offer letter.. ada something kat dlm tu that i do not like (the term) yg membuatkan i think twice or many2 times... urghh.. jap lagi i tulih amende kah itu..
Originally posted by LostSoul at 28-4-2008 05:33 PM
eheh.. get lost with losol... mmg menarik beb... sbb losol mesti bawak makanan punye..
tu yang buat gua tak leh get through life without lu bunny babe....
lu get all cleared out dulu babe...jgn jadi macam gua...sign buta tuli jer...last last...banyak term yang gua tak setuju....ishk gelojoh tul la gua ni..... ...
thx for da advice, hunny.. i was reading the offer letter, and i kinda shocked. so instead of signing right there, i told him i'll take it back and study (macam nak spm lak ek kan beb.. )
there is one clause there: VBS = variable basic salary (which comes to 30% of my offered salary). in here, they said the company reserves the right to reduce my salary up to the stated amount. i saw this, i'm kinda like "what??". he said this term is in everybody's employment letters, but i just don't feel good about this. "at company's discretion" = thats a big phrase... the HR guy said the co only exercises this right during the recession, but to me, they can justify any reasons to cut it off.. what do you think?
Originally posted by LostSoul at 28-4-2008 05:44 PM
thx for da advice, hunny.. i was reading the offer letter, and i kinda shocked. so instead of signing right there, i told him i'll take it back and study (macam nak spm lak ek kan beb.. )
gua teringat kat citer brother gua dulu...his offer letter had the same clause ....in 1998...masa tu kan economy was quite bad in most industries....so his company did activated this clause....gaji dia memang kena potong 30%..haru syehhhh...... ....
that's why you have to be very sure on the stability of this company...company yang normally have this clause biasanya d one yang badly affected during the 1998 disaster tu....the one company yang gua pernah baca kes ni in reality...my current work place...guess you know...
banyak nye tertinggal ketapi...
dah lame sgt tak menjenguk kat sini...
tak lame lagi maybe dah takleh berforum dah sbb dah start keje baru..
saye akan berpindah ke JB( hubby n anak)..Saye plak maybe ke melaka. tgh dlm proses appeal ke JB gak..
last day kat KL ni will be on 10 May..
ade dgr aritu segerombolan mak dare g makan KFC..jeles nye..rase nak join tapi bukak2 dah terlepas plak..
takde nak buat lagi ke? kalu ade bole menjoin kan diri...
mmm... the way you put it makes me wanna wait for another offer.... i did ask him, how was the business? he said, surviving.. then he changed to say good. whoaa.. well, this current company that i'm working with is doing excellente.. make me berpeluh lebih le beb... thinking and thinking..