‘Which Big Bang boyfriend would you want in these situations?’
1. When I fall and hurt myself
a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who gives me a piggy back ride to the hospital<<pinjam satt tabi ekk..
2. When I say I want a name brand item
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who pretends not to listen but buys it for me later<<oppa,sarangee
3. While watching a horror movie
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who quietly covers my eyes<<omoo,kiyoptaaa
4. When my voice crack while singing
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who laughs at me<<aku pon ikut ktawa..
5. When his friend says he likes me
c. Dong Young-Bae, who talks it out with his friend<<gentlemen skit..
6. When I’m mad at my boyfriend
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who says I’m sorry and says don’t be mad<<x jdi mrh
7. When my boyfriend meets my friends
d. Kang Dae-Sung, who makes my friends comfortable as if they were his friends<<like itt
8. On my birthday
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who says happy birthday all day long cheerfully<<huaaaa,even lgu bday jerr..bahagia aku
9. When we kiss
a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who hugs me tight first<<omoooo,byuntae aku..
10. When it’s raining and we only have one umbrella
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who holds me really tight so both of us don’t get wet<<indirect hug katakan..huahaha
11. When I say I want to break up
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who clings and anxiously asks why I’m acting like this suddenly<<omooo
12. When we go to the amusement park
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who suggests to go to the haunted house first<<i love umah antuu..
13. When he is paying at a restaurant but has no moneyw
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who grabs my hand and runs<<romantic gakk ne,lari samer2..
14. When I talk to another guy
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who tells me not to talk to other guys<<jeles kerr bang..
15. When he can’t reach me through the phone
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who comes to my house right away<<miann oppa,sajer wat gtew spya oppa dtg umahh..
16. When I tell him I love him
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who hugs me tightly, saying he loves me too>>
17. When we’re shopping
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who picks out clothes for me>>bru ader feeling nak shopping..
18. When I act cutely (like a kid)
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who copies me<<kiyoptaaa
19. When we get held up by a gang
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who grabs my hand and runs<<bgi aku romantic jerr larik samer2..
huahahaha,berbunga2 hati menjawab.. ..mostly Gd arr bF aku...hehehe |
Reply #897 Chynez's post
aku terima nikahnye
Lee Seung-Hyun sahaja in whatever situation and condition . muwah muwah!
Reply #905 skymania's post
hentam laaa korang...janji korang bahagiaaaa..motif game ne pon nak wat kiter bahagia..wahahaha |
Reply #906 Chynez's post
haaa..hahahahha nnt jap..aku dlm proses nk meng highlight... |
Reply #910 skymania's post
tu la..mmg aku rase jwpn gd tu kena ngan taste aku gak.. |
Reply #897 Chynez's post
omo2 so sweet...mmg sengih sorg2 je bace...jap nk pilih
pandai tol mmg sebijik mcm perangai dorg...trus terimejin dorg time bace jwpn2 tu
‘Which Big Bang boyfriend would you want in these situations?’
1. When I fall and hurt myself
a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who gives me a piggy back ride to the hospital
2. When I say I want a name brand item
a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who buys a fake one and says later on, he’ll make it a real one
3. While watching a horror movie
a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who protects me
4. When my voice crack while singing
a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who pinches my cheek and says i’m cute
5. When his friend says he likes me
a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who says what are you trying to do and breaks ties with his friend
6. When I’m mad at my boyfriend
a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who starts a serious talk by asking me if I’m mad
7. When my boyfriend meets my friend
a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who compliments me in front of my friends
8. On my birthday
a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who takes me some place expencive
9. When we kiss
a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who hugs me tight first
10. When it’s raining and we only have one umbrella
a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who shares the umbrella but he ends up getting wet
11. When I say I want to break up
a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who lets me go, saying he’s sorry he didn’t do much for me
12. When we go to the amusement park
a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who suggests to ride what I want to ride
13. When he is paying at a restaurant but has no money
a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who is sorry but asks if I could pay for now
14. When I talk to another guy
a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who thinks it’s no big deal
15. When he can’t reach me through the phone
a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who says he’s worried
16. When I tell him I love him
a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who whispers in my ear that he loves me
17. When we’re shopping
a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who says it’s boring and wants to go home already
18. When I act cutely (like a kid)
a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who thinks I’m cute and hugs me
19. When we get held up by a gang
a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who fights them
kesimpulannye mmg me kraeji kt choi seunghyun
tabi i lap u |
jawapan jujur aku
1. When I fall and hurt myself
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who asks if it hurts a lot and blows on the place where it hurts
(oohh....yes!malu2 aku sambil menaip....ehiksss...)
2. When I say I want a name brand item
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who pretends not to listen but buys it for me late
(ehe.. ok..pilihan kedua terbaik. YAY!)
3. While watching a horror movie
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who screams even before i scream
(ala..aku x menat sgt horror movie. tp ok la..hahaha cmni kiyooo ape)
4. When my voice crack while singing
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who makes fun of me by imitating me
(ble gado2..majok2 pastu..yeaay!)
5. When his friend says he likes me
d. Kang Dae-Sung, who says he will introduce another girl to his friend
(tayah gado2..kan senang cmni..Dae pon Dae la..ble trot sama2! haha!)
6. When I’m mad at my boyfriend
c. Dong Young-Bae, who sings to me
(haha..aku mmg kalah sikit ngan org nyanyi2 neh..so it works kot~)
7. When my boyfriend meets my friends
d. Kang Dae-Sung, who makes my friends comfortable as if they were his friends
(Yes laaa~ )
8. On my birthday
c. Dong Young-Bae, who makes me a special present
(ala..mana baby nehhhhh~!!! uwaa..ape laaa..nyanyi2 je spjg hr..kan aku pile taeyang daa)
9. When we kiss
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who asks if I can give him a kiss on the cheek and turns his head when I’m about to kiss his cheeks
(YAYYY! perfect perfect~~ ngee comel...!! aku da cover2 muka blkg pc neh..haha sengih2 kenot control~!)
10. When it’s raining and we only have one umbrella
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who just tosses the umbrella and have both of us to walk in the rain
(tp tgk keadaan gak.....kalo baju aku baju mahal..sutera dry clean ke..takkan aku nak redah kan..tp kalo lepak2 je..yayy~ ble basah kuyop bersama~~hooyeehh!)
11. When I say I want to break up
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who is dumbfounded and says he never thought I’d break it off
(ala..magnae nye answer...mengjengkelkan..so i pilih pilihan kedua la... senang cmni.xde serabut kepala)
12. When we go to the amusement park
c. Dong Young-Bae, who takes lots of pictures
(Alaaa..ape la magnae pny...aku da la anti segala scary/extreme rides......aaahh amek2 gamba sudaa..ble tayang2 kt facebook!hahaha)
13. When he is paying at a restaurant but has no money
a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who is sorry but asks if I could pay for now
(ape susah kan settle wat cmni...alaaaa lg..ape la magnae nye answers...kalo laki cmtu...mmg cepat la aku mtk putus kot? uwaa~ mianhe magnae)
14. When I talk to another guy
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who later asks what we talked about
(Sayang~~ i kembali pada u~!)
15. When he can’t reach me through the phone
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who comes to my house right away
(Yayy pilihan kedua...!)
16. When I tell him I love him
a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who whispers in my ear that he loves me
(*PINGSAN!...aaaaa Tabi pilihan ketiga...rasanya aku takde pilih tabi lg kot so far...)
17. When we’re shopping
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who enjoys shopping more than I do
(Tak kesah...sbb kadang2 abah aku cmni..hahahahaha!)
18. When I act cutely (like a kid)
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who copies me
(Yaayy Ting Tong bersama2!)
19. When we get held up by a gang
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who grabs my hand and runs
(Uwaaaaaaa apelaaahhh magnaeee! tak gona pny bopren cmni...tgk..terpaksa aku memilih Pilihan keduaku~ :p)
--->> 8/19 adalah Magnae....alamak..kalo peksa tu fail...maknanye...aku + magnae fail la..uwaaaaaa~~~~
Reply #913 fa_stellar's post
wahahahaa..lawak gilerr,,failed arr ko ngan magnae nee..aku lakk suekr jwpn magnae 2,comeii jerr..tpi no.19 2 spoiled tol arrr,leh2 larik dulu..hheheh |
Reply #914 Chynez's post
mlm kang aku post jwpn jujur aku plak..
ptg2 ni tk smpt..hehe.. |
aku wat jwpn vers len lak..daaa wat ne,cam wat fan fiction lakk..
‘Which Big Bang boyfriend would you want in these situations?’
1. When I fall and hurt myself
Kwon Ji-Yong makes fun of me because I fell, Lee Seung-Hyun asks if it hurts a lot and blows on the place where it hurts,Choi Seung-Hyun gives me a piggy back ride to the hospital..Dong Young- Bae runs to go buys medication..Kang Dae-Sung helps me get home..
2. When I say I want a name brand item
Choi Seung-Hyun buys a fake one and says later on, he’ll make it a real one,Dong Young-Bae promises to buy me one once he makes more money,Lee Seung-Hyun keeps asking if he can buy me something else,Kang Dae-Sung keeps saying not to buy expencive things and Kwon Ji-Yong pretends not to listen but buys it for me later..at laz,nega chagii gakk bli..hehehe
3. While watching a horror movie
Choi Seung-Hyun protects me..Lee Seung-Hyun screams even before i scream..Kang Dae-Sung holds my hand tightly..Kwon Ji-Yong quietly covers my eyes..Dong Young-Bae comforts me by saying there’s nothing to be scared of..
4. When my voice crack while singing
Kwon Ji-Yong, who laughs at me..Lee Seung-Hyun makes fun of me by imitating me..Choi Seung-Hyun pinches my cheek and says i’m cute..Dong Young-Bae gets even more embarrassed than me..Kang Dae-Sung pretends he didn’t hear it..bZ nynyi bang long dae ku ini,hehehe
5. When his friend says he likes me
Kwon Ji-Yong goes up and punches his friend..Choi Seung-Hyun says what are you trying to do and breaks ties with his friend..Dong Young-Bae talks it out with his friend..Kang Dae-Sung says he will introduce another girl to his friend.. Lee Seung-Hyun stops talking to his friend..
6. When I’m mad at my boyfriend
Kwon Ji-Yong says I’m sorry and says don’t be mad..Lee Seung-Hyun do cute stuff around me..Kang Dae-Sung makes me laugh..Dong Young-Bae sings to me..Choi Seung-Hyun starts a serious talk by asking me if I’m mad..
7. When my boyfriend meets my friends
Kang Dae-Sung makes my friends comfortable as if they were his friends..Dong Young-Bae makes me feel good by complimenting my friends..Kwon Ji-Yong asks my friends to watch over our relationship..Choi Seung-Hyun compliments me in front of my friends..Lee Seung-Hyun, who asks my friends to consider him
8. On my birthday
Choi Seung-Hyun takes me some place expencive..Kwon Ji-Yong treats me better than other days..Kang Dae-Sung sings to me on a stage at a restaurant..Dong Young-Bae makes me a special present..Lee Seung-Hyun says happy birthday all day long cheerfully..
9. When we kiss
Kang Dae-Sung becomes awkward first..Dong Young-Bae asks first..Lee Seung Hyun asks if I can give him a kiss on the cheek and turns his head when I’m about to kiss his cheeks..Choi Seung-Hyun hugs me tight first..Kwon Ji-Yong just do it..
10. When it’s raining and we only have one umbrella
Kang Dae-Sung tells me to wait and go gets another umbrella..Dong Young-Bae give me the umbrella and he walks under the rain..Kwon Ji-Yong holds me really tight so both of us don’t get wet..Choi Seung-Hyun shares the umbrella but he ends up getting wet..Lee Seung-Hyun just tosses the umbrella and have both of us to walk in the rain..
11. When I say I want to break up
Kwon Ji-Yong is dumbfounded and says he never thought I’d break it off.. Lee Seung-Hyun clings and anxiously asks why I’m acting like this suddenly..Dong Young-Bae asks if he can hug me one last time..Kang Dae-Sung says farewell and lets me go, crying..Choi Seung-Hyun lets me go, saying he’s sorry he didn’t do much for me..
12. When we go to the amusement park
Choi Seung-Hyun suggests to ride what I want to ride..Lee Seung-Hyun forcefully takes me to scary rides..Kwon Ji-Yong suggests to go to the haunted house first..Kang Dae-Sung eats this and that..Dong Young-Bae takes lots of pictures..
13. When he is paying at a restaurant but has no money
Lee Seung-Hyun is anxious and doesn’t know what to do..Dong Young-Bae has them keep his belonging until he can pay..Kang Dae-Sung calls his friend to bring some money..Choi Seung-Hyun say sorry but asks if I could pay for now..Kwon Ji-Yong grabs my hand and runs..
14. When I talk to another guy
Kang Dae-Sung is curious and sneakingly wedges in the conversation..Kwon Ji-Yong tells me not to talk to other guys..Choi Seung-Hyun thinks it’s no big deal..Dong Young-Bae can’t say anything but actually bothers him..Lee Seung-Hyun later asks what we talked about..
15. When he can’t reach me through the phone
Lee Seung-Hyun gets mad because I didn’t pick up..Kang Dae-Sung calls until I pick up..Dong Young-Bae lets it by, thinking something must have happened..Choi Seung-Hyun says he’s worried..Kwon Ji-Yong comes to my house right away..
16. When I tell him I love him
Kang Dae-Sung smiles, embarrassed..Dong Young-Bae hugs me without saying a word..Choi Seung-Hyun whispers in my ear that he loves me..Lee Seung-Hyun hugs me tightly, saying he loves me too..Kwon Ji-Yong kisses me..
17. When we’re shopping
Lee Seung-Hyun enjoys shopping more than I do..Dong Young-Bae do everything I want to do..Kang Dae-Sung,impatiently follows me around..Kwon Ji-Yong picks out clothes for me..Choi Seung-Hyun says it’s boring and wants to go home already..
18. When I act cutely (like a kid)
Kang Dae-Sung just laughs..Lee Seung-Hyun copies me..Choi Seung-Hyun thinks I’m cute and hugs me..Dong Young-Bae tells me to do that everyday..Kwon Ji-Yong says I’m not doing it right and shows an example..
19. When we get held up by a gang
Dong Young-Bae makes an effort to clear things out..Kang Dae-Sung calls the cops..Choi Seung-Hyun fights them..Lee Seung-Hyun leaves me and runs away..Kwon Ji-Yong grabs my hand and runs..
mcm dating ngan sumer jer..miahahahaha |
Reply #918 Chynez's post
giler rajin ko wt karangan..keke..
aku tk smpat baca lg.. |
| |