Reply cn7
u beli longchamp size apa? is it Le Pliage? kat La Vallee outlet ada Longchamp ...
gilakentang Post at 7-1-2011 17:01 
i bought this one. very handy, especially bila luggage u overweight.
just kuarkan dari beg, masukkan ke dalam Longchamp. It saved me 3 kg last time |
Reply 1087# cn7
yang ini pun ada, tapi in light cream colour. harga i tak tengok la pulak |
Reply 1084# telipuk
I baca blog shilashower.blogspot.com. Dia duk kat hotel ni jugak, family room gak. Review dia so far tak der la yang negatif. She said she got a good offer, like between 60 euro-70 euro per nite, and ada shuttle bus kut...she went last July 2010 rasanya
i banyak refer blog orang bila carik travelling tips ni...sebab kadang2 gambar dalam website & yang sebenar can be different |
Reply 1088# cn7
thx for sharing cn7  |
Reply 1091# gilakentang
your welcome |
Reply 1090# gilakentang
i stayed here masa kat paris
file:///C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/moz-screenshot.jpgfile:///C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/moz-screenshot-1.jpg |
its quite far from the city (central paris) like 30 min to 45 mins, but very close to Disneyland..
2 RER stop dah sampai. Less than 10 min dah sampai. The apartment is 8 min walk to the RER Torcy station. Ada 3 kedai makanan kat situ yang halal, and ada groceries orang asia kat situ. Chinese man (from Malaysia) and Thai lady run the grocery shop.
seronok masak dalam apartment tu, everything provided. Just samak jer la |
tiket pegi paris pegi bali..memang 3000+++ ke...
ke ade sape pernah dpt yg lgi murah punyer |
Reply 1095# miyoma
Saya pernah dapat yang murah. Masa diorang bukak first time, first route ke Paris last December kut.
Harga 1 way 1 pax was RM499, so saya beli untuk me & my husband, return 2 pax dapat 2.4k... dah include tax semua. Tapi tak termasuk makanan, luggage & hot seat |
oh, this one travelling date dia 31 May balik 9th June |
Reply miyoma
Saya pernah dapat yang murah. Masa diorang bukak first time, first route ke ...
cn7 Post at 14-1-2011 10:45 
my sis beli bulan lepas, utk travel masa cuti sekolah mei/jun nanti......utk 3person RM5k return (actually ticket RM3+++ katanya, extra tu cam beli seat, makanan, luggage...)....pergi 17hari, apabenda lah nak buat sana lama-lama |
Waduss..itu giler murah tuh.. tak tahu la hubby approve ke idak.. I baru balik dari Hong Kong 2 ...
telipuk Post at 6-1-2011 12:59 
u jual ajelah ur coach tu............................beli lain pulak ( i suka buat camni, simpan dalam almari pun semak aje ) |
Reply 1099# noridaQM
I tgh dok pikir la ni.. rasa mcm nak jual jer.. |
Reply 1100# telipuk
model apa ekk...................INbox I ye......I baru letgo a few of mine, duk fikir nak beli lain pulak ... haha karang kena potong point berjual beli kat sini |
Reply 1101# noridaQM
Nanti I tgk balik.. tak ingat, rembat jer.. |
Reply 1102# telipuk
boleh boleh...ambik gambar dan price sekali..............leh tolong sebarkan |
my sis beli bulan lepas, utk travel masa cuti sekolah mei/jun nanti......utk 3person RM5k retur ...
noridaQM Post at 14-1-2011 03:49
RM5K untuk 3 pax? murahnyer.....
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RM5K untuk 3 pax? murahnyer.....
(posted by mobile)
boocik04 Post at 14-1-2011 12:11 
murahkan......jeles gak I.............i tak tgk exact date tapi I rasa dia ambik before school holiday then balik after schoolholiday sbb dia kata 17days...tu yg dpt murah
my other SIL , ambik tiket pergi aje bulan June school holiday , 3 person RM1800 .............tiket balik lum ambik.....haha..takmo balik kut |
murahkan......jeles gak I.............i tak tgk exact date tapi I rasa dia ambik before school ...
noridaQM Post at 14-1-2011 04:15
17 days tu boleh tour western europe... seronoknya :)
(posted by mobile) |
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