Eva_yy_Ellin posted on 2-6-2014 09:34 AM
Rugi la Elle, google tak sama dengan depan mata
Pengalaman tu dapat tengok ikan todak dengan i ...
hari tu terfikir juga..erm macam rugi je kalau tak try anything new...but on that moment teringat Calvin words "Everytime I've built character ,I've regretted it"...terus confirm taknak buat...sbb nanti sunburn or kena gigit biawak ke I 'm sure will regretted it..
but actually thinking further,as much as I don;t like the place..I do love my company..Eventho I tak suka snorkeling..but I enjoy watching my friends snorkel from far..and happy to hear they talk excitedly about fishes and coral they saw..so ya..walaupun i cakap taknak pergi tempat macam tu lagi..kalau my friends ajak lagi,I'll say okay i ikut je without even thinking..because at the end of the day..it is not where you go but who you go with...
kalau bercuti tempat yang room dia mahal and lavish but you pergi seorang diri pun tak best juga....tak kisah la bilik paling murah and no sea view pun,as long as I'm with the one I loved, I am happy....
anna-zara posted on 3-6-2014 04:38 PM
haha...bukan...kurung moden yang muat2 je...
ohh patut la...
takpe ada lagi few months before raya...sempat je lagi nak kasi muat...
style baju kurung pahang juga yang kira "safe" design kan..bum bum sikit pun still boleh cover...>.<