Reply #1141 powerwoot's post
bleh tahan gak... on par ngan maxis wireless broadband aku pakai.. |
Reply #1142 adie82's post
Tapi Maxis wireless dia capped hanya maximum 3gb sebulan.
5.3 Excessive Usage
5.3.1 Each customer抯 total usage per month shall NOT exceed 3GB of data volume transmitted (total upload and download usage). This is to ensure that no individual hogs the bandwidth at all times.
Check dia punya polisi kat sini http://www.maxis.com.my/personal/broadband/termncon.asp
My opinion if you are subscribe and paying to the so-called unlimited broadband but you are restricted and capped the usages, this kinda packages is a joke and a big NO NO to me.
[ Last edited by powerwoot at 5-5-2007 09:59 AM ] |
usage aku sebulan lebih kurang 10gb!
tapi takder extra charges pun.
maybe tak impliment lagi kot.
dah nak masuk 6 bulan aku guna |
ruiming This user has been deleted
Reply #1136 powerwoot's post
hey, thx for reply. for the service i mentioned, it's absolutely free from spamming, not even so called ms alert because it has a deal with our respective telco, if it violets that by providing customers' personal info, it' ll be sued. what's more, the registration doesnt require much personal info, it just want you to sms to a number , the content if the sms and ur username and password, that's all, your number will be recorded in the system, when u send a card, u'll receive a billing sms, and sometimes, a wappush message telling u it has a wapsite which u can access anytime anywhere to send mms greeting//// |
Reply #1144 adie82's post
wah fuyoyoyo, untung besar lah ko nampaknya. Itu saya kurang pasti pulak, mungkin sementara subscribers tak ramai Maxis waived dulu capped bandwith usage tu. |
Reply #1145 ruiming's post
hmm if that is the case I am glad to hear... you are much welcome to give any truly 'free' good news.  |
ruiming This user has been deleted
Reply #1147 powerwoot's post
oh..ha` i'm into it.... i tried the wap. the service is still free but the gprs is expensive to me, in order to send mms greeting via wap(a free card), i'll be charged rm2. i thot it was hidden charge, but when i tried other wapsite, it's the same. 1 wap page enriched with thumb picture and text is about rm30 to 50, how would people want to use gprs....anyway, i'm student, ill afford gprs service... |
ruiming This user has been deleted
sorry, BIG mistake, one wap page is about rm0.30 to rm0.50.... |
Reply #1150 adie82's post
Mungkin masih ada sebab 10% bonus tu dia punya term hanya fresh reload, sedangkan sistem monthly bonus tu adalah untuk penggunaan terkumpul bulan yg diberikan pada usages RM50 ke atas. Aku punya pemahaman ialah kalau kita reload RM50 dapat RM5 bonus, pastu kalau penggunaan pada bulan tersebut ialah min RM50 kita dapat RM1.30 (50 x 3% = 1.3). Total bonus earned ialah RM5 + RM1.30 = RM6.30... hmm entahlah. |
testing testing 1234 server serupa salah urat dah |
Reply #1153 adie82's post
aisehman kesalahan teknikal yang menghampehkan. selisih pun cuma berapa sen aja takpele kredit untuk adik ko, lagipun aku masih lagi sekolah tadika ni.  |
Reply #1154 powerwoot's post
rasanya RM50 ke atas dapat bonus RM5 tu masih on kot........... |
Berita dukacita selepas memriksa baki melalui *124# hari ini .
Dulu Celcom akan paparkan nombor simkad /henfon kita ,
baki ditulis 0 walaupun hakikatnya masih ada baki .
Hotlink Dulu dan sekarang : tak ada papar nombor simkad henfon
tapi BAKI tak ditulis 0 jika masih ada baki .
X-pax Sekarang : nombor simkad tidak dipaparkan lagi
Baki terus juga 0 - tidak dipaparkan baki sebenar .
Mesej baru tambahan :
dapat mesej tulis baki akan lesap pada hari ke 46 selepas tempoh sah .
Nampaknya Celcom dah ikut jejak langkah Hotlink . |
46 hari jer ker..bkn 90 ari ker? |
46 hari untuk baki lesap bukan untuk nombor mati . |
memang la dari dulu lagi baki akan lesap lepas 46 hari tarikh sah
lepas 46hari kredit 0 tapi still bleh call in lagi. lepas 90hari simkad akan dimatikan...
[ Last edited by adie82 at 12-5-2007 11:55 PM ] |
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