kita selalu puji arwah sebagai sosok sorg suami yg sempurna
and he was no doubt
infotainment sana berlambak kot org IV
nak tau rahasia perkahwinan dorg yg bertahan
tanpa satu pun titik gossip yg miris
tiada satu pun in all 11 years
though kita tengok BCL lebih segalanya
dia cukup cemburu bila ada org yg dekat dgn arwah
lagi2 kalo retis pompuan sana
when they IV them separate
and surprised her with Vid call or phone call
from arwah
her face and eyes will always lit up
mcm org sedang dilamun cinta
tu lar kehebatan cinta antara mereka
deep and profound sense of respect
like how arwah will forgo a project
so she can focus on her own career
his sacrifices so that dia dpt mengapai awan
and adoration sampai maut memisahkan
BCL was very close with eyang for the making
of this epic love story
and eyang passed on late last year
berapa bulan lepas tu arwah pula pergi
her sense of lost must be so huge
cuma berharap kalo ada jodoh yg lain
semoga Allah beri yg terbaik utk dia dan Noah
media sana dah start kompang
sebab BCL dah habis iddah dan
dah boleh move on
yer sis
he can't sing to save his life
dia buat tu sebab BCL yg suruh
tu lar lagu fav dorg, yg BCL duet dgn ari lasso
she is also a genuinely nice person
masa dia jadi judge di indonesian idol
bahasa dia sopan jer
unlike bonda maya yg mcm singa tu
bcl ni mmg terdidik oleh arwah supaya jadi
yg terbaik utk diri sendiri
tu shin kata they compliment each other well
dia sebagai isteri sgt2 mendengar kata suami dia
padahal kalo dia jenis ego dan mendiva
dia tak pandang apa yg suami dia suruh dia buat
and arwah that time was overexposed
dah takda tv yg nak amik dia berlakon
tu sebab dia tukar fokus to business
and with his passion and dukungan BCL
dia berjaya to built and empire and JV
dgn byk syarikat
Author|Post time 1-7-2020 02:09 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
OsHiN_hOnEy replied at 1-7-2020 12:30 PM
yer sis
he can't sing to save his life
dia buat tu sebab BCL yg suruh
Ashraf was an accommodating husband and father and brother
Rasanya kalo bcl kawin lagi lepas ni, mmg mampos la jantan tuh nak keep up dgn standard ashraf yg serba serbi hellokkk
Post time 1-7-2020 10:43 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
dulu iols sgt minat ashraf sbb helok
pas dia bercengkerama dgn bcl sblm kawen kat pantai da mule sikit2 xminat..smpila skrg minat balik smpi tgk ig,portal psl love story depa..
AS mmg dr family yg laki akn ikut bini..tgkla apaknye,dgn adam..jns family bukan bewak
Post time 3-7-2020 12:39 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Betul la kata org..kalau suami tu baik penyayang..boleh mendidik isteri dgn baik.isteri dpt sepenuh kasih syg dr suami...apa lagi nk ? duit dh ade suami setia dan siapa sangka jodoh lak tak lama..mmg sedey..terus rasa nk guna masa sebaik mungkin utk suami n ank2..