▲on the 15th am, Ku Hye Sun, being the director and actor was filming the 13th IWFFIS official trailer on Chung Jeong Road in Seoul. The picture showsKu Hye Sun playing piano in the middle of Chung Jeong Road. Photos = SportChosun
Ku Hye Sun was playing piano in the middle of an 8-lane main road in Seoul.
On February15 morning, a special shooting was done on Chung Jeong Road in Seoul. On the day, the scene of Ku Hye Sun, dressed in last century's 60s/70s high school school uniform, playing piano on the safety island in the middle of an 8-lane road was filmed. Being the director of the 13th IWSSIF official trailer, Ku Hye Sun was also playing the leading role of the film, injects great enthusiasm for the "double role".
▲Ku Hye Sun confirming the footage in a bus attentively .
Ku Hye Sun transform from an actor to singer, composer, and film director, etc. showing her multi-talents. She is not only filming for IWFFIS official trailer, but is also preparing her second feature film "Peach Tree". "Peach Tree" tells a story about a pair of Siamese twins. Ryu Duk Hwan take up the role of one of the twin brothers, and Nam Sang Mi will play the role of a woman whom the twin brothers have affection for.
Goo Hye Sun establishes a new production company under “Goo Hye Sun Films”
It was revealed recently that actress turned director, Goo Hye Sun, has established a new production company under her own name, “Goo Hye Sun Films”.
Her agency, YG Entertainment, recently explained, “It’s not part of the company, but her own personal business that she is managing herself. It’s not widely known yet as it is still of a small scale as a production company.”
When asked about the reason behind her new establishment, they replied, “She wanted to prevent any problems with the law in case her name as a producer was put on the line.”
Meanwhile, Goo Hye Sun was first studying at the Seoul National University of Arts as a broadcasting major before she dropped out for her broadcast activities. The actress was recently accepted into Sungkyunkwan University as an imaging major in the Faculty of Arts.
At the time of her university acceptance, her company stated, “In order for her to study acting properly, Goo Hye Sun decided to return to school as a freshman, even at her old age.”
Translation credit: allkpop
Source: Seoul NTN via Nate
thanks luvsun and credits to susAmerica for the translation from soompi
한별-혜선-주연 과거 화장실 셀카사진 공개 “우리가 원조얼짱이야~=
HanByul-HyeSun-JooYun's selca ''We are the Original Ulzzangs.'”
[뉴스엔 조연경 기자=Newsen Reporter Jo YunGyung]
배우 박한별과 구혜선 그리고 애프터스쿨 주연이 과거 얼짱시절부터 친했다는 사실이 밝혀지면서 네티즌들의 눈길을 끌고있다. The knowledge that actresses Park HanByul and GHS and the AFTERSCHOOL's JooYun have been friends from their early ulzzang days is creating stir among the netizens.
최근 한 온라인 커뮤니티에는 박한별과 구혜선, 주연이 과거 함께 찍은 셀카사진이 공개됐다. Recently, at an online coomunity, a selca pix of PHB, GHS and JooYun was publicized.
사진 속 그녀들은 원조 얼짱답게 흐른 세월이 무색할 만큼 빼어난 미모를 뽐내고 있었다. 특히 사진 오른편에는 “화장실에서…” 라는 글귀가 있어 화장실의 어두운 조명 래에서도 자체발광 하는 미모라는 것을 은연중에 자랑했다. Inside the pix, they showed off their outstanding beauty like the true original ulzzangs and as if the passing years had no impact. To the right of the pix is written, "inside the bathroom". Even inside the bathroom where the lighting is dim, their beauty seems to be naturally illuminating.
공개된 또 다른 한장의 사진은 3명이 나란히 기합을 받는 마냥 직각 자세로 앉아 두 팔을 쭉 편채 무릎위에 올려놓고 정면의 카메라를 불만 가득한 표정으로 응시하고 있어 깨알같은 웃음을 자아내게 했다.In the second pix, the three of them are sitting next to each other in an orderly fashion as if they are being punished. They are sitting upright with two arms straight out on their laps and appear to be somewhat stressed to look into the front camera. This pix is bringing out much laughter to the viewers. (GHS is the only one looking straight into the camera but with her pouting and sad expression...I saw this pix before but never thought that they might be receiving detention of some sort....keke)
이들은 지금으로부터 약 8년 전 인터넷이 한참 발달하던 시기 ‘5대얼짱’이라는 한 얼짱카페의 1대 얼짱들로 뽑히며 네티즌들의 관심을 한몸에 받은 바 있다. That was 8 years ago when internet was just in the cusp of becoming big. At that time, they were picked as the 5 first generation ulzzangs in a certain Ulzzang Online Cafe. Since then, they received much attention from the netizens.
당시 박한별은 선화예고 얼짱으로, 구혜선은 인천지역의 얼짱으로, 그리고 이주연은 강북 상명여고 얼짱으로 학교와 지역내에서 이미 그 유명세를 떨쳤다. PHB was from SunHwa High School, GHS from InChun region, and Lee JooYun from GangBook area's SangMyung High School. They were already famous as ulzzangs from their own regions.
사 진을 접한 네티즌들은 “과거 기억 새록새록하다ㅋㅋㅋ 진짜 유명했는데… 인터넷 초대 얼짱들 아닌가?”, “얼짱은 얼짱끼리 아주 끼리끼리 노는구나ㅠ 이쁘다”, “확실히 옛날 얼짱들이 진짜 얼짱같다. 요즘은 너나나나 할 것 없이 다 얼짱이래” 라며 그녀들의 과거 모습에 많은 관심을 나타냈다. Those netizens who viewed the pix left remarks with much attention: Old memories are popping up. keke,,They were really famous...They were the very first internet ulzzangs...ulzzangs must hang out with just ulzzangs..they are pretty...Honestly, the past ulzzangs are the true ulzzangs...These days, everybody declares him/herself to be ulzzangs...
Jo SeungWoo may star in Ku HyeSun's new movie as one of the twin brothers
Jo SeungWoo may return to the big screen and star in Ku HyeSun's movie 'Peach Tree' which will begin shooting on the second half of the year. It has been three years that Jo SeungWoo completed the movie 'The Sword with No Name' in year 2008, he is going to comeback with a big hit.
According to Ku HyeSun's representative, "There's no confirmation yet. Discussion is still ongoing with regards to Jo SeungWoo's participation." 'Peach Tree' is a movie about Siamese twins. On the other hand, Nam SangMi and Ryu DukHwan have been cast in this movie.
Translation credit: first_snow @ soompi
Source: Korea Star Daily
thanks natali and credit to susAmerica for the translation from soompi
영 화 촬영 스케줄에 대해서는 “구혜선이 현재 드라마 ‘더 뮤지컬’과 대만 드라마 ‘절대 그이’의 출연을 앞두고 있어 당장 영화촬영에 들어가는 것은 무리가 있다. 배우들의 스케줄과 구혜선의 스케줄을 조정해 조만간 확정지을 것”이라고 덧붙였다.==YG rep spoke on the phone with OSEN reporter: Reporter must have asked about GHS's start date for filming her movie, PEACH TREE. YG rep responded that, 'currently, GHS is filming THE MUSICAL drama and is also scheduled to act in ABSOLUTE DALING, Therefore, it will be way too stressful if she also went into filming for her movie at this time. Everybody's schedule will be worked out so that the final filming date will be finalized soon.' http://news.nate.com.../20110222n09413
이에 대해 구혜선 소속사 YG엔터테인먼트측은 “중국에서 초상권이 도용된 사례가 많아 확인중”이라며 “담당 변호사와 협의해 대응할 것”이라고 밝혔다.== (I don't know if you guys know this..but a plastic surgeon in China has been widely advertising his business by posting GHS's face as the after surgery face and another woman's face as before face. The surgeon asks in his ad, guess where she fixed her face.) Because of these ads which are easily found in China, YG reported that they are looking into these false advertising, misusing GHS's portrait and will adhere to what their legal representaive advises. (Yeah! YG!!) Many netizens have posted that the before pix of a woman does not look at all like GHS. http://news.nate.com.../20110222n10873
Choi Daniel-Lee JoonHyuk are going to appear in Ku Hyesun's 'Peach Tree' to show their friendship
Ku Hyesun's second featured film received many attentions. Choi Daniel and Lee JoonHyuk are going to have cameo appearance in Ku Hyesun's movie to show off their friendship.
According to the agency, "This is a movie about fantasy, the three main actors were confirmed. They are Jo SeungWoo, Ryu DukHwan and Nam SangMi. And now, Choi Daniel and Lee JoonHyuk is going to join the team for cameo appearance."
Lee JoonHyuk acted in the drama 'Three Brothers' whereas Choi Daniel acted in drama 'High Kick Through The Roof' and movie 'Cyrano: Dating Agency'. The reason for both actors to appear in the movie because they would like to show their strong friendship.
On the other hand, the main actors for Ku Hyesun's first feature film 'YoSool', Seo HyunJin and Lim JiGyu are going to have cameo appearance in 'Peach Tree' too.
Recently, Ku Hyesun has established a new production company under 'Ku Hyesun Film'. Ku Hyesun will begin shooting 'Peach Tree' in Spring season.
구혜선이 연출하는 제13회 서울국제여성영화제 공식 트레일러 촬영현장 =
This is the actual film location of the traier that GHS is directing for the 13th WISFF
20 초다. 지난 2월15일, 러닝타임이 20초인 트레일러 촬영을 위해 아침 8시부터 충정로 삼거리에 스탭들이 모였다. 하늘은 협조적이다. 전날까지 몰아치던 영하 10도의 칼바람은 누그러졌고 늦겨울의 태양은 눈부셨다. 제13회 서울국제여성영화제(4월7~14일) 공식 트레일러에 출연하고 연출까지 맡은 구혜선 감독은 1960년대 풍의 옛날 교복을 입고 무전기를 들었다. =It takes 20 seconds. Last Feb. 15th, all the staff gathered at 8AM at ChongJungRo SamGuRi to make the trailer whose running time is 20 seconds. Weather cooperated. Last night's knife-sharp, 10 degrees celcius cold disappeard and the late winter's sun shone brightly. WISFF officially starts from April 7~14th. Director GHS who is both appearing and directing for the trailer is seen lifting her walki-talki dressed in 1960's school uniform.
연기하느라 촬영된 영상을 바로 모니터 할 수 없는 구혜선 감독은 자신의 연기가 끝나면 바로 무전기를 들고 스탭과 의견을 교환하고 촬영 지시를 했다. Since she is unable to watch the monitor when she acts, she immediatedly grabbed her walki-talki when her scene ended and started to discuss the scene with the staff.
그 녀가 지금 앉아 있는 곳은 충정로 왕복 8차선 한가운데에 놓인 그랜드 피아노 앞이다. 8명의 스탭이 피아노를 도로 한복판으로 옮기기 위해 달라붙었다. 쉴새없이 지나가는 자동차들의 소음 사이에서 희미하게 피아노 소리가 들려왔다. 트레일러는 청각 장애가 있는 할머니가 횡단보도를 건너다, 갑자기 피아노소리를 듣고 자신의 소녀 시절을 떠올린다는 내용이다. 할머니의 어린 시절을 직접 연기한 구혜선 감독은 "여성의 원점으로 돌아가는 이미지를 표현하고 싶었다"고 연출 의도를 말했다. This location for the trailer, where she is sitting right now in front of a grand piano, is in the middle of the two-way, 8-lane ChoongJung Road. 8 staff members huddled around the piano to move it to the side of the busy road. In the middle of the neverending traffing noise is the faint sound of the piano. (The reporter says that GHS is playing a Korean elementary school song, called <school bell rings deng, deng deng>. This made me laugh because this is the same song that KHJ played to pass the time away when BOF would have many sleepless nights filming--he photographed himslef playing it once in the set of BOF. ke) The tailer involves a grandmother, with a hearing handicap, crossing a busy street and who suddenly hears the piano sound that takes her back to her youth. GHS researched into the grandmother's youth and stated that she wanted to portray the image of a woman returning to her staring point.
33 초다. 33초 동안 모든 촬영이 이루어진다. 충정로의 횡단보도 신호등은 33초 동안만 초록 불을 밝힌다. 할머니가 횡단보도에서 뒤로 돌면서 구혜선을 바라보는 장면. 신호가 바뀌면 재빨리 슛 들어갈 준비를 해야 한다. 초록색 신호등이 깜빡거리는데 구혜선 감독은 "바로 한번 더 갈게요"를 외친다. "안돼, 안돼." 빨간색 신호등에 불이 들어오고 조감독이 신호 대기 중인 차량을 향해 꾸벅 인사를 하고 인도로 돌아온다. 신호가 바뀌기를 기다려 찍고 빠지는 과정을 9번 반복하고서야 결국 오케이가 났다. It takes 33 seconds. All the shooting takes place within 33 seconds. The traffic light at the ChooJung Road flashes the green light for only 33 seconds. That scene where the grandmother turns to look at GHS on the crossroad must start when the traffic light changes to green. When the green light is blinking (about to change to red), Director GHS shouts: 'Let's do it again.' JoGamdok (=the lighting director) runs towards the cars waiting for the red light to change and shouts, 'No, No' and bows to them before returning to the sidewalk. The whole crew repeats shooting this scene 9 times trying to coordinate with the changing traffic signals before finally getting the OK sign.
다 음 촬영은 버스 안이다. 구혜선 감독은 여전히 밖에 있다. 버스 안에는 구혜선 감독과 같은 교복을 입은 할머니가 앉아 있다. 카메라는 피아노를 연주하는 창 밖의 구혜선을 바라보다가 버스가 출발하면 피아노 소리에 맞춰 허밍을 하는 할머니를 비춘다. 면허학원에서 처음 운전을 배우는 양 버스는 전진과 후진만 반복한다. 구혜선 감독은 스탭이 창 밖으로 건네준 작은 모니터로 촬영된 영상을 확인했다. 버스 안은 스탭과 취재진으로 얽혀 정신이 없다. 결국 취재진은 버스에서 내려야 했다. 버스는 나머지 버스 안 장면을 위해 시내를 달리기 시작했다. The next scene is inside a bus. Director GHS is still outside. Inside the bus is the grandmother wearing the same school uniform that GHS is wearing. The camera focuses on GHS playing the piano outside the bus window. When the bus starts, the camera lights on the grandmother who is humming to the beat of the piano sound. The bus driver is a novice trying to earn his license by repeating the backward and forward moves. GHS scrutinizes the film clip through the small monitor handed over to her by the staff from inside the bus. Inside of the bus is crazy-confusing with both staff and reporters. Ultimately, the reporters had to get off the bus. It is because the bus had to speed on for the rest of the scene.
2009 년 아시아나국제단편영화제 트레일러를 제작한 경험이 있는 구혜선 감독은 "2년 전엔 추상적인 이미지를 좋아했는데 지금은 명확한 게 좋다. 그때는 보는 사람마다 해석이 다를 수 있었다면 지금은 드라마로서 받아들일 수 있을 것"이라고 두 번째 트레일러 연출의 소감을 밝혔다. 니콘 DSLR D7000으로 촬영한 트레일러 영상은 3월 초에 열릴 서울국제여성영화제 공식 기자회견에서 공개된다. Dir GHS already has experienced direcing a trailer for the 2009 Asiana International Short Films Festival. GHS:'2 years ago, I loved abstract images but now I like to do concrete/clear images. Back then, individual viewers can have many different interpretations but now the viewers can view it like a drama.' This trailer made with Nikkon DSLG D7000 will be aired at the press conference for the WISFF in early March.
(sorry, I erased GHS's 'conti' for her trailer. I think it is self-explanatory
[인터뷰] 구혜선 감독=[Interview] with Dir GHS
촬영이 예상보다 빨리 끝났다. 오늘 촬영 어땠나. Reporter: The filming ended quicker than expected. How did you feel about the work?
해가 좋아서 괜찮았다. 날씨도 많이 풀려서 무리 없이 촬영할 수 있었다. 내가 교복을 입은 것 빼고는 만족스럽다. (웃음)GHS: It was good because the sun light was good. The weather also warmed up so it was not that burdensome. Except for the part where I wear the uniform, I am content with the work. (laughter)
옛날 교복이긴 하지만 오랜만에 교복을 입었다. R: It is an old-fashioned uniform. It has been a while since you wore an uniform.
스탭들이 다 놀렸다. "감독님, 교복 입으셨네요. 치마 입으셨네요" 하면서. G: All the staff teased me about wearing the uniform and wearing a skirt.
트레일러는 어떤 컨셉인가. R: What is the concept behind your trailer?
청각 장애가 있는 할머니가 횡단보도를 건너간다. 편집 과정에서 사운드를 뺄 거다. 그런데 갑자기 피아노 소리가 들려서 돌아보면서 과거로 회상하는 식이다. G: A grandmother with a handdicap of hearing loss is crossing the busy road. While editing, I will be taking out the sound (I am thinking the busy road sound). Suddenly, she hears the sound of a piano and thinks back to her past.
여성영화제 트레일러라 여성이 주인공인 건 알겠는데 할머니와 소녀를 선택한 이유가 궁금하다. R: Since it is a trailer for the women's films, I understand that women are the stars of the trailer but why did you select a teen girl and a grandmother?
원점으로 돌아가고 싶은 느낌을 표현하고 싶었다. 다시 소녀로 돌아가고 싶다는 감정인데 여성에게 그런 감정이 어떤 원점이 아닐까. G: I wanted to express the desire to return to the beginnning or the starting point. I would think the feeling of returning to youthful girl days is the starting point for many women.
다음 작품이 될 [복숭아나무]라는 작품은 어떤 영화인가. R: What kind of concept is your next movie, PEACH TREE?
2주 후에 크랭크인이다. 장애를 가진 친구들의 이야기를 판타지스럽게 풀어갈 생각이다. 따뜻한 가족 이야기로 [요술]보다는 대중에게 좀더 쉽게 다가갈 수 있는 드라마가 될 것이다. G: I will start cranking in two weeks. It is a fantasy story of people with handicap. It is a story of a warm family. It will be a drama that viewers will be able to relate to it better than they did to YOSOOL.
영화 연출 말고 배우로 출연할 계획은 없나.R: Do you have any plans to appear in movies as actress?
아직은 잘 모르겠다. 일단 올해는 힘들 것 같다. <절대그이>라는 대만 드라마 촬영도 해야 한다. 나이를 좀더 먹어야 영화에 어울릴 배우가 되지 않을까 싶다. G: I don't know yet. Anyway, it will be difficult this year. I also must act in the Taiwan drama, Absolute Darling. I am thinking that I will be a better actress for movies once I am much older.
여성영화제의 관객 여러분께 한마디 부탁한다.R: Say something to the audience who will come to WISFF.
많이 오셔서 즐길 수 있는 시간이 되었으면 좋겠다. 트레일러는 너무 기대하면 안돼요. (웃음)G: I hope that many people come to have a good time. But do not expect too much from the trailer. (laughter)