ALL ABOUT MAKEUP PALETTE ( Eyeshadow / Highlighters / Blusher / Lip color)
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alahai..takpe2, jgn kerisauan atau kesedihan. kita wat cool, usha je palette baru yg akan launch 
mmg rasanya tak kan restock sbb dia LE so SA aritu kata mmg dh oos
lama dah xjengok sini
ai ada becca jaclyn hill
xtau sape punya keje dah pecah bederai
tp nasib baik still intact kt dalam tu
mesti anak buah ai nye keje
alang2 dah hancur tu ai ingt nk jual sampel la
ltak dlm bekas kecik2
lagi pun ai jarang pakai
g keje ala kadar je mekap
xde nk berhilight bagai
time period je rajen skit
i baru beli palette ni tadi dr cultbeauty... kita tgk la bila sampainya... hihih...
masz83 replied at 8-6-2017 08:54 AM
i baru beli palette ni tadi dr cultbeauty... kita tgk la bila sampainya... hihih...
Woahh bestnya!! I tunggu masuk sephora nnt.. nk test2 je sbb i still got my becca |
bila dia masuk sephora ye?i igt nk singgah sephora ahad ni sbb alang2 ahad ni i dpt jemputan urban decay dgn tudung ruffle tu..kalau dh ada ahad ni igt nk try dl sbb i nk tgk sesuai x utk kulit fair...baca review2 org kt sephora online mcm sesuai utk kulit medium...
kene tnye @iloveyou dia tau je latest update nii
Edited by iloveyou at 9-6-2017 10:03 AM
becca x crissy masuk sephora 8 june. bermakna hari khamis. smlm.
so boleh la u try kan. same la ngn i. tnggu masuk nk tgk cmne.i guess mmg sesuai ngn kulit medium, sbb crissy pun cm a bit tanned sikit.
i pulak bru redeem points. redeem becca skin perfecting tp liquid la. dh try yg powder, not bad.
tetap berkenan kt ABH MR hehehe.
naked? nahhh, pass. NEXT!
Oops!! I terlepas pandang post u ni. Sorry 
Cm i dok tgk, guna concealer boleh, guna highlighter boleh. Klo yg guna contour palette/ stick, dia dh siap2 ada shade yg warna terang tu.
Mcm i, i guna concealer maybelline age rewind. since i masih blaja nk contour hidung, pakai je la mana yg ada 
Nak ke?
#sistanyaje 
oh dh masuk la rupanya ye...so blela i nk try swatch ahad ni...hopefully xramai org kt sephora ioi ahad ni..i mls bila ramai2 dlm sephora tu..mulala serabut berlaga punggung...hehehe...i tgh cari highlighter dgn contour..tgh pikir sama ada nk beli becca, kvd atau the balm..i berkenan dekat pallete the balm manizer sisters..baca review mcm sesuai utk kulit fair..ada sesiapa pernah beli the balm x?
Edited by babydoll at 9-6-2017 12:04 PM
I tak recommend u beli the balm. I baca byk review yg face palette the balm tak elok. I sndiri swatch pn i x suka texture dia. Besides, the balm is too expensive for such a mediocre product. Packaging mmg cantik, tu i tak nafikan. Tapi product dia x best.
Klo u baru nak blajar ber bronzing & highlighting, cuba u check UD Naked Flush palette. Simple palette utk u practice. Klo u mmg dah biasa, check out highlighter from Becca. Since kulit u cerah, try check hoola light from Benefit for bronzer.
I dah beli palette chrissy ni walaupon blm swatch. Jenis tazabar mmg begini 
tq babydoll...oh UD pun ok ye...alang2 i mmg dpt jemputan ke UD ahad ni..so blela try kt situ skali...hrp2 dlm goodies bag ada voucher utk beli brg2 UD..actually i nk beli setting spray UD juga sbb ramai yg recommend beli yg tu utk bg mekap tahan..kengkonon tahun ni nak beraya beriya2 sbb tahun lepas beraya jauh diperantauan...i siap dh beli fake eyelashes lg..hahahhaa...benefit pun nampak ok kan...yg hoola tu utk contour je kan...klu highlighter benefits yang mana ye?
omg cuolsssss. i tnggu klu ABH MR tu ada sale, baru i roger2 hahaha.
u xyah la beli the balm. katenye highlighter emphasize ur pores. cm membazir je klu u beli.
aritu pegi ioi city mall weekend mmg ramai 
i bru beli hoola aritu, i buat contouring guna tu, ok la for beginner, x reti sgt tp ok la hehehehe.
benefit highlighter nama dia "watts up' & high beam
ade jugak try UD illuminator, ok jugak
tp i terpikat kt becca jugak hehehe
i terpikat juga dgn becca tp bila baca review yg bru ni mcm sesuai utk medium tone terus mcm frust...huhuhu...pstu ada gak baca review kata becca mudah pecah..risau plak i ni dhla ble tahan ganas gak..hihihi...u beli hoola tu dekat sephora ke kaunter benefit?berapa rm ek harganya...
I beli hoola mini (RP RM80) time sale benefit (kt counter/branch) 30% aritu.
aah, kene jage bebetul. jgn bg budak2 main, kalau x menangis bwh shower,heehhehhe
i rasa highlighter utk fair skin cm byk je. medium skin tone cm susah sikit nk jmpe
Guys nak tanya recommended eye palette utk color burgundy and brown. I skrg pakai cocoa blend and naked. Mcm dh bored pulak pakai warm brown. Nak try something different. I usually opted for cocoa blend instead of naked. Naked tu punya lah not pigmented. Not worth the money betul : |
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki