dah tengok dah filem ni...tapi macam menyesal lak gi tengok...sampai tak boleh tido ingat wajah darkseekers tu... |
a ah betol ar, film ni too short, budget constrain kot? ahaks, tah lah, tp ni la the only film post-apocalyptic yg aku seriously TO DIE FOR, walaupun tak seperti yg ku sangke sangkekan...
aku ade baca comment dr member member lain gak, dorang pun berharap I AM LEGEND ni dilakukan SLOW sket, mungkin trilogy ke, cam LOTR, ALIENS and so on. seriously aku mmg nak tgk development KV tuh time Dr Alice Krippin mula discover measles virus yg di-genetically engineered-kan tuh, then the great outbreak suma suma, the quaratince panic, the great pandemic, aku rase la kan, kalau dorang buat scene panic n deaths all over the world lagik GEMPAK sak!
atau krisis semasa quaratine ke whatever nonsense sume tu la, aku ingat ade la mende mende tu smer dlm i am legend, rupe rupenyer cut short je, suddenly da dapat cure, tu yg aku agak frust, tapi sket je frust, overall tetap BEST! muahahha!
ade harapan tak dorang buat PREQUEL? hahah aku nak tgk gak KV tu menular ke seluruh dunia n the panic! muahah!
p/s Dr Alice Krippin pun mati akhirnyer akibat virus yg di ubah tuh...aduilaaaaaaaaa |
korang perasan tak banyak skyscrapers kat Manhattan dibalut dgn some sort of plastic pastu ade BIOHAZARD sign kat situ, agak agaknyer time KV outbreak di Manhattan, dorang BUNGKIN n QUARANTINE seluruh bangunan tinggi tinggi tu ek? tu yg balut dgn plastic tu ek? btol ek?
pastu ade time Robert Neville masok rumah orang kat TriBeca tuh, dia punyer katil pun dibalut dgn plastic yg ditanda dgn BIOHAZARD sign, sedih part yg dia bukak pintu bilik sebelah tu, mesti org dlm rumah tu tgh mengandung n tunggu anak lahir tapi tak sempat....dia tulis kat pintu tuh " DONT OPEN UNTIL CHRISTMAS " rupe rupenyer tak sempat....uiyooo tensionnyer hidop cam tuh.
satu lagik, korang perasan tak time lepas je news flash dr health desk dgn Dr Alice Krippin tuh, terus cut THREE YEARS LATER, air laut dah naik kan? abes vehicle yg berbaris kat bridge tuh tenggelam, perasan tak? ke aku yg ngelamun, huhu!
p/s the film should hv been longer...hmmmm |
Vermont Colony tuh tak beraper besar sangat..... |
bagi aku movie ni menghampakan.... ... |
Best movie ni sebenarnya. Tapi disebabkan aku expect lebih, cam kecewa sket.
anyway, memang bagus lakonan will smith. |
cad dah tgk movie nie
overall bagus.. cume kurang sket kat effect die la
rase mcm darseeker tu tak cukup otai |
Mcam ada something missing dlm movie nih. Kurang umph n jalan cite agak mendatar. Sepatutnya buat lg action n thrill esp pertarungan antara zombies n dr robert baru rasa puas. Niway Will Smith mmg tidak pernah menghampakan akan diriku ini. Lakonan n penghayatan mantap. 4 stars out of 5. |
bila haku baca storyline ala2 28 days later
and reviewer ckp special effectsnya membuatkan villian2 mempesonakan tapi menjadi tidak menakotkan
jendela hatiku terkatup. |
aku dah tengok. memang mcm 28 days later. too slow for me. |
Sape pompuan tu eh? Lawa |
huhu firebird...kalu prequel ..aku takut boring jer.
what about sequel..? not to hope, really ..but anthing can happen,,huhu.
seems the ending was too short and not really a dramatic closing. i'm bit frustrated for that but the idea/message was really damn good conveyed. Some of us might think of .. "God didnt make this, we did." and we should take and learn it posiitively. I like that too bro. |
Menghampakan story line dia..sbb terlalu byk cerita pasal dunia Will Smith yg sorang2 tu..
Kalau bykkan action antara zombie tu dgn Will Smith ...baru umpphh..
Rasa cam pendek sgtr cite..dan Will Smith mati last..hampeh betul...
Kalau ada byk ceritakan flashback ..cam mana zombie tu start jadi ..sape yg bertanggungjawab..lagi best.. |
Reply #137 Anden's post
takpe produser hollywood dah pikir dh.. mesti ada sequel punyer... |
Crite ni membuatkan aku susah nak tdo malam. Asyik duk terpk kambing |
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