14 March 2014| last updated at 05:38PM MISSING MH370: Radar data suggests plane flown deliberately toward Andaman
KUALA LUMPUR: Military radar-tracking evidence suggests a Malaysia Airlines jetliner missing for nearly a week was deliberately flown across the Malay peninsula towards the Andaman Islands, sources familiar with the investigation told Reuters on Friday.
Two sources said an unidentified aircraft that investigators believe was Flight MH370 was following a route between navigational waypoints - indicating it was being flown by someone with aviation training - when it was last plotted on military radar off the country's northwest coast.
The last plot on the military radar's tracking suggested the plane was flying toward India's Andaman Islands, a chain of isles between the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal, they said.
Waypoints are geographic locations, worked out by calculating longitude and latitude, that help pilots navigate along established air corridors.
A third source familiar with the investigation said inquiries were focusing increasingly on the theory that someone who knew how to fly a plane deliberately diverted the flight, with 239 people on board, hundreds of miles off its intended course from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
"What we can say is we are looking at sabotage, with hijack still on the cards," said that source, a senior Malaysian police official.
All three sources declined to be identified because they were not authorised to speak to the media and due to the sensitivity of the investigation.
Officials at Malaysia's Ministry of Transport, the official point of contact for information on the investigation, did not return calls seeking comment.
Malaysian police have previously said they were investigating whether any passengers or crew had personal or psychological problems that might shed light on the mystery, along with the possibility of a hijacking, sabotage or mechanical failure.
The comments by the three sources are the first clear indication that foul play could be the main focus of official suspicions in the Boeing 777's disappearance.
As a result of the new evidence, the sources said, multinational search efforts were being stepped up in the Andaman Sea and also the Indian Ocean.
In one of the most baffling mysteries in modern aviation, no trace of the plane nor any sign of wreckage has been found despite a search by the navies and military aircraft of more than a dozen countries.
The last sighting of the aircraft on civilian radar screens came shortly before 1:30 a.m. Malaysian time last Saturday, less than an hour after it took off from Kuala Lumpur, as the plane flew northeast across the mouth of the Gulf of Thailand.
That put the plane on Malaysia's east coast.
Malaysia's air force chief said on Wednesday an aircraft that could have been the missing plane was plotted on military radar at 2:15 a.m., 200 miles (320 km) northwest of Penang Island off Malaysia's west coast.
This position marks the limit of Malaysia's military radar in that part of the country, a fourth source familiar with the investigation told Reuters.
When asked about the range of military radar at a news conference on Thursday, Malaysian Transport Datuk Seri Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said it was "a sensitive issue" that he was not going to reveal.
"Even if it doesn't extend beyond that, we can get the cooperation of the neighbouring countries," he said.
The fact that the aircraft - if it was MH370 - had lost contact with air traffic control and was invisible to civilian radar suggested someone aboard had turned its communication systems off, the first two sources said.
They also gave new details on the direction in which the unidentified aircraft was heading - following aviation corridors identified on maps used by pilots as N571 and P628.
These routes are taken by commercial planes flying from Southeast Asia to the Middle East or Europe and can be found in public documents issued by regional aviation authorities.
In a far more detailed description of the military radar plotting than has been publicly revealed, the first two sources said the last confirmed position of MH370 was at 35,000 feet about 90 miles (144 km) off the east coast of Malaysia, heading towards Vietnam, near a navigational waypoint called "Igari". The time was 1:21 a.m.
The military track suggests it then turned sharply westwards, heading towards a waypoint called "Vampi", northeast of Indonesia's Aceh province and a navigational point used for planes following route N571 to the Middle East.
From there, the plot indicates the plane flew towards a waypoint called "Gival", south of the Thai island of Phuket, and was last plotted heading northwest towards another waypoint called "Igrex", on route P628 that would take it over the Andaman Islands and which carriers use to fly towards Europe.
The time was then 2:15 a.m. That's the same time given by the air force chief on Wednesday, who gave no information on that plane's possible direction.
The sources said Malaysia was requesting raw radar data from neighbours Thailand, Indonesia and India, which has a naval base in the Andaman Islands. --REUTERS
Military radar-tracking evidence suggests a Malaysia Airlines jetliner was deliberately flown across the Malay peninsula towards the Andaman Islands.
15 March 2014| last updated at 07:18AM MISSING MH370: Piracy theory gains more credence
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Piracy and pilot suicide are among the scenarios under study as investigators grow increasingly certain the missing Malaysian Airlines jet changed course and headed west after its last radio contact with air traffic controllers.
The latest evidence suggests the plane didn’t experience a catastrophic incident over the South China Sea as was initially suspected.
Some experts theorise that one of the pilots, or someone else with flying experience, hijacked the plane or committed suicide by plunging the jet into the sea.
Adding to the speculation that someone was flying the jet, The New York Times on Friday quoted sources familiar with the investigation as saying that the plane experienced significant changes in altitude after it lost contact with ground control, and altered its course more than once.
A U.S. official told The Associated Press earlier that investigators are examining the possibility of “human intervention” in the plane’s disappearance, adding it may have been “an act of piracy.”
The official, who wasn’t authorised to talk to the media and spoke on condition of anonymity, said it also was possible the plane may have landed somewhere. The official later said there was no solid information on who might have been involved.
While other theories are still being examined, the official said key evidence suggesting human intervention is that contact with the Boeing 777’s transponder stopped about a dozen minutes before a messaging system on the jet quit. Such a gap would be unlikely in the case of an in-flight catastrophe.
A Malaysian official, who also declined to be identified because he is not authorized to brief the media, said only a skilled aviator could navigate the plane the way it was flown after its last confirmed location over the South China Sea.
The official said it had been established with a “more than 50 percent” degree of certainty that military radar had picked up the missing plane after it dropped off civilian radar.
Malaysia’s acting transport minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, said the country had yet to determine what happened to the plane after it ceased communicating with ground control around 40 minutes into the flight to Beijing on March 8 with 239 people aboard.
He said investigators were still trying to establish that military radar records of a blip moving west across the Malay Peninsula into the Strait of Malacca showed Flight MH370.
“I will be the most happiest person if we can actually confirm that it is the MH370, then we can move all (search) assets from the South China Sea to the Strait of Malacca,” he told reporters.
Until then, he said, the international search effort would continue expanding east and west from the plane’s last confirmed location.
Though some investigators are now convinced that “human intervention” caused the disappearance, U.S. officials told the White House at a briefing Friday that they have “run all the traps” and come up with no good information on who might been involved, according to an official familiar with the meeting.
The meeting was attended by State and Defence Department officials, the CIA, the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board, among others.
“I don’t think there is any consensus on a theory,” the official said. “They’re not hearing anything in their surveillance that would indicate that this is part of a plot.”
Another U.S. official, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, said investigators looking for the plane have run out of clues except for a type of satellite data that has never been used before to find a missing plane, and is very inexact.
The data consists of attempts by an Inmarsat satellite to identify a broad area where the plane might be in case a messaging system aboard the plane should need to connect with the satellite, said the official.
The official compared the location attempts, called a “handshake,” to someone driving around with their cellphone not in use.
As the phone from passes from the range of one cellphone tower to another, the towers note that the phone is in range in case messages needed to be sent.
In the case of the Malaysian plane, there were successful attempts by the satellite to roughly locate the Boeing 777 about once an hour over four to five hours, the official said.
“This is all brand new to us,” the official said. “We’ve never had to use satellite handshaking as the best possible source of information.”
The New York Times, quoting American officials and others familiar with the investigation, said radar signals recorded by the Malaysian military appear to show the airliner climbing to 45,000 feet (about 13,700 meters), higher than a Boeing 777’s approved limit, soon after it disappeared from civilian radar, and making a sharp turn to the west.
The radar track then shows the plane descending unevenly to an altitude of 23,000 feet (7,000 meters), below normal cruising levels, before rising again and flying northwest over the Strait of Malacca toward the Indian Ocean, the Times reported.
Scores of aircraft and ships from 12 countries are involved in the search, which reaches into the eastern stretches of the South China Sea and on the western side of the Malay Peninsula, northwest into the Andaman Sea and the Indian Ocean.
India said it was using heat sensors on flights over hundreds of Andaman Sea islands Friday and would expand the search for the missing jet farther west into the Bay of Bengal, more than 1,600 kilometres (about 1,000 miles) to the west of the plane’s last known position.
A team of five U.S. officials with air traffic control and radar expertise — three from the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board and two from the Federal Aviation Administration — has been in Kuala Lumpur since Monday to assist with the investigation.
White House spokesman Jay Carney sidestepped questions Friday about the possibility of human intervention in the plane disappearance, saying only that U.S. officials were assisting in the investigation.
“I don’t have conclusive answers and I don’t think anyone does,” Carney said. --AP
Japanese pilot Yasuhiro Konda (left) and co pilot conduct search and rescue operation at South China Sea. Pix by Yazit Razali
1) adakah MAS merahsiakan perbualan antara perisik XXX dengan menara kawalan kepada kerajaan, rakyat malaysia dan seluruh dunia? kenapa nak rahsiakan?? adakah takut sebab kawalan keselamatan terlalu longgar? kenapa setelah sejam lebih pesawat hilang dari radar, tapi mereka masih lagi berkomunikasi dengan pesawat?? apa isi perbualan mereka??
2) radar untuk tujuan komersial tidak secanggih seperti untuk tujuan ketenteraan.. maka radar jammer dari pasar gelap sudah memadai untuk "menghilangkan" pesawat dari radar di menar kawalan subang
3) setelah "menghilangkan" pesawat dari radar, pesawat patah balik untuk ke destinasi XXX (destinasi ini saya tidak pasti di mana), pesawat terus berlegar di ruang udara malaysia, iaitu di kawasan banjaran titiwangsa selama sejam lebih sambil masih lagi "berunding" dengan menara kawalan..
4) kenapa pertahanan malaysia tidak dapat kesan pesawat itu ketika berlegar di udara banjaran titiwangsa? kerana di situ pertahanan udara kita paling lemah..
4) rundingan dengan menara kawalan gagal setelah 2 jam lebih.. perisik XXX putuskan hubungan dengan menara kawalan di subang.. perisik XXX terus menerbangkan pesawat ke lokasi XXX
5) saya gunakan istilah "perisik" kerana hijacker ini bukannya pengganas, tapi seorang perisik dari negara XXX (antara kuasa besar dunia).. sebab itulah sehingga sekarang tiada pengakuan dan tuntutan di media massa.. semua rundingan adalah secara tertutup antara pemimpin negara kuasa besar..
6) ketika pesawat bergerak ke lokasi XXX, perisik tiba-tiba menukar laluan, dan pesawat didapati terbang di selat melaka, menuju ke utara (thailand).. ketika ini, radar pertahanan udara malaysia dapat mengesan kehadiran pesawat asing ini (kerana pertahanan udara malaysia di selat melaka adalah lebih baik dari di pantai timur dan banjaran titiwangsa)..
7) tetapi pihak pertahanan masih lagi clueless tentang rampasan ini, kerana pihak menara kawalan TIDAK PERNAH MEMAKLUMKAN KEPADA KERAJAAN DAN KEMENTERIAN PERTAHAAN
8) pesawat terus menuju ke thailand.. thailand dapat tahu dan terus memaklumkan kepada seluruh ketenteraan mereka, termasuk pangkalan udara milik amerika di thailand (lokasi rahsia)
9) ketika pihak thailand cuba menghubungi pesawat MAS tersebut, perisik XXX cuba menipu dengan mengatakan pesawat mereka tersesat..jet amerika cuba intercept dan tembak pesawat, tetapi perisik XXX cuba berunding dengan amerika dn thailand
10) bersambung
11) ketika rundingan di nanning, kerajaan malaysia TIDAK TAHU MENAHU pasal ini.. rundingan hanyalah melalui negara XXX, YYY, ZZZ dan mungkin beberapa negara lain
12) pihak MAS baru maklumkan kepada umum pesawat MH370 hilang setelah benar-benar pesawat itu disahkan tidak mendarat di beijing (jam 7 pagi lebih).. kenapa lambat sangat nak sahkan MAS?? kamu ingat perampas itu main-main ke??
13) ketika ini barulah kerajaan malaysia maklum dan seluruh dunia gempar dengan berita ini.. akibat kurangnya maklumat dari pihak MAS (pesawat tiba-tiba hilang, tak ada sebarang petanda) maka kerajaan mulakan SAR agak lambat..
14) saya tidak pasti sampai bila baru pemimpin negara malaysia dimaklumkan perkara sebenar oleh negara XXX,YYY dan ZZZ.. DS Najib cuma mengikut arahaan dari negara XXX, YYY, dan ZZZ untuk kumpul keluarga mangsa, cari di situ, cari di sini, buat itu buat ini.. tapi rasanya sekarang mereka sudah dimaklumkan..
15)TIADA APA-APA YANG BERLAKU DI LAUT CINA SELATAN.. tiada.. semua penemuan kononnya debris, tompokan minyak, claim dari navy negara XYZ kononnya dah jumpa bangkai dll adalah..... saya tidak pasti dan tidak berani nak buat andaian.. yang pasti negara2 kuasa besar dah hantar armada ketenteraan mereka di kawasan yang kononnya tempat pesawat terhempas
16) malaysia serta negara lain yang "tak tahu apa-apa" meneruskan usaha mencari.. ketenteraan kita BARU PERASAN mereka pernah kesan satu pesawat asing di selat melaka (adakah saya yang ingatkan mereka hahahaha) maka mereka terus membuat pencarian di selat melaka, kerana andaian mereka di situlah kali terakhir malaysia mengesan pesawat itu
17) sambungan (apa rundingan di nanning?)
18) ketika jet amerika hampir memintas pesawat MAS di thailand, perisik XXX berunding dengan negara amerika agar "melepaskan" pesawat itu dan memaklumkan pesawat itu adalah pesawat komersial dan mengandugi 200 lebih penumpang
19) amerika bersetuju, mungkin ada yang pelik mengapa USA boleh bersetuju dengan mudah.. ini kerana perisik itu BUKANNYA PENGGANAS tetapi dari negara XXX.. pihak amerika memaklumkan kejadian ini kepada negara XXX, dan negara XXX mengesahkannya..pada mulanya amerika demand pesawat itu mendarat di thailand, tetapi akhirnya terpaksa akur permintaan perisik XXX untuk mendarat di nanning.. kenapa nanning?? saya belum mahu hurai lebih lanjut..
20) dipendekkan cerita, ketika mendarat di nanning, sepatutnya pendaratan MH370 di nanning dirahsiakan, tetapi terbocor juga oleh beberapa orang pegawai lapangan terbang yang tidak dimaklumkan terlebih dahulu tentang pendaratan cemas ini serta MISI RAHSIA negara XXX.. akhirnya cerita pendaratan pesawat MH370 di nanning berjaya diputarbelitkan sebagai hoax
21) apa isi rundingan?? mengelakkan PERANG DUNIA KETIGA
22) bersambung
23) ketika rundingan, negara XXX mengugut untuk melancarkan perang dunia ketiga seandainya misi mereka ini dibocorkan.. negara YYY, ZZZ dan beberapa negara lain (saya yakin malaysia tidak terlibat dalam rundingan ini) terpaksa bersetuju
24) jadi, apakah sebenarnya tujuan pesawat itu dihijack?? sebenarnya hijack itu hanyalah backup plan dari perisik XXX seandainya identiti dan operasi beliau berjaya dikesan oleh perisik dari negara lain yang turut sama berada di dalam pesawat tersebut.. semalam saya ada dedahkan salah satu nombor passport perisik iaitu YA3189197, nama pemilik passport ini ialah luigi miraldi, tetapi didapati passport ini adalah passport curi (cepat sungguh negara mereka tutup cerita)
25) saya ada terbaca berita dari china, di mana ahli keluarga cuba hubungi telefon bimbit salah seorang penumpang pesawat, dan berjaya, tetapi tidak diangkat atau disahut.. ya, memang la, sebab pihak negara XXX lupa nak off henset mamat tu setelah dirampas..
26) (imaginasi saya sahaja) - pada mulanya, pihak yang berunding berusaha untuk cari jalan untuk tutup cerita rampasan ini untuk kepentingan bersama.. mereka cuba membawa ahli keluarga terdekat penumpang untuk berunding di satu tempat rahsia (kemungkinan di nanning).. antaranya, mungkin penumpang yang terlibat terpaksa dipalsukan kematian mereka, dan pihak yang berunding akan cuba untuk membuat seolah-olah pesawat itu benar-benar telah terhempas, tetapi banyak kali kantoi.. banyak kali mereka terpaksa trik balik statement..
27) insyaAllah, sama-sama kita doakan mereka semua masih hidup
28) sekian karangan malam ini..bersambung
kenapa Nanning?
29) setelah berjaya merampas pesawat, perisik bertindak untuk menerbangkan pesawat ke lokasi XXX untuk tujuan sabotaj (?)
30) sebelum itu perisik ada membuat tuntutan kepada menara kawalan untuk menyambungkan talian kepada putrajaya, tetapi menara kawalan enggan bekerjasama
31) pesawat menuu ke utara menggunakan laluan selat melaka.. pesawat terpaksa melepasi thailand dari arah timur kerana PERISIK TIDAK MAHU MELALUI KAWASAN GULF OF THAILAND kerana di situ terdapat banyak kapal perang yang canggih, termasuk kapal perang dari malaysia
32) titik laluan pesawat ialah di kawasan sempit di thailand iaitu di phuket, bangkok dan menuju ke nanning (cuba lihat dekat peta, laluan dari phuket, bangkok dan nanning adalah sat garis lurus).. nanning adalah daerah paling hampir untuk pesawat ke negara XXX (ya, negara XXX ialah china).. mereka cuma perlu melepasi ruang udara thailand.. untuk melepasi ruang udara laos dan vietnam tidak menjadi masalah kerana laos dan vietnam adalah sekutu rapat china
33) ketika pesawat mendekati bangkok, radar thailand berjaya mengesan kehadiran pesawat ini.. pada mulanya perisik cuba mengatakan pesawat mereka sesat dan sedang dalam masalah teknikal, tetapi bila keadaan menjadi agak tegang, thailand meminta USA untuk pintas pesawat itu
34) bersambung (apa tujuan perisik dan apa tujuan negara XXX)
siapa perisik
35)perisik XXX (berkemungkinan berjumlah 4 orang dan keatas) adalah dari 2-3 buah negara yang berpakat.. tujuan mereka tidak lain tidak bukan, untuk mengkaji strategi dan lokasi strategik untuk persediaan WW3 (bahagian ASEAN).. kemungkinan besar mereka sedang membawa maklumat sulit bersama merka..
36) kalau ada yang tanya kenapa mereka tidak faks atau emelkan sahaja maklumat itu, kamu silap kerana maklumat yang melalui internet boleh dipintas oleh CIA dan sesiapa sahaja.. mereka harus menghantar maklumat itu by hand..
37) kenapa passport eropah? pada hari pertama kejadian, saya sudah menyuruh sesiapa yang bekerja dengan imigresen untuk semak rekod passport YA3189197, kenapa?? kerana passport milik luigi miraldi ini tidak mempunyai rekod kemasukkan ke malaysia..
38) salah satu passport curi tersebut membeli tiket dari KUALA LUMPUR - BEIJING - ARMSTERDAM - COPENHAGEN dan satu lagi KUALA LUMPUR - BEIJING - ARMSTERDAM - FRANKFURT.. kedua-duanya dibeli melalui travel agent di thailand, dan selang beza nombor siri e-tiket mereka hanyalah selang satu nombor..
39) kenapa mereka memilih untuk melalui route itu?? kerana jika masa transit untuk connecting flight dari BEIJING KE ARMSTERDAM kurang dari 72 jam, maka pre-arranged visa adalah TIDAK DIPERLUKAN.. ini sangat penting kerana selain dari kedutaan china, pre-arranged visa juga memerlukan pengesahan dari kerejaan malaysia bahawa penumpang telah memasuki malaysia secara sah..
40) biasanya pihak imigresen malaysia dan pihak airport akan menyemak visa
penumpang sebelum menaiki pesawat yang hendak ke china.. tetapi oleh kerana tempoh transit tidak sampai 72 jam, maka visa tidak diperlukan.. data passport mungkin boleh dipalsukan, tetapi data pre-arranged visa adalah sangat sukar untuk dipalsukan
41) kenapa perisik XXX nak sangat ke china?? ya, nak bagi maklumat sulit itu by hand kepada kerajaan china.. lepas tu terus honeymoon ke eropah
42)di dalam pesawat juga ada perisik dari negara lain (mereka juga sedang merisik perisik XXX).. dipercayai ada pergelutan sehingga perisik XXX terpaksa merampas pesawat
apa yang berlaku di dalam kapal terbang?
44) kemungkinan besar aktiviti rampasan bermula sejurus selepas isyarat tali pinggang dipadamkan (10-20 minit setelah berlepas).. pada waktu ini, pesawat sudah mula stabil dan krew sedang sibuk menyediakan snek untuk penumpang
45) perisik XXX yang berjumlah 4 orang atau lebih menyedari kehadiran perisik lain di dalam pesawat dan mereka rasa tergugat.. seperti teori saya sebelumnya, perisik XXX pada mulanya tidak merancang untuk hijack pesawat, tetapi untuk menjaga maklumat super penting yang mereka bawa, maka mereka terpaksa guna pelan B..
46) para perisik XXX ada membawa alatan untuk merampas kapal terbang kerana ini adalah persediaan biasa bagi mereka untuk menghadapi sebarang kemungkinan.. segala peralatan seperti radar jammer, mereka masukkan di dalam ruangan kargo dan berkemungkinan berbentuk seperti power bank atau sebuah laptop bagi mengaburi mata pegawai imigresen
47) sebelum bertindak, perisik XXX mengaktifkan alat penghalang komunikasi ke luar pesawat terlebih dahulu.. ini untuk menghalang juruterang dari memaklumkan kejadian rampasan di dalam pesawat kepada menara kawalan..
48) ketika rampasan, pilot menjadi panik dan cuba menghubungi menara kawalan, tetapi gagal.. pilot mencuba pelbagai cara termasuk menggunakan gelombang lain.. kemungkinan besar ada pesawat berdekatan ada menerima signal mereka, tetapi tidak jelas
49) perisik XXX berjaya memasuki kokpit setelah didesak atau diugut oleh perisik XXX.. salah seorang perisik XXX berjaya mengambil alih stering, dan mengaktifkan kembali sistem komunikasi, lalu berhubung dengan menara kawalan
50) seperti yang teori saya sebelumnya, perisik XXX meminta untuk disambungkan ke putrajaya, tetapi menara kawalan enggan.. perisik mengaktifkan radar jammer sebagai petunjuk kepada menara kawalan yang mereka boleh buat apa saja kepada pesawat..
51) menara kawalan masih lagi tidak mahu bekerjasama.. tujuan perisik XXX ingin berhubung dengan putrajaya adalah ingin meminta putrajaya menutup kejadian yang berlaku dalam pesawat (mungkin perisik dari negara lain sudah tercedera atau terbunuh)
52) rundingan semakin buntu, perisik membuat ugutan terakhir iaitu ingin ke lokasi XXX (lokasi sensitif negara) seandainya menara kawalan masih enggan bekerjasama..
53) akhirnya perisik membatalkan hasrat untuk ke lokasi XXX.. ini kerana sememangnya perisik XXX tiada niat hendak menyerang lokasi XXX, tetapi cuma untuk mengugut.. diingatkan sekali lagi, perisik XXX bukannya pengganas, mereka cuma perisik upahan dan bekerja untuk duit.. mereka tidak bersedia untuk mati demi sesebuah negara..
54) perisik menuju ke utara melalui selat melaka
55) bersambung
kenapa malaysia?
56) malaysia adalah lokasi strategik untuk melakukan intipan terutamanya sekitar kawasan laut china selatan menghala ke kepulauan spratly..
57) ini kerana negara yang bersekutu dengan China seperti Russia, Iran, Vietnam, Cuba dll cuma untuk mencari kawasan strategik seandainya perang dunia ketiga bermula kelak
58) dipercayai, China sangat berminat dengan kepulauan spratly sahaja.. maka seandainya WW3 tercetus, kawasan yang akan berlaku peperangan hanyalah di gugusan pulau itu dan melibatkan ketenteraan laut sahaja.. china tidak berminat untuk menyerang tanah besar lain seperti malaysia, singapura, filipina dan lain-lain..
59) di eropah, sekutu china, iaitu russia sudah mula menempatkan askar mereka di ukraine.. kenapa ukraine?? ini kerana ukraine adalah pintu masuk paling strategik dari negara Eropah lain jika nak ke Russia dan Asia melalui jalan darat (syria dan iraq sudah dikuasai awal-awal oleh Amerika.. Amerika sudah mulakan military placement mereka dari dulu lagi)
60) selain ukraine, negara lain adalah terlalu berbukit dan bergunung-ganang (belarus dan lithuania) dan terpaksa melalui selat (negara scandinivia).. rusia terpaksa mencetuskan huru-hara di Crimea kerana di sana sokongan rakyatnya terhadap rusia adalah kuat (selain dapat menguasai jalan laut melalui Black Sea)
61) di sebelah Timur Tengah (iran), africa (nigeria) dan amerika (cuba) - tiada khayalan setakat ini
62)bersambung (apa isi rundingan di Nanning)
AMARAN, ini hanyalah teori hasil dari imaginasi saya sahaja.. saya cuba untuk tidak sentuh mengenai penumpang dan crew MAS yang berada di dalam pesawat..
63) rundingan di Nanning adalah berkisar tentang cara untuk menutup cerita rampasan dan kejadian
yang berlaku di dalam pesawat..
64) China terpaksa meminta bantuan dari sekutu kuat mereka, iaitu Russia.. Maka rundingan tiga negara itu ialah antara China, Rusia dan Amerika..
65) imbas kembali kejadian dalam pesawat, perisik XXX adalah agen dari tiga buah negara iaitu Russia, China dan Iran.. Operasi menghantar maklumat dari kuala lumpur ke beijing diketuai oleh KGB.. tapi tidak disangka, terdapat juga perisik dari negara musuh (beberapa buah negara lain) juga berada di dalam pesawat untuk "mencuri" maklumat tersebut.. pergelutan berlaku di dalam pesawat sehingga menyebabkan perisik-
perisik XXX terpaksa merampas pesawat demi menjaga kepentingan maklumat yang mereka bawa..
AMARAN, ini hanyalah teori hasil dari imaginasi saya sahaja
66) antara isi rundingan mereka, USA berjanji akan menutup cerita rampasan pesawat setelah diugut oleh china dan russia.. china dan russia mengugut untuk melancarkan perang dunia sekiranya misi mereka diketahui umum..
67) pihak amerika bersetuju untuk menutup cerita ini dengan beberapa syarat.. syarat dari amerika akan saya huraikan kemudian..
68) russia seolah-olah tidak berminat dengan syarat yang dikenakan oleh USA.. tetapi china terdesak untuk ikut syarat dari amerika kerana pesawat sekarang berada di dalam negara mereka dan majoriti penumpang adalah terdiri rakyat mereka..
69) rusia menunggu isu di Crimea sebelum memberi kata putus terhadap perjanjian dengan USA.. sambil menunggu keputusan,china dan usa terus berbincang cara-cara untuk menutup cerita kehilangan pesawat ini dan melengahkan masa sementara menunggu keputusan dari rusia..
AMARAN, ini hanyalah teori hasil dari imaginasi saya sahaja
70) insyaAllah teka-teki mengenai pesawat ini akan selesai setelah keputusan di Crimea dicapai..
71) saya tidak tahu adakah persetujuan telah dicapai, tetapi buat masa ini (15 mac 2014) rundingan antara China dan USA beerjalan lancar.. mereka bekerjasama menangguhkan masa dengan membuat andaian kononnya pesawat berada di sesuatu tempat, kononnya jumpa serpihan pesawat, gempa bumi dan sebagainya.. percayalah, itu hanyalah untuk mencuri masa..
72) sebagai rakyat malaysia, saya ingin menasihati agar kita semua sentiasa memberikan sepenuh kerjasama kepada kerajaan Malaysia.. fahamilah keadaan mereka kerana kita tersepit oleh permainan kuasa-kuasa besar.. percayalah, segala tindakan oleh pemimpin negara adalah untuk mendapatkan keputusan terbaik untuk penumpang, krew dan seluruh rakyat Malaysia walaupun terpaksa menyembunyikan sesuatu..
AMARAN, ini hanyalah teori hasil dari imaginasi
saya sahaja
73) jika rundingan antara tiga negara tercapai, kemungkinan besar kita akan jumpa "plot twist' yang ketara dalam isu ini.. ada keberangkalian juga "kambing hitam" terpaksa digunakan untuk menutup cerita..
74) walau apa-apa pun, saya meminta kita semua sentiasa berdoa agar para penumpang, krew dan seluruh rakyat Malaysia selamat dan dijauhi dari segala mala petaka.. Amin..
75) bersambung (apa syarat dari USA, di mana pesawat sekarang dan apa maklumat yang dibawa oleh perisik?)
March 14 2014 Exploring the theories regarding flight 370
The following are the most common bogus "theories" surrounding the dissapearance of flight 370, followed by what is obviously the real answer
1. Flight 370 was shot down an hour after it took off by the U.S. navy. This is proven false by the fact that the plane's engines remained logged in to a maintenance monitoring program via satellite uplink for five full hours afterward, and this alone trashes theory 1. Anyone following the story about the guy on the oil rig who claims he saw it go down is out of the loop, that one is completely spurious.
2. A couple of Iranians OR the pilots OR other passengers on the plane switched off the transonder and flew it to wherever - This is proven false by the fact that the plane vanished from active radars and never showed up on radar anywhere again despite having flown through at least one and probably many nation's radars, AND proven by the fact that the plane eventually landed where cell phones could connect and be subsequently rung. IF the plane went to ANYWHERE a cell phone could connect, it flew through active radar to get there, END OF DISCUSSION.
3. The plane kept flying EAST and landed at a secret base in Viet Nam, somwhere in the Phillipines. This is easily proven false by the Malaysian's own military tracking it turning West. I agree that the most probable initial destination for flight 370 was Diego Garcia. But it's repainted now and is probably sitting out in the Mojave desert to be used in a future "terror attack". Anyone in Mojave or Barstow? Heck, EVEN L.A.? Go look for it at that mothballed jet parking lot near the wind farm that is in the city of Mojave. A 777 should not be there.
4. The plane got hit by a missile, the pilots sent a distress call from a shattered cockpit that got picked up by Singapore, and the plane crashed in the ocean - This is easily proven false by the fact that the 777 is a full fly by wire aircraft which turned around and flew a direction opposite it's originally programmed autopilot route, which would not have happened if the cockpit got blown open. That would have disabled the pilots, and the autopilot would not have turned the plane around by itself, it would have simply dead flown the plane to China and automatically landed it. All modern jumbo jets have fully automated take off, fly to destination and land without pilot intervention, but pilots will sometimes opt to land a plane manually to keep in practice. Autopilot alone makes theory 4 improbable and makes electronic hijacking very probable.
5. Almost too ridiculous to mention - Freescale employees cloaked the aircraft and stole it, and / or aliens took it. That theory was good for a joke about how an AWACS antenna looks.
Theory 6 - Awacs type planes can't jam radar or transponders, and once you switch a transponder off, an airplane vanishes from radar FOREVER. This one really pisses me off, and preys on the most stupid people out there who have absolutely zero understanding of the technical side of how things actually work. Do I really need to discuss this? Perhaps on two points. The first, which I have been shilled the most over is the transponder. TRUE, many planes have them. FALSE - ALL PLANES HAVE THEM. FACT: If you took every aircraft flying every jungle every corn field or every weed patch in every place on earth and mixed them in with commercial and/or high class airplanes, the majority of what is out there, the average, would NOT have a transponder. THIS IS MY POINT, ACTIVE RADAR IS TO ALERT LARGER PLANES THAT HILLBILLY CROP DUSTING JOE IS THERE. And active radar works. AND when flight 370 disappeared, it was STILL on AND VANISHED FROM active radar. THAT would NOT be possible absent jamming.
The second point I need to be perfectly clear on (I GUESS) is that jamming is world war 1 type old school. And ALL awacs from day one could jam. It's an essential part of having a jumbo jet do a mission. Awacs planes jam radar to keep even the fighter planes that are along with them safe. That's a cold hard fact. The only reason why fighter planes don't have really good jammers is because they can't have a UFO shaped antenna pod on them and still fly decent. Whatever numbskull out there who insists that Awacs is nothing but a radar platform and that it can't jam is hoping people are so stupid they don't realize that ANY MILITARY SYSTEM THAT HAS A PRIMARY FUNCTION HAS ALTERNATIVE SYSTEMS SUPPORTING IT THAT PLAY SUPPORTING FUNCTIONS. AND THE ALTERNATIVE SYSTEMS ARE OFTEN VERY CAPABLE ALL BY THEMSELVES AND GET USED EVEN WHEN THE PRIMARY FUNCTION IS NOT BEING USED. Yeah, Awacs is a radar platform. TRUE. BUT THAT ANTENNA POD CAN HOLD ANYTHING, and WHAT better thing could you have to jam a radar system than another radar system that can be custom tailored to spoof radar with the full power of a radar system? The only problem is how many signals you can spoof and send a false response for, which is why flight 370 stayed visible on at least one Malaysian radar system.
FACT: Flight 370 stayed logged into satellites which cannot be jammed without blacking out the whole portion of the world they cover (which would be obvious). True, if you thought of it you could jam the receiver on the jet quite easily, but that won't prevent the jet itself from maintaining an outbound transmission to the satellite, which if jammed would freak out the satellite because you would have to point a jamming signal at the satellite and overwhelm it so badly all the other planes would lose their connections at the same time. If you want your plane theft to be as secret as possible, you can't jam the sattelite.
One thing with the satellite is that it cannot tell where the plane actually is, it will only know it got signal. You would need three separate satellites all logged into the same plane to figure out where the plane was, and Boeing uses only one log in for obvious economic reasons. Boeing cannot find that plane, they can only say it was in fact alive.
FACT: The plane survived and landed somewhere. AND THE NSA KNOWS EXACTLY WHERE BECAUSE THE CELL PHONES RANG AND IT WAS NOT DEAD RINGING BECAUSE ONE PICKED UP. Ditto for the cell carriers, all of them which are no doubt owned by Kikedom and will keep their mouths shut. WE KNOW WHO DID THIS, "FAILURE" TO LOCATE THOSE PHONES PROVES WHO DID THIS WITH A SINGLE FACT.
FACT: The entire arab hijacker meme is so worn out and provably CIA that we know that fake passport story belongs in the trash. Add the faked photos for an additional laugh. Why did they push this line? Just like Awacs, all military systems have multiple purposes. When the military system is in the information spectrum in the form of a psy op, they are going to get as much use out of any situation as they possibly can. So while they waterboard those chinese military experts, probably as a precursor to getting military secrets before the waterboarders and their controllers launch world war 3, they decided it would be useful to try to frame up IRAN and blame the plane's dissapearance on them and use THAT as a reason to start the war they seeked to get an advantage in by kidnapping flight 370 and stealing the Chinese engineers.
FACT: The first thing to go with jamming would be the transponder. Jamming would also keep the pilots from radioing out. Jamming would have a harder time spoofing all radars, and THAT is the part of the plan that did not go perfect, as it would be expected. And I would guess that the plane was taken to a location, most likely Afghanistan, where NO ONE would say a peep about it being there and it would not matter if it was on radar or not.
In fact, once the plane was actually stolen, it would be possible to only jam it's communications, stop spoofing radar, and identify the plane as something else via a fake beacon on the Awacs plane to get it through another nation's radar shield without anyone knowing what it was. THAT is what probably really happened.
And if I was not right about this, why kill my phones? Why take the web site down - a little word on that - Here is what happened - The server did NOT go down. What they did was take the web site off the DNS server any time a request was made for a file that contained text. Pictures still worked, and they kept that part working because thousands of web sites still use the photography section for their background photos and vanishing that portion was not necessary to take the information part of the web site down. They minimized impact. If it was a legitimate site crash, EVERYTHING would have stopped. The fact that photos were still issued proves it all.
______________________________________ GET THIS, IT'S A HOOT!
The engines on flight 377 remained connected to satellites as part of a Boeing maintenance routine, and Boeing has confirmed the aircraft remained flying for five full hours after it “vanished” from radar. Obviously the Malaysian military really did track this plane as they originally stated. Someone forced them to back down, only to have Boeing blow it wide open once and for all. And THIS is probably why the Malaysian military forgot all about how they tracked it to the strait of Malacca. Too late, the genie is OUT OF THE BOTTLE.
There is a lot of new stuff below this, don't miss it!
Malaysian airlines flight 377 has been provably hijacked by an AWACS plane. This is outlined in the updates below.
The Malaysian military tracked this plane for a full hour with military radar after it "vanished from civilian radar because "the transponders were switched off" (B.S.) radar is radar, it does not need a "transponder" to track a plane and they can eat dog poo. And Awacs would have shut down any transponder for a plane kidnapping anyway, it took no terrorist to do it.
ANYWAY, the plane did a u-turn and was "last spotted" on the other side of Malaysia. They made the mistake of saying it was "flying low" when it was still at 29,500 feet, far higher than needed to show on radar, to deceive people into believing THAT is why it "vanished" from radar. A whole bunch of lies were hatched about how it disappeared from civilian radar because "the transponder was switched off" but RADAR IS RADAR AND ONLY COMMERCIAL AIRLINERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE TRANSPONDERS, PRIVATE PLANES ARE NOT REQUIRED TO HAVE TRANSPONDERS. Radar is there to prevent private planes that have no transponders from hitting commercial ones among other things, and if radar can see a private plane that has no transponder it certainly can see a huge jumbo jet. So you can take the transponder lies and trash them.
But the plane DID disappear from civilian radar even though military radar tracked it for a now admitted full hour longer.
What could make a plane disappear from civilian radar while at 36,000 feet yet still be visible on military radar? ONE THING, and it looks like a UFO (as some have speculated) only it's attached to a boeing jet - the antenna on a U.S. Air Force AWACS plane. The fact that this missing jet vanished from civilian radar yet remained visible on more robust military radars proves well enough for me that this indeed was an AWACS hijacking, just like we saw on 9/11 where AWACS planes were seen on video observing if not controlling the crashes into the twin towers. Once the plane flew far enough West, Awacs was obviously enough to jam both civilian and military radars, probably because they entered a zone where the angle of both incoming signals allowed for their simultaneous cancellation. That is where the plane finally "vanished" forever, an hour after the "official" vanishing act. The final vanish happened while at 29,500 feet. Though AWACS was originally released as a radar platform there are many variants of awacs type planes now that serve many types of radio oriented missions including jamming and takeover, and they all have the same antenna dome.
In this scenario, we now have: The plane did a u-turn and flew the other way for a now admitted full hour UPDATE: FIVE hours. THAT supports the Awacs story.
Obvious fake photoshopping of "terrorists". THAT supports the Awacs story.
Cell phones still ringing, which would only be possible with a safe landing. THAT supports the Awacs story
Missing black boxes. THAT supports the Awacs story (the plane is obviously intact)
A reason to electronically hijack the airplane - 20 top people from a semiconductor firm that works defense, with employees working for countries that are not allies yet VERY powerful - THAT supports the Awacs story
And the GRAND FINALE: PLANE DISAPPEARS FROM CIVILIAN RADARS WHILE REMAINING VISIBLE ON MILITARY RADARS. THAT supports the Awacs story and pushes it to the forefront of logic like a tsunami on a beach umbrella, if THAT does not raise a few eyebrows people are sleeping.
And I'd have to say the CIA's obvious pushing of B.S. regarding this supports the Awacs story as well; If this plane shows up somewhere in pieces now, it was electronically hijacked by an AWACS plane - the same type seen on 9/11, and the people were offloaded and questioned (engineers probably waterboarded for defense secrets). IF that plane shows up in pieces now it happened last night, not three days ago FINAL ANSWER.
UPDATE: Exact logic sequence for proving the U.S. air force hijacked the Malaysian airlines flight.
1. Absent an awacs type system which can precisely monitor a received signal and spoof a return signal (or phase cancel it) you cannot disappear a non stealth aluminum skinned plane from ANY radar system. After vanishing from civilian radars, it remained on military radars that would work better against AWACS. That pretty much says it all.
2. Iran is an ally of Russia. Russia has Awacs type systems, but would not try to frame up Iran in a terror plot with a fake passport story supported by idiotically faked photos. Russia did not do this.
3. China and Malaysia also have Awacs type systems. Since it was a Malaysian plane flying with Chinese engineers, it is safe to rationalize out that neither China nor Malaysia did this.
4. Though the engineers on the plane also worked with stealth technologies such as Awacs, it takes a huge UFO shaped antenna to make such systems work, and Malaysian passenger jets do not have them as a standard feature. This was not a stunt played by Freescale Semiconductors.
5. Israel wants war with Iran, and the CIA hatching a terror plot with horribly faked photos stands in the evidence pool against the U.S. air force, which is their sex slave.
6. The obvious motive was military, and a real tie in was the fact that the plane disappeared from civilian radar while at full cruising altitude, but not the military radars. In this case the air force had to choose which radar they would spoof with Awacs (there is extreme difficulty with spoofing more than one system simultaneously unless there is a lucky alignment of signals) and they just hoped the military would not catch on. ONE PROBLEM, the Malaysian military was not as inept as the Air Force thought. PLAN FAILURE.
7. The Iranian terror plot fits the logic tree well. Since the photos were obviously faked, WHO WOULD DO THAT? WHO WANTS WAR WITH IRAN? No brainer there.
8. The cell phones are ringing, and the only organization in the world that can say where they are is the NSA. WHY THE SILENCE?
logic sequence output: Because the plane was hijacked electronically by those who keep the NSA funded and the NSA has been told to SHUT UP. If those phones were in lost baggage, the NSA would have said so RIGHT AWAY, and even the airline company would have figured it out by now, found the bags, heard the phones ringing and said, OH, WE KNOW WHY THEY RING. And the phones are not dead ringing as can happen with some american carriers, because on one occasion one of the phones was picked up and hung up without anything being said. But NOPE, NOTHING on this from the NSA, which means those phones are ringing on a runway somewhere, and the NSA knows EXACTLY WHERE. Yet they still support the CIA, which is doing it's best to hatch a B.S. terror plot about a couple Iranians with fake photos and THERE IS YOUR ANSWER, AMERICA HAS THAT PLANE AND IS PROBABLY WATERBOARDING THE FREESCALE ENGINEERS RIGHT NOW, EXTRACTING CHINESE MILITARY SECRETS. If the plane is now "found" in pieces it will mean "they" gave up on the B.S. story line and decided to ditch it somewhere rather than use it on the Petronas towers or the Sears tower.
The hijacking story won't work now that we know the Malaysian military was able to track the plane because a hijacker cannot switch off a radar system 500 miles away and cannot prevent the plane from being found on radar wherever it went to, ONLY AWACS COULD.
The shills are panicking trying to prop up and support the "transponder" lie. Here is a response I posted to a shill that pretty much says it all:
I don't care WHAT some idiot says to fool people, I myself have been interested in aircraft and usually only the big ones have transponders. To say they all do is a load of crap. And WHO CARES, I clearly stated that the original Awacs was for radar, but that was 30 years ago. Now the Awacs type planes have multiple electronic warfare capabilities, and even among the original jamming was one so basic that only an idiot would overlook it. THE ORIGINAL HAD JAMMERS.
That same A-hole posted to the Beforeitsnews article and he is a damn SHILL.
Tell him to explain how Boeing kept in touch with the plane via the engine maintenence satellite uplink for five full hours and NO ONE KNOWS WHERE IT WENT, NO ONE SAW IT AFTER MALAYSIA LOST IT.
Here is a better tempered response to a shill:
I am not unaware of the situation with private aircraft. I have seen at least a dozen and NOT A SINGLE ONE had a transponder. Your claim that most private aircraft have transponders is a lie.
There was no "primary" or "secondary" radar. The transponder only identifies the craft that is being reflected on active radar.
I believe you told the most plausible lie people would ever believe, but you forgot something, I am former NSA and can call bullshit on practically anything.
You cannot tell me that the airport did not have primary active radar systems in Malaysia, we are not talking LaPaz Bolivia even, and even La Paz has active radar. Any city in America with a population over 50,000 will have an airport with active radar. You are implying that a 777 jet took off from an airstrip in an advanced country that was laid out on a dirt path intersecting goat trails and therefore had to transmit back to tell the airport where it was. What a load of B.S.
FOR THE RECORD: THE PLANE VANISHED FROM ACTIVE AIRPORT RADAR. THE FACT THAT THE TRANSPONDER SWITCHED OFF AT THE SAME TIME IT VANISHED FROM ACTIVE AIRPORT RADAR PROVES AWACS EVEN MORE, I KNOW YOU WOULD LIKE TO SAY THAT AWACS CAN'T JAM A TRANSPONDER BECAUSE YOU PROBABLY WORK DEFENSE YOURSELF BUT TRUTH BE TOLD, THAT OUTCOME IS AN OBVIOUS ONE and to the other shills, AWACS type planes have many functions and one of them is JAMMING EVERYTHING. AWACS planes have amazing signal jamming capabilities, this is so well established fact that you are going to have to shill even Pakistani agricultural web sites to front the lie that AWACS is not used for jamming. Give up on that one, even goat herders are not that stupid.
Blockbuster UPDATE:
BLOCKBUSTER UPDATE: FAKE PASSPORT GUYS WERE PHOTOSHOPPED. Take a look at their legs. HA HA HA - that's a bad screw up. Here is the original article this picture appeared in, Needless to say, I preserved this one.
Caption below original photo: "A Malaysian police official displays photographs of the two men who boarded the Malaysia Airlines MH370 flight using stolen European passports to the media at a hotel near Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang on March 11, 2014. -- PHOTO: AFP" Now that's an absolute LAUGH. That's as bad as the blood spatters going the wrong way at the bat man shooting.
Get while the getting is good, they are going to "fix this" ASAP.
Too late, this entire article including comments below is now preserved and will post tomorrow in it's full glory on this web site so you can just save it as a Jpeg tomorrow. That way the black hole of censorship won't suck this one beyond the event horizon.
Here is a post worthy mail that is completely un verified. Discern for yourself. I have my doubts, but people should probably get onto this one anyway.
Someone just sent me this – I don’t know the source so I can’t link it.
Rothschild, Freescale, Patent, Murder and a missing plane, what do all have in common? Jacob Rothschild, Murderer This is how the elites get richer and richer, by any means available including murder. This is a story about greed, wealth, power and world domination. Have you pieced together the puzzle of missing flight 370 to Beijing China ?? If not, here are your missing pieces. Patents Patents Patents and the wealth they bring.
Four days after a missing flight, a patent is approved by the Patent Office for maximizing dies on a wafer. 4 of the 5 Patent holders are Chinese employees of Freescale Semiconductor of Austin TX. Patent is divided up on 20% increments to 5 holders. Peidong Wang, Suzhou, China, (20%) Zhijun Chen, Suzhou, China, (20%) Zhihong Cheng, Suzhou, China, (20%) Li Ying, Suzhou, China, (20%) Freescale Semiconductor (20%) If a patent holder dies, then the remaining holders equally share the dividends of the deceased if not disputed in a will. If 4 of the 5 dies, then the remaining 1 Patent holder gets 100% of the wealth of the patent. That remaining live Patent holder is Freescale Semiconductor.
Who owns Freescale Semiconductor ?? Jacob Rothschild through Blackstone who owns Freescale. Here is your motive for the missing Beijing plane. As all 4 Chinese members of the Patent were passengers on the missing plane. Patent holders can alter the proceeds legally by passing wealth to their heirs. However, they cannot do so until the Patent is approved. So when the plane went missing, the patent had not been approved. Thus, Rothschild gets 100% of Patent once Patent holders declared deceased. Rothschild, you are an evil busxxxd
My comment:
A little semiconductor manufacturing background -
Chips are made 100 or so at a time on a wafer of silicon. Each individual area a chip is made within is called a die. Silicon suitable for advanced chips is very expensive. To maximize dies on a wafer means that a way was discovered and patented to get more chips out of a wafer, and anything additional is pure profit. SO it would have been a money making patent. I think the above is something to consider, but I don't think that is all there is to this story.
SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 2014Persoalan-Persoalan Yang Kerajaan Malaysia Perlu Jawab Mengenai #MH370.
Nampaknya kita sudah ada satu keputusan yang pasti. Sidang media Najib sebentar tadi (pada siang 15/3) telah memberikan kita beberapa maklumat baru dan maklumat2 baru ini adalah maklumat2 yang pasti. Sahih. Bukan spekulasi. Bukan juga andaian ataupun kemungkinan kecuali mengenai satu perkara iaitu rampasan.
Jika selepas ini menteri2 kita membuat kenyataan sebaliknya ataupun u-turn daripada apa yang Najib sebutkan tadi maka sila nantikan respon maki hamun dari rakyat jelata yang nampaknya sampai sekarang masih terpinga2 dan keliru dengan apa yang telah berlaku.. Maklumat yang Najib sebutkan tadi ;
1. Pesawat berpatah balik. Ini bukan lagi satu kemungkinan. Tetapi sudah menjadi satu kepastian. PESAWAT MAS B777 MH370 DISAHKAN TELAH BERPATAH BALIK DARI LALUAN SEPATUTNYA.
2. Isyarat terakhir yang dikesan (ping dari sistem perkomputeran ke atas satelit) dari kapal terbang tersebut ialah pada jam 8.11 pagi. Ini bukan spekulasi sebaliknya maklumat yang telah disahkan oleh kerajaan Malaysia melalui sidang media yang dibuat oleh Najib siang tadi.
3. Perkara ini telah dipersetujui sebulat suara oleh kerajaan Malaysia, FAA, NTSB dan AAIB termasuklah pakar2 yang terlibat dalam operasi mengesan dan menyelamat pesawat MH370.
4. Sistem komunikasi yang terdapat dalam pesawat tersebut telah dimatikan secara sengaja secara berasingan. Ia hanya boleh dimatikan oleh seseorang yang berada dalam pesawat tersebut. Mula2 sistem ACARS dimati sebelum pesawat tiba di pantai timur. Dan ketika pesawat mula memasuki ruang udara Vietnam, alat yang berfungsi untuk menentukan kedudukan pesawat iaitu transponder pula dimatikan.
5. Semua operasi yang berlaku di laut China Selatan telah dihentikan serta merta.
6. Pasukan pencari kini menumpukan usaha mereka kepada dua lokasi iaitu ;
- Dari utara Thailand hingga ke Kazakhstan. - Dari Indonesia ke Lautan Hindi.
7. Menurut Najib mereka mempertimbangkan KEMUNGKINAN BERLAKUNYA RAMPASAN yang menyebabkan pesawat tersebut membuat lencongan.
8. Yang pasti, yang sahih dan yang confirm, pesawat tersebut memang telah menukar laluan asal pada kali terakhir dia dikesan melalui radar umum.
Ini info2 yang telah disahkan oleh kerajaan. Info sahih nak ulas pun senang. Untuk rekod, rumah pilot Kapten Zaharie mungkin akan digeledah untuk mencari beberapa perkara bagi membantu siasatan.
Setelah menimbangkan, membaca, membandingkan dan meneliti kesemua info2 yang tersebar selama ini maka, aku percaya rakyat Malaysia pasti tertanya2 perkara ini ;
1. Masih ingat tak bila ada kenyataan dari kerajaan kita bahawa mereka telah mengesan satu pesawat yang tidak dapat dipastikan telah melalui ruang udara kita?
Ini aku. Tugas aku menjaga ruangan udara Malaysia daripada dicerobohi oleh pihak2 tertentu. Satu hari ada sesuatu yang tidak dikenalpasti telah memasuki ruang udara di negara aku. Apa aku buat ketika itu? Biarkan aje kalau ikut jalan cerita di atas.
Korang tak rasa pelik ke? Kalau aku, aku terpaksa cakap, aku rasa pelik. Bayangkan kalau yang masuk tue pesawat yang nak serang Malaysia, tak pasal2 kena bom wa cakap sama lue.
2. Dalam Awani ada la temubual. Dengan pakar la juga. Orang Malaysia. Orang ketenteraan. Ada satu soalan yang wartawan Astro Awani studio tanya dia, apabila pesawat berpatah balik, tidak kah ini menimbulkan tanda tanya kepada pihak yang menjaga station radar ketika itu? Jawapan dia cakap tidak. Ini kerana yang berpatah balik tue ialah pesawat komersil. Dan mereka memang akan menganggap ia perkara biasa sebab tue pasukan tentera tak berbuat apa2.
Nanti dulu kawan.
- Berapa kerap berlakunya kes pesawat komersil berpatah semula apabila telah berlepas?
- Berapa kerap berlakunya kes pesawat komersil berpatah semula dan kemudian tiba2 hilang dari radar?
Dua keraguan.
Bukan kah sepatutnya perkara ini bukan perkara yang normal apabila pesawat komersil berpatah semula **yang jaga laluan udara negara sepatutnya rasa pelik kenapa tiba2 pesawat ini mengalami masalah? Kenapa tak contact dan berhubung dengan pesawat tersebut dan kenapa tak hubungi MAS untuk mengetahui maklumat selanjutnya? Kenapa tak cari jawapan untuk kepastian? Mula2 berpatah balik, kemudian hilang dari radar ia sebenarnya sesuatu yang pelik. Jika aku orang yang jaga laluan trafik udara aku pasti rasa pelik.
Yang menghairankan aku, interview ini disiarkan berulang2 kali di saluran Astro Awani ia ditonton oleh ramai orang, bukan kah ini sekaligus akan memberikan persepsi negatif kepada pasukan ketenteraan negara?
3. Najib mengesahkan bahawa sistem komunikasi dan transponder telah dimatikan dengan sengaja secara berasingan oleh seseorang yang berada di dalam pesawat tersebut. Dari mana kesimpulan ini diperolehi? Adakah dari laporan satelit yang mengesahkan menerima isyarat ping terakhir yang dikesan dari pesawat tersebut pada jam 8.11 pagi? Jika ia boleh mengeluarkan isyarat ping bukan kah ini bermaksud kapal terbang tersebut masih berupa mengeluarkan isyarat komunikasi? Kalau sistem komunikasi lumpuh sepenuhnya bagaimana satelit boleh terima isyarat ping pada jam 8.11 pagi? Adakah berlakunya keadaan ia dibuka ditutup dibuka ditutup?
4. Bukan calang2 orang yang boleh matikan sistem komunikasi dan transponder yang berada dalam kapal terbang. Pertama ia perlukan seseorang yang tahu mengenai sistem perkomputeran pesawat. Kedua ia memerlukan seseorang yang tahu di mana lokasi dan kedudukan setiap perkara2 yang dia mahu 'usik'. Melalui senarai krew penerbangan dan juga mereka2 yang menaiki pesawat, bukan kah sudah sewajarnya kita mempunyai list yang telah dikecilkan bilangan suspectnya? Atau, sebenarnya mana2 pihak yang berada dalam penerbangan tersebut tidak layak di anggap suspect disebabkan kekurangan bukti? Apakah ada kemungkinan ada penceroboh dalam pesawat tersebut? Seseorang yang mana namanya tidak berada dalam pesawat tersebut? Seseorang yang masuk cara lain?
5. Masih ingat lagi tak bahawa ketika pesawat ini mula2 dikatakan hilang dulu telah tersebarnya satu berita yang mengatakan ia telah pun selamat mendarat di Nanning, China. Betul? Okay, pernah kita terfikir siapakah individu pertama yang sebarkan spekulasi ini? Dan apakah tujuannya spekulasi ini disebarkan? Faham tak? Telah berlaku sesuatu seperti pesawat hilang.. pesawat hilang bukan perkara yang biasa di Malaysia, jadi sepatutnya kes2 begini kita tak fikir orang akan buat spekulasi liar ketika di permulaan kisah.. lainla macam kes politik ka, kes artis ka, kes mengarut2 ka memang la dah normal. Jadi, sejurus ia dikatakan hilang pada pagi sabtu, jam 1.40 selepas itu juga dalam beberapa jam selepas itu kita lihat ada berita yang melaporkan pesawat tersebut telah disahkan mendarat di Nanning.
Lihat ;
Apa yang aku buat?
- Mula2 aku petik ayat di atas. Aku petik dari Pesawat dampai ke sebentar tadi. Ayat sebijik2 aku tiru. Huruf besar, huruf kecik, ringkasan semua aku tiru.
- Then aku google ayat tersebut.
- Aku dapati, hanya ada satu media saja yang melaporkan perkara tersebut iaitu TV3.
- Dari mana TV3 mendapatkan berita tersebut?
- Ini satu misteri yang amat2 misteri pada aku.
- Di saat PDRM dan SKMM sound rakyat awam agar jangan sebar spekulasi, rupa2nya isu pesawat telah selamat mendarat di Nanning sebaran dia bukan datang dari manusia biasa2.. dari tv3 sendiri. Kenapa TV3 boleh buat cerita macam tue?
Untuk rekod, disebabkan spekulasi ini la, rakyat agak 'delay' untuk mengambiltahu cerita susulan mengenai pesawat tersebut. Ia mengambil masa sehingga petang ke malam untuk seluruh rakyat benar2 alert bahawa pesawat yang hilang itu TIDAK MENDARAT DI NANNING.
6. Kali terakhir pesawat tersebut diselanggara ialah pada 23/2/2014. Ia mula hilang pada 8/3. 12 hari sebelum ia hilang. Ini disahkan oleh pengarah DCA yang buat sidang media. Katanya lebih kurang 2 minggu pesawat tersebut telah pun diba Dalam proses penyelenggaraan sesiapa yang terlibat dalam kerja2 penyelenggaraan boleh keluar masuk periksa dan sebagainya untuk memastikan pesawat tersebut berada dalam keadaan yang baik, betul? Siapakah individu2 yang terlibat dalam proses penyelenggaraan ini? Sudah kah pihak berkuasa memanggil mereka dan kuaratinkan mereka bagi tujuan soal siasat? Apakah ada kemungkinan sistem pesawat tersebut telah digodam / di ubah suai sehinggakan tiada sesiapa pun yang perasan telah berlakunya sesuatu ke atas sistem penerbangan pesawat tersebut atas sesuatu tujuan?
7. Untuk rekod, pesawat yang terbang rendah boleh menghilangkan diri dari dikesan oleh radar. Namun, radar ketenteraan berbeza dari radar kebiasaan. Ada sesetengah radar tentera masih berupaya mengesan pesawat yang terbang rendah dari dicapai oleh radar umum. Kenapa wujudnya radar begini? Ia adalah bagi tujuan keselamatan. Adakah di Malaysia, kita memiliki radar jenis ini?
8. Terdapatnya andaian bahawa pesawat ini mungkin melintasi lautan Hindi. Di sana terdapatnya satu kem ketenteraan USA yang serba canggih. Untuk sebuah negara yang mana paranoid gila babi terhadap keselamatan dan ketenteraan, walaupun transponder pesawat tersebut dimatikan dan sistem komunikasi mereka dilumpuhkan, bukan kah USA masih mampu mengesan kehadiran pesawat tersebut melalui cara lain?
Fikir. Semua orang tahu sistem komunikasi seperti transponder akan menyebabkan sesiapa boleh mengesan sesiapa di atas radar. Maka, jika ada mana2 negara yang nak p berperang ke apa ke mereka mungkin akan mematikan transponder mereka supaya pesawat mereka tidak dikesan oleh musuh. Janji mereka dapat kesan pesawat orang lain sudah la. Dan, apakah bodoh sangat negara yang PARANOID pasal tahap keselamatan ini tidak memikirkan kemungkinan ini? Maka, apakah mereka tidak terfikirkan sistem sokongan supaya boleh mengesan apa2 sahaja bendasing yang lalu di atas ruang udara mereka bagi mengelak sebarang kemungkinan?
Oke, kata lah mereka memang ada sistem tersebut. Bukan kah itu boleh merungkai kepada persoalan di atas? Ialah, bila difikir2kan semula, atas sebab apa PENTAGON berani keluarkan kenyataan bahawa pesawat MH370 berada di lautan hindi? Jika mereka boleh mengesan kehadiran pesawat di lautan hindi meskipun tanpa radar, apakah tidak logik untuk mereka mengesan lokasi sebenar pesawat tersebut walaupun tanpa radar?
9. Yang terakhir. Aku baca di berita, MAS akan menukar kod laluan dari KL - Beijing kepada kod yang baru. MH370 sebenarnya ialah kod penerbangan. Kod baru ialah MH371 dan ia akan mula digunakan pada bulan April ini. Kalau kita perhatikan kereta, mereka ada no plat. Kalau kita perhatikan motor, mereka juga ada no plat. No plat ialah identiti ataupun pengenalan diri kepada kenderaan tersebut. Jika pengenalan diri ini ada pada kenderaan biasa, apakah pengenalan diri yang sama tidak ada pada pesawat MAS? Kalau ada 10 kapal terbang MAS B777, macam mana kita nak bezakan setiap satu? Aku percaya, setiap kapal terbang ini juga pasti ada no pengenalan diri yang boleh jelas terlihat dari luar. Apakah andaian aku ini benar?
Jadi, oleh kerana dari hari pertama kehilangan kita hanya sebut MH370.. dan bukannya no pengenalan diri PESAWAT ini, maka andaikata pesawat ini dirampas dan berada di mana2 lokasi sekalipun biarpun di tempat terbuka takde sesiapa akan perasan ini ialah pesawat yang hilang memandangkan semua pesawat MAS kita tahu memang lebih kurang serupa. Lainla kalau kita tahu apa no pengenalan dirinya.. macam no plat kenderaan. Ini bukan macam kereta, yang boleh tukar no plat semudah ABC. Ini sembang pasal pengenalan diri pesawat. Rasanya kalaupun mereka mampu tukar no pengenalan diri pesawat (andai ia ada) ia tetap memerlukan satu tempoh tertentu bagi mereliasisasikan perkara tersebut, betul?
Jadi inilah persoalan2 yang bermain di minda aku. Dan aku rasa, aku tak la terikat dengan teori konspirasi ka komplot ka apa ka.. aku masih ada andaian yang lain. Namun melihatkan kepada perkembangan terbaru yang dikemaskini oleh kerajaan kita, seolah2 nak membayangkan berlakunya rampasan maka aku rasa persoalan2 di atas relevant kepada situasi ini.
Russia “Puzzled” Over Malaysia Airlines “Capture” By US Navy
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) states that Aerospace Defence Forces (VKO) experts remain “puzzled” as to why the United States Navy “captured and then diverted” a Malaysia Airlines civilian aircraft from its intended flight-path to their vast and highly-secretive Indian Ocean base located on the Diego Garcia atoll.
According to this report, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (also marketed as China Southern Airlines flight 748 through a codeshare) was a scheduled passenger flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing, China, when on 8 March this Boeing 777-200ER aircraft “disappeared” in flight with 227 passengers on board from 15 countries, most of whom were Chinese, and 12 crew members.
Interesting to note, this report says, was that Flight 370 was already under GRU “surveillance” after it received a“highly suspicious” cargo load that had been traced to the Indian Ocean nation Republic of Seychelles, and where it had previously been aboard the US-flagged container ship MV Maersk Alabama.
What first aroused GRU suspicions regarding the MV Maersk Alabama, this report continues, was that within 24-hours of off-loading this “highly suspicious” cargo load bound for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the two highly-trained US Navy Seals assigned to protect it, Mark Daniel Kennedy, 43, and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44, were found dead under “suspicious circumstances.”
Both Kennedy and Reynolds, this report says, were employed by the Virginia Beach, Virginia-based maritime security firm The Trident Group which was founded by US Navy Special Operations Personnel (SEAL’s) and Senior US Naval Surface Warfare Officers and has long been known by the GRU to protect vital transfers of both atomic and biological materials throughout the world.
Upon GRU “assests” confirming that this “highly suspicious” cargo was aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 on 8 March, this report notes, Moscow notified China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS) of their concerns and received “assurances” that “all measures” would be taken as to ascertain what was being kept so hidden when this aircraft entered into their airspace.
However, this report says, and as yet for still unknown reasons, the MSS was preparing to divert Flight 370 from its scheduled destination of Beijing to Haikou Meilan International Airport (HAK) located in Hainan Province (akaHainan Island).
Prior to entering the People Liberation Army (PLA) protected zones of the South China Sea known as the Spratly Islands, this report continues, Flight 370 “significantly deviated” from its flight course and was tracked by VKO satellites and radar flying into the Indian Ocean region and completing its nearly 3,447 kilometer (2,142 miles) flight to Diego Garcia.
Critical to note about Flight 370’s flight deviation, GRU experts in this report say, was that it occurred during the same time period that all of the Spratly Island mobile phone communications operated by China Mobile were being jammed.
China Mobile, it should be noted, extended phone coverage in the Spratly Islands in 2011 so that PLA soldiers stationed on the islands, fishermen, and merchant vessels within the area would be able to use mobile services, and can also provide assistance during storms and sea rescues.
As to how the US Navy was able to divert Flight 370 to its Diego Garcia base, this report says, appears to have been accomplished remotely as this Boeing 777-200ER aircraft is equipped with a fly-by-wire (FBW) system that replaces the conventional manual flight controls of an aircraft with an electronic interface allowing it to be controlled like any drone-type aircraft.
However, this report notes, though this aircraft can be controlled remotely, the same cannot be said of its communication systems which can only be shut down manually; and in the case of Flight 370, its data reporting system was shut down at 1:07 a.m., followed by its transponder (which transmits location and altitude) which was shut down at 1:21 a.m.
What remains “perplexing” about this incident, GRU analysts in this report say, are why the American mainstream media outlets have yet to demand from the Obama regime the radar plots and satellite images of the Indian Ocean and South China Sea regions as the US military covers this entire area from Diego Garcia like no other seas in the world due to its vital shipping and air lanes.
Most sadly, this report concludes, the US is actually able to conceal the reason(s) for the “disappearance” of Flight 370 as they have already done so after the events of 11 September 2001 when the then Bush regime “disappeared”American Airlines Flight 77 and its 64 passengers and crew after falsely claiming it hit the Pentagon, but which was confirmed by the CNN News Service [see video HERE] not to have happened.
March 14, 2014 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]
slippergombak posted on 16-3-2014 01:17 AM
Russia “Puzzled” Over Malaysia Airlines “Capture” By US NavyBy: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to ...
hamjad...... edit laa cantik2 utk org baca......
Russia “Puzzled” Over Malaysia Airlines “Capture” By US Navy
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) states that Aerospace Defence Forces (VKO) experts remain “puzzled” as to why the United States Navy “captured and then diverted” a Malaysia Airlines civilian aircraft from its intended flight-path to their vast and highly-secretive Indian Ocean base located on the Diego Garcia atoll.
According to this report, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (also marketed as China Southern Airlines flight 748 through a codeshare) was a scheduled passenger flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing, China, when on 8 March this Boeing 777-200ER aircraft “disappeared” in flight with 227 passengers on board from 15 countries, most of whom were Chinese, and 12 crew members.
Interesting to note, this report says, was that Flight 370 was already under GRU “surveillance” after it received a “highly suspicious” cargo load that had been traced to the Indian Ocean nation Republic of Seychelles, and where it had previously been aboard the US-flagged container ship MV Maersk Alabama.
What first aroused GRU suspicions regarding the MV Maersk Alabama, this report continues, was that within 24-hours of off-loading this “highly suspicious” cargo load bound for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the two highly-trained US Navy Seals assigned to protect it, Mark Daniel Kennedy, 43, and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44, were found dead under “suspicious circumstances.”
Both Kennedy and Reynolds, this report says, were employed by the Virginia Beach, Virginia-based maritime security firm The Trident Group which was founded by US Navy Special Operations Personnel (SEAL’s) and Senior US Naval Surface Warfare Officers and has long been known by the GRU to protect vital transfers of both atomic and biological materials throughout the world.
Upon GRU “assests” confirming that this “highly suspicious” cargo was aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 on 8 March, this report notes, Moscow notified China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS) of their concerns and received “assurances” that “all measures” would be taken as to ascertain what was being kept so hidden when this aircraft entered into their airspace.
However, this report says, and as yet for still unknown reasons, the MSS was preparing to divert Flight 370 from its scheduled destination of Beijing to Haikou Meilan International Airport (HAK) located in Hainan Province (aka Hainan Island).
Prior to entering the People Liberation Army (PLA) protected zones of the South China Sea known as the Spratly Islands, this report continues, Flight 370 “significantly deviated” from its flight course and was tracked by VKO satellites and radar flying into the Indian Ocean region and completing its nearly 3,447 kilometer (2,142 miles) flight to Diego Garcia.
Critical to note about Flight 370’s flight deviation, GRU experts in this report say, was that it occurred during the same time period that all of the Spratly Island mobile phone communications operated by China Mobile were being jammed.
China Mobile, it should be noted, extended phone coverage in the Spratly Islands in 2011 so that PLA soldiers stationed on the islands, fishermen, and merchant vessels within the area would be able to use mobile services, and can also provide assistance during storms and sea rescues.
As to how the US Navy was able to divert Flight 370 to its Diego Garcia base, this report says, appears to have been accomplished remotely as this Boeing 777-200ER aircraft is equipped with a fly-by-wire (FBW) system that replaces the conventional manual flight controls of an aircraft with an electronic interface allowing it to be controlled like any drone-type aircraft.
However, this report notes, though this aircraft can be controlled remotely, the same cannot be said of its communication systems which can only be shut down manually; and in the case of Flight 370, its data reporting system was shut down at 1:07 a.m., followed by its transponder (which transmits location and altitude) which was shut down at 1:21 a.m.
What remains “perplexing” about this incident, GRU analysts in this report say, are why the American mainstream media outlets have yet to demand from the Obama regime the radar plots and satellite images of the Indian Ocean and South China Sea regions as the US military covers this entire area from Diego Garcia like no other seas in the world due to its vital shipping and air lanes.
Most sadly, this report concludes, the US is actually able to conceal the reason(s) for the “disappearance” of Flight 370 as they have already done so after the events of 11 September 2001 when the then Bush regime “disappeared” American Airlines Flight 77 and its 64 passengers and crew after falsely claiming it hit the Pentagon, but which was confirmed by the CNN News Service [see video HERE] not to have happened.
Note: Additional articles to read explaining the Crisis In Ukraine include: Putin In “Fury” After Saudis Brand Obama Regime Terrorist Organization, Russia Warns Of American Deaths As Ukraine Crisis Spirals Out Of Control, Putin Orders Largest Air Defense Drill In History As War Fears Accelerate, Putin Orders Russian Troops And Ministries To Atomic Shelters Over NATO Threat Of War, 800,000 Ukrainian Refugees Flood Into Russia As Nazi Forces Continue Eastern March, Putin Sends Feared Shock Troops, Division Into Ukraine, Warns Obama Is “Unstable”, Putin Orders Military Alert To Defend Ukraine Against Western-Backed Fascists, Ukrainian Mob Call To “Kill All Jews” Horrifies Russia, Putin Orders Troops To Crimea Passes, Warns NATO Of War, Russian Threat Of War Over Ukraine Stuns Obama Regime, US In “Shock And Turmoil” After Snowden Info Lets Russia Tap Top Obama Officials
March 14, 2014 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]
aku borak2 dgn makcik jual kuih yg keja kat mindef
pangkat dan nama makcik tu x boleh disclosed
sebab takut makcik tu kena buang keje
nanti aku xde sapa nak borak kat opis (walaupun aku bukan kerja kat mindef tapi keperluan kerja aku selalu jumpa derang)
ni antara soalan yg aku tanya dia
masa hari ke-2/3 mh370 hilang
kalau radar atc x detect...military radar kompem boleh detect...tapi napa xde info dari atm pasal kes ni?
jawapan dia:aku x boleh jawapan...ada arahan yg dikeluarkan untuk anggota2 tentera..
tapi selepas pc ahjib semalam...aku jumpa dia lagi...baru dia bgtau...masa transponder mati...radar mmg detct lagi kapal tu..masih flying...kita letak unkown plane...
aku tanya lagi...kalau letak unknown..napa x hantar intercept tgk...ni kes mencabul ruang angkasa kita..patut tudm kena peka...dia jawab simple...maklumat sulit mcm ni..x ramai org tau..kalau bocor yg mana tau kompem xde kerja
so teori aku pasal kapal kena hijack tu kemungkinan betul Last edited by leenaz on 16-3-2014 09:29 AM
Oleh kerana najib sendiri dah bgtau this missing plane is due to hijacking... seolah2 sebijik hammer dah mengetuk kepala aku dan skrg gua sgt frustrated..
Notes semua yg aku dh tulis utk mh371 semua aku bakar.. celaka betul..
Skrg nih aku nak construct semula timeline mh370 dari awal2 lagi, base to fxxkxxxg teory of hijacking
Even in frustrated, tapi terangsangan gua terhadap kes ni buat gua terlupa makan sehari suntuk siyal....
Tapi nak bincang dlm thread ni gua dah malas dah..
sebab ahli politicians dan pengemar cerita mistik tu asyik dgn dunia politaiks dan jugak citer baby CIA dia tu jer... yg mana source dia adalah dari mindef.....
Better gua layan porem luar dan porumer2nya adalah berotak syaitan dan iblis.... sebab aku lebih suka discuss berbentuk taktikal berbanding mistik mcm kat sini...
Seharian gua jamming lagu Who Are You?!
sambil gua ubah senikatanya kpd, fak fak fak!
Meh jerit ramai2!!!
Sanity Check - 3/16/14 16:00 Zulu
There is (will be) a link to this post in my profile under "homepage"
• 3/16/14 1600Z update.
• The facts have not changed much, however speculation and discussion has shifted to potential human actors - including crew.
• I've tried to be as factually accurate as I can - but I'm not an expert in each system - so if there factual errors please advise.
• I've added sections on: Cargo, Fuel, Conspiracies, Pilot related conspiracy. I've bolstered ACARS/SATCOM.
• Edited to add Primary vs Secondary Radar discussion.
First a synopsis
• The ship took off normally and headed on course to Beijing
• The last ACARS transmission was 01:07 local. Confusion continues about if and when ACARS was turned off (See ACARS below)
• The last comms were a normal hand-off from Malaysia to Vietnam control at about 1:30 local. It was a normal 'good night' on the Malaysian side, but Vietnam was not contacted.
• NOTE: Saying "good night" or "so long" or "see you" or "Go Broncos" (okay not that one) is very common for handoffs.
• The aircraft dropped off secondary radar with no communication from the cockpit.
• There are reports of a climb to 45K, uneven descent and some changes in altitude. Since this is based on primary radar - altitude data is somewhat uncertain. The last has been reported as 29,500ft but that seems in dispute.
• There are subsequent primary radar returns west over Malacca Straight and then north west. Since it is primarily radar - a reflection - it does identify the a/c, however it has been correlated with SATCOM pings so confidence is high that the returns are from MH370
• SATCOM system pings continued for 7+ (last ping at 08:11 local) hrs after LOS (loss of signal)
• SATCOM pings do not locate the aircraft but based on correlation to signal strength there are two loci that indication aircraft distance from the Satellite.
• These are not paths and I have changed my language to reflect that. They represent a distance from the satellite.
• Loci one is north over Andaman Sea, Bay of Bengal as far as Kazakhstan/Turkmenistan and is consistent with primary radar.
• Loci two is south over the India Ocean west of Australia. We've had no reports of radar signals in that area.
• The last SATCOM ping was at 8:11 am Malaysian time. At that time it would be dark on the north radius and light over the south radius.
• Best data I have is SATCOM pings are hourly - so the 8:11 ping could be up to 1 hour before the aircraft stopped 'pinging'.
• We have no ELT signal detected.
• While authorities (Malaysian) have not confirmed this is a hijacking or purposeful event - it is believed that is highly likely by most, however, motivation is unknown.
• Debris reported by Greek oil tanker has already been reported as not relevant.
• ACARS is an automated aircraft communication system that transmits a/c information, primarily maintenance information, to maintenance facilities like the airline, Boeing, Engine Manf, etc.
• ACARS is NOT a flight system - it is not needed for safe flight.
• ACARS is a subscription service and costs money. All indications are the MH370 was subscribed only to engine health monitoring and data from that is sent to Rolls Royce.
• ACARS communicates via VHF or SATCOM (and maybe Wifi at the gate). The communications channel depends on availability and is independent of the ACARS.
• ACARS can be instructed not to use SATCOM or VHF from the Cockpit. This would effectively stop ACARS from sending data. Access to the EE bay is not required.
• The Malaysian prime minister said (quote):
• "We can say with a high degree of certainty that the Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) was disabled just before the reached the East coast of Peninsula Malaysia".
• No explanation of how that determination could be made has been released.
• OPINION: The most likely conjecture I've seen is that ACARS was using VHF comms at that point and some indication of ACARS ceasing communication via VHF can be made. However, this has not been confirmed and it seems to me this could be consistent with ACARS swapping to SATCOM mode?
ACARS data from MH370
• The ACARS system sent 2 engine health reports to Rolls Royce, both prior to the LOS event.
• The Rolls Royce page seems to indicate that a 'snapshot' of engine data would be sent at: takeoff, climb, cruise and landing. We know 2 ACARS Engine Health reports were received, so that would be consistent with the 1st two.
• Based on this, we would expect a cruise and landing report. We have heard of neither.
• The Engine Health report received prior to LOS had 'interesting' altitude data/fluctuations including 40K drop in a minute. That data is suspect.
• Since no "landing" report was received, then either the ACARS communication was disabled, or the a/c did not land.
• We have not heard if ACARS would send a report upon fuel starvation flame-out.
• SATCOM is a communications channel - Satellite Communications. It is a radio system that uses satellites to communicate various information.
• SATCOM is not ACARS - it is one of the channels ACARS can use.
• The SATCOM system on MH370 was connecting to Inmarsat 3 satellites. In the area covered, the only satellite with coverage is IOR.
Big version: Width: 720 Height: 516 File size: 199kb
• Since only 1 satellite has coverage, no triangulation is possible. All that can be determined is distance from the satellite. This has been used to define 2 potential loci were the a/c could have been.
Big version: Width: 1024 Height: 768 File size: 91kb
• NOTE: While these may appear as paths - they are not. They are simply a set of potential locations based upon ping data. The aircraft could have been in a constant standard turn circle somewhere along one of the loci (red lines) and the satellite could not tell. We only know it was somewhere along those lines.
• The SATCOM system sends (or responds to) periodic 'pings' to/from the satellites. These 'pings' are a network communication that says "I am here."
• SATCOM pings are not communicating a/c status, they are part of the communications channel. They are akin to registration pings on a cell system.
• The last pings were detected at 8:11am Malaysia time. This does not mean the aircraft went down or landed at this time, only that the last ping was 8:11. Source I've seen indicate the pings are hourly - but that is not confirmed.
• SATCOM pings provide no aircraft heading, speed or altitude information, however, distance from the Satellite can be estimated, and ONLY distance.
• Based on analysis of the SATCOM pings by Inmarsat, two possible loci have been predicted based upon a radius from the satellite picking up the pings.
• SATCOM pings would be sent as long as the system (aircraft) was power up and withing coverage area. So, on the ground, if powered up (thanks to mandala499).
• People have asked if SATCOM pings could come from a crashed plane if the right parts survived.
• Very unlikely. The system is not self contained, the equipment, power and antennas are separate.
• The CVR (cockpit voice recorder) and FDR (flight data recorder) do not transmit data in flight.
• They do emit sonic pings if immersed. These will last a minimum of 30 days. We can expect sonar is being used to listen for them.
• The CVR reportedly is a 120 minute CVR so it would contain only the last 120 minutes of flight (presuming it did not fail or was turned off prior to that).
• I don't have data form the recording time of the FDR, but it is typically much longer.
Primary versus Secondary Radar (brief tutorial)
• Primary radar is based on the original military usage. It sends out a strong (KW to MW) signal and looks for a reflection from something.
• Primary radar provides distance and location. Comparing returns speed can be determined. Strength of return can indicate size.
• Stealth a/c and ships are designed to absorb or miss-direct the reflection so primary radar cannot see them.
• Primary radar does not depend on the transponder, so turning off a transponder will not make an a/c disappear from primary.
• Primary radar is less prevalent than secondary - and more typically military tho ATC's do use it.
• Secondary Radar is really not Radar in the defined sense. It is directional communication.
• In secondary radar a directional signal is sent out (much less powerful than primary). Any a/c with a transponder that receives it will respond (the transponder responds) with information about the aircraft.
• Combined with the direction of the outgoing beam, the time of flight information and returned information, the a/c location and identity (and other info depending on the mode) is returned.
• Secondary radar is the primary method used by ATC.
• If the transponder fails or is turned off - secondary radar will not see the a/c.
• In the case of MH370
• The transponder was turned off - so the a/c disappeared from secondary (ATC) radar.
• A target was tracked west, then northwest using primary radar. That target was correlated with SATCOM pings help determine it was MH370.
Way-point Tracks
• The use of way-points to the navigate are conjecture. They happen to line up with the direction indicated by the primary radar returns and Inmarsat data to the north.
• While many believe the aircraft was under control - we cannot conclude if these way-point were used, or just along the path.
Airworthiness Directive
• The airworthiness directive about corrosion near the SATCOM antenna does not apply to this ship.
• The ship DOES have SATCOM - but uses a different antenna
Cargo and Lithium Battery Fires.
• There are reports that the cargo in MH370 did not receive normal X-ray screening.
• There are also statements that the shipment held nothing hazardous or remarkable.
• There are reports of a shipment of lithium batteries on the a/c and that perhaps they caused a fire.
• It seems very unlikely a fire could be intense enough to disable the crew, but then the a/c would survive and fly for 7+ hours.
• Opinion: as a firefighter, I doubt this. The fire would destroy the a/c.
Aircraft Fuel State
• It is reported the aircraft 45 to 60 minutes extra fuel. This would amount to about 7-7.5 hrs of fuel. This is a normal amount for this route.
Search Areas (including those that have be halted)
• Along the planed route. I believe searching in this area is ending or decreasing based on new data indicating the a/c is not there
• West over the Malacca straight
• North west of Malacca straight
• Along the two loci predicted by the SATCOM pings which continue north to Kazakhstan/Turkmenistan and south to the India Ocean.
• These are huge search areas - I do not have a good handle on what assets are deployed where
• It appears the north loci is considered more likely because of primary radar signals that roughly correlate.
• I would expect review of primary radar west of Australia is in process if not done.
Mobile phones
• We continue to have lots of discussion on "mobile phones" - can the connect in flight, etc.
• We don't have any reports or evidence of that any passenger or crew mobile phone has registered with any network.
• Until we have that data or reports - I believe the mobile phone discussions are not useful.
Conspiracy Theories
• There are lots of conspiracy theories out there - from the Malaysian government hiding something to pilot suicide, to hijacking to whatever.
• The breadth of the countries searching alone makes me discount many of the government is hiding it aspects.
• It is likely there are covert (secret) resources in the area that are trying to provide the info without revealing themselves.
• Currently, it seems most believe there is some positive action here - hijacker or crew based.
• Opinion: Mostly, I believe this is because a mechanical failure that selectively terminates communication, incapacitates the crew/passengers, but then allows the a/c to fly on uncontrolled for 7 hours seems unlikely.
• Investigations of crew have begun in earnest.
• Despite the belief this is incident required human actions - we have no evidence of that. Rather - no other theory seems credible.
• Some of the more prevalent.
• The pilot (senior, not FO) hijacked the plane to commit suicide. (See Pilot Conspiracy below).
• Freescale engineers have been hijacked for sensitive US data. As an engineer who has worked with Freescale - I find that unsupportable. Companies send groups of employees around all the time. While many companies have policies about the # of executives on a flight - that typically is not enforced on regular employees.
• There was something in the Cargo worth stealing - which is why it was not screened. Note: this makes no sense to me. It would require involvement of lots of people on the ground and it would be much easier to steal, on the ground.
• The US hijacked the 777 using onboard FBW technology to fly it like a drone to Diego Garcea (this one wins the insanity case).
Pilot Related Conspiracy Theories (some of this is my opinion).
• The crew and passengers are a focus of investigation. Particularly the crew, because of the difficulty of managing an external cockpit intrusion.
• The pilot has received a lot of attention because: 1) He supports opposition politics, 2) He has a mongo flight simulator, 3) There are rumors of family problems (debunked).
• To address the data on a few of these:
• 1) The pilot supports opposition politics and may have been at a trial of the opposition leader (confirmed 'ordinary' member of opposition party). Opinion: What is the motive for suicide in this case?
• 2) The pilot has a very fancy flight simulator. People claim he used it to for this. Opinion: A 777 pilot does not need to train for the flying done - he knows how to do that stuff already. What he needs it planning for violent action/takeover. A flight simulator is no help.
• 3) There are rumors of family problems reported from China. This has been reported as untrue - and generated laughter in the latest pressor
IN summary what we know is. (This has NOT changed)
• The a/c disappeared from secondary radar and stopped communicating. We do not know why or what happened to it.
• There is evidence from SATCOM and Radar that the a/c traveled west - then most likely north west.
• SATCOM signals show the a/c was operating till at least 8:11am Malaysia time, over 7 hrs total flight time
• We have not found it despite multiple governmental agencies from multiple countries searching hard.
What seems likely.
• A hijacking or positive intervention by human agency seems likely.
• The erratic altitude and course may indicate a struggle on board.
• While we would like to believe the a/c landed safely somewhere, that seems unlikely to have happened unobserved.