Nk mohon pencerahan dr otai2 England. Aku baca pasal oyster card tu. dia tulis "daily oyster price cap £8.40" . Maksudnyer maximum sehari charge ker? Pastu klu lebih dia jdi free journey for that day ke lepas tu? Last edited by yoei on 16-3-2013 07:07 PM
Tadi bru blik dr matta fair. Etihad Airways KUL - LON - PARIS - KUL cume RM 2130 jer.....sakit hati tul |
Lagi satu nak tanya, saya dah sewa kete. Ingat nk ke cotwords overnight kat sana. Esoknyer ke Bicester Village. Then overnight kat BV. esoknya bru blik london. Possible tak buat camtu? |
yoei posted on 16-3-2013 02:45 AM 
Nk mohon pencerahan dr otai2 England. Aku baca pasal oyster card tu. dia tulis "daily oyster price ...
GBP8.40 ialah cap utk peak period...the maximum for one day utk Oyster Card...proviso dia when all T&C di patuhi...
from london kan, how do i go to clarks village ek?
and how long would it take for the journey? |
sHiGeM posted on 16-3-2013 02:11 PM 
from london kan, how do i go to clarks village ek?
and how long would it take for the journey?
I think you drive sbb rasenye kat pg belakang2 ade yg citer pasal dorang pi Clark's Village ni...
sHiGeM posted on 16-3-2013 02:11 PM 
from london kan, how do i go to clarks village ek?
and how long would it take for the journey?
ni link for Clarks Village...
LelaRentaka7 posted on 16-3-2013 09:14 PM 
Possible tak buat camtu?
Possible...nothing is impossible kalau dah kite yg plan nak buat camtu : ...
He he..betul tu. Cuma takut BV dgn Cotsworlds tu berlawanan arah. Kang orang kata saya gile lak buat trip cam tuh. 
yoei posted on 16-3-2013 04:12 PM 
He he..betul tu. Cuma takut BV dgn Cotsworlds tu berlawanan arah. Kang orang kata saya gile lak bu ...
sebab ape tau nak tido BV tu rasa rugi la pulak sbb takdok apa kat situ..baik tido kat Oxford..tatau lah kot2 ade sedara kat BV tuh..rasenya BV lepas tutup gelap je yoei 
cotswald jgn rush2 sbb tempat tu cantik..kalau nak bermalam kat sini sangat Lela sokong tapi satu je la..TAKOT!!! Takot xmo balek nnt...hehehheheeeee
yoei posted on 16-3-2013 11:19 AM 
Lagi satu nak tanya, saya dah sewa kete. Ingat nk ke cotwords overnight kat sana. Esoknyer ke Bicest ...
lebih afdhal balik london lepas BV rasenye yoei..sbb mmg nak balik london kan esok pgnye... baik balik london..or like I suggest earlier tido kat Oxford... round Oxford..pastu balik la London...camtu lebih praktikusssss hehehe..
LelaRentaka7 posted on 17-3-2013 12:26 AM 
lebih afdhal balik london lepas BV rasenye yoei..sbb mmg nak balik london kan esok pgnye... baik ...
TQ for your suggestion. Sebenarnya hubby saya takut nak drive gelap2 ke london. Tempat org katanya. 
Dah carik accomodation near Cotsworlds tapi mahal2 gak. Pastu terjumpa Travelodge Oxford Wheatley Hotel. Ok gak rate for family room.
So itternary saya:
England | | heatrow airport ke Travelodge Oxford Wheatley Hotel (tido sana) | | | balik tido Travelodge Oxford Wheatley Hotel (lagi) | | Melontar di bicester village | | balik tido Travelodge Oxford Wheatley Hotel (lagi) | | | Check in Travelodge King Cross Royal Scot | Tube Station Westminster (Jln2 tgk Abang Big Ben (sambil jeling kat Pakcik Westminster Bridge) -> House of Parliment -> Kakak Abbey -> jeling London Eye -> Trafalgar Square ßni kalau berjalan dari big ben pun ok kan? | | tgk london bridge(aku google ade 2 bridge ,1. London Bridge 2. London Tower Bridge mana satu yg terkenal tu?) | | | | Kul 4 gi Liverpool street utk ke Harwick International Port | | Holland | | | Train ke Amsterdam Central | Check in De Malimedien Hostel | | Cruise canal ->Jaln Keliling Amsterdam sampai ke iamsterdam | | Ke Leeidenspein Station amik bas ke Keukenhof | Spend masa kat Keukenhof smpai muntah | | | | Habiskan Holland pass free tiket | Bertolak ke Rotterdam sightseeing | Bertolak ke hook of Holland | Tido atas ferry ke Harwick | England | | Tiba di Liverpool Street Station -> ke King Cross Station (simpan beg) | Terus ke Marble Arch Station -> menggila di Oxford street | Kul 6 pm ready to heatrow Airport. |
sebarang comment sgtlah di alu-alukan
Last edited by yoei on 17-3-2013 12:27 PM
LelaRentaka7 posted on 16-3-2013 11:11 PM 
ni link for Clarks Village...
tak drive kak..
ingt nak naik public transport je..
saye bace kat website clarks vilage tu..
dier tulis kalau ikut train camni..TrainThe nearest train stations to Clarks Village are Castle Cary, Taunton and Yeovil, all approx. 30 minutes away by car.
maksudnye, lepas sampai train station nie..kene travel lagi nnaik bus camtu ek..
Saya nak tanya route M40 untuk ke bicester village ade kene tol tak? |
sHiGeM posted on 17-3-2013 06:25 AM 
tak drive kak..
ingt nak naik public transport je..
saye bace kat website clarks vilage tu..
maksudnye, lepas sampai train station nie..kene travel lagi nnaik bus camtu ek..
ya betul...
yoei posted on 17-3-2013 04:19 AM 
TQ for your suggestion. Sebenarnya hubby saya takut nak drive gelap2 ke london. Tempat org katanya ...
(aku google ade 2 bridge ,1. London Bridge 2. London Tower Bridge mana satu yg terkenal tu?)
dua2 terkenal....
yoei posted on 17-3-2013 02:35 PM 
Saya nak tanya route M40 untuk ke bicester village ade kene tol tak?
I drove to BV before this, from birmingham and seingat i, guna M40 route tu, and no toll.
actually sepanjang drive kat UK a few times mcm tak pernah lalu tol lagi la (Bristol, manchester, Birmingham, cheshire to London)
tapi confirm UK tak der tol sebanyak Malaysia hihi |
yoei posted on 17-3-2013 12:19 PM 
TQ for your suggestion. Sebenarnya hubby saya takut nak drive gelap2 ke london. Tempat org katanya ...
Kalau nak visit the Bridge yang famous in the London Bridge song yang ada "my fair lady tu" , its Tower Bridge.
orang selalu confuse this two.
inamess posted on 17-3-2013 10:50 AM 
Yuhuuuu aishah sis and alls....
yaaaaa...suda masok ini otai!!!!! 
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