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Author: Syd

Pulau di Wilayah Krabi, Selatan Thailand

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Post time 4-5-2010 11:06 AM | Show all posts
minyak mmg mahal lah kat sana, tapi since xmerayap kemana sgt.. ms kitaorg gie tu, sblm msk thailand ...
adnil Post at 3-5-2010 03:20 PM

aku pon plan nk pi krabi lagi naik keta...susah gak nk bajet2 minyak nih kan..sbb tatau bape sesekali gi cam nih, belasah je la...lagipon nnt kalu sampai sane, naik tuk tuk je sudah...suke tul aku naik tuk tuk tuh..hehhehe

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Post time 4-5-2010 01:21 PM | Show all posts
opie aku dah gie 2x dah krabi driving nih.. mmg best.. ada perancangan nak gie lagi nih.. tapi lom tentu bila tahunnya.. ko google map tgk distance brapa, from there ko leh agak agak ler costing untuk minyak tu..

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Post time 4-5-2010 01:34 PM | Show all posts
bilala AA nak bg pree lagi ni..

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Post time 4-5-2010 03:35 PM | Show all posts
salam semua,

saya plan nak driving dari JB ke Krabi cuti wesak ni. Pasnih nak katamkan thread ni cari tips.  Nanti saya jenguk2 lagi minta nasihat dan pandangan dari otai2 di sini.

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Post time 5-5-2010 03:21 AM | Show all posts
Baru balik dr Krabi..
Review, so-so ler
If you want authentic ocean paradise, Krabi is not the place.
In fact, not much difference dari Langkawi
But love the Ao-NAng lively during the night
Nih tibe2 teringin ngan street pancake tu lagi
And the hotel aku duk was nothing short of AMAZING!

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Post time 5-5-2010 10:05 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1461# opie5662

opie naik tuk-tuk dok diam jek mengamati angin sepoi2 meniup

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Post time 5-5-2010 10:21 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1465# InVendeTTa

InV, maybe ko pernah pi tmpt yg lebih cantik dr Krabi.

For me, my recent trip to Krabi was great. Eventhough aku ni kaki shopping, tp bila pi Krabi yg of course for sightseeing jek, aku still excited. 4 island hopping yg aku pi, very amazing for me as a first timer. Nak compare to Langkawi, aku tak pernah lg jejak langkawi.

Hotel plak, aku stay kat Krabi La Playa Hotel kat Ao Nang beach. Hotel was great, cuma nak guna internet mencekik betul. TB80 kalau tak salah, utk 1jam. dah la tu slow giler.

Ao Nang town mmg lively at nite especially mlm minggu. mid nite pun kedai still buka. tp t shirt yg tulis KRABI mmg mahal kat sana. most shops selling price above TB200. best price aku dpt TB150. tu pun x byk kedai leh bg rege tu.

Sesi massage best gak. Byk sgt tmpt utk massage. cuma kena rajin jalan utk good deal. price range for foot massage TB20 to TB350. aku wat aloe vera body massage for only TB350.

Nite market kat Ao Nang, sgt mengecewakan bg kaki shopping cam aku ni. Sib baik terubat setelah pi nite market kat Krabi town. byk choice & murah. kat nite market ada t shirt Krabi, tp semua warna putih je yg jumpa. depa jual TB100. Nite market kat Ao Nang ada tiap2 hari. kt Krabi town fri-sun shj.

Pencapaian yg amat membanggakan bagi aku bila pi Krabi hanya bw TB3000, dan bila pulang ke tanahair, still bw balik balance.

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Post time 5-5-2010 10:33 AM | Show all posts
Baru balik dr Krabi..
Review, so-so ler
If you want authentic ocean paradise, Krabi is not the p ...
And the hotel aku duk was nothing short of AMAZING!
InVendeTTa Post at 5-5-2010 03:21

pssst InVendetta sharelah hotel mana tu? me nak cari yg ala2 best utk honeymoon.

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Post time 5-5-2010 10:35 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1467# sksk

Thanks for sharing. Nak kena kutip all the tips. U pergi island hopping yg mana?

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Post time 5-5-2010 11:22 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1469# Anego

Anego, if utk honeymoon Krabi la playa mmg best. aku beli ground package masa matta fair RM299/pax. hotel with b/fast, 4 island hopping, airport transfer semua dah masuk.

4 island tu, yg aku ingat PODA island. yg lain x ingat nama dah.

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Post time 5-5-2010 11:34 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1470# sksk

  299/pax tu untuk berapa malam dan bilik apa?

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Post time 5-5-2010 02:00 PM | Show all posts
299 tuh tuk 3h 2m agen tuh bagi 1 night free..that means 4h 3m...cume aku, sksk & geng dah booking tiket flight awal tuk 3h 2m....jadinye kitorang tak dapek la yg free tuh....bilik ngadap pool...tapi nk pi laut kene jalan sket...

krabi nih untuk org yg berminat tgk keindahan alam...but for me, byk beza ngan langkawi..langkawi beach is totally out....itu pon kami lom sampai ke phi phi island & maya bay....lagi satu tempat yg aku nk pi ialah emerald pool & hot spring..cume mase tak, kite pi lagi nanti ye..hehehhehe

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Post time 5-5-2010 02:01 PM | Show all posts
dan betul cakap sk, aku bawak 300 jugak..ade lebey dalam 60 hengget...aku beli souvenir, makan2 & massage...mmg percutian yg paling berbaloi2 setakat ini...dgn laut yg cantik tuh akan ku datangi lagi ke krabi..sampai skrg teringat2..hahahah

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Post time 5-5-2010 11:00 PM | Show all posts
tq opie tolong jwp. aku pun masih teringat2 keindahan KRABI. kalau ada rezeki leh pi lg.

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Post time 6-5-2010 12:19 AM | Show all posts
tq opie tolong jwp. aku pun masih teringat2 keindahan KRABI. kalau ada rezeki leh pi lg.
sksk Post at 5-5-2010 11:00 PM

nnt kite pegi lagi..jgn lupe bawak telo sebagai jijah lak duta twisties ar korang nih

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Post time 6-5-2010 08:15 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1468# Anego

aku duk Aonang Paradise Resort and Longstay...sesuai tu honeymooner coz senyap and sunyi walaupon dlm bandar and abt 400 meters from the beach.
and the view mmg fantastic coz sebelah bukit besar kat Aonang tu.
tp aku duk bilik superior je..aku xtau psl honeymoon suite ni.
environment-wise aku mmg puas hati coz bilik mcm dikelilingi hutan buluh and bunyi tupai bermain2..mcm kat jepun pon ade
bilik pon sebijik2 rumah bukannya mcm kondo or apartment
so privacy is yours.
harga no worries..boleh tahan moderate jek time high season.bagi aku murah sgt2 coz aku g time low season.
breakfast serve bacon and pork separately but kalo x confident gak you can order any kind of eggs you want.serve cereal as well.fruit/veg salad.
personally, cereal and cheese omelette pon dah good enuff for me.
the only downside was the pool coz kecik. Tapi sesuai la tu hotel yg ade about 30-40 ro0ms only.

these are among the pics of the hotel

my room

pool/jacuzzi area that comes with a majestic view

more pics of Krabi coming your way

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Post time 6-5-2010 09:05 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1467# sksk

actually my view weigh by the fact aku penah g Tioman and LAngkawi.
Aku g 4 island tour tu rasa kecewa coz time snorkelling only 3-4 types of fish and the reef were dried up and dead.
completely different dari tioman yang colorful and hundreds version of fish can be seen walaupon Tioman dah x beberapa ok underwater life dia.
But maybe Hong Island or Phi2 ok kot tapi aku decide xmo dah g island hopping kat Krabi aritu after the disappointing 4 island tour .Just did daratan je afterwards.
went to emerald pool.OMG,ramainya org.Berpuluh2 sami2 buddha pon sume syok mandi sampai penuh and jenuh aku tengok.
So jangan ler korang g time school holiday or any kind of holiday kat Thailand.Kalo dak kena berasak ler
Went to the hot spring as well.Ok la.Not bad either.Kat sini lagi senang nak mandi dari Emarald pool tu.
Gi Wat Tham Seua (Tiger Cave Temple) .That was among the highlight of the trip. I had to climb up a mountain with abt 1400 of steps.Memang meletihkan because it was very2 steep tp the view was AMAZING! A bit like Gunung Matchinchang kat LAngkawi except for this you have to climb urself.NO CABEL CARNot suitable for someone yang got the weak legs,weak heart and no willpower.
The most awesome thing i did in Krabi was the Elephant ride..Our dumbo was named BEN.The cute little guy took us in the jungle beside the Wat Tham Seua.
Overall, the trip cost me about THB10000  or MYR1000 including the return flight tix.
Makan x susah sgt at sini tapi masalahnya x sedap. I ended up makan kat hotel for the most part. Lagi untung and manyak sedap

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Post time 6-5-2010 11:09 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1477# InVendeTTa

like i've said, different ppl different perspective different taste... pada aku, aku sker krabi nih, tempat ni cam terkesan kat ati aku - for what exact reason, aku sendiri tak tau... bukan aku saja, even my whole family and our friends yg pergi sama kitaorg ari tu...
i've been to langkawi and been to tioman one month before our trip to krabi 2 yrs ago.. no doubt each places ada keunikan dan tarikan tersendiri.. tapi pada aku langkawi - kalau ko nak gie snorkeling - tak de benda sgt nak tgk pun.. nak naik itu bot.. wayy to expensive for us.. tioman, aku gie kat marine park tu.. sayang seribu kali sayang.. ada gak helmet buruk dan selipar buruk interprem kat perairan tu.. walaupun pegawai marin tu ada jer terlanguk kat tepi jeti tu.. so ms diaorg gi makan tghari, aku anak beranak gie kutip segala sampah sarap, bawak keluar dari tempat tu...  
aku akui tioman, redang (dua nih yg pernah aku jejak) perhentian dan pulau di sabah lebih cantik permandangan bawah laut - dengan berjenis jenis ikan yg pelbagai warna berserta dgn karangan laut ... tapi perbelanjaan untuk menikmati semua ini adalah tinggi bagi kami yg berkeluarga besar yg berkehendakan kediaman sementara yg selesa.
untuk trip aku (self drive sbb naik flight mahal untuk family besar aku 6 seats + parents aku) 6hari 5 mlm (2 mlm di hatyai, 3 mlm di krabi) termasuk minyak, tol, thai insurance, makan di local restos dan gerai, hotel 4 bintang, jajan, 2 jenis island hopping tours belanja total kami tak sampai pun rm4k yg pada kami amat berpatutan..

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Post time 6-5-2010 11:20 AM | Show all posts
mmg ikan kat krabi nih pulau mana pun ko gie.. (aku dah gie 4 islands, hong island dan phiphi island tours) semua nya ala ala sejenis jer ikan dia tuh... ikan sarjan tu lah.. kengkadang ada lah sejenis dua interfrem... cuma kat open seas dia tu jer leh nampak lebih byk sket jenis ikan...  
aku tak kisah ssgt lah.. aku sker lepak tepi pantai gie pulau nih seme.. kat mana pun lah..

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Post time 6-5-2010 11:52 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by InVendeTTa at 6-5-2010 11:55

Reply 1478# adnil

that i have to agree
mmg murah le trip island hopping kat Krabi ni and diaorg layan elok2 with lunch,bottled water,fresh fruits
but those touristic feature may come with a price ngan org ribuan datang dengan berpuluh2 bot therefore ikan pon maybe lari kat Malaysia sume
on my trip i've met several tourist from Singapore.Australia,Britain.
they're all asked why we came to Thailand while our country offer the much better islands
most of them said 'PERHENTIAN' was the best in Asia. TRUE STORY!
Then i said saje dtg sana nak penuhkan cop dalam passport
xmau ler aku kedengaran mcm x nasionalistik pulek
tapi sonok ler berkawan ngan pelancong2 luar ni.
We even met a family from Thai yg so friendly sampai si bapak tu asek offer tuk amek gambor kitaorg je.;)

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