tak de lah murah bebenar pun.. sbb dia bukan cam kat bandung tu.. but still relatively cheap lah.. kawan aku yg ikut ari tu, baru je beli kasut nike (model apa aku tak tau lak) dlm rm500+ kat kl, tgk kat sana dlm less than 400 rasanya. aku beli handbag la coste, murah lah dlm 100+ cam tu je..
mmg sll tak de orang pun, aku gie 2x kat situ... both times mmg leh dikira dgn jari pelanggan dia.. tapi kl ko fly, ko leh dpt rebate... aku tak de lah shopping gaban pun sbb matlamat gie sana mmg cuma untuk nikmati permandangan dan laut je... |
Reply 1501# sweetz_sya
Xtau ler pulak. Maybe the same chain kot mcm hotel2 Aston kat Bali tu.
Tapi nak recommend hotel yang aku duduk boleh la.
Aonang Paradise Resort and Longstay.
Environemnt mmg best. Mcm duk dalam hutan.plus friendly staff.
Harga pon murah jek.
The only setback,the pool kecik.huhu |
Reply 1503# InVendeTTa
murah2 tu brapa?boleh detailkan...coz kitorang pegi early november time hi season... |
Reply 1503# InVendeTTa
ok, t.q very much |
Reply 1500# InVendeTTa
Hehe... dumbo la pulak...  |
nak tny kalu nak g emerald pool,crystal pool better abk dr tour agent @ dr hotel. blh tak kalu mrempit dr ao nang ke tmpt2 tue....... n 1 more thing is it safe kalu bwk motor dr ao nang ke Krabi |
Reply 1504# lamola
slalunya kalo high season twice the price time low season..
kalo peak season lagi mencanak
and this apply to all the hotel rates
tapi kalo tour time low season about 30-40% cheaper dr high season |
Reply 1507# sweetz_sya
actually kat hotel slalunya lagi mahal coz diaorg pon order dr tour gak.
so bayangkanlah kalo ade 2 org tengah berurusan ngan kau n masing2 nak untung.
tapi slalunya ade published rate kat pamphlet tour2 tu so try negotiate from that price.
aku dulu segala tour order through hotel coz hotel pandai mintak kurang and tau standard harga.
itupon tengok hotel ler.ade hotel yg mau amek untung atas angin,ade yang honest nak please the customer.
kalo nak g emerald pool tu nak naik moto sendiri sewa pon boleh
memang save dri bayor kat tour/hotel over 1000THB.
tempatnya about 1 hour from Ao-Nang town
masuk ade kena byr about 20 THB kot.standard ler mcm hutan2 lipur kat malaysia ni.
tapi kalo nak bwk moto jauh2 mcm tu sewa helmet sekali ler.
mmg lagi ekonomikal kalo g sendiri.tapi kena tau tempat dulu ler bukan main redah jek coz tempatnya mcm ke-feldaan sikit. |
khamis ni g krabi.... weee  |
Reply 1510# fahmein
takde live coverage ke dari sana? meh ler cite.. |
Baru je booking flight AA utk 2 org....RM226........harap2 best la pegi krabi |
salam dpt booking gi krabi this jan rm 150 for 2 pax |
frust tak dpt free tiket ke krabi huhuhu cepat betul naik rege...takpe..nanti nak pegi gak thn depan  |
Reply 1509# InVendeTTa
emerald pool nie kene pegi ke south thailand lagi ke? ade tak signage ke nak sana .... n satu lagi kalu ke krabi town ok ke naik motor |
frust tak dpt free tiket ke krabi huhuhu cepat betul naik rege...takpe..nanti nak pegi gak thn ...
n23 Post at 23-5-2010 13:12 
erm same lah kite frust gak xdpt bli tix hua |
ari tu on our 2nd trip tu, memula nak sewa van ke emerald pool nih.. tanyalah kat hotel tu sbb diaorg ada sediakan this service.. diaorg nak charge sekitar rm90/sorang untuk 4 jam ke apa tah.. sbb gerombolan aku ramai.. aku rasa lagi jimat drive sendiri je.. kalau berdua, aku rasa ko merempit jer, aku tgk ramai je omputih naik skuter tu sorang satu laki pompuan seme merempit...
wah n23, nak gie lagi nampak? aku dok intai koh lipe nih.. tapi hotel with pool mahal ler.. anak anak aku nih xleh xde pool esp yg kecik 2 org tu.. air laut tu kureng sket... takat main pasir diaorg sker lah |
ari tu on our 2nd trip tu, memula nak sewa van ke emerald pool nih.. tanyalah kat hotel tu sbb diaor ...
adnil Post at 25-5-2010 10:06 
ok nmpknye buleh la sewa motor je tak perlukan inter. driving license......nak g 6th june nie bli tix pun dah lamer dec lps heheheh tak sbrnya |
another 2 weeks to go...hihih..krabi..here we come...tp td baca paper,the red shirts will be doing riot next month..not only in bangkok but throughout the provinces..betul ker?risau cekkk..siap dah supply weaponary and arms lg...cemane forumers?bole tlg uraikan kekusutan ini? |
Reply 1519# cik_chili
Jangan risau sangat, kat belah selatan Thailand ni bukannya Red Shirts stronghold, so rasanya takde direct impact nanti. |
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