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Changa posted on 27-3-2014 10:53 PM 
takat cerita kat fb, blog sperti yg akak tegaskan, akak lebih rela sembah berhala dari percaya it ...
Kak terkesima sangat dgn 22/12/13 tu.... kak dah jual harta bertimbun tu ke sampai jaki sangat dgn siapa yg percaya teori tu.... kalau ya, kesian saya pada kak yer
hzln posted on 28-3-2014 07:30 AM 
aduhhhhh...obama nak mai bulan 4 pun jadi bahan konspirashit mh370
mmg scheduled berjaman dah lah l ...
Obama ..semua agama dia try.. yahudi pun dia, kristian pun dia, islam pun dia kata dia faham.
entah2 dia nih free thinker. 
kelana36 posted on 28-3-2014 07:35 AM 
kalau kat bahagian ekor, kemungkinan dekat cargo compartment.... drill dia pun sama, descend untuk ...
Maksudnya, fire & 45,000 ft tu andaian palsu? 
- based only on Goodfellow punya teori je kot...
In Beijing, another briefing to Chinese relatives was conducted on Thursday by a Malaysia delegation led by ambassador to China, Datuk Iskandar Sarudin, and Air Force Lieutenant-General Datuk Seri Ackbal Abdul Samad.
The meeting started on a sombre note, with a five-minute prayer session for the plane's passengers. Many family members, who have been cooped up in Metropark Lido Hotel for 19 days now, cried quietly.
Despite this emotional start, the meeting was less confrontational than the one on Wednesday, as it appeared that the relatives now know the Malaysian delegation could not answer many technical questions about the satellite analysis by British firm Inmarsat.
But one tense moment came when a female relative repeatedly pressed Lieutenant-General Ackbal on whether Malaysia had laws that compelled it to protect all those in its airspace.
"Madam, this is not a courtroom," he finally said. "It is not fair of you to ask us to answer this in a situation like this with the media present. Our understanding with the Chinese Government is that we are here to answer technical questions. If you continue to ask such questions, we will have to reconsider our presence here."
The meeting, attended by about 400 relatives of the 153 Chinese passengers on MH370, lasted for about three hours.
kenapa takut eye? the all seeing eye? illuminati? freemason? ummah suci yehudi menguasai dunia? dajjal rahmatullah? the end is near? knight of templer park? haikal sulaiman? the arrival cilok the lord of the rings? |
Dzulqarnain posted on 28-3-2014 03:59 AM 
Maksudnya, fire & 45,000 ft tu andaian palsu?
- based only on Goodfellow punya teori je kot... ...
yes lah, dia pun macam kita juga, buat theory sendiri base on what he beleived... tapi pilot ni tak pernah bawak big jet liner nampaknya sebab assumption dia tak berapa nak logik.
btw, theory dia dah lama dah kena debunked...
MAS Receives A Copy Of Petition Filed In US Court Over Missing Airliner
KUALA LUMPUR, March 27 (Bernama) -- Malaysia Airlines (MAS) said today it has received a copy of the petition filed in a court in the United States on behalf of one of the passengers on board the missing MH370 flight against the aircraft manufacturer, Boeing Company, and the national carrier.
MAS said its lawyers have been briefed and are on standby to deal with the case "although it has not yet been formally served."
"We understand that this is not a lawsuit but a request through the courts for information," MAS said in a filing to Bursa Malaysia Thursday.
Flight MH370, carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew, left the KL International Airport at 12.41 am on March 8 and disappeared from radar screens about an hour later while flying over the South China Sea.
It was to have landed in Beijing at 6:30 am on the same day.
A multinational search for the ill-fated aircraft is underway at the southern corridor of the Indian Ocean.
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Pagi2 lagi aku dah mencarut bila baca paper Star. Memang betul bangsa hj kat Beijing tu. MAS menyediakan 2 bilik untuk setiap waris (dihadkan 5 ahli keluarga untuk setiap waris). Dorang kata mana cukup 5 ahli keluarga sumbat dua bilik, ada ahli keluarga kena tidur atas lantai katanya. Takde sape2 ke boleh sedarkan bangsa tak sedar diri ni kalau kapalterbang negara lain, bolehke dorang terima layanan sebegini. |
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Berita mula diterbitkan pada: Mac 28, 2014 07:35 (MYT)
KUALA LUMPUR: Pengarah Eksekutif Agensi Maklumat Geo dan Pembangunan Teknologi Angkasa Thailand (GISTA), Dr Anond Snidvongs berkata 300 imej baru yang dikesan Thailand baru-baru ini berkemungkinan boleh memberikan sasaran yang lebih jelas kepada usaha pencarian pesawat Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH370 melalui udara.
Bagaimanapun kata beliau, penemuan objek menerusi imej-imej tersebut adalah bergantung kepada nasib kerana cuaca di selatan Lautan Hindi tidak begitu baik sejak beberapa hari lepas sehingga menyebabkan operasi pencarian tergendala.
Meskipun begitu, Dr Anond berkata terdapat peluang untuk objek-objek tersebut dikaitkan dengan imej-imej yang dikesan sebelum ini dan juga serpihan pesawat Boeing 777-200 yang hilang sejak 8 Mac itu.
"Ada peluang tetapi ia amat sukar untuk menentukan sama ada ianya objek yang sama atau tidak. Kami harap supaya imej-imej itu dapat diperolehi bukan sahaja dari satelit kami sendiri tetapi satelit lain juga," katanya ketika satu temubual atas talian dalam program Agenda AWANI, pada Khamis.
Imej satelit Thai telah mengesan sebanyak 300 objek terapung di selatan Lautan Hindi ketika operasi pencarian pesawat MH370, kata seorang pegawai pada Khamis.
Menurut GISTA, objek-objek yang berukuran di antara dua hingga 15 meter itu bertebaran di sekitar 2,700 barat daya Perth.
Anond Snidvongs memberitahu AFP, maklumat-maklumat tersebut telah pun diserahkan kepada Malaysia.
Jelasnya, imej-imej itu telah diambil oleh satu-satunya satelit pemerhati bumi Thailand, Isnin lalu, tetapi memerlukan beberapa hari untuk diproses.
Katanya objek-objek tersebut telah dikesan kira-kira 200 kilometer dari kawasan tumpuan satelit Perancis sebelum ini dalam usaha mereka mencari pesawat tersebut.
krisp posted on 28-3-2014 08:11 AM 
Pagi2 lagi aku dah mencarut bila baca paper Star. Memang betul bangsa hj kat Beijing tu. MAS menye ...
nak wat camne ..
dah bangsa tu memang gtu..
beri betis nak peha..
bagi bilik nak satu rumah
bagi mereka .. ni la masa nya nak tunjuk lagak..
sapa berani marah?
nak marah?? meh!~ nanti bgtau seluruh dunia
scorpionkiki posted on 28-3-2014 07:52 AM 
Kak terkesima sangat dgn 22/12/13 tu.... kak dah jual harta bertimbun tu ke sampai jaki sangat dgn ...
It might be Changa merely hitting back on those who keep on joking about 'blackboard'. 
Mulan posted on 28-3-2014 08:19 AM 
It might be Changa merely hitting back on those who keep on joking about 'blackboard'.
apa pun... I suka posting dia yg ala ala pengawas... bg semua check balik apa yg nak ditulis tu... 
FanTasyCreaTioN posted on 28-3-2014 08:15 AM 
Credit To :
http://www.astroawani.com/news/show/mh370-300-imej-baru-dari-thai-mungk ...
Ada expert diinterview kat CNN sceptical tang imej dari satelite thailand. Katanya imej2 tu besar kemungkinan white caps of the waves |
cloudy_83 posted on 28-3-2014 07:07 AM
sape lagi kan.. tengok la sumber belakang dia tu.
i suka kalau spin2 dari u.k. ni. tengok sajal ...
Kalo bab2 spin yg intelligent n ada ilmu sikit belah2 barat la bgsnya... Tp ni nak hapuskan bukti tu yg fligh menghala ke lautan hindi... |
scorpionkiki posted on 28-3-2014 08:23 AM
apa pun... I suka posting dia yg ala ala pengawas... bg semua check balik apa yg nak ditulis tu... ...
Kang dia marah dia suruh ko sembah berhala kat batu chave...  |
krisp posted on 28-3-2014 08:11 AM 
Pagi2 lagi aku dah mencarut bila baca paper Star. Memang betul bangsa hj kat Beijing tu. MAS menye ...
Credit to :
BEIJING: Families of the Chinese passengers on board missing Flight MH370 are seeking legal advice to initiate lawsuits against the companies involved in the tragedy.
A committee, which was set up by the families last week to represent their interests, is in talks with Chicago-based law firm Ribbeck Law over a possible group lawsuit against Malaysia Airlines, said a panel member who works in France but returned to China because his parents were on the plane.
The committee member, who did not want to be identified, said the families were considering hiring a foreign law firm because “they are more experienced”.
China Daily reported that the committee was still soliciting opinions from all relatives.
Zhang Qihuai, vice-president of aviation law research for the China Law Society, said some families had asked him about the possible lawsuits.
The MH370 jetliner carried 227 passengers and 12 crew including 154 Chinese nationals. It has been missing since its departure from Kuala Lumpur for Beijing on March 8.
On March 24, Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak announced that the aircraft “ended” its flight in the southern Indian Ocean.
Zhang said usually the families could file a lawsuit at the conclusion of an air crash but this tragedy was special. “And, since Malaysia has announced the plane crash, the families could turn to the courts now,” he said.
In PUTRAJAYA, family representatives who had been in Malaysia since March 12 awaiting news of the fate of their loved ones handed over a petition to China’s special envoy Zhang Yesui yesterday.
The representatives hoped that the Chinese government would investigate the truth behind the incident.
According to the petition, they wanted the government to set up an investigation office for the missing plane and establish an effective communication channel with the committee via telephone, email or social media.
Considering the last position of the plane was in the southern India Ocean, they hoped that the Malaysian authorities could set up a monument in Perth or at a nearby area for the MH370 passengers so that relatives could hold a memorial there.
Malaysia was also required to make an apology to relatives and explain the reasons for the misleading information and delay in the search, the families said.
At Lido Hotel in Beijing where regular briefings on MH370 were held, a high-level Malaysian team comprising Malaysian ambassador to China Datuk Iskandar Sarudin, Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) air operations commander Lt-Jeneral Datuk Seri Ackbal Abdul Samad, Department of Civil Aviation air traffic services director Ahmad Nizar Zolfakar and representatives from Malaysia Airlines, met with the Chinese families.
In their usual belligerent tone, the family members harped on specific details and raised speculative queries, putting the team on the spot.
A woman demanded Ackbal to tell the families whether the RMAF had the responsibility to protect the lives of passengers aboard an aircraft travelling in the Malaysian airspace.
( FC note : Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) air operations commander Lt-Jeneral Datuk Seri Ackbal Abdul Samad)
Ackbal said: “We are not in a courtroom. The Chinese officers with us here have agreed that this team is to answer questions related to the search and rescue mission, but you’re getting into the legal aspect.”
(FC note : bagus .. bagus .. pandai Datuk Seri Ackbal Abdul Samad jawab )
Other questions raised included the time needed for the search team to cover the area in good and bad weather, and the make and service provider of the satellite phone in the aircraft.
The team promised to meet the families again today.
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