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Author: Acong

US/israel hijack MAS MH370 KL - Beijing [8 Mac 2014] ke Diego Garcia

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Post time 18-3-2014 02:50 AM | Show all posts
Bila nk jumpa Taliban ni...

Use magic Report


 Author| Post time 18-3-2014 02:55 AM | Show all posts
Dzulqarnain posted on 18-3-2014 02:50 AM
Bila nk jumpa Taliban ni...


Use magic Report

Post time 18-3-2014 03:05 AM | Show all posts
Acong posted on 18-3-2014 02:55 AM

RT la chong...


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Post time 18-3-2014 03:55 AM | Show all posts
Why didn’t Malaysian military react to MH370 blip on radar screens, ask investigatorsThe Malaysian Insider – Sun, Mar 16, 2014



Investigators are puzzled over Malaysian military's inaction in responding to an unidentified blip on their radar screens that was later said to be the missing flight MH370, the New York Times reported today.
It reported that the plane flew past three military radars and over Penang but nothing was done to identify it, which would have helped prevent its disappearance.
"The watch team never noticed the blip, it was as though the airspace was his," a person with detailed knowledge of the investigation reportedly told the NYT.
Still, the report said that this was not the first, nor would it be the last of the long series of errors the Malaysian government has made, which complicated the task of finding the missing Boeing 777-200ER (9M-MRO) with239 onboard.
Today is the eight day since the plane disappeared from radar and the trail had gotten weaker as the search expands to Kazakhstan to the vast Indian Ocean.
While no one can say with certainty whether the delays had doomed those onboard the jet, mistakes have accumulated at a remarkable pace, NYT said.
The paper highlighted that MH370 flew over the peninsula without the military realising or identifying it – a damning fact, quoting David Learmount, operations and safety editor of Flightglobal, a news and data service for the aviation sector.
It was also reported that senior Malaysian military officers only became aware of the radar data soon after news spread that MH370 had disappeared.
Yet, the government organised and oversaw an expensive and complex international search and rescue effort in the Gulf of Thailand for a full week.
Only yesterday did Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak admit that satellite data had shown the plane continued to fly for six more hours after leaving Malaysian airspace.

According to the NYT report, a four-person air force crew based in Butterworth watching for intrusions into the country’s airspace either did not notice or failed to report a blip on their defensive radar and air traffic radar that was moving steadily across the country from east to west, heading right towards them.

Even the crews at two other radar installations at Kota Baru did not designate the blip as an unknown intruder, while the jetliner continued to fly across the country without anyone watching or alerting a superior or the national defence command, despite the fact that the radar contact’s flight path did not correspond to any filed flight plan.

And as a result, combat aircraft never scrambled to investigate.

Instead the radar contact was only discovered when military officials began going through tapes later on March 8, after the plane failed to land in Beijing.

And as the morning unravelled, it became clear that something had gone wrong.

Malaysian air force chief Gen Tan Sri Rodzali Daud (pic) on Wednesday, openly acknowledged the existence of the radar signals for the first time, five days after the plane went missing.

Still, he had said that further analysis was necessary because the radar plots of the aircraft’s location were stripped of the identifying information given by the plane’s onboard transponders, which someone aboard the aircraft appeared to have switched off.

Given the uncertainty, it is not possible to know yet whether action by the Malaysian government or military could have altered its fate.

The report noted that Najib took pains when he addressed the media yesterday to say that Malaysia had not concealed any information, including military data. – March 16, 2014.


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Post time 18-3-2014 04:29 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 19-3-2014 02:40 AM | Show all posts
system_failure posted on 17-3-2014 12:24 AM
Oleh kerana najib sendiri dah bgtau this missing plane is due to hijacking... seolah2 sebijik hammer ...

tapi aku dah berubah theory
lepas lepak2 dengan perawat2 alternatif
ramai ckp masih kat laut vietnam
(yg pasti tiada buluh dan bubu dalam ritual)


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Post time 20-3-2014 02:38 AM | Show all posts
Bab2 taktikal,teknikal mmg aku klu tanya mana2 military officer banyak yg percaya mmg kena hijack..

Use magic Report

Post time 20-3-2014 11:05 AM | Show all posts
Keh3... baru duk dlm flight simulator 5 jam, bleh dabik dada pasal aircraft.. puiiii

Use magic Report


Post time 21-3-2014 12:45 AM | Show all posts
so sekarang teori hijack ni dah tak boleh pakai la ek??? wat say u @Acong

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2014 01:57 AM | Show all posts
tomatome posted on 21-3-2014 12:45 AM
so sekarang teori hijack ni dah tak boleh pakai la ek??? wat say u @Acong

dah jumpa ke?

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2014 02:07 AM | Show all posts
As the Australians Announce Their (Possible) MH 370 Finding
A clue that offers less hope for a safe recovery of passengers and crew, and possibly more hope for understanding what went on.

Australian Search Map ( SBS Australia )

Main point: sympathies for the tremendous strain on the families involved -- Chinese, Malaysian, and others from around the world.

Secondary point: as I write it's not clear whether the Australian satellite sightings actually involve this flight. Short of the passengers being found live and safe, which unfortunately is hard to imagine nearly two weeks in, the most useful news would offer certainty about what actually happened. Let's hope that this sighting, unlike some previous ones, offers a real clue.

Insanity watch: I hope someone will look back on this and similar episodes for revealing lessons about individuals' and institutions' reactions in the face of mystery and uncertainty. Terrorism experts have immediately traced this to terrorism; Rupert Murdoch said one day after the flight's disappearance that the episode "confirms" a new jihadist attack on China. Last night Michael Oren, who until recently was Israel's ambassador to the United States, was soberly warning on CNN that the plane could well be headed for Israel on an attack mission. Cable news experts have been absolutely sure of one explanation one day, and sure of another the next.

When I noted yesterday that Oren's theory could be a mark of peak nuttiness about this flight, I got a stream of huffy messages like this one:
My original suspicion, which seemed to be quite obvious by last week, is that MA 370 was stolen by Iranian operatives (They don’t seem like terrorists, they’re just Iranians spending huge money flying all over the world on stolen passports, nothing terrorist-like there.) to take home to Iran. Of course, those agents would have needed to get access to the cockpit, assuming they didn’t have at least one pilot compromised, how could they gain access? Oh yeah, these pilots have a rep for letting pretty girls into the cockpit. Some pretty girls flirt with pilots at the airport, get in the cockpit, pilots incapacitated and agents in that fast.

Iran needs export controlled guidance parts from the 777 for their nuclear missile program.  The 777 was fueled up enough to get to Beijing, which means it had plenty to fly across the Indian ocean cut north and land in Iran, not go to the Andaman Islands. The only country who might have noticed, once the satellite transponder was cut, would have been Oman. I’m sure you’re aware Iran was visiting Oman just last week. I think it will also be clear that a certain number of high level officials in Malaysia were bribed/ ideologically motivated to help this along. The interesting question is what Iran intends to do with 220 or so Chinese citizens (and assorted others). The default would be for the bodies to never be found.

BTW. As you harrumph. It just happened. You also harrumphed about the idea of jets being flown into buildings before 9/11. Don’t deny it , you did. [JF note: News to me.]

2nd BTW. As I understand the guido parts in question, they wouldn’t be for the nuke headed towards Tel Aviv, they would be for the nuke headed to NYC. Why anyone thinks Iran’s second nuke isn’t for NYC just baffles me?
Meta-point #1: responses to a mysterious episode constitute a sobering reminder that only so much "debate" or "discussion" involves what you could think of as evidence or facts. People see what they're going to see.

Meta-point #2: modern airlines are so extraordinarily safe that when something goes wrong, the full story is usually by definition unusual. It is probably too much to expect that this will have a happy outcome, but I hope the outcome is known soon, among other reasons for quelling the nuttiness.

I will try my best to make this the last dispatch on the subject in this space, until something is known for real. ... 370-finding/284526/

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Post time 21-3-2014 07:42 AM | Show all posts
Acong posted on 21-3-2014 01:57 AM
dah jumpa ke?

belum tapi yg kes australia jumpa serpih kt hindi ocean tu??? just nak konpem kan je dulu la kan.. ke aku salah??? hehe

Use magic Report

Post time 24-3-2014 10:38 PM | Show all posts
dah disahkan ended di lautan hindi
@system_failure x nak komen ke
suka baca you punya komen di sini

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 26-3-2014 03:45 PM | Show all posts
Mesti Baca! Russia Mendakwa MH370 dirampas Tentera Laut US

Satu laporan yang diedarkan di Kremlin yang disediakan oleh Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) menyatakan bahawa ibupejabat Aerospace Defence Forces (VKO) "hairan" tentang situasi di mana Tentera Laut Amerika Syarikat (US Navy) "menangkap dan kemudian mengalihkan" sebuah kapal terbang komersial milik Malaysia Airlines (MAS) ke satu kem rahsia dipercayai terletak di Atol Diego Garcia dalam kawasan Lautan Hindi

Menurut laporan ini, pesawat MH370 (juga dikenali dengan 748 melalui perkongsian kod dengan penerbangan China Southern Airlines) merupakan penerbangan komersial dari Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ke Beijing, China, apabila pada 8 Mac pesawat Boeing 777-200ER ini secara tiba-tiba "ghaib" dalam penerbangan berserta 227 penumpang dari 15 buah negara yang kebanyakannya daripada negara China, beserta 12 anak kapal.

Sesuatu yang menarik utk diberi perhatian, laporan ini menyebut, sebenarnya Penerbangan MH370 sudah berada di bawah pengawasan GRU sebaik sahaja ia menerima maklumat terdapat kargo “sangat mencurigakan” yang dikesan mempunyai kaitan dengan Republik Seyschelles yang sebelum itu kargo berkenaan berada di dalam kapal kontena MV Maersk Alabama.

Antara perkara pertama yang membangkitkan wasangka GRU ialah apabila dalam tempoh 24 jam kerja-kerja pemunggahan kargo “sangat mencurigakan” itu dilakukan dan sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam MH370, dua orang Tentera Laut Amerika Syarikat yang terlatih iaitu Mark Daniel Kennedy, 43, dan Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44 dijumpai mati di dalam "keadaan yang mencurigakan"

Kennedy dan Reynolds, adalah pekerja di firma keselamatan The Trident Group yang diasaskan oleh US Navy Special Operations Personnel (SEAL’s) dan Senior US Naval Surface Warfare Officers yang telah lama diketahui oleh GRU berfungsi untuk melindungi pemindahan aset-aset penting meliputi bahan-bahan atom dan biologi di seluruh dunia.

Setelah GRU mengesahkan bahawa kargo "sangat mencurigakan" berada di atas kapal Malaysia Airlines Penerbangan MH370 pada 8 Mac, Moscow segera memaklumkan Kementerian Keselamatan Dalam Negeri China (MSS) kebimbangan mereka dan segera menerima "jaminan” bahawa "semua langkah" akan diambil bagi memastikan apa yang telah disimpan akan kekal tersembunyi sebaik sahaja pesawat ini memasuki ruang udara mereka.

Walau bagaimanapun, laporan ini turut menyebut atas sebab-sebab masih tidak diketahui, MSS telah bersiap sedia untuk mengalihkan Penerbangan MH370 dari destinasi yang dijadualkan di Beijing ke Haikou Meilan International Airport (HAK) yang terletak di Wilayah Hainan (aka Pulau Hainan)

Sebelum memasuki Zon The People Liberation Army (PLA) yang dilindungi di Laut China Selatan atau dikenali juga sebagai Kepulauan Spratly, Penerbangan 370 "ketara menyimpang" dari laluan penerbangannya dan telah dikesan oleh satelit dan radar VKO terbang ke rantau Lautan Hindi serta melengkapkan penerbangan hampir 3,447 kilometer (2,142 batu) ke Diego Garcia.

Adalah kritikal untuk diberi perhatian bahawa ketika penyimpangan penerbangan MH370 berlaku, pakar-pakar GRU menyebut, dalam masa yang sama semua akses komunikasi telefon bimbit yang dikendalikan oleh China Mobile tersekat di keseluruhan Kepulauan Spratly.

Liputan telefon China Mobile dilanjutkan ke Kepulauan Spratly pada tahun 2011 supaya tentera PLA yang ditempatkan di pulau-pulau, para nelayan dan kapal-kapal saudagar dalam kawasan itu boleh menggunakan perkhidmatan mudah alih, yang boleh juga digunakan untuk memberi bantuan apabila berlaku kejadian ribut mahupun aktiviti menyelamat di lautan.

Bagaimana Tentera Laut Amerika Syarikat mampu untuk mengalihkan Penerbangan MH370 ke pangkalan Diego Garcia, laporan ini berkata, ianya berjaya dilakukan dari jauh kerana pesawat Boeing 777-200ER ini dilengkapi dengan sistem terbang-dengan-wayar (fly-by-wire - FBW) yang berupaya menggantikan manual kawalan penerbangan pesawat konvensional dengan antara muka elektronik bagi membolehkan ia dikawal secara jarak jauh seperti kendalian mana-mana pesawat dron.

Walau bagaimanapun, meskipun pesawat ini mampu dikawal dari jauh, sistem komunikasi hanya boleh dinyah-aktif secara manual; dan dalam insiden Penerbangan MH370, sistem laporan datanya telah ditutup pada jam 01:07 pagi, diikuti dengan transponder (alat yang menghantar lokasi dan altitud) yang telah ditutup pada jam 01:21

Apa yang kekal membingungkan tentang kejadian ini, dari analisis GRU media arus perdana Amerika Syarikat dilihat masih belum menuntut plot radar dan imej satelit Lautan Hindi dan Laut China Selatan daripada rejim Obama. Hal ini disebabkan kepentingan kawasan ini di mana tentera AS melindungi keseluruhan kawasan di Diego Garcia kerana kawasan ini mempunyai kepentingan dari segi lorong udara dan perkapalan.

Adalah sangat menyedihkan dan laporan ini membuat suatu kesimpulan penting, Amerika Syarikat sebenarnya menyembunyikan fakta "kehilangan" Penerbangan MH370 kerana mereka juga sebenarnya telah berbuat demikian selepas peristiwa 11 September 2011 apabila rejim Bush "menghilangkan" penerbangan American Airlines Flight 77 yang membawa 64 penumpang dan anak kapal selepas secara palsu mendakwa ia akan menghentam Pentagon, tetapi kemudiannya telah disahkan oleh CNN perkara berkenaan tidak berlaku.

Sumber: ... entera-laut-us.html

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 Author| Post time 26-3-2014 03:49 PM | Show all posts
Teori Dasyat Konspirasi MH370 Perkaitan Dengan Taliban, US Dan China ?

bila saya imbas kembali hari pertama kes kehilangan MH370..ada seorang hamba ALLAH yang minta namanya saya rahsiakan telah mendapat petunjuk pada hari ke-2 kes kehilangan pesawat tersebut. ketika melakukan tirakat zikir, beliau telah mendapat petunjuk/bgambaran seolah olah KLU/teka teki yang perlu di huraikan, di mana beliau mendapat "GAMBARAN bayangan MINYAK DAN MH370 TENGGELAM di laut BERMULA MELALUI EKOR PESAWAT".

beliau meminta saya merahsiakan namanya kerana baginya ilham ALLAH adalah sirr/rahsia ALLAH. bila saya fikirkan kembali, seakan/mungkinkah/ adakah ini persamaannya. moga ALLAH beri petunjuk kepada kita semua melalui hamba hamba yang soleh yang mana campakkan ilham di hati mereka..tabik pada ustaz Darul Manzil dan Dato Datok Pendita Adi Putra..di FB beliau..

MH370...BACA DULU n FIKIR kemudian...

bkn mslh radar.. tp mslh mulut yg terpaksa dikunci dan kurang professional..

Tuan2 Boleh baca..nak percaya timbang2 sendiri..

Kenapa MH370 “membawa diri” jauh ke lautan yang sangat dalam paling sunyi dan terpencil di dunia untuk bersemadi. Dapatkan kronologi kejadian dan motif dalam artikel ini.

Adakah anda pernah mendengar teori konspirasi mengenai kehilangan MH 370? Perkara ini berlaku seperti ini:

Amerika telah keluar daripada Afghanistan, salah satu sistem kawal dan perintah (command and control system - CNC) mereka (yang digunakan untuk mengawal Drone tanpa pemandu) telah dirampas oleh Taliban ketika konvoi pengangkutan Amerika sedang bergerak ke bawah dari salah satu pangkalan di atas bukit. Taliban menyerang hendap konvoi tersebut dan membunuh 2 kakitangan Navy Seal Amerika, merampas peralatan/senjata, termasuk CNC yang beratnya 20 tan dan dimasukkan ke dalam enam peti. Peristiwa ini berlaku lebih kurang sebulan yang lalu pada Februari 2014. Tiada liputan dalam peristiwa ini. ... ofafghantroops.html

Apa yang Taliban mahu ialah wang. Mereka mahu menjual sistem CNC tersebut kepada Rusia atau China. Rusia terlalu sibuk dengan urusan di Ukraine. China pula amat dahagakan teknologi sistem ini. Bayangkan jika China dapat menguasai teknologi di belakang sistem CNC ini, semua Drone Amerika akan tidak berguna lagi. Oleh itu China telah menghantar lapan saintis pakar pertahanan mereka untuk memeriksa sistem yang dirampas tersebut dan bersetuju untuk membayar jutaan dollar untuk itu.

Sekitar awal Mac 2014, lapan saintis China tersebut bersama 6 peti melakukan perjalanan mereka ke Malaysia, dengan berpendapat laluan ini adalah yang terbaik untuk mengelakkan dari dikesan. Kargo ini kemudian disimpan dalam Kedutaan China di bawah perlindungan diplomatik. Sementara itu, Amerika dengan bantuan perisikan Israel, bersama-sama merangka pelan untuk memintas dan menawan semula kargo tersebut.

China berfikiran adalah lebih selamat untuk mengangkut kargo tersebut menggunakan pesawat awam untuk mengelakkan syak wasangka. Lagipun penerbangan terus dari KL ke Beijing mengambil masa hanya 4 jam setengah, dan Amerika dipercayai tidak akan merampas atau memudaratkan pesawat awam itu. Jadi MH370 adalah pilihan yang terbaik.

Terdapat 5 agen Amerika dan Israel, yang sudah biasa dengan operasi Boeing 777 di dalam pesawat ini. 2 warga "Iran" dengan pasport curi kemungkinan diantaranya.

Sebaik sahaja MH370 meninggalkan ruang udara Malaysia dan melapor diri kepada kawalan udara Vietnam, satu pesawat AWACS Amerika telah menyekat isyarat komunikasi mereka (jammed the signal), mematikan sistem kawalan juruterbang dan menukar kawalan kepada mod kawalan jauh (remote control). Pada ketika itu pesawat hilang ketinggian secara tiba-tiba untuk seketika.

Bagaimana AWACS boleh melakukannya? Ingat peristiwa 911? Selepas peristiwa itu, semua pesawat Boeing (Airbus dan mungkin semua) dipasang dengan sistem kawalan jauh untuk menentang rampasan pesawat oleh pengganas. Sejak itu semua Boeing boleh terbang dengan kawalan jauh oleh menara kawalan di daratan. Sistem kawalan jauh yang sama digunakan untuk mengawal pesawat pengintip tanpa pemandu dan Drone.

Seterusnya, 5 agen Amerika dan Israel mengambil alih kawalan pesawat, mematikan transponder dan sistem komunikasi yang lain, mengubah laluan dan terbang ke arah barat. Mereka tidak terbang timur, ke Filipina atau Guam kerana Laut China Selatan dan keseluruhan ruang udaranya diawasi sepenuhnya oleh radar dan satelit pengawasan China.

Radar tentera Malaysia, Thailand dan India sebenarnya telah mengesan pesawat yang tidak dikenali itu tetapi seperti dijangka mereka bertindak balas secara tidak profesional.

Pesawat itu kemudian terbang ke atas Sumatra Utara, Anambas, India Selatan dan kemudian mendarat di Maldives (beberapa penduduk kampung menyaksikan pendaratan pesawat), mengisi minyak dan meneruskan penerbangannya ke Deigo Garcia, Pangkalan Udara Amerika di tengah-tengah Lautan Hindi. Sebaik mendarat, kargo dikeluarkan dan kotak hitam ditanggalkan. Penumpang disenyapkan (dibunuh) melalui kaedah secara semula jadi, iaitu kekurangan oksigen. Mereka percaya hanya orang mati sahaja yang tidak akan membocorkan rahsia. Pesawat MH370 dengan penumpang yang sudah mati sekali lagi berlepas dan diterbangkan dengan kawalan jauh menuju selatan Lautan Hindi, untuk menjadikan orang percaya bahawa pesawat kehabisan minyak dan akhirnya terhempas ke lautan, dengan menyalahkan kapten dan pembantu juruterbang yang degil.

Amerika telah melakukan persembahan yang baik. Pertama, mereka mengalihkan semua perhatian dan usaha carian di Laut China Selatan padahal MH370 terbang ke arah barat ke Lautan Hindi. Kemudian mereka dengan bantuan media-media mereka telah mengeluarkan kenyataan-kenyataan yang bercanggah dan bukti-bukti untuk mengelirukan dunia. Australia memainkan peranan sebagai pembantu pelakon.

Jika dilihat usaha yang dibuat oleh China, dari segi bilangan pesawat carian, kapal dan satelit, mula-mula mencari di Laut China Selatan, kemudian di Selat Melaka dan Lautan Hindi, ini agak luar biasa. Ini menunjukkan bahawa China amat prihatin, bukan kerana ramainya penumpang awam China, tetapi lebih kepada nilai tinggi kandungan pesawat dan nyawa lapan ahli-ahli sains pertahanannya.

Jangan percaya cerita? Saya tidak mengharapkan anda untuk mempercayai tetapi mari kita tunggu dan lihat bagaimana episod ini mendedahkan diri akhirnya nanti. Atau mungkin ia tidak akan berlaku sehingga kemunculan Snowden (Edward Snowden – pakar komputer US, bekas kakitangan CIA yang berpaling tadah dan mendedahkan pelbagai program dan dokumen rahsia US).

dan di bawah ini pula melalui Ustaz Darul Manzil.. Sumber - ... h370-perkaitan.html

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 Author| Post time 26-3-2014 11:58 PM | Show all posts
Israeli embassies shut down due to strike
By Nestor Corrales
2:00 pm | Tuesday, March 25th, 2014

Israeli Foreign Ministry workers hang a black flag at the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem, Wednesday, March 19, 2014. Israeli embassies around the world remain on strike, and it’s threatening to disrupt the pope’s upcoming visit to the Holy Land. AP FILE PHOTO

MANILA, Philippines- A global strike among Israeli diplomats led to the shutdown of Israeli embassies worldwide, including the Philippines.

“At this time, we are sorry to inform the general public that the Embassy of Israel in the Philippines, along with Israeli embassies worldwide, will be closed until further notice,” a statement from the Israel embassy in Manila Tuesday.

It added that it is the first time in the history of the state of Israel. That such situation has occurred.

“The decision to close all embassies was made with a heavy heart by the Foreign Ministries employees’ labor union,” the statement added.

The statement further said that “the drastic step comes as the Ministry of Finance has not seen fit to reach a compromise with the workers legitimate demands for a fair wage and reasonable work conditions.”

As of posting time, all transactions with the Israeli embassy in Manila and around the world are temporarily halted.

Read more: ... trike#ixzz2x5KJmf3K
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 Author| Post time 27-3-2014 02:56 PM | Show all posts
Flight 370 The CIA Hoax: Gordon Duff

The file photo shows the search operation for the missing Malaysian plane
Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:20AM GMT
By Gordon Duff

Today we are told that the fate of Flight 370 is known, not yet identified debris has been spotted in what is called “the Southern Indian Ocean,” perhaps more appropriately described as “north of Antarctica.”

We also know that the 777/200 is a “fly by wire” aircraft with controls in place that allow the CIA to remotely pilot the plan “in case of emergency.”  We were able to verify the design and implementation of this system through Boeing, Raytheon and commercial pilots.


The descriptions today in the New York Times and other publications are purposefully inaccurate and contradictory.  Their explanations of how commercial aircraft communicate and are tracked are fanciful at best, at worst “criminal.”


When Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 was reported as having crashed in the South China Sea, a massive cover up began yet no one will speak of it, nothing is written of it and its broad consequences are a subject of no investigation.

While people around the world were told the plane was “lost” or “crashed,” it was being monitored by NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) and its regional defense partners through secret systems installed in the plane.  

In 2006, Boeing announced the following, from a John Croft article in Flight Global:
Boeing last week received a US patent for a system that, once activated, removes all controls from pilots to automatically return a commercial airliner to a predetermined landing location.

The "uninterruptible" autopilot would be activated - either by pilots, by onboard sensors or even remotely via radio or satellite links by government agencies like the Central Intelligence Agency, if terrorists attempt to gain control of a flight deck.

Boeing says: "We are constantly studying ways we can enhance the safety, security and efficiency of the world's airline fleet."
Similarly, Raytheon Corporation was awarded a contract by the Federal Aviation Administration 8 years ago to implement an “Advanced Route Evaluation System” (ARES) to work in concert with the system operated by the Central Intelligence Agency.

In addition, the technical staff at Rolls Royce, a fact also reported in the Wall Street Journal, continually monitored the plane’s flight.

Hundreds of people knew exactly where the plane was, how every system was working, what had been “turned off” not only when but where and exactly where the plane is now.  Every word told the press, has been a lie.
Every word told by the mainstream media has been a lie.


Now everyone knows that the plane continued flying for hours.  This is where the cover up becomes problematic; you see everything about the plane was known, position, conditions of the engines, oxygen levels in the cockpit and passenger compartment, this and much more.

Even if the plane couldn’t be remotely piloted, its systems under “uninterruptable” control, a term coined by Boeing itself, the 777/200’s supposed “Flying Dutchman” journey to the South Pole is more than implausible.

The CIA along with Joint military commands set up during the Global War on Terror, tracked Flight 370, monitoring it continually, monitoring the murder of its passengers, monitoring its landing, monitoring its refueling and know exactly where it is.

If the plane really went down “off Antarctica,” they then monitored and “allowed” that.  


In Britain, technicians for Rolls Royce monitored the plane as well, reporting its position to the British government every minute it was in the air.  Those technicians have been silent, the British government has never been asked, and no one has been asked.

As the largest “Where’s Waldo” hunt in history goes on, now pulling in data from weather satellites and fleets of anti-submarine warfare planes unleashed upon the Indian Ocean, the entire thing is an “act,” a would-be comical farce.

Flight 370 is a Boeing 777/200, one of the most automated planes in the world.  We will be outlining some of the specifics that make this theft or hijacking or alien abduction or whatever the mainstream media chooses to call it not just improbable but government sponsored terrorism.


This isn’t the first time something like this has happened.  When four airliners “disappeared” on 9/11 much of what we are seeing today occurred then, but with far less technology being denied and suppressed.

According to Dr’s James Fetzer and Dean Hartwell, planes involved in 9/11 were still flying elsewhere after being listed as having crashed or never took off in the first place.  These reports, though backed by verifiable data, were considered wild and suppositional by most but, in light of the Flight 370 debacle, deserve to be reconsidered.

Yes, planes can fly for hours after having crashed and, “yes,” authorities will lie about, not just the location of planes but show a frightening indifference when it comes to the now obviously pre-planned “disappearance” of passengers.


There are a number of devices on commercial aircraft embedded in such a way as to prevent disabling while in flight.  You will never hear about where they are, what frequencies they broadcast on or how they work.
They are there.  There are highly classified and they were on Flight 370, being continually monitored by military and security forces tasked specifically with preventing commercial aircraft from being used as weapons.

We all remember the testimony at the 9/11 Commission hearings.  Condoleezza Rice, General Myers, Rumsfeld and Cheney, none of them had ever heard of the possibility of planes used as weapons no matter how many memos they had sent or received contradicting their testimony.

Similarly, days, even weeks later, one of the great “disappearing tricks” of all time,  and the American military not only monitored every mile travelled but knew exactly when and where the passengers were killed.  Part of the admitted “redirection” of Flight 370 included 45 minutes at 45,000 feet.

There is a procedure taking exactly that long at that altitude for depressurizing the cabin, using up existing oxygen supplies and killing passengers.  

We received this from a Boeing 777 pilot with a major airline.  From an article in New Eastern Outlook (Russia):
“Just a quick update with what I know about the Malaysia 777 disappearance.  The Boeing 777 is the airplane that I fly.  It is a great, safe airplane to fly.  It has, for the most part, triple redundancy in most of its systems, so if one complete system breaks (not just parts of a system), there are usually 2 more to carry the load.  It’s also designed to be easy to employ so 3rd world pilots can successfully fly it.  Sometimes, even that doesn’t work…

There’s many ways to fly the 777 and there are safety layers and redundancies built into the airplane now to Malaysia.  There are so many communication systems on the airplane:  3 VHF radios, 2 SatCom systems,  2 HF radio systems, plus Transponders and active, ‘real time’ monitoring through CPDLC (Controller to Pilot Data Link Clearance) and ADS B(Air Data Service) through the SatCom systems and ACARS (Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System) thru the VHF, HF and SatCom systems.  The air traffic controllers can tell where we are, speed, altitude, etc. as well as what our computers and flight guidance system has set into our control panels.  Big Brother for sure!  However, most of these things can be turned off.

But, there are a few systems that can’t be turned off and one is the engine monitoring systems.  The Malaysia airplane, like our 777-200’s, uses Rolls Royce Trent Engines (as a piece of trivia….Rolls Royce names their motors after rivers….because they always keep on running!)  Rolls Royce leases these motors to us and they monitor them all the time they are running. In fact, a few years back, one of our 777’s developed a slow oil leak due and partial equipment failure.  It wasn’t bad enough to set off the airplane’s alerting system, but RR was looking at it on their computers.  They are in England, they contact our dispatch in (REDACTED), Dispatch sends a message to the crew via SatCom in the North Pacific, telling them that RR wants them to closely monitor oil pressure and temp on the left engine.

The crew did all of that and landed uneventfully, but after landing and during the taxi in, the left engine shut itself down using it’s redundant, computerized operating system that has a logic tree that will not allow it to be shut down if the airplane is in the air…only on the ground.  Pretty good tech.   Anyway, the point was that RR monitors those engines 100% of the time they are operating.  And don’t EVER get in an Airbus!!”


What do we know for sure?  We know the plane was tracked continually.  We know classified systems were on board that could reroute and land the plane no matter what any hijacker could have done.

We know the passengers could be killed easily using control systems that should not be available to crew or hijackers but, for some reason, are a major “hole” in the security of an aircraft that has multiple redundancy systems for other “mishaps.”

We know the media has never addressed simple technical issues that a simple “fact check” on Google could have rectified.  Did they lie on purpose?  

Did someone tell them to lie?

Sources claim the plane landed on Diego Garcia, was refueled, dead passengers “disembarked” and was moved elsewhere?
Is this a better explanation than flying to the South Pole hidden from the world through multiple simultaneous failures of safety, communications, counter-hijacking and autopilot systems?

What we are certain of is that in light of today’s announcement, a series of seemingly plausible rationales for what we really know to have been utterly impossible are being concocted.

This effort is what is now called “reporting" ... light-370-revealed/

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 Author| Post time 29-3-2014 10:55 AM | Show all posts
The 13th Man: 'Extra' MH370 crew member fuels conspiracy theories
Staff Reporter 2014-03-26 13:09 (GMT+8)

Malaysia Airlines CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya, right, announces at a press conference on March 25 that flight MH370 crashed in the southern Indian Ocean. (Photo/CNS)

An innocent blunder or another sign that Malaysian authorities are withholding something about the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370?

According to Chinese state media reports, the official statement released by Malaysia Airlines at 10:15pm on March 24 informing relatives that everyone on flight MH370 likely died in a crash made a reference to "226 passengers and 13 friends and colleagues."

Up until that point, all 22 official statement released by the airline since the plane disappeared on March 8 had stated that there were 227 passengers and 12 crew on board.

The discrepancy has fueled conspiracy theories that the mystery "13th crew member" was the person who hijacked or assisted in the hijack of the plane, and that Malaysian authorities are withholding the truth from the public.

On Wednesday, a staff member in Malaysia Air's media department, told the Beijing Youth Daily that the mysterious 13th crew member is a Chinese employee for the airline who happened to be on the flight as a passenger. Due to the overlap the man was categorized as a "passenger" in earlier press releases, the staff member said before denying requests to identify the individual.

The newspaper also stated that a written response provided later by an airline staffer named Adlina Azharuddin explained that there were 226 passengers, 12 crew and an additional Malaysia Airline staff member on board the flight, but did not elaborate on the earlier verbal response.

A further mystery lies in flight MH370's cargo manifest, which has still not been made public. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority told the Beijing Youth Daily that it had requested a copy of the cargo manifest some time ago from Malaysia Airlines in order to match potential debris discovered during the search, but has yet to receive any response.

Meanwhile, the Chinese government has requested that Malaysia immediately turn over all data leading to its conclusion that flight MH370 had crashed into the southern Indian Ocean despite no physical evidence of the wreckage being retrieved thus far from multinational search efforts.

Malaysia's prime minister, Najib Razak, declared at a press conference Tuesday that the latest analysis of satellite data indicated that flight MH370 was still 30,000ft in the air when it delivered its last "ping" at least five hours after it disappeared off radar screens. As the plane was in a remote part of the Indian Ocean with no landing strips and was out of fuel, investigators concluded that the plane crashed, with the loss of all 239 lives on board.

US State Department spokersperson Marie Harf said at a news briefing that US experts are cooperating with Malaysia and are working to verify the satellite data and analysis used to conclude the plane's fate, adding that there is "no reason to believe it's not true."

In China, hundreds of relatives of passengers have refused to accept the announcement, condemning Malaysia for pronouncing the loss of everyone aboard the flight before any conclusive evidence of its wreckage has been discovered. A protest was organized outside the Malaysian embassy in Beijing on Tuesday with demonstrators holding banners with messages such as "Return my family" and "We want the truth." A statement released to media accused Malaysia of being the "executioner" of their loved ones through trying to "delay, conceal, cover up and deceive."

Malaysia Airlines said it will pay US$5,000 to the family of each passenger on flight MH370, not as compensation but as a "condolence," and will organize flights for relatives to Perth, where the search is being coordinated, as soon as debris from the plane is located and confirmed.

Australia's prime minister, Tony Abbott, also announced that his government would waive visa fees for families of the plane's passengers should they want to travel to Australia. The search for debris has currently been suspended due to bad weather conditions but efforts will continue with a focus on finding the remains of the plane and the cause behind the crash, he said.

While the prevailing theory is that a catastrophic mechanical failure incapacitated everyone on flight MH370 before it crashed, investigators are continuing to target the flight's 53-year-old captain, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, despite a preliminary probe failing to link anyone on board in a potential hijack or sabotage motive. There are reports that police are currently looking into claims that the captain received a two-minute call from a mysterious woman using a number obtained from a false identity shortly before take off, and that the FBI is pressuring Malaysian authorities to interview Shah's estranged wife, who reportedly moved out of the family home with their three children a day before the flight.

On Wednesday, an Indian aviation security expert lended support to the pilot suicide theory. In an article published in the local daily the Hindu, captain A Ranganathan said the sequence of events surrounding flight MH370 "has an eerie similarity" to two previous air tragedies — Indonesia's SilkAir flight MI185 in 1999 and EgyptAir flight 990 in 2009 — in which all passengers died after the pilot deliberately crashed the plane into water.

Ranganathan theorized that a pilot of MH370 may have killed all people on board by causing depressuraization which would lead to "brain death" within 15 seconds of all in the cabin, while the cockpit had unlimited access to oxygen. ... p;id=20140326000088

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 Author| Post time 29-3-2014 11:08 AM | Show all posts
Malaysia lied about MH370; plane may be in Somalia or Mongolia: official
Staff Reporter 2014-03-17 18:01 (GMT+8)

A Vietnamese aircraft flies over the southern coast of Vietnam in search of missing flight MH370, March 11. (Photo/Xinhua)

A Malaysian official involved in the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has contradicted public claims from the Malaysian government by saying that its military knowingly and continuously tracked the plane on radar for more than an hour after communication with ground control was severed in the early hours of March 8.

The anonymous air force official told Chinese web portal Tencent that despite initial claims that they could not be certain, the Malaysian military knew very well that the plane they were tracking on radar was flight MH370 and followed it as it climbed above the Boeing 777's approved altitude of 45,000ft and took a sharp turn to the west before descending unevenly to 23,000ft on the approach to the island of Penang. The plane then climbed back to 35,000ft and headed northwest towards the Indian Ocean, with the final reading showing it above the tiny island of Pulau Perak in the Strait of Malacca at around 2.40am.

Though they had known this all along, Malaysian authorities did not reveal this crucial information until March 15, a week after the plane's disappearance, the official said. It also meant that Malaysia knew from the beginning that the plane — if it had crashed — was likely in the Strait of Malacca region on the west side of the country as opposed to the South China Sea on the east side, where dozens of ships and aircraft from other countries searched fruitlessly for days, the official added.

The first public announcement made by Malaysia Airlines CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya on Saturday morning was that the plane had remained in contact until 2:40am, but the timing was subsequently changed to 1:20am, just as communications was being handed over from Malaysian air traffic controllers to their counterparts in Vietnam.

It has since been revealed that the plane's transponder was "deliberately" switched off at 1:21am and that it had completely vanished off Malaysian civilian radar screens at roughly 1:30am. But if the official's claims are to be believed, then Malaysian authorities knew exactly where the plane was and what it was doing for another 70 minutes.

The official's revelations about Malaysia's knowledge about the flight's true last point of contact are also consistent with why Datuk Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, director-general of the Malaysia's Department of Civil Aviation, said "there are some things that I can tell you and some things that I can't" when explaining why the search was being expanded to the Strait of Malacca on March 11. In fact, the official said, Malaysia had been secretly searching that region all along.

Meanwhile, the number of countries involved in the search, as it enters its ninth day, has expanded from 14 to 25 and will take in large tracts of land crossing 11 countries as well as deep and remote areas of ocean. The new focus comes after the Malaysian prime minister, Najib Razak, declared Saturday that satellite "pings" received nearly seven hours after takeoff placed flight MH370 in two possible flight corridors: one between Thailand and Kazakhstan, and another between Indonesia and the southern Indian Ocean.

Another Malaysian air force official told Tencent that flight MH370 could have flown west as far as Somalia or north past Thailand and Myanmar to the southern part of Mongolia. The chosen flight path would have been close to the borders of several countries, where radar detection is relatively weak, the official added.

Whoever among the 239 people on board that hijacked MH370 must have been very familiar with the geography near Malaysia as well the capabilities of both civilian and military radar, the official said, adding that it is common knowledge in the aviation industry that both Somalia and southern Mongolia are places that do not require government permission to perform a landing. Somalia is effectively in a state of anarchy due to civil war, while Mongolia has several secret airports providing safe landing strips for smugglers, the official added. ... p;id=20140317000100

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 Author| Post time 29-3-2014 07:58 PM | Show all posts

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