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Post time 25-5-2011 11:26 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 26-5-2011 12:30 PM | Show all posts

Proton handed over 10 units of the Proton Inspira 1.8L manual to our PDRM police force at a ceremony attended by over 200 Proton management and PDRM police officers in Shah Alam. Inspektor Jeneral Tan Sri Haji Ismail Bin Haji Omar received the cars from Proton MD Datuk Seri Haji Syed Zainal.

The Inspira police patrol cars will be used for PDRM daily duties, and have been pre-equipped by Proton with some equipment required by cops such as blue strobe lights, loudhailers, sirens, reflective PDRM stickers and a mobile radio telecommunications system.

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Post time 29-5-2011 10:17 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 30-5-2011 06:15 PM | Show all posts
Boustead Defence To Produce Propellant At Bentong Plant
May 30, 2011 15:39 PM

SIGNIFICANT MILESTONE ...Defence Minister, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (centre) witnessing Boustead Defence Technologies Sdn Bhd Managing Director, Tan Sri Ahmad Ramli Mohd Nor (left) exchanging documents with Prokhas Manager Sdn Bhd Secretary, Eshah Meor Suleiman (right). Previously, propellants used in the defence industry were imported; the BDTSD-PMSB joint venture marked a significant milestone for the defence sector, Ahmad Zahid said.Pic: fotoBERNAMA
KUALA LUMPUR, May 30 (Bernama) -- Boustead Defence Technologies Sdn Bhd (BDTSD), which signed a joint venture (JV) agreement with Prokhas Manager Sdn Bhd today to produce and sell propellants for the defence sector, expects to start initial production at its Bentong plant by end-2012.

Boustead Defence is a unit of Boustead Heavy Industries Corp Bhd (BHIC).

BHIC managing director, Tan Sri Ahmad Ramli Mohd Nor, said Boustead Defence would own 49 per cent of the JV company, Pyrotechnical Ordnance Malaysia Sdn Bhd (POMSB), with the remaining stake held by Prokhas.

The JV company will have an initial authorised share capital of RM50 million divided into 50 million ordinary shares of RM1 each. Upon its incorporation it will have a paid-up capital of RM35.294 million.

Ahmad Ramli said so far, RM58 million has been invested in the plant that would produce double-base propellants for locally-used artillery and rockets for the time being.

"Subsequently we will market the products regionally," he told reporters after the signing ceremony between both parties here today.

Defence Minister, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, officiated the ceremony.

Ahmad Zahid said the plant would use raw materials from Slovakia.

"Previously, propellants used in the defence industry were imported and this joint venture marked a significant milestone for our hich-technology defence industry," he said. -- BERNAMA

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Post time 31-5-2011 02:32 PM | Show all posts
Boleh la expand buat roket berpandu locally pulak

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Post time 31-5-2011 03:20 PM | Show all posts
propellant apa di nak buat....? dari slovakia....?

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Post time 1-6-2011 04:46 PM | Show all posts
TUDM bakal terima aset baru menjelang akhir tahun

BUTTERWORTH: Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) dijangka mendapat aset baru menjelang akhir tahun ini, dalam usaha memperkasa sistem persenjataan serta radar pertahanan udara bagi mengawasi ruang udara negara.

Panglima Tentera Udara, Jen Tan Sri Rodzali Daud berkata, usaha yang dilaksanakan melalui Perolehan Aset Baru yang termoden dan berteknologi tinggi itu akan dimulakan di Sabah dan Sarawak menjelang akhir tahun secara berperingkat.

Katanya, sistem yang mampu melaksanakan tugas mengawas ruang angkasa negara tanpa mempunyai ruang kebolosan dilihat sebagai pelengkap kepada sistem sedia ada yang perlu dikemaskini mengikut keadaan semasa.

"Kita memerlukan sistem yang mampu beroperasi setiap saat dan ia diharapkan dapat dipasang sepenuhnya di seluruh negara menjelang 2014," katanya kepada pemberita selepas menyempurnakan istiadat perbarisan sempena sambutan ulang tahun TUDM ke-53 di sini hari ini.

Katanya, sistem pelengkap kepada sistem persenjataan serta radar yang akan dipasang kelak, mampu memantapkan pertahanan udara dan pengawasan daripada pencerobohan oleh pesawat-pesawat asing.

Dalam istiadat yang julung kali diadakan di Pangkalan Udara Butterworth, seramai 196 anggota dan 12 pegawai yang diketuai Leftenan Kolonel Mior Nor Badrishah Mohamad dengan disaksikan 200 PALAPES TUDM dari Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (UIA), Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Shah Alam dan Kota Samarahan, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) serta 200 pelajar dari sekolah sekitar Butterworth.

Mengenai pembinaan pangkalan baru TUDM di Sendayan, Negeri Sembilan yang akan menggantikan pangkalan TUDM di Sungai Besi, Kuala Lumpur, Rodzali berkata TUDM akan melaksanakan yang terbaik, untuk memastikan bahawa TUDM mendapat manafaat daripada pembinaan terbabit.
Katanya, pembinaan pangkalan baru itu juga tidak bermakna aset lama di pangkalan Sungai Besi itu akan dipindah kesemuanya ke pangkalan baru.

"Kami akan memindahkan sebahagian daripada apa yang ada di Sungai Besi ke pangkalan-pangkalan yang sedia ada terutamanya benda-benda yang berkaitan dengan perintah dan kawalan," katanya.

Pada 28 Mei lalu, Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengumumkan kawasan Sendayan, yang terletak kira-kira 12 kilometer dari Seremban, sebagai pangkalan baru TUDM bagi menggantikan pangkalannya di Sungai Besi, Kuala Lumpur. - BERNAMA

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Post time 1-6-2011 04:47 PM | Show all posts
Hubungan tentera AS-Malaysia terus diperkukuh

KUALA LUMPUR: Hubungan antara tentera Amerika Syarikat (AS) dan Malaysia ketika ini amat teguh dan ia akan terus dikukuhkan lagi, kata Komander Armada Pasifik Tentera Laut AS, Laksamana Robert F Willlard.

Willard yang berada di sini untuk Persidangan Meja Bulat Asia-Pasifik ke-25, berkata sepanjang tempoh beliau berada di sini, beliau sudah berbincang mengenai perkara yang mempunyai kepentingan bersama, dengan panglima Angkatan Tentera, Jeneral Tan Sri Azizan Ariffin.
Beliau berkata, antara perkara yang dibincangkan menyentuh kepada usaha meneroka cara baru di mana Angkatan Tentera kedua-dua negara dapat saling membantu kearah mengukuhkan tahap keselamatan di rantau Asia Pasifik.

"Malaysia dan Amerika telah menjalankan latihan bersama dan semakin meningkat. Saya rasa adalah penting bagi Malaysia memutuskan bagaimana dan di mana kerjasama tentera dapat ditingkatkan dan dibaiki lagi supaya dialog dapat diadakan dalam konteks itu," katanya selepas menyampaikan taklimat bertajuk "Securing the Maritime Commons: The Role of Regional Navies" di persidangan meja bulat itu di sini hari ini.

Willard berkata, ada banyak bidang di mana Angkatan Tentera Malaysia boleh menyumbang di peringkat serantau, dan keselamatan maritim adalah salah satu darinya.

Willard juga mengakui bahawa Malaysia sudah mengambil bahagian dalam latihan kententeraan pelbagai negara "Cobra Gold" yang ditingkatkan tahapnya di Thailand.

"Kami amat positif, apabila anda melihat pihak tentera Malaysia, ia adalah tentera yang hebat di rantau ini," katanya.

Latihan yang dijalankan dwi tahunan di Thailand itu turut membabitkan beberapa negara termasuk Thailand, AS, Singapura dan Filipina.

Willard berkata, beliau menganggap rantau Asia Pasifik sebagai amat penting dari segi strategi, dan orang ramai melihat Asia abad ke-21 dengan penuh minat, dari segi kepentinganya di peringkat serantau dan dunia.

Katanya, bagi rantau ini mencapai segala visinya, ia memerlukan suasana aman, selamat, dan kesejahteraan yang berterusan.

Willard berkata, bagi tujuan itu peranan tentera adalah penting.

Dalam ucapannya, Willard berkata, rantau Asia Pasifik membabitkan kawasan seluas kira-kira separuh daripada bumi, dan ia didiami oleh banyak negara dengan rakyat berjumlah lebih 3.5 bilion.

Ia juga membabitkan perdagangan berjumlah sebanyak lebih daripada AS$5 trilion setiap tahun dan berkongsi hubungan dagangan dua hala tahunan dengan AS yang jumlahnya menjangkau lebih AS$1 trilion.

Beliau berkata, sejak awal abad ini, banyak ketua-ketua negara dan forum-forum antarabangsa memperakui bahawa Asia akan memainkan peranan lebih penting di peringkat global di abad ke-21 ini.

"Suka atau tidak, peranan Asia sama ada secara langsung atau tidak, turut berkaitan dengan agenda keselamatan bersama maritim," katanya.

Willard berkata, sama ada dalam menghadapi lanun, penyeludup, penyeludup senjata, mahupun ekstremis; tentera, terutamanya tentera laut; memiliki keupayaan dan kekuatan bagi menangani pelbagai cabaran dan cabaran yang ekstrem.

Persidangan Meja Bulat Asia Pasifik itu dianjurkan oleh Asean Institues of Strategic and International Studies (ASEAN-ISIS). - BERNAMA

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Post time 1-6-2011 04:48 PM | Show all posts
TUDM bakal miliki aset canggih tangkis ancaman luar
01/06/2011 4:10pm

BUTTERWORTH 1 Jun — Mulai tahun depan, Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) akan memiliki helikopter, sistem persenjataan dan radar pertahanan udara baru bagi memantapkan peranannya sebagai peneraju unggul menangkis sebarang ancaman luar terhadap negara.

Panglima TUDM, Jeneral Tan Sri Rodzali Daud berkata, TUDM juga akan menggunakan perkhidmatan Helikopter EC 725 mulai 2013 bagi meningkatkan keupayaan tugas-tugas mencari dan menyelamat.

Seterusnya, mulai tahun 2012 hingga 2014, sistem persenjataan dan radar pertahanan udara merupakan aset baru akan diperoleh bagi meningkatkan lagi keupayaan pesawat canggih TUDM dalam operasi pertahanan dan pertempuran di udara.

Perolehan pesawat pengangkut Airbus A400M pula dijadual diterima mulai 2015, kata Rodzali dalam ucapannya sempena sambutan Hari Ulang Tahun TUDM ke-53 di Pangkalan Udara TUDM Butterworth di sini hari ini. - Bernama

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Post time 1-6-2011 11:07 PM | Show all posts
ape crite rakyat malaysia yg kene sorok oleh pemberontak filipina? any news?

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Post time 2-6-2011 11:37 AM | Show all posts
spyshot @ toll highway (sidkyirvan) June 1, 2010

maybe they were RIMAU....

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Post time 3-6-2011 07:15 AM | Show all posts
Transformasi 77 tahun lonjak TLDM armada laut disegani

Oleh Hardi Effendi Yaacob


jofizo Post at 27-4-2011 12:51

Assalamualaikum semuer,

Nampaknya Abd Aziz cuba melaga lagakan Warga ATM dgn Pembangkang.
Sekiranya Abd Aziz mahu bercakap politaik..............sila letak jawatan dan joint Partai Memerintah.

Baru bley 'berperang' dgn adil.

Harap maklum

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Post time 7-6-2011 11:00 AM | Show all posts
Agensi penguatkuasaan  guna aset pertahanan tempatan

Ahmad Zahid Hamidi melancarkan Adiwira sambil diperhatikan oleh Pengerusi Pesaka Astana, Datuk Mohamad Rafie Sain (kiri) di Kuala Lumpur, semalam.

KUALA LUMPUR 6 Jun - Semua agensi penguatkuasaan tempatan diminta bersedia menggunakan produk serta aset pertahanan tempatan yang dibangunkan secara bersama dengan negara-negara ASEAN bagi menyemarakkan pembangunan industri tersebut.
Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi berkata, perolehan dan penggunaan aset yang dibangunkan secara bersama di rantau ini boleh menjimatkan perbelanjaan kerajaan berbanding pembelian produk tersebut dari luar.
"Ini sudah dilakukan di Eropah dan Korea dan kita juga akan menggunakan pendekatan serupa supaya dapat bersaing dengan syarikat yang lebih kuat di peringkat antarabangsa.
"Menteri-menteri pertahanan ASEAN secara dasarnya bersetuju dengan ketetapan ini supaya produk pertahanan dapat dipiawaikan mengikut standard ASEAN dan kita tidak perlu bersaing dengan standard Pertubuhan Perjanjian Atlantik Utara (NATO)," katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian selepas mempengerusikan Mesyuarat Majlis Pertahanan, Penguatkuasaan dan Keselamatan Malaysia serta melancarkan trak taktikal tentera 2.5 tan dinamakan 'Adiwira' yang dikeluarkan oleh syarikat Pesaka Astana (M) Sdn. Bhd., di sini hari ini.
Ahmad Zahid memberitahu, Kementerian Pertahanan berhasrat mendapatkan trak itu untuk kegunaan Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) namun jumlahnya belum dapat ditentukan.
Tambahnya, Adiwira telah diuji selama empat tahun oleh ATM dan pihaknya berpuas hati dengan prestasi kenderaan itu.

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Post time 7-6-2011 01:15 PM | Show all posts
sengap2 kompeni yg merajuk tak mau dsa lagi dah ni buat trak utk atm...mcm ni baru la terangkat...diam ubi ada isi...

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Post time 16-6-2011 11:06 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 30-6-2011 09:21 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 2-7-2011 01:02 PM | Show all posts
sengap2 kompeni yg merajuk tak mau dsa lagi dah ni buat trak utk atm...mcm ni baru la terangkat...diam ubi ada isi...

Ha'ah ... tak macam ada kompeni tu, dengan produk AV-4 .... promosi kan kemain, last sekali tak kemana jua .... harapkan AV-8 je baru lepas.

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Post time 10-7-2011 10:19 AM | Show all posts
Kapal TLDM berlepas ke Teluk Aden

KUALA LUMPUR 9 Julai – Kapal Auxiliary Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM), Bunga Mas 5 (BM 5) dan Tim OP Fajar (10/2011) berlepas dari Jeti Operasi Pangkalan TLDM, Lumut bagi meneruskan penugasan Operasi Fajar di Perairan Teluk Aden, Somalia.

Seramai 62 orang yang terdiri daripada 14 pegawai dan 48 orang anggota lain-lain pangkat berlepas ke Aden tengah hari ini.

“Anggota dan pegawai adalah daripada Pasukan Tetap Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) yang terdiri daripada Pasukan Elit ATM iaitu Pasukan Khas Laut (PASKAL) Grup Gerak Khas (GGK) dan Pasukan Khas Udara (PASKAU), pasukan perubatan dan krew pesawat FENNEC serta krew MISC (Perbadanan Perkapalan Antarabangsa Malaysia) yang telah diserap ke Pasukan Simpanan Sukarela TLDM (PSSTLDM),” menurut kenyataan Markas Armada Pangkalan TLDM di sini.

Penugasan Tim OP Fajar (10/2011) kali ini dijalankan pada bulan Ramadan dan seterusnya menyambut Aidilfitri di kawasan operasi yang diketuai Pegawai Memerintah Kapal, Komander Tajuddin Abdul Rahim (PSSTLDM) manakala Ketua Gugus Tugas (KGT) diketuai Mohd. Faizzal Mohd Ali.

Kenyataan itu menambah bahawa BM 5 dijangka tiba di Perairan Teluk Aden pada minggu depan.

Pada masa ini kapal-kapal dagang yang merentasi Perairan Teluk Aden diiringi oleh Pasukan Perlindungan Khas (PPK) bagi melindungi dan memastikan keselamatan kapal.

Kerjasama strategik di antara TLDM dan MISC Berhad melalui pengoperasian BM 5 berjaya menangani cabaran kekangan aset TLDM dan kos pengoperasian yang tinggi.

“Ini membuktikan penyelesaian jangka panjang terhadap keselamatan aset dagangan negara dalam memastikan kepentingan aset maritim negara tidak terancam,” menurut kenyataan itu. –BERNAMA

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Post time 30-11-2011 06:06 PM | Show all posts
PT-91m thread already lock.... no choice need to post here...when ATM plan upgrade their PT-91m?

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PT-72U demonstrator, note the openwork armour and the Kobuz remote controlled weapon station that replaced the anti-aircraft machine gun

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TV cameras fitted on OBRA system sensors are part of the ODR-HV omnidirectional observation system

PT-72U – a tank for urban combat
05-09-2011The T-72/PT-91 tank family returns to Bumar exhibition this year. This time the Polish concern presents a package of equipment intended to increase the tank’s survivability during operations in urban areas and in other asymmetric operation situations. The package was inspired by the consideration given by the Polish MoD to sending tanks to support the Polish Military Contingent (PKW) in Afghanistan and by the experience of other armies that operate tanks in such conditions. Eventually the PKW has not received tanks, but it is not impossible that it will receive them in the future, to cover the process of withdrawal from Afghanistan. Exports orders are also possible. T-72 tanks are still one of the most numerous tanks in armies worldwide, so the package is promoted under the name of PT-72U, to stress the possibility to use it on various derivatives of the original vehicle. Similar packages have been prepared for most western tank types, such as the M1 Abrams, Leopard 2, or AMX-56 Leclerc.

Engineers from Łabędy have focused on correcting the shortcomings of the T-72 tank family design, such as the low elevation of the main armament, high vulnerability of the tank commander when manning the anti-aircraft machine gun, poor situation awareness caused by obsolete means of omnidirectional observation, or poor resistance of side and rear armour against light anti-tank weapons such as RPG-7 grenade launchers.

The most visible part of the upgraded tank is the openwork screening protecting all surfaces of the tank that are not covered with reactive armour, such as the sides and rear of the hull and turret. The screens are positioned 500-700 mm away from the main armour, to allow effective dissipation of the penetrating jet. The armour was developed by Bumar-Łabędy in cooperation with the Department of Mechanics and Applied IT of WAT. This seemingly unimportant and not very advanced element could be important for tank’s survival in urban combat. This can be illustrated with the destruction of a Georgian T-72 tank during the attack on Tskhinvali on 8 August 2008. The shaped charge missile fired from a handheld anti-tank grenade launcher hit the middle of the rear armour of the turret, the penetrating jet perforated the relatively thin armour and hit a 125 mm round in the tank’s gun loader, resulting in its explosion and blowing away the turret. Had the Georgian tank been fitted with a device similar to the openwork armour from the PT-72U package, results of that hit would not have been so tragic. The solution is the more usable as there is only minimal increase in the tank’s weight: the armour kit weighs only 420 kg (170 kg for the turret and 250 kg for the hull).

Trap mines are one of principal threats in asymmetric conflicts. Engineers from Łabędy and WAT have increased the protection level offered by the tank against this danger. To thsi end the driver will have a seat attached to the upper hull, and forward portion of the hull will have an Energy-absorbing Bottom Panel made from composite materials.

Another visible element is to replace the 0.5 in. (12.7 mm) anti-aircraft machine gun operated manually by the commander with the ZSMU-127 Kobuz remote controlled weapon station (RCWS) from ZM Tarnów. The station is completely autonomous from the tank’s FCS and has its own set of observation-sighting devices. Its horizontal field of fire is 360o, with elevations of -5o to +55o (it is worth reminding here that the same data for the main gun of the T-72 tank is merely -5.5o to +14o). USing the station improves the tank’s ability to hit targets, and this could be of critical importance during urban fighting.

The RCWS is complemented by the ODR-HV ODF Optronics omnidirectional observation system. The system includes a set of eight daylight TV cameras covering full 360o (the system is served by 24 cameras at most) and the ODR PTZ rotating head with a thermal vision camera, the central unit and a touch-screen control panel. The rotating head can turn 360o in horizontal, its elevation range is -10o to +70o, and it can apply up to 26x optical zoom. When static, the system can detect movement and optionally automatically direct the RCWS towardsthe potential threat. The ODR PTZ device was fitted in the forward section of the tank between the hatches of the commander and the gunner, while the TV cameras of the ODR-HV system are on the sensors of the OBRA-3 system, on the tank turret (three cameras on the left side of the turret, two on the right and three at the rear, on the basket).

The above listed systems are complemented by an item that is not directly linked with asymmetric operations but it significantly improves the crew comfort and cost-effectiveness of the vehicle, the auxiliary power unit (APU). The APU was used already in the PT-91M tanks for Malaysia. The 17 kW power unit was developed in cooperation with ESW-Jenoptik GmbH, based on a Perkins diesel engine. Apart from suppyiung energy to vehicle systems when stopped, it can also supply power to the air conditioning (A/C) system (as opposed to the tanks for Malaysia, the A/C compressor system was changed from mechanical to electric, allowing the A/C system to be powered from any source, but just the aggregate). Notably, fitting the A/C system has only necessitated to reduce the second stage ammunition establishment by a mere single shell and its cartridge. This should not be a major problem as experience from the conflicts in Chechnya and Georgia tend to show that during urban fighting the ammunition establishment should be limited to just the first stage already in the automatic loader.

The communication system was also upgraded by fitting a modern Radmor RRC9310AP radio set, Fonet-IP inter-com system and Trop battlefield management system. The Fonet system is fitted with a high power external amplifying system and outer connection to the inter-com system.

Other changes included the new PRM-02 voltage stabiliser from Radiotechnika-Marketing, new microprocessor start-up unit for the main engine, an electronic panel with memory that replaces the driver’s panel, an upgraded automatic loader control system (for example, the loader can rotate both ways, this reducing the loading time). The driver’s panel and the upgrade of the automatic loader were developed in cooperation with Wasko.

The package is offered in versions for the T-72M1 (PT-72U), PT-91 (PT-91U), PT-91E (PT-91EU) and potentially for other tanks from the family. The package increases the tank’s capabilities not just in irregular operations, but all other as well, which raises the value of those not-too-modern but still dangerous vehicles.

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Post time 15-12-2011 11:07 AM | Show all posts
Malaysian Fighter Requirement Draws Hardware to LIMA Show AIN Defense Perspective » December 9, 2011 by  Chris Pocock

Eurocopter has completed the first of 12 EC725 Cougar helicopters for the Royal Malaysian Air Force (Photo: Eurocopter)December 9, 2011, 8:55 AM
Malaysia’s requirement for a new multi-role combat aircraft (MRCA) was a key feature of this week’s Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace (LIMA) exhibition. Although no formal request for proposals (RFP) has been issued, the Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet, Dassault Rafale, Eurofighter Typhoon and Saab Gripen were all on flying or static display in pairs.

The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) is reported to be seeking 18 aircraft to replace a similar number of MiG-29s in 2015 and 2016. Local reports have suggested the RMAF might buy a second batch of Sukhoi Su-30MKMs instead of a new type.

Boeing said that the recent award of an upgrade for the RMAF’s existing eight F/A-18D Hornets would make them more compatible, if the Super Hornet is chosen as the MRCA. The upgrade includes the Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System, a color moving map display; plus GPS and IFF improvements. The RMAF recently ordered Raytheon AIM-9X Sidewinder AAMs for these aircraft.

The Gripens at LIMA were A/B models from the neighboring Thai Air Force. Saab chose the event to reveal a new defensive-aids pod for fighter aircraft designated BOH. The missile-shaped pod fits on any AIM-9 rail or AIM-120 pylon; it has missile approach warning sensors in the nose, and countermeasures dispensers behind, although these can be fired forward.

Anticipating a future Malaysian RFP for attack helicopters, Eurocopter displayed a Tiger helicopter, and Boeing displayed the AH-6i.

Eurocopter unveiled (by video link from Marseille) the first of 12 EC725 Tigers that the RMAF has ordered for delivery in 2013 and 2014. They were slated to replace the RMAF’s long-serving Sikorsky S-61 fleet. But at LIMA, Sikorsky signed an MoU with local company MRO Airod “to explore maintenance and support for the S-61, including the S-61T” upgraded version. Sikorsky displayed the S-92, and Schiebel flew the unmanned Camcopter 100.

AgustaWestland displayed one of five AW139s bought by Malaysia’s Maritime Enforcement Agency, and announced new Malaysian orders for civilian versions of the AW139/169/189 series. Meanwhile, nearby Brunei selected the Sikorsky S-70i as a new support helicopter to replace Bell 212s, ordering 12 and optioning 10 more. Eurocopter’s EC725 was the losing finalist in an evaluation that earlier eliminated the AW139 and Bell 412

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