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Author: CARI-LTS

Tragedi Tahfiz: "Saya Tidak Akan Maafkan Perbuatan Suspek"- Ibu Mangsa

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Post time 18-9-2017 09:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cikanggun replied at 18-9-2017 09:17 PM
Bayangkan saat anak2 Syurga tu dibakar... suara diorg mintak tlg tp kita tak mampu nk buat apa2 sb ...

Kau jgn le...

Aku dari hari tu kemurungan sbb bygkn nasib dorang tu lah....

Harap Allah lindungi mrk & tak rasa panas.....

Tapi ada saksi kata dorang menjerit jerit mintak tlg sambil ckp- tlg bang...panas bang....

Adoi, terasa tersiat hati aku ni....

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Post time 18-9-2017 09:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
arasham replied at 18-9-2017 01:41 PM
Parents pendtg? Ank2 lahir sini. Umur 12 boleh mohon jadi warganegara? Hari tu ada cleaner indon k ...

Mmg mudah je jd warga. Born here dpt birth cert. Age 12 apply warga. Cara lain ialah bayi tu serah sbg anak angkat kt org yg sah ada ic. Buat adoption paper. Pastu keluarga angkat apply utk jd warga. Padahal mak ayah kandung yg bela. Atas kertas je

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Post time 18-9-2017 09:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manehnya replied at 18-9-2017 04:29 PM
kerajann nk ke kaji kesan kt masyarakat?

kerajaan skrg sibuk nk duit ajer, GST pun x sempat bua ...

Kerajaan nak kaji? Susah nak cakap.. Majlis Professor Negara hari tu pun bangkitkan pasal utk kajian sosial pun hanya 10% saja daripada peruntukan yang dah sedia dah dipotong

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Post time 18-9-2017 10:09 PM | Show all posts
Super-M replied at 18-9-2017 10:25 AM
kalau aku, aku kenal pasti pembunuh.. aku mmg pastikan kehidupan dia xtenteram. hingga dia bunuh dir ...

kat Spain ada satu kes... lepas sekor pedo perogol ni keluar jel atas parole, terserempak pulak dgn si ibu mangsa. selamba jah pedo tu tanya hidup anaknya mcm mana sekarang. dia tak tahu si ibu sampai tekanan perasaan lepas kes rogol tuh... hari yg sama si ibu beli petrol, pergi bar tempat pedo tu melepak, simbah dan bakarnya sampai mati. w/pon dia disabit membunuh dan masuk jel utk bbrp thn, si ibu tu cuma cakap 'penderitaan dia selama ni dah berakhir.'

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Post time 18-9-2017 10:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Peterpan17 replied at 18-9-2017 09:23 PM
Mmg kesian budak2 tu mati terbakar. Klu mati lemas psl asap baru rentung aku rasa kurang jugalah s ...

Kalau ikutkan amarah ni bang, mlm ni gak aku pi carik si debab tu.. eeeiiii debab tu patut dibakar jd kebab selayaknya... ggggrrrrr...

Tp bang, aku takde geng nak plan gi toreh2 7 jahanam tu. Bang, ko nk geng tak? Kite plan mcm mana nk balas kt diorg? Hahahhaha

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Post time 18-9-2017 10:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
jazaa100 replied at 18-9-2017 09:37 PM
Kau jgn le...

Aku dari hari tu kemurungan sbb bygkn nasib dorang tu lah....

Sbb tu aku ckp td kak... bayangkan rintihan arwah semua mintak tlg tu... tak sanggup dgr video tu kak.. aku sampai harini kalau baca psl tragedi tu mmg laju ja air mata ni.. apatah lg perasaan mak ayah isteri anak2 semua arwah... Allahu.. tak dpt nk bayangkan...

Mmg patut kalau rakyat mintak hukuman maksimum despite of umur pesalah. Tgk depa tu xde rasa menyesal..mintak maaf pon idok.. muka dgn hati sama kering. Someone has to pay for this...

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Post time 18-9-2017 10:33 PM | Show all posts
cikanggun replied at 18-9-2017 10:24 PM
Kalau ikutkan amarah ni bang, mlm ni gak aku pi carik si debab tu.. eeeiiii debab tu patut dibakar ...

ko nak buat semua tu kita kena buat senyap2. Aku tak mau pula aku yg msk jel. Aku hidup normal, takde geng gila bakar orang. hahahahaha!! Tp klu ada geng yg nak, aku iku je.

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Post time 18-9-2017 10:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Peterpan17 replied at 18-9-2017 10:33 PM
ko nak buat semua tu kita kena buat senyap2. Aku tak mau pula aku yg msk jel. Aku hidup normal, ta ...

Alamak bang... dah terplan kt sini plak dah.. mampuih... ehhh kite berzanji xde niat kan kan kan... kite igt nk gertak jer  bakar depa blk

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Post time 18-9-2017 10:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bdk2 celaka tu bakar 23 org hidup2 kot
Mmg sejahat2 manusia. Mcm dizaman firaun lak.

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Post time 18-9-2017 10:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
i'm with the mothers. no forgiveness for those bastards! suka hati bakar anak orang sampai hati!

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Post time 18-9-2017 10:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rak sekolah dr kecik abestu watpa...badan elok membesar bagai johan...cukup pakai minom...

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Post time 18-9-2017 11:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by pyropura at 19-9-2017 01:31 AM

Tau pulak cakap tak sempat bagi kasih sayang, tapi hantar anak jauh dari mak pak duduk hostel sekolah pada usia sangat muda tu takpe .. kan ikut islam pun mak pak sebaik baik pendidik .....

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Post time 19-9-2017 01:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jap. Owner building blh claim kt insurans ke kalau kes mischief by fire cmni. Ke claim kt fmly okt? Situ hartanah mahal tu.

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Post time 19-9-2017 02:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manehnya replied at 18-9-2017 09:58 AM
7 jahanam tu, x dak perasaan, baca laporan kt nst, x tunjuk emosi nyesal/ nages langsung

x payah  ...

Memang...nampak muka budak2 tu mmg muka takda perasaan sangat.tergamaknyaaa hmm

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Post time 19-9-2017 02:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Macam mana la nak maafkan dah kematian seperti itu dirancang.berdendam dgn org lain tapi yg lain juga menjadi mangsa

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Post time 19-9-2017 05:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Keramat tahfiz fire: Suspect had returned to scene of crime, claims tahfiz student
By Hariz Mohd and Faisal Asyraf - September 18, 2017 @ 9:49pm

KUALA LUMPUR: One of the teenagers arrested in connection with Thursday's tahfiz school fire had returned to the scene of the crime several hours later to witness the aftermath of their action.

The 15-year-old suspect was said to have casually chatted with one of the Darul Quran Ittifaqiyah tahfiz school students, telling the student “he did not know” what had transpired there.

This was the claim made by one of the school’s students, who had bumped into the suspect at the scene.

The student told the New Straits Times that at the time, he did not suspect anything amiss during their brief conversation, as the latter acted just like any of the other curious onlookers.

“I knew one of the boys as he was my friend. I first met him at the Dato' Keramat lake behind our school, where he often hangs out with the others.

“That morning, I saw him at the scene about 8am. He had approached me and asked 'macam mana boleh jadi macam ni'? (How could this happen)

"At that time, I did not suspect anything. He then left the place shortly after we spoke. I was stunned upon learning later that he was among those arrested by police for causing the fire," said the student, whose identity has to be withheld as the case is still under police investigation.

The student said he was also lucky to be alive, as he had returned to his family's home, also in Kuala Lumpur, the evening before the incident.

He said he was saved by a gut feeling, where he had missed his parents to the extent that he asked for the teachers’ permission to return home.

“I was sleeping when my mother woke me up, saying that my school was on fire. At first, I thought she was joking.

“Upon realising that she was not, my father and I then rushed to the school. By the time I arrived, my hostel was already engulfed in flames.

“It was already quiet. There was no shouting or any voice from my friends by then."

The 5am blaze on Thursday saw 21 students and two teachers of the school, aged between 6 and 26, killed when they could not escape from its hostel, located on the top floor of the school's three-storey temporary premises in Dato' Keramat, here.

Authorities investigating the fire then found that it involved foul play, before further probes led them to the seven teenagers aged between 11 and 18.

City police chief Datuk Amar Singh had on Saturday told reporters that the incident was motivated by revenge following a name-calling incident between the suspects and students of the school recently.

He said investigations revealed that the suspects had used two cooking gas cylinders and an accelerant to start the fire.

The teenagers are being remanded for seven days. The case is being investigated for murder.

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Post time 19-9-2017 08:38 AM | Show all posts
mommymonster82 replied at 18-9-2017 05:57 PM
Kalu ikut hudud..mak/keluarga tak maafkan mmg matilah korg...

Kannn... bagi sedas ikut hukum qisas.

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Post time 19-9-2017 08:55 AM | Show all posts
cikanggun replied at 18-9-2017 09:06 PM
Angkut mak pak anak keturunan vavi ni semua campak blk indon sana. Terminate visa kerja dan haramk ...

haramjadah punya keturunan... dah la mai sini secara haram... semer benda2 haram dah sebati dlm diri sendiri sampai ke anak2... sbb tu pangai serupa syaitonnnn... binatang pun xda wat pangai gini...

selayaknya la mak bapak si 7 jahanam ni malu bila gambar anak2 mereka tersebar... ko patut malu sbb ada anak2 mcm tu.
kehidupan kat indon dah sebati dlm diri...sbb tu biar kan anak2 tu merempat sesuka hati... tgk aja kt indon... kecik2 dh dikerah jd peminta sedekah


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Post time 19-9-2017 08:56 AM | Show all posts
cikanggun replied at 18-9-2017 09:05 PM
Tak best dowh.... siat2 kulit si celaka 7 ekor tu, pastu perah limau nipis... tabur2 garam sket... ...

lepas siat2 tu kita polish sikit dengan kertas pasir seblum dilumur dengan garam kasr & pes cili burung dibancuh dengan jus lemon. pastu kita sula & panggang macam ayam golek

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Post time 19-9-2017 09:00 AM | Show all posts
dah jadi isu kemain masing2 ngelupur...baru terhegeh2 nak check tahfiz patuhi piawaian itu ini ke tak... jgn dok gegar pusat tahfiz je... pihak berwajib harus halau je pendatang2 haram kt mesia ni..

yg lagi lahanat ialah agensi imi la... mcm bini adiporn tu... dok bersekongkol  bawa pendatang haram ni masuk sini... nahhh...sekarang tgk lah hasilnya...

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