Eva_yy_Ellin posted on 29-3-2014 09:37 AM
Ooo...tak pure emas la kan.
Kalau la eh, kalau...jual balik rose gold, white gold tu, laku ke? ...
erm...macam laku cume nilai dia susut banyak la...like diamond....
yg tak susut banyak tu emas 916 and emas 999.....
banyak calar kat part bawah je...friction with surface kan.....dia tak bersinar je la.....yg part atas dia still cantik...
18k tu 18 karat..18-Carat gold is 18 parts gold 6 parts another metal (forming an alloy with 75% gold)...or
The term 18-carat gold means that the alloy's weight consists of 75% of gold and 25% of alloy(s)....
Eva_yy_Ellin posted on 29-3-2014 09:45 AM
Yup. Yup. Sabar itu separuh daripada iman...
Oh...kalau macam tu, memang boleh mendatangkan mar ...
haha the way you said boleh mendatangkan marah tu..sounds like dialog dalam cerita p ramlee... tgh ingat filem apa...
that;s the thing, sabar yg sebenar-benarnya..yg paling susah ialah bila you ada hak utk marah..org lain yg salah....tapi you chose to be patient instead..no anger....masih mampu tersenyum....
dah tak ingat sanagt perasaan marah hari tu...cuma i ingat yg i cakap kat diri sendiri masa tu...susahnya nak sabarrrrrr....grrrrr.....and i have to imagine a rope and bite that rope to prevent myself from raising my voice and scold that lady...... tapi nak tersenyum masa tu tak mampu la..not thats strong... huhu....
just that,when that lady ask to make another appointment,i said to her ,i have to think about this whole thing...marah tu..sampai i nak tukar klinik...
the next day,i make appointment for the coming week...tak jadi nak tukar klinik...sbb dah tak marah kan...lol...