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Chuooolllsssss cepat g tgok video kt fb loyer..abg adek bg ucapan...then then then..heols sebut name abg jo..meols rase tersenyum lebar..walaupun ade.part kepala loyer lentok membeban ke bahu kiri abg adek...  |
tgn diorang kena gari ke?
masa zamani ckp thanks pd loyer dia.. dia nk salam. pastu loyer dia siap lentok kepala kat zamani... so zamani nk kaver tepaksa tepuk2 perut loyer. hahahhahaha

doubleA replied at 6-5-2015 06:48 PM
Iols rasa kita maintain sini je utk lepaking, duduk bod gosip panas bod tu,banyak m ...
Boleh je duk sini..bod gosip sana line panas sgt..nnt ade je yg masuk mencerca..iols sentap..
By d way,abg adek comel as usual..xde shades..bagus2. |

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Post time 6-5-2015 08:39 PM
From the mobile phone
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haniem123 replied at 6-5-2015 08:18 PM
Chuooolllsssss cepat g tgok video kt fb loyer..abg adek bg ucapan...then then then..heols sebut nam ...
Apsal iols rasa annoying dgn video tu? The only thing i miss and sebab iols tgk video tu is abgadek was there. Entiti lain tmasuk perakam video tu like errrrrr.
Iols simpan dalam hati jela apa iols rasa.
I like his smile esp the last part tu.
Perhaps sebab dia berada dlm environment yg berbeza,jadi apa yg iols rasa juga berbeza.
Abgadek,dont be a different person, pls be the one that i've met before. Biarkan rambut je berbeza, but u are still the one who nyanyi lagu kembali terjalin yg suara one of a kind tu kan,kan? |
LiveYourLife replied at 6-5-2015 08:37 PM
masa zamani ckp thanks pd loyer dia.. dia nk salam. pastu loyer dia siap lentok kepala kat zamani. ...
Poyo giler lawyer ni..abg adek ni attractive sgt la..yg perempuan terkejar2.. Yg lelaki pun nk mengimpit jugak. |

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Post time 6-5-2015 08:40 PM
From the mobile phone
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LiveYourLife replied at 6-5-2015 08:33 PM
tgn diorang kena gari ke?
Sayam,how u jumpa rumah ni? Im sorry terlepas tagging uols here.
Maybe gari kot ek,masa masuk kamar bicara. |

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Post time 6-5-2015 08:41 PM
From the mobile phone
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mice_cheese replied at 6-5-2015 08:40 PM
Poyo giler lawyer ni..abg adek ni attractive sgt la..yg perempuan terkejar2.. Yg lelaki pun nk men ...
Itu la iols rasa jugak,poyo. Fullstop. |
smlm i tgk takde benang zamani kat gosip. i pun cari je zamani. tetiba ada disini.. hehhehe.
tapi kenapa time bg ucapan tu. org lain yg over. kuikuikui. giler glamer tau! nyampas!
Nape meols rase muka abgadek mcm comot sikit eh?mcm x bersinar2 mcm 10 april ritu hmm |
sources - the star online
Published: Wednesday May 6, 2015 MYT 6:40:00 PM
Updated: Wednesday May 6, 2015 MYT 7:02:06 PM
Slam vocalist Zamani escapes slammer, fined RM5,500 for drug possession
by qishin tariq
Zamani looking pleased as he left the courthouse. - Bernama
KUALA LUMPUR: Slam frontman Zamani Ibrahim has escaped a jail sentence and slapped with a fine instead
after he changed his plea to guilty for drug possession.
Speaking at Zamani's sentencing over drug offences, lawyer Che Ahmad Zaharil said his client had turned over a new leaf after checking himself into the Rumah Pengasih rehab programme.
Zamani, 43, together with his personal assistant Nur Juliana Abdul Rani, 32, claimed trial to drug possession and consumption on Jan 29.
However, the duo changed their pleas on Tuesday, admitting to both charges before the Ampang Magistrates Court here.
"Who doesn't know Zamani, Slam rock icon, the man behind Gerimis Mengundang? But let's face it – he's a drug user.
"He's grateful he got arrested by the police. He wants to change and has since checked himself in to a rehabilitation programme," said Che Ahmad.
Che Ahmad asked the Court to give Zamani a chance by letting him prove he could beat his drug addiction.
However, Deputy Public Prosecutor Goh Ai Rene urged the court to hand down a deterrent sentence.
"As the defence said, Zamani is a public figure. He should be setting a good example, not doing drugs," she said.
Goh added that a light sentence would undermine the seriousness of drug offences.
Che Ahmad also pleaded leniency for Nur Juliana, saying she started using drugs due to negative influences but had an otherwise clean record.
Zamani and Nur Juliana faced a fine of up to RM100,000 or a maximum of five years' jail for drug possession and a further RM5,000 or up to two years' jail for drug use.
Magistrate Ayuni Izzaty Sulaiman spared the duo jail, fining them RM5,500 each and ordering they were placed under police supervision for two years. |
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momozzz replied at 6-5-2015 12:43 PM
Nape meols rase muka abgadek mcm comot sikit eh?mcm x bersinar2 mcm 10 april ritu hmm
Sbb bjangkit ngn loyer yg xseberapa tu..puiii |
Iols hanya fokus sepenuhnya kt zamani sahaja dlm video tu..entiti lain iols abaikn dgn jayanya |
feel the same...
harap ianya sbb enviroment yg berbeza...
n... really nyampes gila ngan vc tu...sib baik ada zamani
I hate this feeling  |
Meols rasa antara vc2 abg adek, kali ni yg plg nmpk tegap..ucapan heols jelas dan x de lg unsur2 rendah diri n ckp pn xtersekat-sekat...ucapan dia pun xberulang mcm dulu2 nmpk smooth je..tumpang gembira untuk heols...my focus is abg adek....heols happy meols pn happy... |
Iyer mak suke noks
Dpp asked for leniency untuk jj kononnye jj tu clean if not for bad influences? Hakkk tuuui
Tapi walaupun meols cintakan abgadek amboii meols setuju yg hukuman selain denda dikenakan atas sebab yang dinyatakan Dpp tapi meols bias utk baby Zamani sebabtu meols tak jadi magistrate. Ini pertama kali dan Zamani dah menunjukkan usaha untuk berubah so denda and pemerhatian should suffice. Tapi mintak dielakkan berlakunya kali ke2, kalau ia terjadi meols redha dgn hukuman yang sewajarnya orang kate sayang anak tangan2 kan sayang kekasih kurung2kan.
But i know it in my heart Zamani will not let us down.
#abgadekWehavefaithinU |
nur274 replied at 6-5-2015 08:48 PM
sources - the star online
Published: Wednesday May 6, 2015 MYT 6:40:00 PM
Thank you for sharing chuols |
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