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Author: misy

ALL About London VI (England)

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Post time 21-4-2013 09:58 AM | Show all posts
nak tanya..kalau sewa locker kat train station kene pakai credit card kan. Masa guna credit card tu kene masukkan pin 4 digit tu ker?

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Post time 21-4-2013 02:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
gilakentang posted on 16-4-2013 04:10 AM
Salam semua, hari tu saya masih confuse ttg itinerary. Now dah jelas mana nak pegi. Saya sangat2 per ...

Sy dulu stay kat edinburgh cowgate. Nk mkn halal ada kedai arab kt nearby town tu je. Dan plg sng mkn kat masjid. Search je masjid kat sana. Murah gk

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Post time 21-4-2013 07:15 PM | Show all posts
gilakentang posted on 16-4-2013 04:10 AM
Salam semua, hari tu saya masih confuse ttg itinerary. Now dah jelas mana nak pegi. Saya sangat2 per ...

Salam gilakentang,

i bukan otai but been to london a few times before for holidays so maybei can give some ideas or things to ponder

* tak reti buat cut paste satu2 so i hentam tarah sahaja la yer*

for itenary day 1 tu, u dah book ke dgn Avis? Sebab you will be returning to a different location, so usually an extra cost will be incurred for vehicles returned to different location. As for london, there will be congestion chargers applied if you drive your car to certain parts of the city. And parking can be a challenge if you tak identify in advance kat mana u nak park. Some parkings can be cheap some can be very expensive. Pernah i survey, can go up to GBP24 for an overnight parking.

secondly, any specific reason you nak makan dulu dekat heathrow airport? Sebab generally the food in airports are more expensive compared to other places. But if budget is not an issue, should be ok

thirdly on the car part, 4 org memang can fit the polo BUT can the luggages fit the bonet?

sebabkan...... Pengalaman i dulu tragel in car with my husband and anak, luggage xmuat bonet. Dah letak kat passengers seat pun cukup payah. Unless u r all light travellers, i suggest u look for a car that can fit ur suitcases as well

in terms of petrol or diesel, usually they will state dlm selection. Most of the time it will be petrol, sometimes kalau u jenis environmental
concern, u can opt for hybrid cars as well.

concern kind of ppl,


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Post time 21-4-2013 07:16 PM | Show all posts
Adeh apsal banyak typo error. Peningla type pakai ipad. Pls excusd ayat and spa ing yg tunggNg terbalik tu. Asalkan maksudtersampai

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Post time 21-4-2013 07:20 PM | Show all posts
gilakentang posted on 16-4-2013 04:10 AM
Salam semua, hari tu saya masih confuse ttg itinerary. Now dah jelas mana nak pegi. Saya sangat2 per ...

As for itenary di edinburgh, i suggest none than other the infamous hairycoo

actually jalan2 kat town tu pun dah best

definitely love edinburgh! Rich of culture ngeh ngeh

halal food, ada but it was quite a walk frm the place i stayed ( easybotel princess strt)

so i masak illegally in the room

simple ones ajer

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Post time 21-4-2013 07:23 PM | Show all posts
gilakentang posted on 16-4-2013 04:10 AM
Salam semua, hari tu saya masih confuse ttg itinerary. Now dah jelas mana nak pegi. Saya sangat2 per ...

Pasal kereta park tepi jalan tu better check online hows the parking policy like

sebab i dah experience kena saman for parking 5 min jer ( masa tu nak load luggages check out from travelodge birmingham), it was merely 5 min but the officers tgh buat operasi masa tu

puas my husband merayu cakap we are visitors didnt know that we cant park for a while tp officer tu kata ' the traffic rules apply the same in any parts of the country'

the guy mcm kesian tapi dia kata dia xboleh tak saman sebab ada camera keliling so kalau dia lepaskan kitorg , nnt kena query

maka, bergembiralah membayar GBP100 utk samannnnnn

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Post time 21-4-2013 07:30 PM | Show all posts
gilakentang posted on 16-4-2013 04:10 AM
Salam semua, hari tu saya masih confuse ttg itinerary. Now dah jelas mana nak pegi. Saya sangat2 per ...

Itenary day 9 kat liverpool or manchester, my answer will be bias to manchester, thats because i've only been to manchester n also sbb old trafford.

Manchester ada curry mile, whole stretch halal food, and love their ice cream (moon)


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Post time 28-4-2013 01:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hai m in england now to be precise in london. Its getting hots now so be prepared those r travelling around tis time. Bwk lite jacket memadai kot. I found tis msian deli serving very good msian foods in Brockley. They are opening another cafe @Ashley Hotel, Norfolk Square not far frm Paddington. Dah berminggu kat sini baru 2x makan kat msian deli. Sedap giler... Follow them on twitter Malaysian Deli or fb. The manager Amy Mustafa is a very lovely lady. Dive into her excellent carrot cake n many others. The rendang is mouth watering. Nasi kerabu pun ada.

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Post time 28-4-2013 03:07 PM | Show all posts
minahsaudi posted on 28-4-2013 01:06 PM
Hai m in england now to be precise in london. Its getting hots now so be prepared those r travelling ...

Wah macam best je deli ni, boleh try next week....tak sabarnya...

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Post time 28-4-2013 04:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
SPACENUT posted on 28-4-2013 03:07 PM
Wah macam best je deli ni, boleh try next week....tak sabarnya...

Yup memang best sekali tu yg promote kat sini

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Post time 28-4-2013 09:51 PM | Show all posts
Just came back from London... tak puas rasa sebab pegi just seminggu jer...  

London dah tak sejuk sgt so saper yg nak pegi dlm masa terdekat ni bawa light jacket udah la ye...

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Post time 29-4-2013 07:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
14C n its bright outside, reporting live frm canary wharf, london.

Still berbungkus tebal vos i feel cold

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Post time 2-5-2013 04:17 AM | Show all posts
anyone kat Scotland? Sejuk mcm mana ye agak2 early June ni? boleh pakai jeans and shirt je tak?

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Post time 2-5-2013 04:21 AM | Show all posts
Lady_Di posted on 21-4-2013 07:15 PM
Salam gilakentang,

i bukan otai but been to london a few times before for holidays so maybei ca ...

thx Lady_Di for your input. Alhamdulillah so far semua dah terancang baik. I dh changed my mind to get a wagon from Avis instead of small car. parking semua dah find out and half of my 7 accommodations nanti ada parking free. Yg lain2 dah find out mana nak park + parking fee. Hopefully semua bjalan lancar. thx again

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Post time 2-5-2013 09:16 AM | Show all posts
gilakentang posted on 2-5-2013 04:17 AM
anyone kat Scotland? Sejuk mcm mana ye agak2 early June ni? boleh pakai jeans and shirt je tak?

I went to edinburgh June 2011

time tu still sejukkkkkkkkk for me

definitely not shirt and jeans sahaja

tapi if u jenis tahan sejuk ok la kot

it was 15 degrees kot time tu, ingt2 lupe

yang xlupa is i pakai 2 lapis on top of my jaket

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Post time 2-5-2013 09:17 AM | Show all posts
gilakentang posted on 2-5-2013 04:21 AM
thx Lady_Di for your input. Alhamdulillah so far semua dah terancang baik. I dh changed my mind to ...

My pleasure

good that u sorted out the parking in advance

at least it saves u headache

having free parking at the accommodation u will be staying pon a plus point

wagon insyaallah muat all d 4 bags

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Post time 2-5-2013 09:19 AM | Show all posts
Kak min

Speaking f makan2 , have u tried oodle noodle tu

They have 2 branches, one at oxford street, the other at queensway

They have take away too

Wonder if they have delivery

Mana tau kalau dah tak larat sgt, boleh mtk delivery

My mum swore their duck apa ntah is the best she ever had

Either peking duck or noodle duck ke apa

Yang i ingat, duck ajer

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Post time 2-5-2013 04:15 PM | Show all posts
Lady_Di posted on 2-5-2013 09:19 AM
Kak min

Speaking f makan2 , have u tried oodle noodle tu

lady......nope have not tried oodle noodle tu. akak masa kat uk aritu turun sekali jer to central london, went to selfridges to buy stuffs for my hubby.

went to tk maxx to buy things for my house, linens n kitchen stuffs. gilerkentang murah lah.  nanti summer holiday will try this oodle noodle.  john lewis ada kat canary wharf, which is so near to my place.

i just arrived home (mana home  ek? uk or here?), penat giler n then i tertinggal my old ppt yg contained my resident visa kat heathrow airport, with another ppt that contained my us indefinte visa too.  adoi nangis but the airport authority found the pouch with the passport n they are otw here.  pucat giler when i arrived klia n nak nangis gak lah but airport authorities in klia was so helpful, bless them.

MAS pun tolong myself semalam, luckily my present passport ada with me.  sampai rumah i terus tidor smpi kul 2pm baru bangun.  i was very lucky dpt 3 seats all to my self.  filte was 3/4 full when i returned most of the paxs aussie lah.


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Post time 3-5-2013 10:43 AM | Show all posts
minahsaudi posted on 2-5-2013 04:15 PM
lady......nope have not tried oodle noodle tu. akak masa kat uk aritu turun sekali jer to central  ...

wow  quite a story u had there kak min

kalau i, pucat lesi tahap toreh muke dengan blade pun tak kuar darah kot.

atau kuar darah putih; eh?

glad everything turns out OK in the end

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Post time 4-5-2013 04:00 AM | Show all posts
Lady_Di posted on 3-5-2013 10:43 AM
wow  quite a story u had there kak min

kalau i, pucat lesi tahap toreh muke dengan blade pun ta ...

Hahaha...m still suffering fm jetlag, siang tidor, malam jaga. Received my missing pouch today wiz money n passports intact. I think kalo kat msia yg tercicir ni harus tak dapat balik.

ni lah org putih, kebanyakkan mereka sangat amanah n menjalani hidup seperti apa yg islam ajari. Kadang2 timbul rasa malu dgn bangsa sendiri yg mengaku islam n penuh dgn adab sopan tetapi pangai mcm setan.

kat msia hari2 ada orang kena snatched, rasa sangat tak selamat bila keluar dari rumah, erm kadang2 dlm rumah sendiri pun rasa tak selamat.

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