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Author: totokreturn


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Post time 31-3-2014 07:44 AM | Show all posts
ada-ada jer lah.. sekejap kanan.. sekejap kiri... yang mana satu betul pun kita tak tahu... ni apa pulak teori pulak ni??? nak perah kepala hotak ni pun dah xlarat da ni... keluarga mangsa kalau aku pun agak dah cekik yang pakar-pakar tu... pertama yang DCA ni... dah tahu radar tetiba hilang... TUDM pun dah tanya... DCA yang xnak bagi kerjasama... pastu bila macam ni semua benda nak salahkan orang itu orang ini...

ni China pulak buat teaori pulak ikut kona lain pulak...... ni macam mana pulak ni... kang teori lain pulak yang keluar agak sampai kiamat pun teori mencari kapal terbang tu masih tah apa2...

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Post time 31-3-2014 07:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cint@ posted on 31-3-2014 01:54 AM
berlumba-lumba masing-masing nk kongsi cerita
kalau org gomen tu... tetiba kena tindakan tatatert ...

#Kelana36 org gomen k

Aku tanya j

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Post time 31-3-2014 07:56 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cint@ posted on 31-3-2014 01:54 AM
berlumba-lumba masing-masing nk kongsi cerita
kalau org gomen tu... tetiba kena tindakan tatatert ...

Ko org skmm yerk

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Post time 31-3-2014 08:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Abc News 24

PM @TonyAbbottMHR to speak on the search for flight #MH370 in 10mins. Watch LIVE on #abcnews24 or at #auspol
9:10am - 31 Mar 14

I termiss dah nampaknya

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Post time 31-3-2014 08:01 AM | Show all posts

Bile la dorang2 ni nak hangkot debris MH370


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Post time 31-3-2014 08:02 AM | Show all posts
Dzeko posted on 31-3-2014 01:16 AM ...

ini tabiat buruk org kita...tak nak cakap terus direct...aku dah cakap lagi dari awal lagi....nampak mcm purposely terbang ke selatan lautan hindi utk crash di sana.....tak ada hijack punya...sbb tak ada tuntutan....teori mori teknology yg dijual itu tak betul sbb tak ada bukti kukuh......

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Post time 31-3-2014 08:02 AM | Show all posts
kazaraf posted on 30-3-2014 03:17 PM
kena godek2 la kot enjin tu.. atau apa2 electronic board dlm enjin tu.. sbb da built-in function k ...

hahaha paham..
kalo sis jadi cikgu gerenti pelajar cepat paham..

so sekarang makna nya ping tu tak leh semudah nya  di ubah suai la .. walaupun ada pakar (teori hijack) dalam tu

"ended" tu kira ada dimana2 sekitar lautan hindi tu la yer .. termasuk daratan yang berdekatan


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Post time 31-3-2014 08:03 AM | Show all posts

Search for MH370 'black box' to get underway

PERTH, Australia (AFP) -
An Australian ship carrying equipment to locate the "black box" from flight MH370 was to put to sea on Monday but experts warned surface debris must be found first to narrow down the search zone.

The hunt for physical evidence that the Malaysia Airlines jet carrying 239 people crashed more than three weeks ago, as Kuala Lumpur has declared, has so far proved fruitless despite a massive operation involving seven countries.

Hopes raised by debris sightings have repeatedly been crushed as the items turned out to be random sea junk such as fishing gear.

More objects were seen by aircraft on Sunday with several items retrieved by Australia's HMAS Success and China's Haixun 01, but the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (Amsa) said: "Nothing has yet been verified as being from MH370."

The growing search resumed on Monday across a sweeping expanse of the southern Indian Ocean the size of Norway, with 10 planes taking to the skies from Australia, China, Japan, New Zealand, Malaysia, South Korea and the United States (US).

Ten ships are also now scouring the desolate seas 1,850km west of Perth for clues, with seven from China, two from Australia and a merchant vessel. Amsa warned that "some parts of the search area will experience low cloud and rain throughout the day".

Australia's Ocean Shield, fitted with a US-supplied black box detector, known as a towed pinger locator, and an autonomous underwater vehicle that can comb the seabed using electronic sensors, was also to leave Perth.

But Captain Mark Matthews from the US Navy, who was involved in the search for an Air France jet which crashed into the Atlantic Ocean in 2009, said the crash site must be identified first to allow any pings from the recorder to be located.

"It is critical that we find that surface debris so we can reduce the area that we'd need to conduct an underwater search in," he told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

"Right now the search area is basically the size of the Indian Ocean, which would take an untenable amount of time to search."

With MH370 vanishing on March 8 and a black box usually giving off signals for 30 days there are fears that it could already be too late with Ocean Shield taking up to three days to get to the area, although Captain Matthews said the pinger could last up to 15 days longer than that.

Australian Navy Commodore Peter Leavy, the commander of the military arm of the search, said the focus on Monday was still to find debris and confirm it was from the plane then work backwards to a possible crash site.

"The search area remains vast and this equipment can only be effectively employed when there is a high probability that the final location of Flight MH370 is better known," he said.


While Malaysia remains in charge of the search operation under international protocols, Australia has assumed increasing responsibility with retired air chief marshal Angus Houston on Sunday appointed to head a new joint agency coordination centre in Perth.

His job will involve coordinating diplomatic contacts between search participants and ensuring families get all the information and help they need.

About two-thirds of those on board the plane were Chinese and many of their families have been highly critical of the way Malaysia has treated them, accusing Kuala Lumpur of providing insufficient information as they endure an agonising wait to learn the fate of their loved ones Malaysia believes the flight was deliberately redirected by someone on board, but nothing else is known.

Relatives of Chinese passengers arrived on Sunday in Kuala Lumpur - some angrily seeking answers and others seeking closure.

Many passengers are particularly incensed at the announcement on March 24 by Prime Minister Najib Razak that - based on detailed British analysis of satellite and other data - the plane had been lost at sea.

Clinging to shreds of hope, several desperate relatives refuse to accept this until wreckage is found.

"Tell us the truth. Give us our relatives back," read one poster displayed on Sunday by the Chinese relatives who travelled to Malaysia.

But not all were in militant mood.

At a regular briefing by Malaysian officials for family members in Beijing, a woman said not all the group members took the trip to put pressure on the Malaysian government.

"Some of the next of kin want to see for themselves the last place where their loved ones ever set foot," she added, breaking down in tears


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Post time 31-3-2014 08:04 AM | Show all posts
guesswho09 posted on 31-3-2014 01:17 AM
my instinct merasakan
ada org ke3 dlm cockpit

tak kan 3 org nak bunuh diri...biasanya 1 org shj.....kalau hijack mana tuntutan....

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Post time 31-3-2014 08:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lina66 posted on 31-3-2014 08:01 AM
Bile la dorang2 ni nak hangkot debris MH370

Mana nak ngangkutnya
Yang depa jumpa so far alatan fishermen..sampah sarap...bahan buangan...bahan hasil tsunami acheh dahulu kala..

Sabo j
Tunggu isyarat kecemasan kapal nelayan terkini

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Post time 31-3-2014 08:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cloudy_83 posted on 31-3-2014 07:27 AM
lucu la aurora sebab I selalu terfikir agaknya ecam ada nick ke kat dalam ni sambil meneka2 gambar ...

Agak2 u, abg icam nak pakai avatar apa ek..?? Hikhik

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Post time 31-3-2014 08:07 AM | Show all posts
guesswho09 posted on 31-3-2014 01:24 AM
citer ATC, bibik i tak tau pulak
citer yg dia keluar dgn wife dia
mlm sebelom dia teebang tu ada b ...

kalau di tak drive..nampak sangat tak akan balik....mau plan pun biar pintar...

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Post time 31-3-2014 08:09 AM | Show all posts
cloudy_83 posted on 31-3-2014 07:27 AM
lucu la aurora sebab I selalu terfikir agaknya ecam ada nick ke kat dalam ni sambil meneka2 gambar ...

iols sgt lahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh setuju.............interaksi sgt penting sambil boleh merembes...

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Post time 31-3-2014 08:10 AM | Show all posts
alinone78 posted on 31-3-2014 08:05 AM
Mana nak ngangkutnya
Yang depa jumpa so far alatan fishermen..sampah sarap...bahan buangan...baha ...

Bile announced kat TV mcm confident gitu konon nye itu debris MH370...


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Post time 31-3-2014 08:10 AM | Show all posts
Dzeko posted on 31-3-2014 01:23 AM
tapi mmg celaka la kan mana2 yg close to the family yang disclose this info to the press...

takde makna nak cakap camni :

According to the report, Faizah refused to accept Zaharie might be involved in the flight’s disappearance, protesting: "It’s unfair to blame my husband."
kalau awal nya dah cakap :

The wife of the pilot at the helm of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 told investigators that he stopped speaking to her in the weeks leading up to the ill-fated flight.
Speaking about the mystery for the first time, the wife and daughter of Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah said the 53-year-old pilot had been distracted and withdrawn in the weeks before the aircraft’s disappearance.
"He just retreated into a shell. I found him distant and difficult to understand," she said, adding that her husband was so withdrawn he hardly spoke to his sons and was not close to them.

sama ja macam bagi senjata kat orang untuk bunuh suami sendiri

melainkan paper yang dok gedik2 reka cipta semua tu


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Post time 31-3-2014 08:10 AM | Show all posts
aurora273 posted on 31-3-2014 07:22 AM
Ni i agree, sbb awal2 lg i dah bgtau yg pa isam ada dlm ni & dia follow setiap thread..

owh ada pa isam eh?....

to pa isam, sila beritahu bos anda, bos anda sgt sgt lah suka.

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Post time 31-3-2014 08:11 AM | Show all posts
FanTasyCreaTioN posted on 31-3-2014 08:10 AM
takde makna nak cakap camni :

kalau awal nya dah cakap :

so mana satu betul ni apa wife capt cakap?

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Post time 31-3-2014 08:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aurora273 posted on 31-3-2014 10:05 AM
Agak2 u, abg icam nak pakai avatar apa ek..?? Hikhik

tu la I tak terfikir la. baru I perasan banyak benda yang I tak tau pasal dia. jadi tak boleh nak agak..

yang pastinya ecam takkan guna gambar sendiri hehe.. :lol Last edited by cloudy_83 on 31-3-2014 10:14 AM


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Post time 31-3-2014 08:13 AM | Show all posts
eva posted on 30-3-2014 04:23 PM
ic tq dear... prc x pyh layan sgt.. kecoh memanjang jer dorang tu..

aqua planning nie bukan sa ...

ha`ah pernah kena situasi macam ni dulu..
tak tau nama nya aqua planning


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Post time 31-3-2014 08:14 AM | Show all posts
aurora273 posted on 31-3-2014 08:05 AM
Agak2 u, abg icam nak pakai avatar apa ek..?? Hikhik

-deleted- Last edited by tapibukanaku on 31-3-2014 08:19 AM


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