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abbot dah mula pc kat RAAF base pearce. kalau ada pape I update ye |
Simunggu posted on 31-3-2014 08:02 AM 
ini tabiat buruk org kita...tak nak cakap terus direct...aku dah cakap lagi dari awal lagi....namp ...
so,,, kira kalau tak ada tebusan kira bukan hijack ler yer.... baguih baguih.... cerdik you ni...
Kalau bagi soalan exam nak jadi spy confirm kena repeat paper
FanTasyCreaTioN posted on 31-3-2014 04:10 AM 
takde makna nak cakap camni :
kalau awal nya dah cakap :
biasa la media.. tanya soalan pun yg leading question jer... pastu ambil yg negative jer untuk dijadikan bahan syok sendiri kat penulisan dia...
tapibukanaku posted on 31-3-2014 08:11 AM 
so mana satu betul ni apa wife capt cakap?
ni isi penuh nya uols ..
iols copy paste dari :
Credit To :
Family speaks of pilot’s ‘disturbing behaviour’ in weeks prior to flight MH370
MARCH 30, 2014
Zaharie was said to have kept to himself in the room where he built the flight simulator, in the weeks prior to the ill-fated flight MH370. - March 30. 2014.
The wife of the pilot at the helm of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 told investigators that he stopped speaking to her in the weeks leading up to the ill-fated flight.
Faizah Khanum Mustafa Khan had allegedly informed investigators that "he retreated into a shell", spending time alone in his room in the house they shared, The Mail on Sunday reported today.
More than three weeks since flight MH370 disappeared with 239 crew and passengers aboard, investigators in Malaysia suspect that the plane may have been deliberately steered off course.
The plane is thought to have flown hundreds of miles out over the southern Indian Ocean where it eventually ran out of fuel and plunged into the sea.
Speaking about the mystery for the first time, the wife and daughter of Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah said the 53-year-old pilot had been distracted and withdrawn in the weeks before the aircraft’s disappearance.
According to the same report, no suicide note has been found and no motive established, but police are continuing to concentrate their inquiries on the pilot’s background and whether his state of mind before the flight may be a factor.
Quoting a source close to the pilot’s family, The Mail on Sunday reported that Faizah told investigators that Zaharie had stopped speaking to her and spent time alone in his room where he had built a flight simulator.
"He just retreated into a shell. I found him distant and difficult to understand," she said, adding that her husband was so withdrawn he hardly spoke to his sons and was not close to them.
Of his three children, Zaharie appears to have been closest to his daughter Aishah, who flew back from Melbourne, Australia, to be with her family after MH370 went missing.
She had told investigators that her last conversations with her father was a lot different to those they shared before.
"He wasn’t the father I knew. He seemed disturbed and lost in a world of his own," she told investigators, according to the Mail on Sunday.
"He wasn’t his usual self. He was distant and cranky," she had said, adding that she did not know if there was another woman in her father's life.
Among other revelations from the unnamed source were that Zaharie was on the brink of divorcing his wife after nearly 30 years of marriage, but still refused to attend marriage counselling with Islamic elders.
He was also alleged to have expressed "utter frustration" at the jailing of his political hero, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, in an appeals court hours before the flight. The Court of Appeal had ruled on March 7 that Anwar was guilty of sodomy, overturning an acquittal from the initial trial in 2012.
Faizah broke down repeatedly during two lengthy interviews with police, the family source told The Mail on Sunday, adding that one of the interviews lasted more than four hours.
However, despite the pilot’s behaviour, his family are convinced that he was not responsible for the plane’s disappearance.
According to the report, Faizah refused to accept Zaharie might be involved in the flight’s disappearance, protesting: "It’s unfair to blame my husband."
His daughter Aishah also told investigators she did not believe he could be in any way responsible for the flight’s disappearance.
"I don’t believe he would ever intentionally endanger the lives of his crew and passengers," she insisted.
According to the Mail on Sunday, police interviews with family members have confirmed that the pilot, who lived with his family in an upmarket suburb in Kuala Lumpur, did not have any obvious financial problems. – March 30, 2014.
slow je thread ni...
apa perkembangan baharu sekarang ni?
tapibukanaku posted on 31-3-2014 08:11 AM 
so mana satu betul ni apa wife capt cakap?
yang confirm, kawan dia capt ni yg pecah lubang terus.... dasar kawan tak boleh simpan rahsia...bila nanti capt zaharie cleared of all this accusation against him, this ex friend ni patut melutut maaf dari family dia
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]MH370 Captain Zaharie was 'psychologically unstable' following a marriage break-up with his second wife, according to the President of the Malaysian Pilots Association.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]Captain Abdul Manan Mansor told the MailOnline:'Everybody is [upset] about it, but when you have instability there are so many ways that a person who wants to suicide [can do it],' Mansor said.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]'I have seen four or five pilots killing themselves because of marital problems.'
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]Earlier reports have said Zaharie's first wife and mother of his three grown children, Faiza Khanum Mustafa Khan, was leaving him after 30 years, and that relationship problems with another woman had left him 'in no state of mind to be flying'.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]Capt Manan, a former Royal Malaysian Airforce pilot and Chief Executive of Malaysia's Aviation Management College also has his theory about what happened on board MH370 in the skies over South-East Asia, soon after take-off.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]He said he believed Captain Zaharie was solely responsible for steering the aircraft off course and that the most likely scenario was pilot suicide.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]'I believe it was only him, not the co-pilot [Fariq Abdul Hamid] who was in the cockpit flying the plane,' Capt Manan said.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]'[Hamid] had very little experience as a pilot and he wouldn't know the mountains of Malaysia very well.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]'I believe the co-pilot wasn't in the cockpit . . . was asked to go and check on something and the captain locked the door.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]'I think . . . everybody would have been trying to break the door open, that's why the aircraft went down and up to 45,000 feet.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]'The pilot pulled the aircraft to give the passengers negative and positive 'g', to disarm them [make] them stay put and don't disturb me.'
kelana36 posted on 31-3-2014 08:17 AM 
biasa la media.. tanya soalan pun yg leading question jer... pastu ambil yg negative jer untuk dij ...
masalah nya bang ..
awat la sampai boleh leak kat media butir perbualan tu..
sengal tahap ... yang tukang bocor tu haa
BelovedTaeyeon posted on 31-3-2014 07:33 AM 
Kenapa laluan penerbangan MH370 yang ditunjukkan kepada China dan kita berbeza?
Memang MH370 sengaja dilencongkan. Technical problem memang dah ruled-out. Boeing sengih jer bila ada org nak saman dia based on technical fault. Boeing is not going to lose sleep over MH370.
FanTasyCreaTioN posted on 31-3-2014 08:18 AM 
ni isi penuh nya uols ..
iols copy paste dari :
owh tq uols...banyak -ve dari +ve nampaknya. senang utk orang buat spekulasi..kerja wartawan memang superb utk melariskan kompeni memasing
Lina66 posted on 31-3-2014 08:10 AM 
Bile announced kat TV mcm confident gitu konon nye itu debris MH370...
kalau ostolia buat tak apa sbb dia orang putih... kalau malaysia tak boleh sbb melayu.... agaknya itulah subliminal message nya
scorpionkiki posted on 31-3-2014 08:19 AM 
yang confirm, kawan dia capt ni yg pecah lubang terus.... dasar kawan tak boleh simpan rahsia...bi ...
kawan makan kawan sgt....ermmm..tetiba rasa sedih pulakk kan..
Bell posted on 31-3-2014 08:22 AM 
Memang MH370 sengaja dilencongkan. Technical problem memang dah ruled-out. Boeing sengih jer bila ...
Yer... eng dept MAS pun boleh sengih jugak... LAE dan Mechanics yg last certified jet skrg ni tido pun tak lena dah 3 minggu
Isteri dakwa Zaharie bersedih
LONDON - Juruterbang Kapten Zaharie Ahmad Shah pernah mengasingkan diri daripada keluarganya sebelum dia menerbangkan pesawat milik syarikat penerbangan Malaysia (MAS) yang hilang pada 8 Mac lalu, lapor akhbar Mail On Sunday semalam.
Dalam satu temu bual oleh pasukan penyiasat bersama keluarga Zaharie yang didedahkan oleh akhbar tersebut mendapati, juruterbang itu suka mengasingkan diri akibat masalah rumah tangga yang dialaminya itu.
Isteri dan seorang anak perempuan Zaharie berkata, juruterbang itu kelihatan terlalu sedih berhubung isu rumah tangganya beberapa minggu sebelum pesawat MH370 tersebut hilang pada 8 Mac lalu.
Ikuti berita selanjutnya di KOSMO! hari ini.
Artikel Penuh: http://www.kosmo.com.my/kosmo/co ... 2.htm#ixzz2xUmeTGsi
Hakcipta terpelihara
Credit To :
Ibrahim denies link between MH370 pilot and jail sentence
The Malaysian opposition leader has revealed he met the pilot of missing flight MH370 on number of occasions.
There have been reports the captain of the ill-fated flight attended a court hearing where Anwar Ibrahim was sentenced to five years jail for sodomy, just six hours before he took control of the aircraft - although there's been no independent verification of that.
The opposition leader says the pilot was a passionate advocate for democracy but his sentencing would be no reason to hijack a plane.
Anwar Ibrahim is on bail as he appeals his sentence and he spoke to our South East Asia Correspondent Samantha Hawley in Kuala Lumpur.
She asked what he thought of the Malaysian government's handling of the tragedy.
ANWAR IBRAHIM: Incompetence is probably an understatement because, until today they, have not been able to explain why the radar findings has never been told. So this has led to a lot of suspicion whether they are not releasing information, it's not on there now. Incompetence in our bag system but there is a lot of suspicion being raised.
( FC note : saper2 tau tak.. radar finding apa lagi yer blom di bgtau? )
SAMANTHA HAWLEY: Now of course the pilot has been linked to you, that he's a member of your party and that you know him, just so we can clear this up, how well did you know the pilot? Have you had one-on-one meetings with him before, can you shed some light on that?
ANWAR IBRAHIM: Understand that – joke. Anything goes wrong with the country, even defeat of Manchester United to at that time Real Madrid - Anwar is to be blamed.

So it doesn't come as a surprise, and people love when I mention that. But, what is disturbing in this case, is your casting aspersions on an innocent man, just because he is a member of our party and clearly sympathetic to our cause, for reform, for democracy, for clean, fair elections and he was of course said to be disturbed by the ruling of the court of appeal to imprison me for five years. But when asked-
SAMANTHA HAWLEY: That decision came, didn’t it, just hours really before this plane went missing?
ANWAR IBRAHIM: Yes, because naturally people who believe in justice and rule of law should feel a bit concerned, but it wouldn't lead them to be hijacking plane.
SAMANTHA HAWLEY: But how well did you know him?
ANWAR IBRAHIM: I have met him on a number of occasions; he's an active member in that sense, although he does not hold office. I met him in, during party meetings and we discussed, naturally, the issues of elections, his concern about the fraud in the elections and things like that.
General sort of discussions, but clearly, passionate about the need for the country to move towards greater transparency and democracy. He's a very senior pilot, quite articulate and smart and a good family person.
SAMANTHA HAWLEY: You said he's innocent, you see him as an innocent man, you see no reason to suspect him of any foul play?
ANWAR IBRAHIM: Yes, because we know him, he supports democratic reform. He supports fair and free elections; he's a very senior pilot, you know. Coming down wearing a t-shirt, calling for free elections or anti-corruption, which of course attracts some attention among the rank and file members of the party.
CHRIS ULHMANN: The Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim speaking to our correspondent in Kuala Lumpur, Samantha Hawley.
Simunggu posted on 31-3-2014 08:04 AM 
tak kan 3 org nak bunuh diri...biasanya 1 org shj.....kalau hijack mana tuntutan....
i tak rasa bunuh diri |
FanTasyCreaTioN posted on 31-3-2014 08:10 AM
takde makna nak cakap camni :
kalau awal nya dah cakap :
Sepupu aku kwnnya ank kapten zaharie ni.anknya kata fitnah ape yg kuar dlm paper tu.tu ank dia bengang gile. |
Bell posted on 31-3-2014 08:26 AM 
Isteri dakwa Zaharie bersedih
LONDON - Juruterbang Kapten Zaharie Ahmad Shah pernah mengasingkan ...
Apasal nak bunuh diri kalau marah ker wife sekalipun... nanti dia mati, wife tu jugak yg dapat epf duit berkepuk... kalau nak bunuh diri tentu lepas bercerai... tak masuk akal...
Pilot cerai berai biasa la... diaorang pun manusia jugak..takkan sbb nak berpisah nak bunuh orang lain yg tak berdosa.
honeybee1802 posted on 30-3-2014 08:31 PM 
Oot jap nor...sbb dok ckp2 ngan sedara jiran yg kebetulan anaknya kene denggi 2nd time...sup ketam ...
OT kejap ye. Baru2 ni anak saya juga kena dmam denggi, tapi tak berapa teruk. Sempat masuk hospital 2 mlm. Beri minum 100+, sup ketam dan juga jus daun betik (tip drp Majalan 3) untuk tingkatkan bacaan pelet darahnya.
scorpionkiki posted on 31-3-2014 08:25 AM 
Yer... eng dept MAS pun boleh sengih jugak... LAE dan Mechanics yg last certified jet skrg ni tido ...
Lepas ada technical problem, kapal boleh terbang 4-5 jam lagi. BULLSH1TTT!!!!
elnor_81 posted on 31-3-2014 08:29 AM 
Sepupu aku kwnnya ank kapten zaharie ni.anknya kata fitnah ape yg kuar dlm paper tu.tu ank dia ben ...
harap anak dia saman sekarang jugak...bukan setakat slander tapi terus libel... just to prove a point yg daily mail buat cerita
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