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If you had to choose to be one age...
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If you had to choose to be one age for the rest of your life which age would you want to be? Why? |
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i would want to be 25.i dont know why, i just feel like that's the time when you really find out how you want to live out the rest of your life.most people that i meet in their mid 20s are generally happy and have a lot of fun while also maintaining life as responsible and independent adults.25 seems a pretty good place to stop.i have got some great real world body isn't falling apart yet.old enough to have a career started and young enough to not have any real responsibilities. |
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haih this is a sad thread haha..
for my current age now, of coz i wanna go back to my 20s.. maybe mid of it 25.. wanna find my husband and get married earlier, get kids earlier haha.. so at my age now, all grow up to teenagers already!
when 25, the body still strong also.. u able to do things that u want to do, go places that u wanna go, without hesitation or worry to be tired.. no need to take extra vitamin pills like now. so sad. in a way at 25 you are still soooo energetic  |
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12 years carefree happy childhood |
I want to be 5 years old forever!
at that age, I dont have to worry about anything... go kindy, makan, main, watch tv, tidur, repeat!
and I still have my parents, plus grandparents from both sides..
uncles & aunties spoil me to bits, lotsa gifts, lotsa chocolates, lotsa fun games & jokes..
the only disadvantage is that.. if I want duit raya, not only I have to salam ppl, but I have to kiss them too, mostly, on de cheeks, with all those janggut/misai, grrrrr! |
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I want to be 16 years old again.
Very happy teenager. Young, no pimples, lots of friends, energetic, enthusiastic, very skinny, flawless skin. I can play games and can afford to job hop |
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umo sekarang...past few years ni rasa sdg berada di tahap selesa hidup dari segi family, duit, kesihatan....x tau la lps ni akan terus naik...atau jatuh ke bawah....atau mungkin statik je |
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dari segi kehidupan umur 30 adalah sangat perfek - matang,kesihatan. kerjaya, harta kereta rumah, kewangan bagus, zaman internet murah, boleh mengadakan apa yg tak ade, semua apa saja boleh
dari segi kebebasan/sosial umur 18-19 agak perfek - mencari ilmu perkara2 baru, soasial, happy2, tetapi terdapat kekangan kewangan kekangan membuat keputusan sendiri kekangan memiliki apa saja
umur 35 ke atas semakin byk tanggunjawab dan terbeban. sudah kurang excited tentang lagu2 fashion2 dan perkara2 baru, ianya tanda2 awal menjadi senior dan org tua2. kohkohkoh
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Few options ..
a) at the age of 12 .. zaman kegemilangan budak2.. excel dlm pelajaran .. aktif dlm sukan lbh2 lg dpt wakil negeri utk kejohanan kebangsaan.. pegang jawatan2 tinggi dlm persatuan2 .. menang dlm byk pertandingan pentas .. kecik2 zaman 80an pun dh usaha sendri utk keluar dr kg pg tmpt org dgn mnjadi wakil sek dlm pelbagai bidang ..
b) early 20s - zaman muda remaja .. minda dan otak masih blm tercemar dgn mcm2 benda .. abis study br blajar nk hidup dgn keje with well known company .. ada keje gaji tinggi .. dah ada bf .. kewangan di paras yg memuaskn .. x byk masalah sgt .. tiada masalah kesihatan yg membimbangkn ..
c) end 30s ni .. drpd segi kestabilan hidup mgkn ths is the right age to stick to .. minda dan pemikiran dh matang .. tgk dunia pun drpd sudut penglihatan yg berbeza .. most importantly buat bkn utk pandangan org lain .. cuma drpd segi kesihatan dan kecergasan mmg bkn pilihan drpd this age .. uhuk uhuk uhuk .. |
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1. Umur 5-15 tahun untuk zaman kanak2 yg terlalu dirindukan. Zaman tu juga pembangunan bergerak seiring. Hubungan kekeluargaan dan persahabatan masih jujur dan suci. Eceh 
2. Umur 35-45 tahun kerana bagi iols pada umur tu seorang perempuan dah teramat2 stabil dari segi pendapatan, hubungan kekeluargaan, agama dan pemikiran. |
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terejal di sekolah teknik tak berkesudahan
ku bahagia..
gituuu.. |
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27 years old!
sebab masih muda
badan masih fit
da keja dan ada duit
free and easy, boleh buat apa2 yang saya suka |
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I wanna be 21, badan masih kuat, masih fit, dah ada kerjaya , dah boleh cari duit, membetulkan kesilapan masa lalu, sukses n lebih beristiqamah |
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age when i enter universities on my 19-20s. tubuh masih kuat and sihat. minda masih cergas. motivation masih tinggi. time to create group of frens
i wish i have part time job this age
selecting correct friend
choosing correct course in universities
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I want to be kid aged 4 need to think bout job , dun have to face problems....just playing all day..enjoys life being kid |
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muamua replied at 10-6-2018 11:06 AM
...can be a prime minister for a second time
You took the words right out of my mouth..  |
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Category: Belia & Informasi