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Post time 10-12-2019 07:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by KIM.K at 10-12-2019 11:16 PM

Nak minta pendapat rakan-rakan dan otai tentang business plan iols untuk 2020. Iols nak create second income, dan bercadang nak beli laser engraver saiz kecil 0.4x0.5cm

Di tempat iols rasanya takda lagi kedai printing yang mempunyai laser engraver. Tak boleh buat kad kawin, stiker pakai laser kecil. Bukan printer. Laser kecil sesuai untuk personalization seperti custom names pada barang, potong kotak cardboard, buat potrait, name tag.

Adakah bisnes ni ok untuk musim ekonomi tahun depan atau lebih sesuai untuk printing shop. Iols pun takda masa untuk buat sendiri, tapi my second skills is graphic dan dah lama guna illustrator. Atau baik main saham etoro je
Hi guys since Sis @Adila39 advised I should add more info, iols cari short vids yang bagi gambaran tentang fungsinya. Laser engraver machine ada dua fungsi, (1) engrave/ukir (2) cutting/potong. Ia boleh ukir/potong atas pelbagai material seperti

PAPER - wedding card, paper lantern
Vid 1: Bentuk lace atas wedding card

CARDBOARD - kotak, corrugated designs, christmas ornaments
Vid 2: Kotak origami style

GLASS - ukir label, potrait, cermin
Vid 3: Ukir potrait didalam kaca/kristal

PLYWOOD - Buat kotak, plak, peta, dekorasi
Vid 4: Buat peta topografi

FOOD - Roti, buah, biskut, pie, macaron
Vid 5: Ukir corak diatas macaron



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 Author| Post time 10-12-2019 11:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts


Edited by KIM.K at 10-12-2019 11:35 PM

Selain material diatas, boleh juga ukir diatas METAL, LEATHER, PLASTIK. Sangat sesuai untuk bisnes cenderahati kerana boleh custom nama

Untuk small business production, laser cut sangat baik untuk potong kotak sendiri banyak2, ukir manufacturing date, batch number, custom label terutama membuat bahan advertising di social media dan gift kepada agen dan customer. Harga custom label sangat mahal di pasaran

Selain membantu production sendiri dan membuat hiasan rumah..adakah bisnes ini masih sesuai dengan keperluan kawasan atau sesuatu niche? Niche apakah yang suka laser engraving? Dimana saya nak tawarkan servis ni tanpa reka sesuatu yang takda demand

Diantara cadangan produk dari projek laser secara umum:
1) Replika tepak sirih plywood
2) Kad kawin offer to printing shops
3) Ornaments (ramadhan, raya, CNY, krismas)
4) Party deco

But my interest is not souvenirs. I prefer concrete projects, yang terbaik ialah something which going to be trending!

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 Author| Post time 13-12-2019 09:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Disclaimer: Ifan is Cytro

Edited by KIM.K at 13-12-2019 09:45 PM

I takminat discuss with ifan cause he's just personally bitching
Not doing anything smart, know how to do anything smart or even worthy at his previous educational institutions. UNWORTHY
Mamat ni cybertrooper yang selalu kena disowned by BN cytro. Neither smart or useful

If you can't make at least RM10k per month, you are not learning anything much time to time

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Post time 10-12-2019 09:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ada guna artwork tak..

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 Author| Post time 10-12-2019 11:20 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
yuki812 replied at 10-12-2019 09:07 AM
ada guna artwork tak..

Takda. Banyak artwork buat utk marketing je

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Post time 10-12-2019 10:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I'm so old school, boleh lukis pakai tangan je... apps and so on x gheti.

Btw back to topic, perhaps u need to look bigger.. surrounding and demand. Kadang we cant simply compare with current situation but what u can do plus added valuenya at where u are, so make use of it

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 Author| Post time 10-12-2019 10:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 10-12-2019 10:22 PM
I'm so old school, boleh lukis pakai tangan je... apps and so on x gheti.

Btw back to topic, perh ...

I don't even know what laser engraver is good for, other than personalization. Lazer tu current tapi apakah demand dia..hobi ke, gifts ke..
Buat kotak ke..or christmas ornaments.

I saw I could personalized my own products macam lazerkan manufacturing date, batch, nama company pada gifts utk customer/agen. Sebab boleh engraved pie, macaroni & marshmallow huu

Sebentar saya tambah cukup info tentang topik ni

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Post time 11-12-2019 11:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by yuki812 at 11-12-2019 12:00 PM
KIM.K replied at 10-12-2019 11:20 AM
Takda. Banyak artwork buat utk marketing je

actually i tak nmpk clear camner rupa laser yg i cakap tu. tapi apa yg i leh agak..ini adalah one of printing material

pd i printing material ni kalau nampk gitu2 mmg mcm menguntungkan. one of the marketing punya strategy cara nk kembangkan business cth guna flyers ker..badge ke..pamplet..bunting..calendar..diary.
kira ni cara yg traditional. keje i buat budget. co i..ada produk yg perlu di pasarkan. u know..nk buat flyers atau apa kena ada artwork. artwork tu lah sebenarnya yg plg mahal costnya. kita tak leh demand nk murah2. tp yg printing material ni kita nk pilih jenis yg camne..nak yg murah..mahal. kita boleh buat comparison antara each printing co..guna material printing paper yg harga yg berlainan. so..kita akan pilih yg murah.

tp artwork mmg tak leh nk pilih. kita nk camni..harganya camni. co i mmg ada artist..buat design. tp kdg bila dia sibuk..kita hire org luar. dia charge artwork 500-1000 camtu..walhal artwork yg biasa..contoh artwork tuk flyers. pastu send tuk printing, kami ada several suppliers printing dan pilih yg mana leh bg kami quotation rendah. sudahnya harga printing flyers yg beribu pcs tu baru bbrapa ratus je. compare ngn harga artwork yg i rasa biasa2...yg charge mahal tu. lg pulak suppliers tu siap bg sample free ikut kita punya at the end still quote harga murah.

so..pd i kalau u nak jalankn business printing..nak untung lbh skali u provide ngn artwork. kalau dok sesaja printing..ok je..cuma kena bertahan dan cari market yg lbh besar. kena byk kan type printing..ada trophy ker..arcyclic ke...
kalau yg customade biasa lagi mahal. tu pon u leh bg service gitu..



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Post time 12-12-2019 03:40 PM | Show all posts
bukak kedai urut je la kimk woi...

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 Author| Post time 12-12-2019 05:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ifanonline replied at 12-12-2019 03:40 PM
bukak kedai urut je la kimk woi...

Urus lemak kau ke..berambus

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 Author| Post time 12-12-2019 08:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by KIM.K at 12-12-2019 08:20 PM
yuki812 replied at 11-12-2019 11:52 AM
actually i tak nmpk clear camner rupa laser yg i cakap tu. tapi apa yg i leh agak..ini adalah on ...

Salam sis. I gave long thought to it. Sis Yuki, that's very insightful overview
Ya design semua ada harga, semua makan jam..poster FB sekeping pun RM380 lagikan flyers. Tulah I belajar illustrator in 2007 walaupun tak crisps

I make artwork for my products tapi bukan untuk laser cut. Buat iklan, label, stiker, flyers sendiri..langgan FREEPIK for royalty free stocks. Sticker printer lebih penting dari laser cut. Kotak packaging dah tak penting, sebab sekarang J&T bungkuskan

Kalau I offer artwork for lasercut, bisnes seasonal sesuai sebab design readymade. Macam perayaan, bday, kad kawin. If hari-hari kena design, takda bajet. Nak beli fonts etc. Lagipun itu strength kedai printing

Mungkin offer lasercut untuk makanan ok, niche baru. Tak kompleks sangat design. Tak ramai orang buat. PC pun ada. Pernah tengok food ink printer, cetak barcode atas coklat

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Post time 13-12-2019 09:33 AM | Show all posts
KIM.K replied at 12-12-2019 05:36 PM
Urus lemak kau ke..berambus

org melayu takyah meniaga la...bukan maju pun...

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Post time 13-12-2019 10:45 AM | Show all posts
ifanonline replied at 13-12-2019 09:33 AM
org melayu takyah meniaga la...bukan maju pun...

generasi kita sekarang ramai yg mengeluh, sukarnya nak carik kerja bila tulis bahagian requirement mandarin speaker, chinese preferable

itu belum lagi anak2 kita di masa depan
topik ni pasti ada yg kaitkan dah org Cina yg ramai meniaga ada company sdn bhd  
bila ada Melayu nak meniaga, belum apa2 dah buang semangat dia
jom kita fikir positif dan maju dgn skop yg lebih meluas
pada tuan tanah, saya bole bagi semangat saje, nak komen pun printing bukan bidang saya
cuma jika nak meniaga, otak kena laju bab Marketing
Database Customer dah ada?



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Post time 13-12-2019 10:58 AM | Show all posts
meow_tompok replied at 13-12-2019 10:45 AM
generasi kita sekarang ramai yg mengeluh, sukarnya nak carik kerja bila tulis bahagian requirement ...

lets be realisitic here, kalau org melayu ramai yg pandai meniaga, sudah lama kita pegang ekonomi di Malaysia, dgn segala jenis bantuan, subsidi, kemudahan, yg disediakan kerajaan...tapi knp masih melayu tidak berjaya dlm perniagaan?

denying is one thing, tapi kena ckp berdasarkan fakta...awak cari lah fakta2 pasal perniagaan melayu...


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Post time 13-12-2019 11:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ifanonline replied at 13-12-2019 01:33 AM
org melayu takyah meniaga la...bukan maju pun...

dont say that, ada yg bagus and ada yg tidak and same goes w others.

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Post time 13-12-2019 11:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
KIM.K replied at 12-12-2019 09:36 AM
Urus lemak kau ke..berambus

jgn marah marah stay calm.. businessman kena open and accept all critisms in good manner okeh.

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Post time 13-12-2019 11:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
meow_tompok replied at 13-12-2019 02:45 AM
generasi kita sekarang ramai yg mengeluh, sukarnya nak carik kerja bila tulis bahagian requirement ...

apa kata twist sikit... ambil opportunity from this hassle.

yes database sangatla penting.. segala email and phone no i keep as my database.. kdg tu randomly buat whatsap bulk or sms bulk and bulk mailing


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Post time 13-12-2019 11:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ifanonline replied at 13-12-2019 02:58 AM
lets be realisitic here, kalau org melayu ramai yg pandai meniaga, sudah lama kita pegang ekonomi  ...

rasanya mentaliti dan sikap melayu dah mula berubah, org kata it's rather bit late but its better late than nothing. So ifan bagila good idea so org melayu akan lebih open up how to do. Keep whining benda dah lepas pun x mengubah apa apa.

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Post time 13-12-2019 11:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kim, apa yg kim have in mind dah ramai yg buat. But that doesn't mean u shud stop doing it.

Perhaps u need to get more info, study those yg dah buat apa yg buat mereka sustain business ni and sebaliknya why jika x menjadi. Above all... do research and no too long to decide.. if u ada facts and u know what ur doing.. follow ur guts and start small and be super duper intelligent in doing business.. insyaallah.

Just do it apa u rasa betul. What matters is what u think.

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Post time 13-12-2019 11:36 AM | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 13-12-2019 11:31 AM
rasanya mentaliti dan sikap melayu dah mula berubah, org kata it's rather bit late but its better  ...

as idealsitic as you have just said, kerajaan Malaysia sudah suruh melayu berubah semenjak negara merdeka pada bulan Ogos add salt to wound, kerajaan dah tubuh FELDA, FELCRA, Tabung Haji, Proton, Malaysia Airlines, etc...ini semua perniagaan atas dasar utk membantu melayu...

with that said, how does laser engraving will make you succeed? dok rumah jaga anak je la...

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Post time 13-12-2019 11:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ifanonline replied at 13-12-2019 03:36 AM
as idealsitic as you have just said, kerajaan Malaysia sudah suruh melayu berubah semenjak negara  ...

aaaa... jgnla go far to that mmg sakit hati bila pikir malaysia now... but for this particular topic.. ni bukan a step stone to succeed... ni adalah planning TT to expand business dia and ada pelbagai sources of income itu sahaja.

ps :felcra / felda and lain lain tu... for sure they will do something on how to manage the group and all the issues... entahla ifan let's pray for d best to everyone je

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