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CIMB management trainee-is it worth it?
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lordrahl This user has been deleted
Guys, of course gurls, i manage to pergi final interview cimb trainee nie.. ok basically, i akan start kerja ngan maersk 7/5 nie.. so the problem is that if i am successful with cimb, aku kena pilih salah satu la..
kalu korg ade pape info pasal trainee cimb nie leh la ditampalkan di sini, thak you..
i juz nak tau the benefits, salary, advantages, disadvantages ke.. or senang cite u all akan pilih maersk or cimb nie?
maersk lak, very big mnc, byk opportunities untuk pergi jauh, maksud naik lebih tinggi la.. |
dua2 kompeni yang bagus..
so there's no catch-22 here..
tahniah la ye.. |
Reply #1 lordrahl's post
Lordrahl aku dah PM ko, kalau nak tau lebih lanjut pasal career path Maersk |
saya baru pergi interview dengan CIMB untuk post management trainee... dah lepas tahap 2- IQ test test... Nak tunggu bila baru dapat tahu kalau kita berjaya IQ test tu??? Lama ke? |
bper gaji dedua comp tu offer?
yg maersk tu post ape? |
kalo aku mmg pilih maersk..worldwide company tu!!terkenal dlm maritime industry..
1st ranking in shipping liner...majoring in container!APL NOL,CMA CGM pesaing utama maersk..
rugi la kalo x join maersk..
aku penah attend dia punye maersk punye assessment(management trainee) but failed already..hhuhu
gud luck! |
i have attend interview with CIMB regarding MT position... but failed already... and also upset cuz KO and IQ test.... ... I don understand what they care so much bout the IQ test.... |
salary attractive... rm3000 per month... but the assessment so damn tough.... |
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Category: Belia & Informasi