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I AM MUSLIM - Dina Zaman

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Post time 20-4-2007 01:37 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
I AM MUSLIM - Dina Zaman

Mod, kalau nak letak kat bahagian Critical Reading pun takpe, okay....

Yana baru baca buku nie. Why I bought it? Hmm, mostly sebab terinfluence dgn a few blogs which recommended it. Dgn kata lain, curious la.....Yana jarang baca tulisan Dina Zaman in NST because I mainly read The I don't know much about her.

So, basically, I bought the book and read it lah. Yana tak nak bagi reviews on it....but mainly Yana nak cari org yang dah baca buku nie or selalu baca artikel2 Dina....

those yg dah baca buku nie, what did you think about it? To me, this book is about Dina's ...'discovery' of her religion and her dilemmas in practising her faith. In the book, Dina berckp pasal how different people perceive her to be, especially jika org tu dibesarkan dlm islam conservative or is interesting to note that she perceives that she is a good muslim tapi some people might not see her as one....

anyway, any takers? mainly yana nak discuss with people yang dah baca buku nie and maybe boleh highlight the parts that you liked and didn't like about particular parts of it.....then Yana boleh baca balik and maybe agree or disagree with la, bila kita baca something, sometimes pemahaman kita lain and pemahaman org lain pulak, berbeza.......kan?



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Post time 20-4-2007 01:47 PM | Show all posts
belum baca buku ni sebab tak beli lagi.. kalau g mph asyik tak de je.. suka baca blog dia..

Use magic Report

Post time 21-4-2007 12:57 PM | Show all posts
Belle dah beli buku ni last week kat Kinokuniya KLCC (RM 30). Byk lagi kat sana.

Balik tu terus belle baca. I cannot put it down till 3 in the morning. I'm kind of a slow reader kot, lagi pun buku ni bukan fiction, sambil baca tu kena fikir jugak.

This book made me think, about our own perception of Islam and being muslim ourselves, especially in Malaysia.

Belle pun bukan arif sangat kalau nak berbincang pasal agama, disebabkan belle jugak sedang tercari2 lagi dlm hidup ni. Tapi kita ni kalau nak belajar tentang agama, kena berguru, tak boleh belajar sendiri. Kalau belajar sendiri gurunya syaitan (itu yg belle selalu dengar lah)..

In my opinion, that book is on how the author perceives and practices islam from her perspective. Nak kata dia salah atau betul tu, belle mmg mengaku dari awal yg belle ni kurang ariff. Tapi apa yg belle boleh kongsi ialah, kita buka kan minda bila membaca buku ni.

Tak salah rasanya bila kita cuba melihat sesuatu dari perspektif berlainan. Yang +ve kita jadikan contoh, yg -ve pulak, kita take note. Maybe (MAYBE sahaja) ada sesetengah akan mengatakan buku ini sebagai propaganda, tapi terpulang.

On the whole, it's a good read, like her style of writing, easy to grasp and witty.

Kudos to Dina Zaman.

[ Last edited by  aurora_belle at 21-4-2007 01:10 PM ]



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Use magic Report

Post time 23-4-2007 01:11 PM | Show all posts
I'm the one yang akan beli buku ni (cuma tak beli lagi) ... nanti I review... looking forward to it really!

Use magic Report

Post time 11-5-2007 12:46 AM | Show all posts
baru popular..sambil lalu2..terpandang buku ni..tak taw nape..rasa tertarik tuk pandang..pastu tajuk sempat sebab x sempat x belek pon..isk2..
nk beli la...bape rm ek sebuah?

Use magic Report

Post time 12-5-2007 10:22 PM | Show all posts
Ada     beli        tadi   .....
Dina  Zaman   sendiri      yg   datang   wat  promosi     bukunya    kat   BORDER   .....
dapat   autograf   dari      Dina       sendiri  ....
beli    2    buku     dia   ....
satu   utk    sendiri  ...
satu lagi   utk  ...ehem   ..ehem   

[ Last edited by  mahathirGX at 12-5-2007 09:26 PM ]

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Post time 16-5-2007 05:22 PM | Show all posts
Buku ni an eye-opener for me especially cerita pasal Malays who eat pork, pasal ajaran sesat kat Msia ni, dll. Sometimes I terfikir betul ke Dina ni kenal orng2 macam tu

My personal opinion she's a bit too -ve dlm chapter "The closer u get to God". It's better kalau dia included the positives points also, I'm sure banyak cerita2 manis.  Ni I quote one line fr this chapter "Thing is : the closer you get to God, you have more sadness."



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mentaloon This user has been deleted
Post time 26-5-2007 11:24 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2 periwinkle..'s post

I would strongly suggest this book for everyone to read, muslim or non muslim alike. As someone who has
travelled quite extensively and lived, study and work abroad, I can very much relate to her experiences.

This book details the irony, hypocrisy, beauty, the good, the bad and the ugly of being a muslim, or more
specifically, in more than one case,being a malay muslim in ones own country. Her style of writing is very
simple and easy to comprehend, even people wiith basic english knowledge could understand.

She has somewhat written in a very modest and uncondescending way to potray and reflect the "behind
the scene"ongoings and practices of muslims in Malaysia. wether we like it or not, it is happening. I believe she definitely has her own opinion on each of the chapter she wrote, but notice how she reserved her thoughts and diplomatically offer little comment, just her real time on the spot reactions, like the case on sufism and god knows where shaman or bomoh with chicken sacrifices.

Islam is perfect, but first and foremost, we are human beings, complex human beings with weaknesses. We must not only view it in a religious mindset but in a social perspective.

I would like to seat down for cofffee with her and hope to share her thoughts one day if god willing. With sooo many years in journalism she has lots of stories to tell.



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Post time 28-5-2007 06:01 PM | Show all posts

I AM MUSLIM (By Dina Zaman)

For those who are interested in or have been wondering about how the Malay Muslims lead their lives, get this book!

Sebuah buku yang seronok dibaca

Melayu sekarang macam2 adaaaaaa

[ Last edited by  mo_mocha at 28-5-2007 06:02 PM ]

Use magic Report

Post time 28-5-2007 06:09 PM | Show all posts
Nih one of her articles published in the book I AM MUSLIM. Enjoy

It抯 a Muslim issue: Like a virgin

Did you know I read that if you don抰 have sex for a year, you can actually become re-virginized? Charlotte York, Sex and The City

I was back in KT recently, and bought the May issue of Forum Perdana, solely for its very arresting headline: Pulih Dara Guna Chopsticks. Loosely translated, it meant that you could become a virgin again using chopsticks, and only Bomoh Cha had the gift to re-virginise you. According to the article, he practised traditional Islamic healing, and by using chopsticks, he would not have to touch his female patients. How he treated them was not explained, my theory was that all he could do was poke a woman抯 nether regions, but he did advertise his cell-phone number, which I抣l furnish at the end of this article, so you can call him and ask.

I had to buy it. I thought to myself, on how virginity is still prized in this modern world, despite the fact that it is no longer such a precious commodity to many. And in this age of STDS, HIV/AIDs, virginity and loyalty do not protect you from harm.

I don抰 have the statistics for deflowered and unmarried young Muslims in other countries, and neither do I have the numbers for the said group in Malaysia, but these days, it抯 getting harder to find virgins. If the loss of virginity at a young age was an urban phenomenon, it is now fast becoming the norm via pre-marital sex, coerced sex, incest and rape.

Perhaps among young and unmarried Muslim women, virginity and celibacy are expected; for a young virile man, there must be something wrong with him then. He is either homosexual, tied to his mother抯 titties as they say or impotent. Social expectations are high, to prove that you are a man. Even among female virgins, the age factor plays a role in perception: you抮e 38 and you抮e not married? How you tahan? Why are you so fussy? You must masturbate then, there抯 no two ways about it.

There must be something wrong with you.

So when young Malaysia decides to screw it, figuratively and literally, the Government and the Opposition go to town, parents scream and create Greek tragedies, everyone blames the West and the lack of Godly presence in the young抯 lives. While finger-pointing and gossip swirl, kids have to contend with confidence issues, unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases and a whole lot of confusion. It sure is tough to be a Muslim kid in the 21st century. Dah lah kena dapat straight As, if not sure kenot get scholarship somemore and become PM, must restrain the self. Hoo-boy.

Use magic Report

Post time 28-5-2007 06:12 PM | Show all posts
Another article...

Sex 101

How does one approach a sensitive matter such as sex to the young and not create a generation of randy rabbits?

Whatever you do, don抰 do what my mother did to me when I was 13. When I reached puberty, I was handed a box of Sanita (this was the days before sanitary napkins had wings, were thin and comfortable. It was like walking with a sofa between your thighs) and told to perform ghusl

Use magic Report

Post time 28-5-2007 06:12 PM | Show all posts
Another article...

With this ring I pledge my virginity

In the West, abstinence programmes such as the Silver Ring Thing are gaining ground among the conservatives and the Bush administration. About a third of US secondary schools have abstinence programmes and nearly 3 million young Americans have publicly pledged to remain virgins until they marry. (New, 5 March 2005)

The New York Times on April 14, 2005 reported that Pope John Paul II had left behind a generation of committed young Roman Catholics that are focussed on preserving a more conservative 抯exual ethic that includes opposition to contraception, abortion, premarital sex and some forms of assisted reproduction.



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Use magic Report

Post time 28-5-2007 06:23 PM | Show all posts
love dina as a writer!

have been her huge fan since i was in my teens .

bought the book & simply couldn't put it down! finished the whole book in one day!!!

salute her for her courage & boldness in exposing the issues pertaining the malay muslims - it's abt time we all know the truth abt them (and ourselves).

after all nobody's perfect, but the almighty, kannnnn?

kudos to dina

cheers, sistah

Use magic Report

Post time 28-5-2007 06:24 PM | Show all posts

Reply #7 milli's post

her definition of 'sadness' her cld be a lot different from urs, dear...

Use magic Report

Post time 28-5-2007 08:40 PM | Show all posts
thread ni dah ada kat critical reading



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Post time 29-5-2007 09:47 PM | Show all posts

Reply #14 mo_mocha's post

Maybe U'r right.  I was taking it in at face value, I could have misinterpreted her points.

Anyway, I like the book & looking forward to her 2nd series.  Ada ke?

Use magic Report


Post time 29-5-2007 11:51 PM | Show all posts

Reply #16 milli's post

dunnolah... but i think she & her editor frens are compiling stories from people abt the same topic...

check out this website, all right? feel free to share your experience by submitting a story of your own...



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Post time 1-6-2007 12:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by milli at 16-5-2007 05:22 PM
Buku ni an eye-opener for me especially cerita pasal Malays who eat pork, pasal ajaran sesat kat Msia ni, dll. Sometimes I terfikir betul ke Dina ni kenal orng2 macam tu

My personal opinion s ...

I have quite similar xperience, but of bit different to her, so i can vouch there r those things around...I can relate to some of her stories on shaman, pork eating, "religious group", way of dressing when praying bla bla have to be quite a traveller n or an adventurer to experience all sort of things...depend on put background n personality...

After reading, what I can say is we all have our own views things on life that make us uniquely human...

She's an excellent story-teller...which make her book hard to put down...



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A380 This user has been deleted
Post time 1-6-2007 06:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mo_mocha at 29-5-2007 11:51 PM
dunnolah... but i think she & her editor frens are compiling stories from people abt the same topic...

check out this website, all right? feel free to share your experience by submitting a ...

Was just about to recommend the site myself. Great read there. Same with her book.

Looking forward to Mondays for new posts

Use magic Report

Post time 1-6-2007 10:02 PM | Show all posts
tgh baca buku ni. lom abis, so x fair kl nak comment.

Use magic Report

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