Initially known as an actor (most notably on the '90s TV drama My So-Called Life and in movies like Requiem for a Dream), Jared Leto also had musical ambitions. His band, 30 Seconds to Mars, debuted in 2002 with a self-titled effort featuring a post-grunge sound suggestive of groups like Chevelle or Incubus. 30 Seconds returned three years later with A Beautiful Lie, an emotional album thematically based around the concept of change. By that point the lineup had shifted a little, slotting in Tomo Milicevic at guitar alongside Leto's vocals and guitar, his brother Shannon Leto on drums, and bassist Matt Wachter. Constant touring and an expanding fan base set the stage for a nomination for MTV's 2006 Best Rock Video for "The Kill."
Created in 1998 by Jared Leto and his brother, Shannon, 30 Second To Mars began as a small family project. Things began to speed up quickly, and Matt Wachter later joined the band as bassist and keyboard player. After working with a number of guitarists (as the band's first two guitarists, Kevin Drake and Solon Bixler, left the band due to issues primarily related to touring), the three auditioned Tomo Miličević to round out the band's roster.
According to an interview from Virgin Records, the band's name
"actually comes from a thesis that the band found online that was written by a former Harvard professor. And one of the subsections of the thesis was titled 'thirty seconds to mars[sic]'and he goes on to talk about the exponential growth of technology that relates to humans and saying that we are quite literally thirty seconds to mars. What it means to us is, we thought it best described our music, in short."
30 Seconds to Mars - 2002
A Beautiful Lie - 2005
Originally posted by iloveyou at 17-8-08 09:42 PM
act lgu the kill tew dr thn 2006 da popular da
sori la fly mmg x tau kewujudan 30stm nie
neway fly da dload n da upload kat ipod
so esok leh dgr dlm train ...
even 2 vc - the kill n yesterday pun da upload kat ipod
pergghhh jared leto nampak gothic siot ...
Originally posted by sinalegna at 3-9-08 08:27 AM
prevoius album before beautiful lie sounds cam linkin park, beatiful lie shows their true music identity. Jared Leto rocks!!!:flower:
hmm kira not bad la jared leto nie
mampu menyanyi
tp mmg nampak gothic la
tp kan bab vc ... x faham langsung
especially yesterday & beautiful lie
pelik2 sungguh ....
vc ntuk from yesterday tu rasanye pasal chinese emperor life chronicle la kot...
tapi yang aku tau a beautiful lie tu (global warming - refer to full length vc) directed by jared himself under infamous pseudonym.
and then the kill, personally the song is about a group of 30STM fans who went out looking for the band on tour and followed them to a deserted motel (some kind of an horror movie like rumors) then never came back at all...