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tlg kwn sya!!!

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Post time 11-2-2011 12:32 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
spa2 yg ada pengalamn@INFO apa2, please share it  with me,,,,,,,,,,
saya ada seorang kwn  perempuan yg berusia 18 tahun(2011) yg menghidap penyakit buah pinggang kronik iaitu ESRF 2ND STAGE-IgA nephropathy.dia disahkan mengalami penyakit tersebut sejak awal tahun 2008 ketika dia berumur 15 tahun. pada mulanya,dia menjalani haemodialysis selama beberapa bulan sebelum memulakan Continuos Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD).pada tahun 2008 itu juga,dia menghadapi peperiksaan PMR. ALHAMDULILLAH,  dia tetap berjaya mendapat 8A dlm PMR wlaupun slalu x dtg ke skolah.  kini,dia meneruskan rawatannya iaitu CAPD setiap hari sebanyak 4 kali di rumahnya. dlm tahun 2009(form 4),dia  dpt tawaran ke skolah asrama pnuh  tapi ,dia tolak tawaran tue sebab  dia perlu menjalani CAPD.  jd, dia teruskan persekolahannya di biasa  smpi habis SPM.  asalnya,ayah dia yg sesuai utk jd donor utk dia tp last skali check-up,doktor kta x sesuai plak.....sjk dri tue,dia slalu  mengadu dkt saya yang dia nk sgt sambung belajar di universiti/matrikulasi lepas spm, tapi dia risau+sedih sgt  sebab :

adakah universiti/matrikulasi yang akan terima  permohonan dia sebab dia perlu menjalani CAPD secara berterusan sebyk 4 kali sehari?

bolehkah dia melakukan CAPD tersebut di bilik@dorm di universiti/matrikulasi nnt?

dia juga berminat utk mnjd seorg doktor  nnt untuk membantu pesakit-pesakit lain yang senasib dengannya tetapi adakah dia layak untuk memohon dlam bidang tersebut memandangkan dia tidak sihat dan perlu menjalani CAPD?

adakah masa depannya akan terkubur begitu sahaja oleh sbb keadaan kesihatannya?

dia sering menangis memikirkan masa depannya dan banyak mengadu dan bertanya soalan kepada saya tapi saya yang tidak tahu apa2 mengenai bidang perubatan tidak tahu menjawab apa2.  jadi,saya amat harap siapa2 sja yg dapat membantu kwn saya menyelesaikan masalahnya yg melibatkan masa depannya itu dgn bagi info psl soalan2 kt ats !!! please!!!!!!!. kini,dia sdg tunggu result spm tp sy yakin,dia pasti dpt result yg bgus...amin.... .

feedback@info apa2 drpd siapa2 sja  AMATLAH diharapkn seboleh-blehnya scepat mungkin...!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                              ~tlglah sya utk membntu kwn sya~.........-trima kaseh sgt2!!!!!!!!!!wassalam.....


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Post time 11-2-2011 08:02 AM | Show all posts
adakah universiti/matrikulasi yang akan terima  permohonan dia sebab dia perlu menjalani CAPD secara berterusan sebyk 4 kali sehari?
aku tak tahu mcm kat universiti mmg ada yang sakit mcm2..cth ade kawan ak talesemia..yng perlu tukar darah selalu

bolehkah dia melakukan CAPD tersebut di bilik@dorm di universiti/matrikulasi nnt?
kalau ade mesin tue kan?

dia juga berminat utk mnjd seorg doktor  nnt untuk membantu pesakit-pesakit lain yang senasib dengannya tetapi adakah dia layak untuk memohon dlam bidang tersebut memandangkan dia tidak sihat dan perlu menjalani CAPD?

ak tak rase yang tue boleh...n ak tak rase hanya bidang jer tue boleh tolong orang senasib.....secara indirect dr bidang lain

adakah masa depannya akan terkubur begitu sahaja oleh sbb keadaan kesihatannya?


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Post time 11-2-2011 08:02 AM | Show all posts
adakah universiti/matrikulasi yang akan terima  permohonan dia sebab dia perlu menjalani CAPD secara berterusan sebyk 4 kali sehari?
aku tak tahu mcm kat universiti mmg ada yang sakit mcm2..cth ade kawan ak talesemia..yng perlu tukar darah selalu

bolehkah dia melakukan CAPD tersebut di bilik@dorm di universiti/matrikulasi nnt?
kalau ade mesin tue kan?

dia juga berminat utk mnjd seorg doktor  nnt untuk membantu pesakit-pesakit lain yang senasib dengannya tetapi adakah dia layak untuk memohon dlam bidang tersebut memandangkan dia tidak sihat dan perlu menjalani CAPD?

ak tak rase yang tue boleh...n ak tak rase hanya bidang jer tue boleh tolong orang senasib.....secara indirect dr bidang lain

adakah masa depannya akan terkubur begitu sahaja oleh sbb keadaan kesihatannya?


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 Author| Post time 11-2-2011 02:55 PM | Show all posts
slm  mizsela..
tq 4 da reply...
kwn kucheng nie wat dialysis xguna mesin..
dia wt sndri gna air dialysis...
mmm,,,.nnt,sya try sruh dia fikir psl bdang len plak....
amin..moga2 msa depan dia cerah...

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Post time 11-2-2011 11:45 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1# kucheng

    my houseman ada spina bifida which reuires her to change her tube everyday...she will be excused earlier for lunch to give her time to do that...and she cant walk (OKU) so she has to be on the wheelchair most of the time.

she was a UKM student before this, hence she did her houseman years in HUKM.  She's a pharmacist, not a doctor.

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 Author| Post time 12-2-2011 12:12 AM | Show all posts
tq cn7 for da reply...
btw,where is your houseman's tube located??
i am just curious  because my friend who i mentioned in my post too have a tube..
but she uses the tube  at her stomach to carry out Continuos Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis(CAPD) for 4 times a day at home.....
i would like to know...does your houseman stayed in the hostel during the years???
or maybe she stayed in the HUKM back then during her studies???
are there any of your friends who are sick but they still continue to complete  their studies as a doctor?????
btw.does a sick person is qualified to become a doctor???or maybe they are not allowed to be doctors????
now, i know that  sick persons also can get involved in pursuing their studies as
pharmacists,and  so on.....tq!!!!!

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Post time 12-2-2011 01:04 PM | Show all posts
Reply 6# kucheng

...does your houseman stayed in the hostel during the years???
no, she stayed at her house. But she gets a special parking nearby the office so that she doesnt have to commute very far
or maybe she stayed in the HUKM back then during her studies???
She was a UKM undergrad, but she doesnt stay in HUKM's hostel

are there any of your friends who are sick but they still continue to complete their studies as a doctor?????
most of my doctor friends are healthy, and none are in a condition as your friend. I know that in overseas there are doctors who are medically unfit, but they still become a doctor. But that is a scenario in a very advance country. In Malaysia, i'm sorry i havent encountered any, but if she is not wheel chair bound, then i dont see why she cant be a doctor. But she must understand that she will not be given 'extra' attention in pursuing her studies. She will have to work around the clock, on call 36 hours non stop, and to put patient's first before her. would she be able to do that?

btw.does a sick person is qualified to become a doctor???or maybe they are not allowed to be doctors????

i wish i can help you with this question, unfortunately, i am not in the MoH or MoE. Best is to give them a call. Or can email to MMA, to ask if they have any experience with this before.

i can ask my houseman if she knows any of her friends yang condiotion dia macam ur friend ni.... i will keep you posted

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 Author| Post time 12-2-2011 01:54 PM | Show all posts
tq again 4 ur replies..
really appreciate it!!!!!

did she asked  permission from the UKM'S ADMIN to stay in her house???
where does your friend lives in???is it near to the UKM???
i know that you are just concern of my friend..wondering either is she able to do all that or not???.....btw,my friend doesn't need to use a wheelchair to move around and she is not an OKU...however,sometimes she had some dizziness and headaches..
other than that,she can do her own daily routine without any problem on her own..
but, i still wonder if she can adapt to a doctor's routine having that health condition of hers if in the future,she's gonna take medicine..,,,,
i heard that pharmacists' studies are harder than doctors' it true???
how does your friend managed to do so despite of her health condition?????
i am really impressed!!!!!!
i have already tried to email to MMA ...unfortunately,only registered members are allowed to do so....

cn7,tq again.....

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