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All About Perth, Australia Part III

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Post time 20-5-2012 01:54 PM | Show all posts

All About Perth, Australia Part III

Post Last Edit by bdk2 at 22-5-2012 22:40

Perth is the capital city of Western Australia and is the most isolated capital city of over 1,000,000 people in the world.

Perth sprawls along a flat coastal plain, centred along the Swan River and bounded by the Darling Scarp to the east and the Indian Ocean coastline in the west. Perth has a population of around 1.6 million (2009), making it the fourth largest city in Australia. The many uncrowded beaches along the Perth coastline define the lifestyle: Perth is laid-back, quiet and safe.


1. September - November (Musim Bunga) THE BEST SEASON TO VISIT!

2. March - May (Musim Luruh) THE BEST SEASON TO VISIT!

3. June - August (Musim Sejuk)

4. December - February (Musim Panas)

Visa adalah diperlukan untuk masuk ke Australia iaitu ETA. Boleh memohon melalui website atau terus pegi ke local travel agent dengan harga antara RM20-RM50 untuk setiap seorang.

Pengangkutan dari airport ke Perth City

1. Taxi (lebih jimat kalo ramai-ramai)

2. Shuttle bus --->

Car rental in Perth


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 Author| Post time 20-5-2012 01:54 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by LelaRentaka7 at 6-6-2012 17:33

All about Perth , Australia

All About Perth, Australia Part II

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2012 01:54 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by bdk2 at 28-5-2012 11:55

Places of Interest in Perth!
1. Emu Downs Wind Farm

Terletak lebih kurang 39km dari Cervantes berhampiran Badgingarra National Park. Boleh melalui Bibby Road dari Brand Highway.

2. Pinnacles Desert

Pinnacles Desert terletak di Nambung National Park, iaitu 245km atau lebih kurang 3 jam perjalanan ke utara Perth. Akses ke sini adalah melalui Brand Highway menuju ke Carventas dan dari Carventas ke Nambung National Park.

3. Lancelin, sandsurfing

Terletak lebih kurang 1 jam perjalanan dari Cervantes melalui Indian Ocean Road.

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2012 01:54 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by bdk2 at 11-6-2012 15:56

contoh itinerary ke Perth untuk 7h6m
Day 0
Depart from LCCT at 11.50pm, this journey will take approximately 5.5 hours.
Arrive at Perth International Airport at 5.30 am.

Day 1
After the immigration check, proceed to car rental
Light breakfast and refresh ourselves.

Proceed our journey to Caversham Wildlife Park (19km from airport) and admission fee is AUD22/Pax. Opens at 9am.

Spend time until end of the shows around 12pm.

Proceed to Fremantle (46km from Caversham) for sightseeing.

Lunch at Kailis and shop for souvenirs at E-Shed Market closes at 5pm. Buy souvenirs at Aussin

Around 3pm, proceed our journey to Cervantes Pinnacles (222km @ 3hours driving). Hopefully able to reach there before sunset.

Overnite at Cervantes Lodges Backpackers (AUD105/nite)

Day 2
Early morning, check out and proceed to Lancelin (90km from Pinnacles @ 1 hour 10 min) for sandboarding.

Rent surf board at Lucky 7 for AUD10/board. Spend around 1.5 hours

On the way from Lancelin, can see Emu Wind Farm

Around 10am, proceed to Augusta (437km @ 5hours 20min). Approximately will reach Augusta around 3pm.

Check in at Clovelly Holiday Units (AUD110/night)

After refresh and pray, go for sightseeing.

Rest and dinner

Day 3
Check out early around 8am to visit Cape Leuwin Light House and spend about 1 hour.

At 9.30am, proceed our journey to Margaret River (43km @ 35mins)

Visit Cheese Factory and Chocolate Factory. Spend about 1 hour

Around 11.15am, proceed to Busselton Town (44km @ 40mins). Spend about 1 hour.

Around 1pm, proceed to Lake Clifton (118km @ 1hour 35mins) to see trombolites.

Around 3pm, proceed our journey to Perth City (109km @ 1hour 20min)

Around 4.30pm, check in at YHA Hostel Perth (AUD102/night)

Refresh and pray  and later go for sightseeing. E.g King’s Park and etc.

Return car.

Day 4
Sightseeing at Perth City. E.g: Sorrento Quay, Swan Bell Tower, King’s Park

Day 5
Harbour Town and other places to cover

Day 6
Check out from YHA Hostel around 3am to go to the airport.

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2012 01:55 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2012 01:55 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2012 01:55 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 20-5-2012 07:02 PM | Show all posts
Changa, di mana kamu?? sy nak tny dari perth airport, camne kamu ke perth city?

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2012 07:30 PM | Show all posts
Reply 9# aina55

   changa tgh solat maghrib kat masjid rasanya...heheh
sy tlg jwbkan. dari airport perth nak ke perth city ade 3 pilihan

1. guna taxi bermeter, ade kat luar airport menghala ke kiri.
2. guna airport shuttel --->
3. kalo sewa kereta, ade airport pick-up.

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Post time 20-5-2012 07:49 PM | Show all posts
Reply 10# bdk2

    bdk2, ko xke mesjid ke? jadi imam? haha..ok thanks..
lg satu nak tnya, kalau nak gi ke Albany, worth it x? i have only 5 days solid.

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2012 08:20 PM | Show all posts
Reply 11# aina55

   in my humble opinion, kalo 5 hari solid kat perth mmg tak sempat kalo nk lajak sampai albany.

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Post time 20-5-2012 08:44 PM | Show all posts
Tak sabar nak pijak kaki kat bumi Perth... this coming Friday...
Flight kol 2330, 25 May... expected to reach Pearth The following morning, 26 May...
Tak plan jalan jauh pun.. sekadar reronda apa yang menarik sekitar bandar Perth dan tourist spots nearby... then kemungkin akan pegi ke Freo as well...

Hari Jumaat tu... tak ambik cuti pun... balik kerja, teruih ambik bag dan depart ke KL Sentral... bertemu dengan my travelling buddy yang dok kat Ampang... lepas tu, pi LCCT pakai Sky Bas dan kat LCCT lak, bertemu dengan sorang lagi travelling buddy yang datang all the way dari KK, Sabah. Flight dia dari KK dijangka landing kol 8 mlm...

Plan naik Taxi dari Perth Airport ke hotel... will be there for 4 nites/5 days

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Post time 20-5-2012 10:43 PM | Show all posts
Changa, di mana kamu?? sy nak tny dari perth airport, camne kamu ke perth city?
aina55 Post at 20-5-2012 19:02

    Masa ke perth city hari itu kami baik bus shuttle, jikalau lebih seorang better naik taxi, lebih menjimatkan, saya khilaf hari itu. Pada mula nya nak naik bus normal di domestic airport namun ga tahu nak naik bus mana utk transfer to domestic airport, semasa pulang baharu saya naik transperth bus, jimat banyak aud3.80 sahaja seorang.

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Post time 20-5-2012 10:47 PM | Show all posts
Tak sabar nak pijak kaki kat bumi Perth... this coming Friday...
Flight kol 2330, 25 May... expecte ...
HaMiZiE Post at 20-5-2012 20:44

Fremantle itu destinasi wajib bila ke sana. Kalau pergi fremantle market jgn lupa beli butter chicken pie di saffron bar. Saya ga pasti tahap kehalalan namun boleh tanya pekedainya. For me yakin halal sahaja as long bukan daging babi.

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Post time 20-5-2012 11:11 PM | Show all posts
Land of The Giant.

Alhamdulillah, ada rumah baru, bersemangat untuk sambung cerita saya . . .

Oleh kerana kami duduk agak lama di rumah Hj Norman kenalah ubah plan sikit sebab rasanya tak boleh sampai Augusta waktu matahari terbenam. Jadi plan untuk bermalam di Pemberton saja supaya dapat berehat secukupnya. Kami melalui pekan Denmark dan Nornalup. Kalau sebelum ini, antara Perth dan Albany, pemandangannya padang rumput kering saja, disini pula rumput2nya hijau dan banyak lembu tenusu, kambing2 pun dari jenis yang berlainan dari sebelum ini. Kemudian keadaan bertukar menjadi hutan belantara yang redup ditambah dengan hujan renyai2 sepanjang jalan, boleh dikatakan agak menyeramkan. Saya tengok navigator dah tidor, penumpang dua orang kat belakang pun tidur, tinggallah saya sorang yang berjaga sebab saya memandu. Tiba di satu tempat terdapat pokok2 gergasi yang amat menakjubkan, apa tidak, baru tadi suasana padang rumput hijau saujana mata memandang, tiba2 bertukar menjadi pokok2 gergasi. Subhanallah, begitulah kebesaran Allah. Kami pusing2 sebentar di kawasan hutan simpan land of the giants sebelum meneruskan perjalanan. Disini ada satu tempat yang boleh dilawati iaitu Tree Top Walk, jambatan gantung yang tinggi dibina antara pokok ke pokok. Kami tidak naik kerana Hj Norman dah pesan, mengabihkan boreh aja katanya. Tapi bagi sesiapa yang ada kelapangan bolehlah cuba tree top walk ni. Sampai di Pemberton hari sudah malam, kami cari caravan park dan jumpa satu yang bernama Pemberton Caravan Park. Saya lihat waktu itu pejabat sudah tutup, tetapi apabila kami sampai dan terjengok2 keluarlah pengurusnya dari rumah sebelah & terus tanya samaada kami perlukan tempat penginapan. Kami pun terus ambil satu kabin untuk 4 orang, harganya AUD 150 semalam.

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Post time 21-5-2012 10:42 PM | Show all posts
Reply 16# tokrimau

tok rimau, knp klu nak ke tree top tu mengabihkan boreh?xbes ke?

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Post time 21-5-2012 11:12 PM | Show all posts
Reply 17# aina55
Tak taulah saya, tapi itulah pesanan Hj Norman pada saya sbb dia pernah bawa saudara-maranya naik tree-top tu. Tapi kalau ada lebih masa & nak rasa pengalaman berbeza apa salahnya cuba. Pesannya lagi lain kali kalau datang Albany pergi tengok natural bridge (batu2 unik tepi laut) & wind farm lagi bagus.

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Post time 21-5-2012 11:18 PM | Show all posts
Peta perjalanan Albany-Pemberton

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Post time 21-5-2012 11:21 PM | Show all posts
Pokok2 gergasi di Land of The Giants


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Post time 22-5-2012 08:56 AM | Show all posts
dah part III... laju betul....

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