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Jom Cari V1299 [Selesai]
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Edited by Eva_yy_Ellin at 22-10-2015 12:30 PM
malam2 ni mood romantik sikit...
jom cari
- lukisan seorang gadis yg tengah melukis di atas kanvas
- rambut gadis disanggul dan beliau duduk di atas kerusi, sedang khusyuk melukis
- melukis dengan tangan kanan serta tangan kiri memegang atas papan kanvas yg terletak di atas riba
- pakai dress hitam paras dada
- pandangan dari sisi sebelah kanan gadis
kiwed : 1 pp bi dan 2 nombor
contoh : rose 20
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ttiba iols terpikir kiwed sweet 17 hahaha
contoh kiwed, eiffel 65 cmtu?
Post time 21-10-2015 10:51 PM
From the mobile phone
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Edited by spankee_fili at 21-10-2015 10:53 PM
Blueberri replied at 21-10-2015 10:49 PM
ttiba iols terpikir kiwed sweet 17 hahaha
tryla cari...tapi bukan tu kiwed tt yg cantik manis ni...
tapi ekau nya no tu hampir dekat sangat2...
Post time 21-10-2015 10:52 PM
From the mobile phone
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Yoongie replied at 21-10-2015 10:51 PM
contoh kiwed, eiffel 65 cmtu?
iya....tapi bukan movie...erk rasanya takde movie tajuk ni...
Post time 21-10-2015 10:54 PM
From the mobile phone
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Yoongie replied at 21-10-2015 10:53 PM
17 again?
no tu kat belakang...bukan korg gian nk spam pics ka?
dh lama x main jom cari, sebok meneka kiwed plk
Post time 21-10-2015 10:55 PM
From the mobile phone
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Yoongie replied at 21-10-2015 10:54 PM
tu lagu la deii kici
setau den takde lagu tajuk nih....
lagu ka grup ka eiffel 65 tu, ekau trimo yo la
ekau dah taktau sepam ke sekarang ?
tau dh