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Change in reading habits? [growing up :D]

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Post time 28-7-2008 08:10 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
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Change in reading habits? [growing up ]

Hiya. got nothing else to do. was just wondering, rasanye ramai orang yg sama gak keadaan macam rae. masa kecik2, kita baca one type of book, masa remaja kita baca another, then, masa dah tue [ ] kita baca buku genre lain lak.

it would be interesting to see, perubahan2 genres of books ni.

list down la these changes in reading habits.[if ada la]. it would be very interesting to see,with age, how it changes our reading. it would also be very interesting, if these doesn't change. ada ke orang yg still baca what they read as a kid?

also, personally, i think i've already outgrew my fantasy/sci fi nyer genre la. that's why i created the thread. i need to find a new genre of books to read. i just don't know what it will be yet.


my changes?

when i was a kid - i love to read Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, and the likes.
masa teen dulu lak - suka fantasy nyer genre, and i [at that time], don't have a personal preference over authors lg. so, mase zaman tu, tak kira la buku apa, asal fantasy, sci fi , baca je.

mase skang [kategory tua@ young adults ni] - still baca fantasy and sci fi, but ntahla. asik bercampur2. skang ni, asyik beli buku berpandukan NYTimes bestseller je.tak kisah author, or genre.



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Post time 29-7-2008 07:14 AM | Show all posts

tak dapat baca buku sebanyak dulu...dedulu pernah kira 200 books per month...thin or thick acounted...waaa...

to be continued...

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Post time 29-7-2008 07:32 AM | Show all posts
kecik dulu, alphabet kot...
skolah rendah, enid blyton, nancy drew, majalah lawak (gila-gila, gelihati,etc)kesah dongeng... bla bla..
teen = komik hongkong, komik US, majalah lawak (gila-gila, gelihati,etc), majalah hiburan, novel fantasi.
skrg = novel fiksyen, novel ehem2, majalah lawak (gila-gila, gelihati,etc), majalah IT, sukan, lifestyle, religious - motivation,  and thinking books... apa lagi ekk... byk baca kat forum jee... :re: :re:



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Post time 29-7-2008 08:08 AM | Show all posts
definitely there's change in my reading style

kecil-kecil, i'll go for nancy drew, enid blyton, hadry boys, hehehe...berkepuk2 buku tu kat rumah
then as i grow older, i was a dreamy type, and i read romance novels (masa tu chic lit tak banyak lagi)
kemudian, change to chic lits
but now, i like reading family related novels, relationship, fiction books that are heavy stuffs to digest sometimes, non fiction...



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Post time 29-7-2008 10:55 AM | Show all posts
mestila ade perubahan(ikut peredaran masa,umor)

masa kecil-

macam kak mar juga, Enid B, ND, dan Hardy B, Famous F,dan sume kisah2 penyiasatan..tapi kalchi baca juga cte2 laen(and I'm still keeping all those books LOL since mama dan abah sudah beli kan kami dan train kami supaya baca buku ) and also comics Sailor Moon, Doraemon.dan saya juga ade kegemaran membaca ensiklopedia

2ndary school(form 1-form5-18yr old)-

young adult romance, historical romance, chic lits, fiction

As for now-

kalchi prefer young adult, fiction biasa. no more historical romance or chic lits huhu



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 Author| Post time 30-7-2008 12:23 AM | Show all posts

Reply #3 bzzts's post

terus terang betul bzzts ni kan

novel ehem2 pun dia ngaku gak

Ingat lagik, masa kecik2 dulu, slalu bace dragon balls nyer manga@komik, pastu, there was this one unfortunate day, my mum threw out my collection coz i left it lying around, bersepah2 kat umah. balik2 tgk dah takde dah. mmg tak tanyer pun kat my mom pastu, paham2 sendiri je dah kena buang dah, sbb she already warned me about him.

lazy betul

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Post time 31-7-2008 06:51 PM | Show all posts


my changes?

when i was a kid - suka baca Boys' Choice, Book for girls, Mallory Towers n d sort of books, Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, and the likes...ensiklopedia...Young Learner's...Grimm's n Hans Christian Andersen...Aesop's fable...Kisah Sang Kancil...Hikayat Seribu Satu Malam...saya bonceng basikal abang pergi ke perpustakaan luar @ bergerak...tak lupa perpustakaan sekolah...di mana hampir kesemua buku ada nama saya...

masa teen dulu lak - baca fantasi @  sci fi , Mills n Boons...suppliernya my sis-in-law...Silhouette + Harlequinn...semua ini boleh disewa dari kedai @ pinjam kengkawan...Sherlock...Agatha...minat lit...Shakespeare...buku novel Melayu...abang sorang lagi rajin beli...saya ingat pernah baca Konserto Terakhir, Jalur Sinar di celah daundan banyak lagi... ...baca pengarang spt W. S. Uzala dll...dulu derang ni popular, sepopular Alaf 21...tang ni memang banyak baca buku...

mase skang  still baca fantasy and sci fi...anything literature or linguistics...baca gak novel Melayu...biasanya my niece like to keep a supply of them...sekarang susah dah nak baca...mostly baca anthologies...short stories....sekarang ni sebulan...adalah sepuluh jerr...lebih ke mags n papers...ditambah dgn internet...membaca blog, artikel dll...lebih kepada e-pembaca lah sudahnya...



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Post time 31-7-2008 09:50 PM | Show all posts
When i was a kid, kebanyakan buku yang saya baca ialah siri Hardy Boys, Enid Blyton, LadyBird, dan banyak lagi yang tak ingat. Haa... komik Shin Chan, Dragon Ball, Doraemon dan sebagainya.

Bila masuk sekolah rendah, skop pembacaan saya semakin luas. Saya mula kenal A. Samad Said, Khadijah Hashim. Menjadi kebanggaan buat saya apabila berjaya habiskan Salina ketika di darjah 3! Konon-kononnya itulah buku paling tebal yang pernah saya baca pada waktu itu. Saya ingat lagi, saya dan seorang kawan buat konspirasi, beli beberapa keping kad perpustakaan yang harganya RM 0.20 setiap satu dan tulis nama entah siapa-siapa dengan kelas entah mana-mana sebab rasa tak puas, satu kad cuma boleh pinjam 2 buah buku sahaja. Masa tu jugak saya minat sungguh dengan majalah Ujang! Tak boleh miss.

Bila dah meningkat remaja ni, minat saya lebih cenderung kepada novel, cerita2 sci-fi, fiction, chick lit. kadang-kadang, menyelit jugak baca buku mak, Mills & Boon. Sehingga sekarang koleksi buku2 saya sudah lebih 200 rasanya kalau dicampur dengan buku zaman kanak2 dulu!



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Post time 2-8-2008 10:48 PM | Show all posts
First Reads: Roald Dahl, Judy Blume, Sweet Valley Twins & High

Teens: Christopher Pike (vampire series), Danielle Steel

Late Teens: John Grisham, Michael Crichton, Chicken Soup For Soul Series

Early Twenties (mellowed down): (Fiction & Non- Fiction) Freackonomics, Fast Food Nation, Haruki Murakami, Shopaholic Series, Jodi Picoult series, Modern classic novels like Catcher in the rye, Tuesdays with Morrie

Late Twenties (Now):  More chic flicks! a few travel biographies, classics like The Unbearable Lightening of Being, The Time Traveller's Wife, biographies: Bono, Barbara Walters, Hillary Clinton....
dah abit more matured reading list...



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Post time 6-8-2008 12:49 PM | Show all posts
changes in reading habits? oh definitely!

kids: novel2 melayu and ada kisah hikayat dogeng setiap negeri by DBP. they were so good in those days. (kiddos ones ler). pastu enid blyton, nancy drew & hardy boys series. and also famous tales...

teens: i ni suke berangan, so i've got some fantasy collection. tak ingat nama coz its an underdog author. i've got R.L Stine horror series. sometimes i read novel creative's publications. apalagi ek? some stephen king stufs. then i liked comics. hihih

late teens: i think generally non-fiction, anything i can get my hands on especially the best sellers.

now: currently catching up reading my favourite authors' works and some other. recently developed a fetish for travel books & stories. mcm Orhan Pamuk's Istanbul, Hosseini's A Thousand Splendid Suns & Naipaul's Beyond Belief.

and more to come...hihih



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Post time 9-9-2008 10:19 AM | Show all posts
definitely there are changes in my reading habits- major i might say

kecik- nancy drew, enid blyton, noddy, apa2 aje lah, janji baca. time tu tahap nak baca meluap2, semua jalannn
sek men - segala mak nenek majalah hiburan, remaja etc. mula baca a.samad said & othman puteh?? (tak ingat) & seangkatan dgnnya coz itu je ada kat library, our library have very limited choice of books. pinjam kawan2, buku cerita chenta2 ni.. best ;). then mula berjinak ngan english romance- contemporary & historical.. there wasn't a day i didn't managed to read those books. very cheap those days- rent/buy kat CM
5 years after, dah boring giler baca romance, langsung tak usik. coz predictable.. so beralih kat chic lits and as times goes by, starts developing interest kat more serious stuf like biography, true stories, relationship/marriage, life in general, religious book etc. and recently i was hooked with self help book, padahal as long as i remember i benci sangat ngan motivational books. sekarang minat lak dah.. hehehe
pasni tak tahu la apa..

i never thought i would get bored reading romance, boy meet girl, feel in love and live happily ever after kind of stuff, but i really can't take it anymore. very interesting kan tengok perkembangan apa kita baca.



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Post time 9-9-2008 06:22 PM | Show all posts
I do admit that my choice of book pun dah byk betukar2...

when i was a kid, byk bace Enid Blyton, buku penyiasat, nancy drew..

then, i stop skjap...continue dgn malay novel and chick lit...

right now, mostly bace general fiction, women's weekly, etc...

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Post time 9-9-2008 08:01 PM | Show all posts
hmm rasa nyer x sgt
dr zaman skolah fly minat cite horror, mystery
smpai skrg pun minat gak
cuma lebih pd dewasa
dulu baca horror for teens cam rl stine, christopher pike
skrg bc stephen king, ramlee awang murshid n sape2 jer la
kalau buku tu best, baca ajer

skrg nie cuba skip baca buku dr same author
sumtimes same author nie leh predict jln cite nyer



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Post time 14-9-2008 10:07 PM | Show all posts
time kecik suka baca siri2 penyiasatn 5 sekawan tu.. and also goosebumps
dah tu suka baca majalah bintang kecil.. komik shin chan, doraemon.. hah hah

now, suka novel² romantik gituww
and also buku about life.. like my best friend's girl by Dorothy Koomson



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Post time 15-9-2008 01:07 AM | Show all posts
hmmmm ... zaman skola aku minat enid blyton n sweet dreamsssss ... hahaha ... pasan je konon2 kat high school dedulu ...

then aku start baca romance novels ... particularly regency romance ...

la ni? sgt maleh membaca ... aku skrg rajin baca magazine jah ... ebooks pon aku da jarang collect skrg ... magazine pun tgk2 gamba je ... berangan je lebih kot ... ekekke



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Post time 15-9-2008 01:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 9-9-2008 08:01 PM
hmm rasa nyer x sgt
dr zaman skolah fly minat cite horror, mystery
smpai skrg pun minat gak
cuma lebih pd dewasa
dulu baca horror for teens cam rl stine, christopher pike
skrg bc stephen ki ...

Samela kita.

Dulu zaman sekolah I enjoyed R.L Stine especially The Fear Street Series ngn books by Christopher Pike

Then I move on to Bentley Little, Dean koontz, Faisal Tehrani plus Ramlee Awang Murshid

I mix a lot of genre but mystery, horror & thriller is still my fav...



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Post time 16-9-2008 01:11 PM | Show all posts
yup, memang ada changes dalam reading habits

masa kecik2 = like most of us here, i read a lot of Enid Blyton (series2 Enchanted Forest tu memang enchanting la bagi aku, rasa mcm nak duk kat sana jer ekeke ) & citer2 dongeng. I remember masa kecik2 dulu, aku pernah dpt award pelajar terbaik ker hapa ekeke  penganjur tu bagi a set of books, mostly about citer2 dongeng around Asia la..memang seronok la aku baca buku2 nih..hehe

masa teenagers = i tink zaman ni, aku minat pada genre teen love, misteri & horror. Buku2 yg aku suka: Sweet Valley series (Sweet Valley Middle School & Sweet Valley High), Baby Sitter's Club, Fear Street (RL Stine), True Singapore Ghost Stories, Christopher Pike books, Stephen King books - dulu tak der duit sangat nak beli buku, so mostly pinjam buku kat library sekolah jer..masa 6th form, apart from buku2 fiction nih, baca Reader's Digest, National Geographic, Times, Newsweek, kat library 6th form banyak bahan2 bacaan mcm!

masa ni (young adults) = dah mature sikit ni, bahan bacaan pun ikut mature gak..genre campur2 la skang ni, mostly fictions, chick lits and other heavier stuffs



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Post time 17-9-2008 12:12 PM | Show all posts
masa kecik2 dlm sekolah rendah - R.L Stine  - The Fear Street Series, enid blyton and ahadiat akashah.. ehehe

teenage - kurang buku sgt sbb xsempat nk baca ngan buku skolah lg, byk baca magz, comix

dah tua ni - mcm2 buku baca. ARA, RAM, historical romance(masa zaman u dulu bru kenal ) magz pon baca gak. byk la. harry potter series pon baca gak(buku adik.. even i yg belikn)



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Post time 17-9-2008 07:50 PM | Show all posts
yup...memang genre berubah skit bila umur semakin meningkat...

zaman kanak2 - nancy drew, enid blyton, hardy boys, apa2 je pasal penyiasatan kanak2, pastu segala macam citer fairy tales disneyland...majalah plak, dewan pelajar..siap langgan...

remaja - dah beralih ke citer remajalah plak..mostly novel virginia andrew, christopher pike, stephen king, judith mcnaught, ahadiat akasyah, macam2 lagi... majalah plak, Kosmik (ni pun langgan)..pastu tumpang baca majalah Dewata Raya koleksi adik... , baca Reader Digest, dah start kenal majalah hiburan...(bila fikir2 skrg...membazir duit je aku beli..last2 buang gaks...ekekekke)

zaman uni-skrg - tak kira genre...baca apa saja yg menarik..tapi antara favorite authors macam John Grisham, Cecilia Ahern, Marian Keyes, Harry Potter Series, Norhayati Berahim, autobiography insan2 terkenal dan hebat, special edition books for series macam Lost.. magazine jarang beli (kalau belipun macam family magazine je)...dah insaf ekekekke..zaman remaja suka sangat beli majalah hiburan...



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Post time 11-10-2008 09:34 AM | Show all posts
masa kecik baca buku misteri

masa besar sikit baca majalah remaja

masa form five dah suka sikit baca pasal falsafah

masa early kedewasaan baca pasal agama dan falsafah dan tolak fiction sepenuhnya

masa dah tua balik baca fiction, agama dan falsafah

[ Last edited by  artgeex at 11-10-2008 09:42 AM ]



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